Module tf.about.releasesold

Newer releases

See tf.about.releases.









  • Improvements in various conversion modules, e.g. tff.convert.tei.
  • Small fixes in building and serving layered search clients



The code contained some constructs that are only legal from Python 3.12 onwards, while TF requires Python 3.9. I have removed those dependencies, so TF still works with Python 3.9. It also works with all newer versions up till now (3.13.0).

12.6.0, 12.6.1


Something has changed in the representation of the corpus data: we store something extra about sections in the precomputed data: a mapping from section nodes to their legal numbering, i.e. each section is assigned a tuple of integers with sequence numbers for each level of containing sections and itself. The new data is accessible as follows:["seqFromNode"]["nodeFromSeq"]

See also sections()

This means that older precomputed data can no longer used with this version of Text-Fabric. When you run this new version, it will automatically precompute your corpus data again upon first usage, without removing the older precomputed data, so you can still switch back and forth between TF versions.

See PACK_VERSION, which has been bumped from 3 to 4 in this version.

The reason is that the tf.ner facility needs to handle sections in a generic way, it needs to work with intervals of sections and intersections of those.

In the function mdEsc() more markdown characters will be escaped.

The function sectionStrFromNode() has an additional optional argument level, which chooses the level of the enclosing section around the node. Instead of picking the section around that node with the deepest level, we take the section at the specified level.

Better reporting of what happens when we merge spelling variants into a NER sheet, see Detect.mergeTriggers().

For the rest: mostly refactorings and documentation updates.




New functions in NER to help analyze triggers that do not find named entities. Also to add spelling variants of triggers automatically to the spreadsheets of names and triggers.

New function collect() to make a complete zip of the data, modules and app of a corpus, to attach it to a github release.

  • Fix: in the use() command, the loading of an additional data module triggered the express download of and eventually did not try to download the additional module. This has been fixed.



Many changes in NER, TEI conversion, WATM generation, IIIF manifest generation. Documentation on these points may lag behind.

Also: when the TF browser starts, it selects a port to listen to. For each datasource, a different port number is chosen. However, different versions of the same datasource were assigned the same version. Now the version number is taken into account when selecting a port number, so that you can have a TF brtowser running on different versions of the same datasource at the same time.




The machinery of Named-Entity-Recognition by triggers defined in spreadsheets is now available in the Text-Fabric browser.

You get the diagnostic messages after reading the spreadsheets, and a column with all defined names and triggers. You can click on names to view their occurrences, and you can click on triggers to view their occurrences in a slightly other highlight color.

When you update a spreadsheet, and reload the browser, the changes are applied automatically.

NB: The docs are lagging behind on this point.


Further development in converting TF data to WATM, see tff.convert.watm, including generating IIIF manifests for page scans. This is work in progress. The work is targeted at the Suriano Letters.

NB: The docs are lagging behind on this point.

Lesser points

  • Minor improvements in the TEI converter.
  • New functions readJson() and writeJson()
  • Replaced raw open() calls by fileOpen() calls to make sure that encoding="utf8" is always passed to them.
  • MQL export now checks whether int-valued features have values within reasonable bounds, otherwise MQL will choke on them when importing the resulting MQL file. Thanks to Saulo Oliviera de Cantanhêde for spotting this.



  • New function to show the types for which each feature has defined values. Thanks to Marek Polášek for asking for it, writing an algorithm to produce this information, and then speeding it up 10-fold! For details see this cookbook

  • Working on integrating NER by spreadsheet in the TF browser. This is currently in an unfinished state.



  • WATM production tweaks:

    By default, WATM files are written to versioned directories inside the _temp directory. Existing data may be overwritten. However, if you pass a flag indicating that it is for production, the result is written to a new versioned directory inside watm. The new versioned directories created in this way have a suffix -001, -002, etc. This helps to keep published WATM fixed.

  • NER more refined entity lookup

    When looking up entities on the basis of spreadsheet instructions, you can now give spreadsheets for the whole corpus, and for sections and subsections and ranges of them. The more specificly targeted spreadsheets override the more generally targeted ones.

    The lookup is also more efficient, and it prefers longer matches over shorter ones.

    After the lookup, a detailed tsv file is generated with details information about the hits: to which triggers in which spreadsheet they correspond, and how many are found in which paragraphs.



Fixes in NER Browser:

  • If you click a chunk heading you get a box with the whole section, scrollable, just above the section. Previously, you got this at the end of the chunk, which could be confusing if the chunk is long and the context box disappears below the bottom of the page.

  • When looking for complex names and translating such names into tokens, leave out tokens that are just spaces.

  • The NER browser will repeatedly read the list of annotation sets. This is needed when sets have been added or deleted from outside the NER browser. You do not have to restart the NER browser in that case.

  • Hyphenated occurrences were not found. That has been fixed, without decreasing the speed of the algorithm too much.

  • Once a set of entities has been marked, it can now also be baked into the TF dataset.

Fix in display algorithm

  • In plain display, when a line break occurs, we needed a trick to make it happen, because such a display is a flex box. A simple <br> has no effect. We found the trick and it worked. However, if the break occurs in something that is also highlighted, the trick did not work anymore, because the highlight introduces an extra <span> level. We fixed it by disrupting the extra span level for the tricked br and resuming it after the br.




  • Fix in the autodownload by TF. When TF downloads the of a corpus and extracts it, it does not remove previously exisiting files in the directories in which the data files land. That pre-existing material can interfere in surprising ways with the resulting dataset, as Christian Højgaard experienced (thanks Christian for reporting it and taking the time to help me pinpoint the culprit).

    The fix is that TF first inspects the and determines what the folders are in which the file __checkout__.txt exists. These are the folders that do not tolerate pre-existing material. The will be deleted before extracting the zip file.

  • Fix in displaying nodes by means of pretty(). Sometimes an error is raised when composing the features and values that should be displayed for a node (spotted by Cody Kingham, thanks). It happens in cases where you want to show a feature of a related node on a node, but the related node does not exist. In that case TF tries to access an undefined variable. That has been fixed. Now these cases will not raise errors, but you might still be surprised by the fact that in some cases the related node does not exist.



  • Fix in TF browser, spotted by Jorik Groen. When exporting query results, the values features used in the query were not written to the table at all. The expected behaviour was that features used in the query lead to extra columns in the exported table. It has been fixed. The cause was an earlier fix in the display of features in query results. This new fix only affects the export function from the browser, not the export() function, which did not have this bug.

  • The pipeline from TEI or PageXML via TF to WATM is a complex thing to steer. There is now a new class tff.convert.makewatm that takes care of this: it provides a command line interface to perform the necessary convert steps.

    Moreover, you can use it as a base class and extend it with additional convert steps and options, with minimal code.



Tiny fixes in the TEI and WATM conversions.



Improvements in the TEI and WATM conversions.



Support for Marimo notebooks.

TF detects when its run in a notebook, and also in what kind of notebook: ipython (~ Jupyter) or marimo. When it needs to display material in the output of a cell, it will choose the methods that are suitable for the kind of notebook it is working in.




Improvements in tff.convert.watm: the resulting data is much more compact, because:

  • you can choose to export it as TSV instead of JSON;
  • no annotations of type node are produced anymore, they only served to map annotations and text segments to TF nodes; now that mapping is exported as a simple TSV file;
  • you can opt to exclude an arbitrary set of tags from being exported as WATM annotations.



  • Minimal fixes in tff.convert.tei it can handle a biography.
  • Fixed prettyTuple() when passed _asString=True: it did not pass this on to pretty() which caused a Python error.



  • extra functionality: When adding types with tf.dataset.modify you can link nodes of a newly added type to nodes that were added as the preiviously added type. This is a bit of a limited and ad hoc extension of the functionality of this function. I needed a quick fix to add nodes for entities and entity occurrences at the same time and link them with edges. This is for the corpus CLARIAH/wp6-missieven.

  • fix: the express download of a dataset ( was nit triggered in all cases where it should.



The output of tff.convert.watm has been changed. It now generates token files per section, where you can configure the TF section level for that.

The syntax for targets has been changed: more things are possible.

Tests have been adapted and strengthened.



Fix in publishRelease(): it did not work if you are on a branch named main because master was hard-coded in the source code. Now it takes the branch name from the app context. Do not forget to specify branch: main under the provenanceSpecs in your /app/config.yaml.

Many thanks to Tony Jorg for reporting this error.



Minor improvements to the WATM converter, and an update of its docs.






TF can auto-download extra data with a TF dataset, e.g. a directory with named entities (ner) as in the suriano corpus.

However, this only worked when the repo was in the github backend and the extra data had been packed for express-download and attached to a release.

Now it also works with the normal download methods using the GitHub and GitLab APIs.

So, after the move of Suriano from GitHub to GitLab, this functionality is still available.

There was a glitch in the layout of the NER tool which caused section labels to be chopped off at the margin, only in notebooks. Thats has been fixed by moving some CSS code from one file to an other.



There were issues with starting up the Text-Fabric browser:

  • If the system could not start the browser, the TF stopped the webserver. That is not helpful, because one can always open a browser and enter the url in the address bar. Now TF shows the url rather prominently when it does not open a browser.
  • If debug mode is on, Flask reloads the whole process, and that might include opening the browser as well. Now Flask only opens the browser after the startup of the webserver, and not anymore after successive reloads.



Somehow the express way of downloading data (via attached to the latest release) did not get triggered in all cases where it should. It is now triggered in more cases than before.



Small fix in NER browser: prevent submitting the form if the focus is in a textarea field or in an input field that does not have type=submit.



Writing support for Ugaritic, thanks to Martijn Naaijer and Christian Højgaard for converting a Ugaritic corpus to TF.

Fix in display functions (continued):

  • The logic of feature display, fixed in the previous version, was not effective when things are displayed in the TF browser. Because in the TF browser the features of the last query were passed as extraFeatures instead of tupleFeatures. This has been fixed by using tupleFeatures in the TF browser as well.



Fix in display functions, thanks to Tony Jurg:

  • if you do A.pretty(x, queryFeatures=False, extraFeatures="yy zz") the extra features were not shown. So there was no obvious way to control exactly the features that you want to show in a display. That has been fixed. Further clarification: the node features that are used by a query are stored in the display option tupleFeatures. That is what causes them to be displayed in subsequent display statements. You can also explicitly set/pass the tupleFeatures parameter. However, the fact that queryFeatures=False prohibited the display of features mentioned in extraFeatures was against the intuitions.

Improvements in the PageXML conversion.

  • There are token features str, after that reflect the logical tokens
  • There are token features rstr, rafter that reflect the physical tokens
  • The distincition between logical and physical is that physical token triplets with the soft hyphen as the middle one, are joined to one logical token; this happens across line boundaries, but also region and page boundaries.



New conversion tool: from PageXML. Still in its infancy. It uses the PageXML tools by Marijn Koolen.

For an example see translatin-manif/programs.


  • TF did not fetch an earlier version of a corpus if the newest release contains a (which only has the latest version).
  • For some technical reason that still escapes me, the TF browser was slow to start. Fixed it by saying threaded=True to Flask, as suggested on stackoverflow

From now on: TF does not try to download if you pass a version argument to the use() command.




Various fixes:

  • Some package data was not included for the NER annotation tool.
  • In the NER tool, the highlighting of hits of the search pattern is now exact, it was sometimes off.

Deleted again, but developed it further in docsright.



  • Improvement in dependencies. Text-Fabric is no longer mandatory dependent on openpyxl, pandas, pyarrow, lxml. The optional dependencies on pygithub and python-gitlab remain, but most users will never need them, because TF can also fetch the that is available as release asset for most corpora.

    Whenever TF invokes a module that is not in the mandatory dependencies, it will act gracefully, providing hints to install the modules in question.



  • API change in the Annotator: Calling the annotator is now easier:


    (No need to make an additional import statement.)

    This will give you access to all annotation methods, including using a spreadsheet to read annotation instructions from. * Removal of deprecated commands (on the command line) in version 11:

    • text-fabric (has become tf)
    • text-fabric-zip (has become tf-zip)
    • text-fabric-make (has become tf-make)
  • Bug fixes: #81 and #82

  • Spell-checked all bits of the TF docs here (33,000 lines). Wrote a script to separate the code content from the markdown content, and to strip bits from the markdown content that lead to false positives for the spell checker. Then had the Vim spell checker run over those lines and corrected all mistakes by hand. Still, there might be grammar errors and content inaccuracies.

  • 12.1.4 follows 12.1.3. quickly, because in corpora without a NER configuration file, TF did not start up properly.



  • Bug fix: the mechanism to make individual exceptions when adding named entities in the tf.ner.ner tool was broken. Thanks to Daniel Swanson for spotting it.
  • Additional fixes and enhancements.



New stuff
  • In the TF browser there will be a new tab in the vertical sidebar: Annotate, which will give access to manual annotation tools. I am developing the first one, a tool to annotate named entities efficiently, both in the TF browser and in a Jupyter Notebook. Reed more in tf.about.annotate.

    These tools will let you save your work as files on your own computer.

  • In tff.convert.addnlp we can now extract more NLP information besides tokens and sentences: part-of-speech, morphological tagging, lemmatisation, named entity recognition

  • in the TEI converter.




Trivial fix in code that exports the data from a job in the TF browser. In the meanwhile there is unfinished business in the Annotate tab in the TF browser, that will come into production in the upcoming 12.1 release.

The Chrome browser has an attractive feature that other browsers such as Safari lack: It supports the CSS property content-visibility. With this property you can prevent the browser to do the expensive rendering of content that is not visible on the screen. That makes it possible to load a lot of content in a single page without tripping up the browser. You also need the IntersectionObserver API, but that is generally supported by browsers. With the help of that API you can restrict the binding of event listeners to elements that are visible on the screen.

So, you can open the TF browser in Chrome by passing the option --chrome. But if Chrome is not installed, it will open in the default browser anyway. Also, when the opening of the browser fails somehow, the web server is stopped.



Fixed references to static files that still went to /server instead of /browser. This has to do with the new approach to the TF browser.



  • The TF browser no longer works with a separate process that holds the TF corpus data. Instead, the web server (flask) loads the corpus itself. This will restrict the usage of the TF browser to local-single-user scenarios.

  • TF no longer exposes the installation options [browser, pandas]

    pip install 'text-fabric[browser]'
    pip install 'text-fabric[pandas]'

    If you work with Pandas (like exporting to Pandas) you have to install it yourself:

    pip install pandas pyarrow

    The TF browser is always supported.

    The reason to have these distinct capabilities was that there are python libraries involved that do not install on the iPad. The simplification of the TF browser makes it possible to be no longer dependent on these modules.

    Hence, TF can be installed on the iPad, although the TF browser works is not working there yet. But the auto-downloading of data from GitHub / GitLab works.

Minor things
  • Header. After loading a dataset, a header is shown with shows all kinds of information about the corpus. But so far, it did not show the TF app settings. Now they are included in the header. There are two kinds: the explicitly given settings and the derived and computed settings. The latter ones will be suppressed when loading a dataset in a Jupyter notebook, because these settings can become quite big. You can still get them with A.showContext(). In the TF browser they will be always included, you find it in the Corpus tab.

Older releases

See tf.about.releasesold.




2023-06-?? (Upcoming)



New features
  • New query primitive: any node: the . stands for any node type. If you want to search for any node, regardless of its type, that has feature xxx with value vvv, you can do so by means of this query:
    . xxx=vvv
  • The new edge display and the new query primitive revealed a few glitches in displaying nodes. These have been fixed.

    • Edge features in Jupyter notebooks did not show up after a query that used them.
    • Results are always sorted in the canonical ordering, this was not the case in the TF browser, but it is important when you search with . for nodes of arbitrary types.
    • The headings of result tables now reflect the various types that nodes can have within one column.



New features
  • Edge display in Jupyter Notebooks

    • In pretty displays, edge features can be displayed, much like node features.
    • If edges have values, you see those values, otherwise you just see an arrow, ↦ for an outgoing error, ⇥ for an incoming error.
    • If you switch on the display of nodes, edges will show the nodes to which or from which they are directed.
    • There are new options forceEdges and edgeFeatures to turn edge display off or on, for selected features. Edge features that are mentioned in a query are automatically shown.
    • Edges can also be highlighted by passing an option edgeHighlights to the pretty displays. You can specify to highlight an edge between two specific nodes, or all edges from a specific node or all edges to a specific node.
  • The TF browser got some fixes and upgrades:

    • Jobs

      • It is easier to manage different search jobs, the job controls are always visible at the top of the left column.
      • The operations of saving a job to file and loading a job from file are easier accessible.
      • The logic of clearing a job, making a new job, and starting a duplicate job has been fixed.
    • Highlighting

      • You can highlight different parts of query results with different colours. See the control below the query template, where you can specify a color map. This was already possible in a Jupyter notebook.

      • You can highlight edges with different colours. See the control below the query template, where you can specify an edge color map, just as in Jupyter Notebooks with edgeHighlights. Start with clicking on an edge, and then some entries will be appended to this map.

    • The sizing of the parts of the TF screen has been improved.

    • The documentation inside the TF browser has been updated.

Ongoing work on conversion
  • tff.convert.addnlp: if generated tokens cross element boundaries, they will be split on those boundaries. These atomic tokens become the slots (type t by default), the original tokens are added as nodes of type token.




  • TEI to TF conversion: added options to replace empty <pb> elements by <page> elements that contain the page material. Several options are available, e.g. to indicate whether the <pb> occur at the top of their pages or at their bottom.
  • TEI to TF conversion and XML to TF conversion: you can also opt in to have processing instructions converted. They are treated in the same way as empty elements.
  • TEI to TF: added a function that can derive extra features while walking through the XML from the current stack of XML elements and attributes.
  • In pretty displays of query results, the features in the query are shown if the option show query features is on. If also the option show standard features is off, the standard features are hidden. But what if one of those standard features has also been mentioned in a query? In this case, TF used to hide that feature, but from now on we show it.
  • New function A.hoist(globals()) with the same effect as the parameter hoist=globals() in A.use(). Handy if you have several datasets loaded in memory and want to work with them alternately.
  • New function A.publishRelease() by which you can publish a release of a TF dataset straight from your program or notebook, without clicking around in a browser. See publishRelease() or the annotation/mondriaan example.



  • TEI to TF conversion: added the options to generate edges for parent and sibling relations between XML elements
  • In tf.dataset.modify, when replacing a slot type by an other node type, we did nothing about the edges that involved the old slots, except of course the oslots edge. Now we transfer all edges that involve old slots to their corresponding new slots.
  • As a consequence, when you use the TEI converter with parent / sibling generation switched on, edges that have been generated in the conversion process will not be lost when you transform the TF further, e.g. by adding tokens and sentences.



Small fixes to the XML conversion.



  • The tf.convert.walker conversion can now reorder slot nodes. In the conversion of the Greek syntax trees from LOWFAT XML, see ETCBC/nestle1904, the words are not in sentence order, but in a word-group-hierarchy order. By passing a suitable key to cv.slot(), we can let TF reorder the word nodes while keeping all linkage intact. We get interrupted word groups then. See this code to see how that is done: * You can tweak how attribute values are reported when you run preliminary checks.



  • Fixed a bug in tf.dataset.modify in case it is used to delete types from a dataset.
  • Added a function footprint() to see the memory consumption of the data set. Explore this in this notebook where we compare a minimalistic version of the BHSA with the complete BHSA.



The XML converter is now easier to use:

  • It can be controlled much like the TEI converter
  • If you need custom code to handle the XML, you can now supply it much more easily and feed it to the converter.
  • For an example, see the ETCBC/nestle1904 dataset (Greek New Testament)



  • Some improvements that give a smoother run when using TF on an iPad, in the Carnets app:

    • After unzipping downloaded data, cd back to the original directory (otherwise the Uruk corpus does not show the inline images).
    • Instead of from array import array we do import array and refer to array.array. Semantically, this should not matter, but the pickler seems to be fussy about it. I got an error like this:

      Can't pickle <built-in function _array_reconstructor>:
      it's not the same object as array._array_reconstructor
    • Catch all errors when TF is loading / computing features, not only memory errors, and show the message.

    • Fixed a bug in Data.cleanDataBin()

    • Reverted back to the old way of data storage in RAM, with PACK_VERSION set to 3.



I conducted an experiment to reduce the TF memory footprint by storing a lot of data in numpy arrays. That resulted in a reduction from 2.5GB to 1.65GB for the BHSA. However, TF became noticeably slower. Some queries took 10-20 percent more time, but sometimes the execution time got several times slower, up to 8x slower. Moreover, when I ran the BHSA in this version on the iPad (with 3GB RAM), the reduction was not enough to prevent a crash.

You can install this version and see for yourself.

Note, that when TF pre-computes data, it will store the results in

.tf/4 (PACK_VERSION = 4), whereas the old way's results are still in .tf/3 (PACK_VERSION = 3). See PACK_VERSION.



  • tf.dataset.modify accepts a new optional parameter with a new version for the modified dataset, which will be written in the features' metadata.
  • You can use tf or text-fabric without arguments if you are inside a clone of a repo that contains a TF dataset.
  • Moved the dependency on pandas and pyarrow (used in the pandas export) to an extra install option pandas. You get it if you do

    pip install 'text-fabric[pandas]'


    pip install 'text-fabric[all]'

    See tf.about.install

    If you want to install TF on the iPad, you should avoid this extra. Thanks Oliver Glanz for reporting this.

  • Merged a pull request by Cody Kingham with some helpful type annotations in tf.core.fabric.



Fixed a left-over bug introduced by the previous update.



  • Fixed an issue with rendering: if a node is split in chunks and / or fragments for display, every chunk / fragment will get the full node information displayed, including any graphics if present. That will cause a repetition of displayed images and it is probably not what anybody wants. The render algorithm has been adapted to show graphics only once for each node in the display.

  • Fixed missing package contents

  • Fixed a bug in getLocation()



  • Fix of a problem spotted by Cody Kingham: the nodes delivered by F.otype.s(x) are not always in canonical order. Case in point: subphrases in the BHSA. It turns out that I implemented the s() function on the feature otype in a different, more efficient way that on all other features. And I forgot to sort the result in the otype case. From now on: these nodes will be sorted.



Command-line tasks

I am going to change the commands that TF provides on the command-line after installing.

They will all start with tf-. Then there is less risk of interference with other commands that users already have on the command-line.

Here is a table with the old names and the new names. The old names remain available until the next intermediate version 11.5 or major version 12.

Here is a table of the commands in question

current new description
not yet available tf-fromtei converts a TEI source in the repo of the current directory to TF
not yet available tf-zipall makes a complete zip of the dataset in the repo of the current directory
text-fabric tf starts the TF browser
text-fabric-zip tf-zip zips TF files into versioned zip files
text-fabric-make tf-make builds a client-side search interface for a dataset
nbconvert tf-nbconvert converts a directory with Jupyter notebooks to HTML
xmlschema tf-xmlschema extracts useful information from XML schemas
addnlp tf-addnlp feeds a dataset to Spacy and adds results to it

The usage of tf-fromtei and tf-addnlp is now highly streamlined: you can pass them arguments which are

  • plain word strings are tasks
  • name=value strings are parameters
  • -word, +word, ++word are flags
Conversion and NLP workflows
  • The way the tf-fromtei and tf-addnlp workflows can be controlled has been streamlined; they have the same conventions for passing tasks, parameters, and flags.
  • You do not have to write an almost trivial program to wrap the TEI conversion, typically Instead, put some configuration info in a tei.yaml file and a transformation function in a file, both optional.
  • You can pass less info to tf-fromtei: the converter auto-detects available versions of the TEI source, and selects the latest by default. It also auto-detects the generated TF dataset versions, and by default overwrites the latest one. But you can easily direct the converter to other versions, both of the TEI and the TF.



Small fixes in the TEI conversion and the NLP pipeline integration. The parameters / flags for the convert steps and pipeline operations have been made more powerful and superfluous options have been removed.



This new version is all about using the results of NLP pipelines in the creation of a TF dataset. We build on the TEI to TF conversion in tff.convert.tei and surround it with other data creation steps. The following workflow is now supported by means of simple commands.

  • The TEI to TF conversion can now be extended with NLP generated tokens and sentences, there is single command to do this but the individual steps can also be run in a notebook, see tff.convert.addnlp. Work in progress.
  • TF can now invoke a Spacy-based workflow to detect tokens and sentences. See tff.convert.myspacy.
  • TEI to TF conversion: usability improvements and fixes.
  • tf.dataset.modify can now also replace the slot type in a dataset by an other node type. For example, you can use this function to add tokens to a dataset that is character-based and make the tokens the new slot type and cause all character nodes to be discarded. This can be done in one go.
  • Examples are in the Mondriaan test garden: annotation/mondriaan in three levels of detail.




  • GitHub API Rate Limit avoidance

    • TF first tries to download requested data without using the GitHub API. This happens when you request the latest release of a corpus. All data specified in the corpus app (the app itself, the main data, the standard module data for that corpus, the graphics files if the corpus needs them) are expected in the file which should be attached to the latest release on GitHub. TF can find that file and download it without any API access.
    • There is a new function A.zipAll() that zips all corpus data into a file, which you can attach to a release.
    • This file can also be unzipped in your ~/text-fabric-data directory.
  • TEI to TF converter:

    • Fix: better console output when running the check task.
    • Improvement: detect when tags are being used in multiple namespaces.
    • Improvement: you can configure the names of the section levels and features.
    • Change: more straightforward dealing with empty elements: all empty elements get an empty slot, and care is being taken that these slots end up within the section structure and not strangely outside it.
  • Walker converter

    • Fix in cv.linked(): the slots are returned sorted. If during the walk you linked slots to nodes by, the order of linking the slots might not be the order of the slots in the text. So, cv.linked() has to sort the slots before returning.
  • Display in TF browser and in Notebooks:

    • Fix: a deliberate newline in feature values is translated to a <br> element, so that you see a line-break.
    • Fix: in the TF browser, if not default text format is configured, the default text-orig-full will be taken.
  • Fix: open() statements should specify the encoding="utf8", otherwise a non utf8 encoding may be used on Windows. I knew this, but in later code I have forgotten this. Thanks to Saulo de Oliveira Cantanhêde for reporting this.

  • Fix: bumped the version requirement for Python to 3.9.

  • Fix: TF should not print the full-path to your home directory, but replace it with a ~. There were some cases where this escaping was not successfully applied, e.g. in tf.advanced.repo.



  • New interface option in pretty displays: show all features, except otype. See tf.advanced.options under multiFeatures. It works in the TF browser and in Jupyter notebooks.

    Handy for exploring new and unknown TF datasets, for example those which are converted literally from an intricate TEI nest of files.

  • Improvements in the transcription document generated by the tff.convert.tei.

  • New conversion from TF to tf.convert.pandas, callable as A.exportPandas(). For examples see: BHSA Moby Dick Ferdinand Huyck

  • The function importMQL() must be called in a different way. The function exportMQL() can be called from a TF or A object.

  • Removed a clumsy fix that produces a spurious space in unwanted places. The fix was introduced earlier to provide extra spaces in the Hermans corpus, and it worked quite nicely there. But now is Martijn complaining because he sees too many spaces in the Samaritan Pentateuch. This has been fixed.




Improvements in the TEI to TF conversion:

  • you can opt for the word as slot type instead of the character; this gives a bit of a lower resolution, but data processing is much quicker;
  • you can choose between two sectioning models
    1. folders, files, top-level elements as chunks
    2. top-level elements as chapters, elements below it as chunks.

Fix in export(): if a value starts with a quote, it will be preceded by a backslash, otherwise it disturbs Excel and Numbers when they read it in a tab-separated file.

Other small fixes.



Added tff.convert.xml, a straightforward, generic XML to TF converter, obtained from tff.convert.tei by stripping almost all intelligence from it. It serves as a stub to start off with your own XML to TF conversion program.

For an example how to use it, see its application to the Greek New Testament, LOWFAT trees.



Addition to the NBConvert tool: If you pass only an input directory, it creates an HTML index for that directory. You can put that in the top of your public folder in GitLab, so that readers of the Pages documentation can navigate to all generated docs.

A fix in while analysing definitions in an XSD file, the imports of other XSD files were not heeded. Now they are. But not recursively, because in the examples I saw, files imported each other mutually or with cycles.

Various enhancements to the tff.convert.tei conversion:

  • a fix in white-space handling (the white-space removal was a bit too aggressive), the root cause of this was the aforementioned bug in;
  • a text format with layout is defined and set as the default;
  • text within the TEI header and notes is displayed in a different color.

A fix of an error, spotted by Christian C. Højgaard, while loading a TF resource in a slightly unusual way.



New converter: TEI to TF

This is a generic, but also somewhat dumb, converter that takes all information in a nest of TEI files and transforms it into a valid and ready-to-use TF dataset.

But it is also a somewhat smart, because it generates a TF app and documentation for the new dataset.

See tff.convert.tei.

New command-line tool: nbconvert

nbconvert inDirectory outDirectory

Converts a directory of interlinked notebooks to HTML and keeps the interlinking intact. Handy if you want to show your notebooks in the Pages service of GitHub or GitLab, bypassing NBViewer.


New command-line tool: xmlschema

xmlschema analyse schema.xsd

Derives meaningful information from an XML schema.

See .

A.flexLink() generates an app-dependent link to a tutorial or document served via the Pages of GitHub or GitLab.

See flexLink()

Other improvements

Various app-configuration improvements under the hood, solving all kinds of edge cases, mostly having to do with on-premise GitLab back-ends.




Small improvement in rendering features with nodes: if a feature value ends with a space, it was invisible in a pretty display. now we replace the last space by a non-breaking space.

Small fix for when TF is installed without extras, just pip install text-fabric and not pip install 'text-fabric[all]'

In that case TF referred to an error class that was not imported. Spotted by Martijn Naaijer. Fixed.



In the TF browser you can now resize the column in which you write your query.



Small fix in math display.



Small fixes



Mathematical formulas in TeX notation are supported. You can configure any app by putting showMath: true in its config.yaml, under interface defaults.

Several small tweaks and fixes and the higher level functions: how TF displays nodes in Jupyter Notebooks and in the TF browser.

It is used in the letters of Descartes.




This fixes issue #78, where TF crashes if the binary data for a feature is corrupted. This may happen if TF is interrupted in the pre-computation stage. Thanks to Seth Howell for reporting this.



  • Small fix in the TF browser (prettyTuple() is called with sec= instead of seq=).
  • Fix in, introduced by revisiting some code that deals with sets. Reported by Oliver Glanz.



  • Improved display of special characters in TF browser.
  • When custom sets are loaded together with a data source, they are automatically passed to the sets parameter in, so that you do not have to pass them explicitly.
  • The header information after loading a dataset is improved: it contains a list of the custom sets that have been loaded and a list of the node types in the dataset, with some statistics.
  • In the TF browser this header information is shown when you expand a new tab in the side bar: Corpus.




Small fixes for problems encountered when using GitLab back-ends.


Fixed a problem spotted by Camil Staps: in the TF browser valid queries with a quantifier gave error-like messages and no results.

  • The cause was two-fold: the processing of quantifiers led to extra informational messages. (This is a regression)
  • The TF browser interpreted these messages as error messages.

Both problems have been fixed.

  • The extra informational messages are suppressed (as it was earlier the case).
  • The result that the kernel passes to the web server now includes a status parameter, separate from the messages, which conveys whether the query was successful.
  • Queries with informational messages and a positive status will have their results shown as well as their messages.



TF will detect if it runs on an iPad. On an iPad the home directory ~ is not writable. In that case, TF will use ~/Documents instead of ~ consistently.

When TF reports file names on the interface, it always unexpanduser it, so that it does not reveal the location of your home directory.

Normally, it replaces your home directory by ~, but on iPad it replaces your home directory/Documents by ~.

So if you publish notebooks made on an iPad or made on a computer, there is no difference in the reported file names.



Small fixes: the newest version of the pygithub module issues slightly different errors. TF did not catch some of them, and went on after failures, which led to unspeakable and incomprehensible further errors. That has been fixed.

As a consequence, we require the now newest release of that module, which in turns requires a Python version of at least 3.7.0.

So we have bumped the Python requirement for TF from 3.6.3 to 3.7.0.



TF can be installed with different capabilities.

On some platforms not all requirements for TF can be met, e.g. the GitHub or GitLab back-ends, or the TF browser.

You can now install a bare TF, without those capabilities, or a more capable TF with additional capabilities.

TF will detect what its capabilities are, and issue warnings if it asked to do tasks for which it lacks the capabilities.

See more in tf.about.install.





Small fixes. Packaging is now done with setup.cfg instead of



The function Nodes.walk() also accepts a parameter nodes, so that you can not only walk through the total nodes set, but also through arbitrary node sets. Always in canonical order.

There is a new function xmlEsc().



  • fix of a bug in the TF browser caused by the previous change: the headings of section-3 levels came out wrong

  • the second parameter of plainTuple() and prettyTuple() is now optional. It passes the sequence number of the tuple to display. This is useful if the tuple is a member of a bigger list, but not if the tuple stands on its own.



Changes in the output of TF to the console. It is detected whether it runs in interactive mode (e.g. Jupyter notebook) or not. If not, the display methods of the Jupyter notebook are suppressed, and many outputs are done in plain text instead of HTML.

Fixes in volume support.

Small fixes in version mappings.



Changes in the messages that TF emits. Several functions have an optional silent parameter by which you could control the verbosity of TF.

That parameter now accepts different values, although the old values still work with nearly the same effect.

The default value for silent results in slightly terser behaviour than the previous default setting.

See Timestamp.



The use() function has an extra optional parameter loadData=True by which you can prevent data loading. That is useful if you want to inspect properties of a dataset without the costly loading of much data.

There is a new function to get existing volumes in a dataset: getVolumes(). It is also available as methods on the App and Fabric objects so you can also say TF.getVolumes() and A.getVolumes().

Improvements in the function extract():

  • its third argument (volumes) is replaced from a positional argument into a keyword argument with default value True.
  • Fixed a bug in reporting results

Improvement in the function collect():

  • Fixed a crash that occurred while executing this function under certain conditions




Addition of a module tff.convert.variants that can be used in a tf.convert.walker conversion. It can be used to process TEI app-lem-rdg elements (critical apparatus). What it does for you is to create sentence-like nodes from sentence-boundary information. It deals with the cases where variants have different sentence boundaries.

Some minor fixes in defaults and documentation.




Addition to the tf.convert.walker API: to manually link a node to existing slots instead of relying on the automatic linking.



Bug fix in the TF browser. Spotted by Jorik Groen.

The TF browser was not able to download data correctly, because it communicated the name of the back-end incorrectly to the TF kernel.



It is now also possible to have datasets and modules of datasets coming from different back-ends.


  • ditched the word host. Used backend instead.
  • the ~/text-fabric-data cache directory now first has a layer of subdirectories according to the back-end that the data comes from: github, gitlab and whatever server is serving a GitLab instance.
  • subdirectory download for GitLab is supported if the GitLab back-end supports it. If not, we fall back on downloading the whole repo and then discarding what we do not need. GitLabs with versions at least 14.4.0 support downloading of subdirectories.



Small fix. supports downloading of subdirectories, and I am prepared to make use of that but the current python-gitlab module does not support that part of the API. So I work around it.




Back-end support: see checkoutRepo() and App.

A back-end is an online repository where TF apps / data can be stored.

Up till now, TF worked with a single back-end: GitHub. It uses the API of GitHub to find releases and commits and to download required data on demand.

With this version, TF can also talk to GitLab instances.

The most prominent calls on the back-end are the use() function and the start of the TF browser.

They will work with a GitLab back-end if you pass the instance address with the optional parameter backend:

A = use("annotation/banks", backend="")


A = use("annotation/banks", backend="")

In the TF browser that looks as follows:

tf annotation/banks


tf annotation/banks

When backend is omitted or is None, the back-end defaults to github.


GitLab does not support Jupyter Notebooks. And even if you converted them to HTML, GitLab does not offer a rendered view on HTML pages, unless you use GitLab Pages.

But that is not always enabled.

Currently, TF does not support publishing to GitLab pages, although everything up to building a Pages site is supported.

When on a closed on-premise installation of GitLab, there is no way to see rendered notebooks on NBViewer, simply because NBViewer has no access to the shielded notebooks.





  • Small fix in initTree().
  • New function showFormats(); call as A.showFormats() that gives a nicely formatted list of all text-formats and the templates by which they are defined.
  • Small fix in text formats: when you specify a text-format with default values, the empty string is now also allowed as default value.



Bug discovered thanks to an observation of Oliver Glanz:

In search templates, a quantifier has to follow an atom line, like so

word gn=f
.. nu=pl

This looks for a word with female gender, without it being a word in the plural.

An alternative syntax with the same semantics is

.. nu=pl

However, the parser in TF got distracted by the intervening gn=f and did not connect the quantifier with the preceding word, which gave erroneous results.

That has been fixed, and now the second form leads to the same results as the first one.



New behaviour in walking nodes: Nodes.walk(): with events=True it generates open / close events for nodes, so that you can do something when the node starts and something else when the node ends.

New utility functions clearTree() and initTree().

Various friction reducing changes:

  • functions with file or directory arguments always perform an expansion of a leading ~ to the user's home directory.




Several minor improvements in various parts of the app.



The webLink function can now also be driven by feature values. See tf.advanced.settings and look in section webFeature. Additional small fixes.



Fixed a bug introduced by the previous change which caused a failure in the export from the TF browser.



  • Pre-processing took a bit too much time. The culprit was the computation of boundaries of nodes. It could be sped up by changing the data representation somewhat (going from array to tuple) in some cases. Since the new data representation is incompatible with the previous one, we bumped the internal version for that (PACK_VERSION). That means that TF will recompute your pre-computed corpus data if needed.

  • If you inadvertently type a query in the TF browser that takes for ever to execute, it is difficult to get the TF browser in a usable state again. We have chosen a remedy: we limit the search results to 4 * the maximum node in your corpus. This holds for all query execution, also when executed outside the TF browser.

    When outside the TF browser, you can pass the limit parameter to or to enforce a different and bigger limit. Setting it to None or 0 restores the default of 4 * maxNode. You cannot pass custom limits in the TF browser.




Bug in TF browser: corpora that show a pretty display for section items instead of a list of subsection items (setting browseContentPretty in tf.advanced.settings) did not respond to the display options, because in this particular case the options were not passed to the pretty() function. That has been remedied. The only corpus that makes use of this setting (that I know of) is the Nino-cunei/uruk corpus.



The text-Fabric browser now displays hard-to-type characters, depending on the text format chosen. It is right below the query window. From there you can click to copy characters and then paste them in the query window.




When pre-computing section data, better error messages are generated when section nodes do not have values for the features that are supposed to contain their headings.

Removed a debug statement that I left previously.



Bug fix. When writing TF data to file, the function _writeDataTf in Data had a bug that caused misalignment if the feature data had explicit None values. That has been fixed. Now it makes no difference anymore whether you save feature data where node n has value None, or where node n is absent.

Thanks to Martijn Naaijer for spotting it.



Improvement in app loading: added an argument legacy=True to use(), so that older versions of older apps still can be loaded.



The TF browser did not start-up well. That has been fixed. Loading an app from an arbitrary location on the local machine has been fixed.



A big reorganization, so that all things related to a corpus can be stored in the same neighbourhood. Before this release we had the situation that

  • a corpus is resides in org/corpus
  • its tutorials resides in annotation/tutorials/corpus
  • its TF app resides in annotation/app-corpus
  • its layered search interface is provided by annotation/app-corpus

In the new situation we have

  • a corpus is resides in org/corpus
  • its tutorials resides in org//corpus/tutorial
  • its TF app resides in org/corpus/app
  • its layered search interface is provided by org/corpus-search

So, in order to make a full fledged TF corpus there is no longer any dependency on the annotation organization.

Additional fixes: quite a bit, among which

  • When downloading zip files from releases, the Uruk images got the wrong paths. That has been fixed in zipData, used by the tf-zip command.



Test release. Since 9.1.7 the TF distribution has become bloated because setuptools includes a lot more files by default. I now distribute a wheel only, and took care that it has no more than the usual files included.



  • New data is computed and stored for a corpus: for each text format a frequency list of the characters in the corpus when rendered in that text format: characters()
  • A new function specialCharacters() which provides a widget from which you can easily copy the special characters in the corpus. Call it as A.specialCharacters(fmt=textformat).
  • In the tf.convert.walker module there is an extra cv method: CV.activeNodes().
  • Fix a bug that prevented the TF browser to start up in some cases.



Loading of features somehow became painfully slow. There binary representations of feature data are pickled Python data structure. I now optimize the pickled strings before writing them to disk. Then they load much faster afterwards.

In order to feel the effects: perform a FabricCore.clearCache(), which will wipe out all previously generated binary feature data, so that the next time the binary features will be created afresh.

Further improvements:

  • omap@v-w features will not be loaded by default by use() calls. If needed, they can be loaded afterwards by A.load("omap@v-w") call
  • When these mappings are needed by modules of TF, the module will have ensured they are loaded.



Improved Versions.migrateFeatures(). When migrating features from one data version to another along a node mapping between the two versions, the quality of the links between old nodes and new nodes is taken into account. We migrate feature values only through the best links available.



  • Made sure that path names of files and directories, when retrieved by means of os.path.expanduser or os.path.abspath use forward slashes rather than backward slashes. These two functions might introduces path with backslashes when on Windows. The rest of TF works with forward slashes exclusively. We want prevent paths with mixed forward slashes and backslashes.
  • The mod parameter in A.use() accepts not only comma separated strings of data modules, but also iterables of such modules.
  • If you want to override the checkout specifiers of standard modules (e.g. the ETCBC/parallels/tf or ETCBC/phono/tf modules of the bhsa, you can now override them by passing these modules in the mod parameter.



Fixed missing expander triangles in the feature overview after the incantation. This happened in the classical Jupyter Notebook, not in JupyterLab. The classical notebook styles the summary element in such a way as to rob it from the triangle. A simple overriding CSS instruction was enough.

Thanks to Oliver Glanz for spotting it.



More information on the metadata of features on the interface.

  • After use("xxx") you get an expandable list of features. Formerly, a feature was represented by its name, hyperlinked to the feature documentation. Now you see also the data type of the feature, its description, and you can expand further to see all metadata of a feature.
  • TF.isLoaded and A.isLoaded (Api.isLoaded()) can show / hide more information, such as the file path to a feature, its data type, its description, and all of its metadata.
  • (importMQL()) accepts a parameter meta which one can use to specify metadata that is common to all features. Now you can use it to pass feature-specific metadata as well.
  • Several data sources have been converted by means of importMQL: bhsa, extrabiblical and calap. Of these, I have updated the BHSA to have richer metadata in their features (only version 2021) including the standard modules phono, parallels, trees. And while I was at it, also did the non-standard modules valence and bridging.



Bug in search, spotted by Oliver Glanz, with thanks to him for reporting it. Queries with .f<g. constructs in it (numeric feature comparison) delivered wrong results. The root cause was clear: I declared the converse of .f<g. to be .g>f.. But this is not the converse, the two are identical. The converse is .f>g.. See code



Added an extra method A.load() by which you can load extra features after loading the main dataset.



  • Small fix in the collect() function.
  • Small fix in search when run from the TF browser. Features that are mentioned in feature comparison relations were not shown in the search results. Now they do.



In TF apps, in the config.yaml where you specify an online location based on section headings, you can configure the app to put leading zeroes before section headings. See webUrlZeros. Small fixes in the handling of these configuration settings.



Layered search

The layered search app hints in which browsers multiple highlighting is supported. It now works in Safari 15.0 on the Mac. It also works in browsers on iOS and iPadOS. The hints have been updated.




Additions to the API

The display functions are

Some of them are defined with the parameter asString=False. When omitted or False, the result will be displayed in the notebook. But when used by the TF browser, the result will not be displayed, but returned as HTML. TF knows when it is used by the TF browser or not.

But there are cases when you want to tell TF to not display the result, but to deliver it as HTML. For that the _asString parameter was used. However, it was not defined for all of these display functions.

The improvement is, that it now works for all of the above display functions.

When you pass asString=True, the result will not be displayed (in the notebook), but returned as HTML.




  • Section headings in the BHSA were not always rendered in ltr mode. Fixed.

9.0.2, 9.0.3



  • Bug reported by Gyusang Jin: when a string specification of features that must be loaded contains newlines, an error will occur.
  • TF.loadLog() did not provide useful information anymore. Instead, there is now TF.isLoaded and A.isLoaded (Api.isLoaded()). For compatibility, loadLog still can be called, but is identical to isLoaded.




  • Bug reported by Jaime Toledo
  • Bug reported by Christian Jensen

Thanks for reporting!




Volume support: see tf.about.volumes. This allows for partially loading a TF dataset. It is the start of making TF more agile. By being able to load portions of a work, and still not loose the connection with the whole work, it has potential for large corpora that do nit fit into RAM.

However, as it stands now, in order to make portions of a work, the whole work will be loaded. When the portions are made, they can be loaded without loading the whole work.

Later in the development of version 9 I hope to be able to synthesize whole works out of portions without the need of having the whole work in RAM.






Small fix in the search client: the totals of nodes where displayed as undefined for node types for which no layers have been defined.



No changes except that the version requirement for Python is back to 3.6.3.



Small fixes in the distribution of tf.client.make



  • Updates in tf.advanced.repo: a function releaseData that releases a version of TF data of a corpus to GitHub. The release number gets bumped, the data is zipped and attached to the release. This helps to write pipeline scripts that transfer corpus updates to the TF ecosystem.



  • Updates in the tf.client: more ways of building the layeredsearch client. Driven by the NENA pipeline.



  • Updates in the tf.convert.recorder: a new method to export positions using much less data, provided certain assumptions hold.
  • Updates in the tf.client: a more memory-friendly way to store the corpus data, especially the positions data. The method can be switched on and off, depending whether the corpus satisfies the preliminaries for this space optimization.



Updates in the layered search app and its distribution. The Recorder API has some additions tf.convert.recorder



Updates in the layered search app and its distribution.



Small fixes in the layered search app and its documentation.



There is a new piece of functionality in TF: making search interfaces for existing corpus apps. These are static HTML+CSS+JavaScript pages, that provide layered search. TF has a new command text-fabric-make dataset interfacename which generates such an app from a bit of configuration and code, which you have to provide in the app-dataset repo.

See tf.client.




A minor addition: you can now get the CSS of an app and re-use it in notebooks without loading the whole API. See advanced.display.getCss.



A few minor improvements:

  • the tf.convert.recorder is improved. It can now save position files per node type.
  • the Timestamp.indent() method now accepts a boolean for its level parameter. By this you can increase and decrease the current indentation level of messages.



Fix in this method wrote to the positions file, rather than reading from it. Thanks to Sophie Arnoult for spotting it.



Enhancement: the TF browser can now export the contents of the node pad, decorated with location information and text content. Previously, you only got a bare list of nodes in nodes.tsv. Now you also get a nodesx.tsv, analogously to resultsx.tsv. See tf.about.browser. However, such a list of node tuples may not be as uniform as a list of query results. Non-uniform lists lead to a messy output table, but still usable.

Thanks to Jorik Groen for asking for this.

This also affects the A.export() function (export()), which was only able to export uniform lists. Now it can also export non-uniform lists.



Bug fix: when loading an additional feature into an existing TF API, the feature did not get properly reloaded if it had already been loaded and the feature data had changed.



Updated links to the documentation. The documentation has now a working search interface.



Added logic to map nodes between versions of TF datasets. This logic existed in a notebook that explores versions of the Hebrew Bible: versionMappings. Whereas the code to map slots between versions is highly dependent on the dataset in question, the code to extend a slot mapping to a node mapping is generic. That code is now in "tf.compose.nodemaps" (as of version 9 in tf.dataset.nodemaps). It is used in the Missieven corpus.



Renamed some CSS classes in the display style sheet of TF. These names interfered with class names used in Jupyter Book.

Added several transcriptions for Arabic characters. See tf.writing.arabic.



Small fixes in the functions that load a TF app: you could already directly load the data of an app-less corpus from disk, now you can do the same if such data resides on GitHub.

Various other things had to be tweaked a little.



Small fix of a problem introduced by the previous enhancement.



Enhancement in web links to nodes: there is a new setting webOffset in the configuration of a TF app that let you specify an offset between a logical page number and a physical page number. See the webOffset setting of tf.advanced.settings. It is needed by the new Missieven corpus.



Minor fix in the display:

  • Left-to-right transcriptions in right-to-left corpora still had rtl tendencies Fixed by using the CSS mechanism unicode-bidi: embed more consistently.



Minor fixes in the display:

  • The TF browser showed the chunks around a gap in the wrong order for right to left scripts. Fixed by using CSS mechanisms such as display: inline-block and unicode-bidi: embed.
  • Chrome did not display dotted borders good enough: in some circumstances the dots were hardly visible. Sadly one of those circumstances is the default zoom level of the browser: if the user enlarges or decreases the zoom level, the dots become better visible. It seems that using the rem unit for specifying border-sizes contributes to this behaviour. So I specified all border widths in px, assuming 20px = 1rem.



Better error message if a standard module of a data set cannot be found. E.g. the parallels modules for the BHSA, DSS.

Addition in tf.convert.walker, in the cv.node() function to add nodes: it accepts an additional optional parameter to link an explicit set of slots to a node.



Added the explode() function, by which you can explode feature files into TF files without optimizations.




Fixed an error when opening the Uruk corpus in the TF browser.



Various small fixes:

  • Fix in result display in TF browser: the members of a result form a row again instead of a column.
  • Better error message in some cases in tf.convert.walker.
  • Moved documentation of the walker functions into the docstrings of those functions.


Small fix by Cody Kingham: when calling use(api=...) with an TF API constructed before, the TF attribute of this API is not transported to the app object.


8.3.1, 8.3.2


Gentium Plus font installed. Greek Character table added. Small fixes, one blocking for the TF browser.



Backward incompatibility

corpus apps

The API between TF and its apps has changed. If you upgrade TF to this version, you also have to upgrade the TF apps you work with. You can do that by adding the checkout specifier latest when you call the corpus, e.g. for the BHSA (one time is enough):

A = use("bhsa:latest", hoist=globals()")

TF is now better in detecting if you load an incompatible app and will give you a useful hint.

The post-incantation messages of TF are now better formatted and more modest. Most information is collapsed and expandable by a triangle.

Under the hood improvement of the display algorithm. Both plain and pretty rely on the same unravel algorithm that turns a graph fragment into a tree for display.

See tf.advanced.unravel.

The unravel function is also exposed as A.unravel(node), see unravel().

Now you can define your own rendering function, taking the unravelled tree as input.

New display settings

See tf.advanced.options.

  • plainGaps: normally, gaps are shown in plain displays. But the control is yours, with plainGaps=False gaps are suppressed.
  • hiddenTypes: you can prevent node types from adding to the structure of the display, which might become very cluttered. E.g. the atom types of the BHSA, and also the subphrases and half verses. Before, it was a binary choice: the app determines which node types are hidden by default, and the user can switch them all on or all off.

    Now the app still determines the default, but the user can hide / unhide all combinations of node types.

TF browser

Various fixes:

  • Starting in v8.0.0, the ports through which the TF browser communicates are no longer hardwired in the app configuration, but are determined at run time: the first available ports are chosen. This had the negative consequence that different corpora could use the same port in turn, thereby wreaking havoc with the sessions for those corpora. Now the ports are determined as a function of the arguments to tf.
  • Text alignment and line wrapping has improved, especially in plain displays.




When you load a corpus by means of use, you can now also override the configuration settings of the app on the fly. See App



Fixed two silly bugs, one of which a show stopper, preventing pre-computation after download of data to complete.



Improved display algorithm: corpora need less configuration for TF to generate good displays. In particular, the atom types of the BHSA are now handled without tricky branches in the code.

See tf.advanced.display.

Core API: a bit of streamlining: all exposed methods now fall under one of A TF N F E L T S.


If you want to talk to yourself in markdown or HTML you can use and A.dh(htmlString).

See dm() and dh().

Backward incompatibility

corpus apps

The API between TF and its apps has changed. If you upgrade TF to this version, you also have to upgrade the TF apps you work with. You can do that by adding the checkout specifier latest when you call the corpus, e.g. for the BHSA (one time is enough):

A = use("bhsa:latest", hoist=globals()")

logging functions

The methods info error warning are no longer hoisted to the global name space.

Use or for these methods.

node functions

N() has become: N.walk()

sortNodes, sortKey, sortkeyTuple, sortkeyChunk and otypeRank are no longer hoisted to the global name space.

Use N.sortNodes etc. instead for all these methods.

fix the compatibility relatively easily

If you use the functions in question a lot in a program or notebook, define them right after the incantation as follows:

A = use('xxx', hoist=globals())

info =
error = A.error
silentOn = A.silentOn
sortNodes = N.sortNodes





Thoroughly reorganized docs. All available documentation has now moved into docstrings. The formatted docstrings form the online documentation as well. See tf.

8.1.0, 8.1.1


  • New method in the L-API (Locality.i()): L.i(node, otype=nodeTypes). It delivers the intersectors of a node, i.e. the nodes that share slots with the given node.
  • Fixed a subtle bug in the A.pretty() which manifested itself in the Old Babylonian corpus. A line with clusters in it displayed the clusters twice if baseTypes has a non slot type. When doing a plain within a pretty, the displayer "forgot" the nodes encountered in plain, so they could not be skipped by the rest of pretty.
  • More improvements in the display logic where things refuse to be hierarchical.
  • To the display option extraFeatures you may also pass values like type:feature, see options (tf.advanced.options) under list of display parameters.




  • A.header() was used by the TF browser to produce a colophon. Now it can be used in a Jupyter Notebook to produce the overview of features used, normally displayed after the incantation.
  • There is a new A.showProvenance() that can be used to show detailed provenance of the corpus data and all its modules. When you exported from the TF browser, this data was included (and still is), but now you can invoke it from a program as well (typically in a Jupyter Notebook)
  • Provenance When exporting data from the TF browser, a provenance sheet is generated with entries for the data modules. Now you can generate this sheet in a Jupyter notebook as well, by means of A.showProvenance().
  • Online data fetching / checking does not happen by default anymore if there is already local data. This reduces the number of GitHub API requests greatly, and users are less prone to hit the limit.



Small fix in webLink().



Small fixes in order to accommodate NBViewer.

There were two problems

  • the online NBViewer clipped many boxes in the display (cause: name conflict between CSS class names in TF and in NBViewer)
  • the line height in the classic Jupyter notebook is fixed on a value that is too low, in Jupyter lab it is OK. Fix: we add CSS code that unsets the line height that the classic notebook sets.



NB: This is a backwards incompatible change. Strongly recommended:

pip install --upgrade text-fabric

All known corpus apps (the ones in under the annotation org on GitHub) have been adapted to this change.

TF auto-downloads the newest version of an app by default. As a consequence, if you have not upgraded TF, it will fail.

  • The functionality offered by corpus apps is now called the Advanced API, as opposed to the core API. Everything under A is the advanced API. The things under F, E, L, T, etc. are the core API.
  • A will work also for TF datasets without an app. The advanced API will compute reasonable defaults based on what it finds in the TF data. It is still possible to write full-fledged TF apps that extend the capabilities of the advanced API.
  • Several special effects of individual TF apps are now supported by the advanced API. The most intricate it support for displaying discontinuous types piece by piece, as in the BHSA. The other one is support for graphics inclusion as in the Uruk corpus.
  • Improvements in plain() and pretty(): they deliver better results and they make it easier for TF app developers.
    • Pretty displays can be tamed by cutting of the unfolding of structure at some level and replacing it by plain displays (baseTypes display option).
    • Highlights in plain display will be done, also for nodes deeply buried in the top node. This is determined by baseTypes: a node of type in baseTypes will get full highlighting, all other nodes will get highlighting by boxes around the material.
  • Core API improvement: The Locality (L) functions d(), u(), l(), r() take an optional parameter otype holding the node type of the related nodes that will be delivered. This can now also be an iterable of types (preferably a set of frozenset).
  • TF will detect when apps have a version mismatch with the general framework. If so, it will issue warnings and it will gracefully fall back to the core API. Note that if you use TF prior version 8, there will be no graceful fallback.





Improvement in plain() display of nodes with highlights:

  • if a parent node contains a highlighted child node that is not separately displayed, the parent node receives a secondary highlight.
  • if a child node is contained in a highlighted parent node that is not separately displayed, the child node receives a secondary highlight. (This was already the case)

Secondary highlights are suppressed if either the parent or the child node is a section node.



  • Performance improvement in TF browser: displaying passages in the presence of a query with very many results took too long. That has improved.
  • It is now possible to pass the optional parameter descend to the highlight function hlText. That is needed by some TF apps when they want to use text formats for nodes with a smaller node type than the node type for which the format has been designed.



  • In TF browser: passages are not expanded if the user hits the expand icon, for some corpora. It happened when the type of level 3 sections is not the same as the type of level 2 sections (int versus str). TF looked at the wrong level when determining the type. Fixed.
  • When fetching data from GitHub, we got a deprecation warning from pygithub. Replaced the call to a deprecated method by a call to a new method.
  • Mismatch between docs and implementation of A.plain(): the isLinked parameter is False according to the docs, but was coded as True. The docs have been adapted.
  • For TF app developers: when defining _pretty(), it is no longer required to compute whether the node type counts as big. It is done for you in the TF generic method prettyPre(). But you can still use another definition of bigTyoe if your corpus requires is. See e.g. the Quran app.
  • For TF app developers: the _plain() function tended to add a link under the material also in cases where there was already a hyperlinked passage indicator. This is now suppressed.

    All known corpus apps (the ones in under the annotation org on GitHub) have been adapted to this change.



Fix: in some open() statements, the encoding parameter encoding="utf8" was not passed. On some system that causes problems. The parameter has been added in all appropriate cases.

7.10.0, 7.10.1


GitHub is deprecating its token system for authentication when using the GitHub API. TF uses the GitHub API to fetch data from repositories. In order to increase the rate limit from 50 times per hour to 5000 times per hour, users were advised to create a pair of client-id and client-token strings.

The advise is now: create a personal access token.

See Rate limiting in (tf.advanced.repo).

Also: a bug fix to the walker conversion, again: thanks Ernst for spotting it.




Fixed a few bugs in the cv.stop() function in the walker conversion, see tf.convert.walker.

Thanks to Ernst Boogert for spotting them.



Add behaviour to the "tf.compose.modify()" function (as of version 9 tf.dataset.modify) so that you can output modified features only instead of a whole dataset. (Following a suggestion by Cody Kingham).





Fix a bug spotted by Robert Voogdgeert: in search templates with quantifiers: if the line before the quantifier is not an atom line but a feature line, TF crashes. Not anymore. The fix is at the syntactical level of queries. I have tested most known queries and they gave identical results as before.



Following a suggestion by Camil Staps:

In search templates, the comment sign % does not have to be at the start of a line, it may also be indented by white-space. Still, you cannot use % to comment out trailing parts of lines after non-blank parts.



When TF wants to fetch data from GitHub, but cannot get connection, it will give some sort of message as to why.



Something new: Recorder, a device to export plain text from TF in such a way that the position of nodes in that text is stored. Then you can annotate the plain text in some tool, e.g. BRAT, and after that, the Recorder can turn those annotations into TF features.

(2024-10-02). The documentation is in tf.convert.recorder and the following notebook does not exist anymore.

It is not documented yet, but this notebook shows you a complete example.



Fixed adding multiple click events in the JavaScript of the TF browser.



Unmentionable fixes.



Added fonts for the upcoming NENA corpus with TF app by Cody Kingham.

Updated docs for app writers.



All queries go a tad faster. Additional small fixes.



Performance tweaks in querying. Especially long running queries perform better. The query planning can now handle multiple relationships of the kind a < b and b < c.

Formerly, every b after a was searched, including the ones after c, and they then failed. Now the ones after c are not tried anymore.

Yet the gain is not as high as I had hoped, because finding the right b-s between a and b turns out to be tricky. The machinery for getting that in place and then walking in the right direction worked, but was so costly itself, that it defeated the purpose of a performance gain.

Have a look at some profiling results.



The performance of the new feature comparison relations turned out to be bad. They have been greatly improved. Now they are workable. But it is possible that new cases will turn up with a bad performance.



Main thing in this release: new relations in queries, based on feature comparison, as asked for by Oliver Glanz. For more info: see #50

Key examples:

  .nu. word

which gives the pairs of words in phrases that agree in nu (= grammatical number), provided both words are marked for number.

  .nu#nu. word

which gives the pairs of words in phrases that disagree in nu, provided both words are marked for number.

  .nu=prs_nu. word

which gives the pairs of words in phrases of which the number of the first word agrees with the number of the pronominal suffix of the second word, provided feature nu is present on the first word and feature prs_nu is present on the second word.

These are only examples, the new relations work for any combination of node features.

You can also test on > and < if the node features are integer valued.

And for string valued features, you can also reduce the values before comparing by means of a regular expression, which specifies the parts of the value that will be stripped.

See also tf.about.searchusage, jump to Based on node features.

The working of silent=True has been fine-tuned (i.e. it is easier to silence TF in more cases.) There is also a silent parameter for the tf.convert.walker conversion.

The info() function always checks whether it should be silent or not. There is a new warning() function that is silent if silent='deep'. So you can use warning() to issue messages that you do not want to be silenced by silent=True.




The biggest addition is a new "tf.compose" package with operators to manipulate TF datasets: modify() and combine().

As of version 9: tf.dataset.modify and tf.volumes.collect.

See compose chapter in the Banks tutorial, where you can see it in action on (2 copies of) the nice little 100-word example corpus.

Minor goodies:

  • New TF.loadAll() function to load all features in one go.
  • New method items() for all features, which yields all pairs in the mapping of the feature one by one. See [../Api/].




Small fixes:

  • tweaks in edge spinning (part of the search engine), but no real performance improvements;
  • nothing in TF relies on Python's glob module anymore, which turned out to miss file names with characters such as [ ] in it.



Fixed a bug in spotted by Ernst Boogert, where there was a confusion between sections and structure

If a corpus app needs to import its own modules, there is the risk of conflicts when several corpus apps get loaded in the same program and they import modules with the same name. TF offers a function loadModule() by which an app can dynamically load a module, and this function makes sure that the imported module gets an app-dependent internal name.



Some queries perform much better now. Especially the ones with == (same slots), && (overlapping slots), and :: (same boundaries).

The performance of the machinery has been tuned with new parameters, and all BHSA queries in the tutorials have been tested.

There was a pair of queries in searchGaps that either took 9 seconds or 40, randomly. Now it is consistently 9 seconds.

See searchRough at the end where the performance parameters are tweaked.



New functions



in the walker conversion (requested by Ernst Boogert).



Another 20% of the original memory footprint has been shaved off. Method: using arrays instead of tuples for sequences of integers.



Optimization: the memory footprint of the features has been reduced by ca 30%. Method: reusing read-only objects with the same value.

The BHSA now needs 2.2GB of RAM, instead of the 3.4 before.

Bug fixes: * silent means silent again in A.use() * the walk converter will not stop if there is no structure configured



Added more checks for the new structure API when using the walk converter. Made the pre-computing for structure more robust.



The T API has been extended with structure types. Structure types is a flexible sectioning system with unlimited levels. It can be configured next to the more rigid sections that T already supported.

The rigid system is meant to be used by the TF browser for chunking up the material in decent portions.

The new, flexible system is meant to reflect the structure of the corpus, and will give you means to navigate the corpus accordingly.

Quick examples: banks. Documentation: structure in tf.core.text.



  • You can ask the meta data of any feature by TF.features['featureName'].metaData. That is not new. You can get it also by F.featureName.meta, for node features and E.featureName.meta for edge features. Both only work for loaded features. This is a bit more crisp. Thanks to Ernst Boogert for bringing this up.
  • In the TF browser, in the control where you select a book/document/scroll: the chosen item disappeared from the view if you narrowed down the list by typing a capital letter. Fixed.



Big improvement on T.text(). It now accepts one or more nodes of arbitrary types and produces text for them all.

Largely backward compatible, in that:

  • it takes the same arguments
  • when it produced sensible results, it will produce the same results
  • when it produced nothing, it will now produce sensible things, in many cases.

You have to use the descend parameter a lot less.

See the tf.core.text.




There is an extra cv.occurs() function to check whether a feature actually occurs in the result data.

cv.meta(feature) without more arguments deletes the feature from the metadata,



Added the option force=True to the cv.walk() function, to continue conversion after errors.



Added punctuation geresh and gershayim to the Hebrew mapping from UNICODE to ETCBC transcription. The ETCBC transcription only mapped the accents but not the punctuation characters of these.

Fixed a bug in cv.meta() in the conversion walker.



The walker conversion module has an extra check: if you assign features to None, it will be reported.

There is an extra cv.meta() function to accommodate a use case brought in by Ernst Boogert.



Small addition to search templates. You could already use edges in search by means of the relational operator


that look for n and m such that there is an edgeFeature edge from n to m, and likewise


for edges in the opposite direction.

Now you can also use


that look for n and m such that there is an edgeFeature edge from n to m, or from m to n, or both.

See the tf.about.searchusage.

This corresponds to edge features.

See also the Banks example.



Small but important fix in the display logic of the pretty() function. The bug is not in the particular corpus apps that partly implement pretty(), but in the generic tf.advanced.display library that implements the other part.

Thanks to Gyusang Jin, Christiaan Erwich and Cody Kingham for spotting it.

I wrote an account of the bug and its fixing in this notebook.



Small fix in reporting of the location of data being used.



Simplified sharing: pushing to GitHub is enough. It is still recommended to make a release on GitHub now and them, but it is not necessary.

The use() function and the calling of the TF browser undergo an API change.

API addition:

When calling up data and a corpus app, you can go back in history: to previous releases and previous commits, using a checkout parameter.

You can specify the checkout parameter separately for

  • the corpus app code (so you can go back to previous instantiations of the corpus app)
  • the main data of the app plus its standard data modules
  • every data-module that you include by means of the --mod= parameter.

The values of the checkout parameters tell you to use data that is:

  • clone: locally present under ~/github in the appropriate place
  • local: locally present under ~/text-fabric-data in the appropriate place
  • latest: from the latest online release
  • hot: from the latest online commit
  • '': (default): from the latest online release, or if there are no releases, from the latest online commit
  • 2387abc78f9de…: a concrete commit hash found on GitHub (under Commits)
  • v1.3: a release tag found on GitHub (under Releases)

Or consult the repo notebook.

API deletion (backwards incompatible):

The parameters check=... and lgc=... of use() and -lgc and -c when calling the TF browser have been removed.

These parameters were all-or-nothing, they were applied TF app code, main data, and included data modules.


In most cases, just do not use the checkout parameters at all. Then the corpus app will be kept updated, and you keep using the newest data.

If you want to producing fixed output, not influenced by future changes, run TF once with a particular version or commit, and after that supply the value local as long as you wish.

If you are developing data yourself, place the data in your repository under ~/github, and use the value clone for checkout.


If you create your own features and want to share them, it is no longer needed to zip the data and attach it to a newly created release on GitHub. Just pushing your repo to GitHub is sufficient.

Still it is a good practice to make a release every now and then.

Even then, you do not need to attach your data as a binary. But, if you have much data or many files, doing so makes the downloading more efficient for the users.


There is a new utility function checkoutRepo(), by which you can maintain a local copy of any subdirectory of any repo on GitHub.

See tf.advanced.repo.

This is yet another step in making your scholarly work reproducible.

Fix in query parsing

Queries like

<: sentence

caused TF to complain erroneously about disconnected components. You had to say

s1 <: s2

instead. That workaround is not needed anymore.

Thanks to Oliver Glanz for mentioning this behaviour.




The TF browser now displays the total number of results clearly.



Small fix in Excel export when called by the TF kernel.



Small fix: a TF app that did not define its own text-formats caused an error. Now the generic TF advanced is robust against this.



Modified E.feature.b() so that it gives precedence to outgoing edges.

Further tweaks in layout of plain().



API addition for E (edges):


gives the symmetrical closure of the edges under feature. That means it combines the results of E.feature.f() and E.feature.t(). In plain speech: E.feature.b(m) collects the nodes that have an incoming edge from m and the nodes that have an outgoing edge to m.




  • can now write to any absolute location by means of the optional parameter location.



  • The markdown display in online notebooks showed many spurious </span>. This is a bug in the Markdown renderer used by GitHub and NBViewer. It happens if table cells have doubly nested span elements. It did not show up in local notebooks. In order to avoid it, TF does no longer work with the Markdown renderer. Instead, it produces output in HTML and uses the HTML renderer in notebooks. That fixes the issue.
  • When using A.export() to export data to Excel-friendly CSV files, some node types will get their text exported, and some just a label. It depended on whether the node type was a section or not. Now it depends on whether the node type is small or big. We export text for small node types. A node type is small if it is not bigger than the condense type. This behaviour is now the same as for pretty displays.





  • When looking for data in lgc=True mode, TF will report clearly when data cannot be found in local GitHub clones. In such cases TF will look for an online release of the repo with the desired data attached. Before it was not clear enough that TF was looking online, despite the lgc flag, because of missing data. So if you misspelled a module path, you got messages that did not point you to the root cause.
  • Some fixes in the plain display having to do with the passage label.



When converting a new corpus, Old Babylonian Letters (cuneiform), I tuned the conversion module a bit. Several improvements in the conversion program. Better warnings for potential problems. Several other small changes have been applied here and there.



When querying integer valued features with inequality conditions, such as

word level>0

an unpleasant error was raised if not all words have a level, or if some words have level None.

That has been fixed now.

Missing values and None values always cause the > and < comparisons to be False.



Bug fix in data pre-computation. The bug was introduced in version 7.4.2.

If you have been running that version or a newer one, you might need to recompute your features. Here is how.

Manually: delete the .tf directory in ~/github/.../.../tf/version or in ~/text-fabric-data/.../.../tf/version/.

This directory is hidden on the Mac and Linux and you can make it visible by pressing Cmd+Shift+. on the Mac, or you can navigate to this directory in a terminal and do ls -al (Mac and Linux).

The other method can be used in a Jupyter notebook:

from import Fabric
A = use(...)

After this, restart the notebook, and run it again, except the TF.clearCache.

If you are still pre 7.4.2, you're out of trouble. You can upgrade to 7.4.5



Added checks to the converter for section structure.



A much simpler implementation of conversions from source data to TF. Especially the code that the conversion writer has to produce is simplified.



Small fixes in the token converter.



Easier conversion of data sources to TF: via an intermediate token stream. For more info: see #45




Make sure it works.



Feature display within pretty displays: a newline in a feature value will cause a line break in the display, by means of a <br> element.



Small fix in oslots validation. You can save a data set without the oslots feature (a module). The previous release wrongly flagged a oslots validation error because of a missing oslots feature.

That has been remedied.



If the oslots feature is not valid, weird error messages used to occur when TF tried to load a dataset containing it. The oslots feature was loaded, but the computing of derived data threw a deep error.

Not anymore.

When TF saves the oslots feature it checks whether it is valid: It should map all non-slot nodes and only non-slot nodes to slots.

So, right after you have converted a data source to TF you can check whether the oslots is valid, during

And further down the line, if you somehow have let a faulty oslots pass, and try to load a dataset containing such a oslots feature, TF checks whether the range of nodes mapped by oslots does not have holes in it.

If so, it generates a clear error and stops processing.



Moved the app tutorials from the annotation/app-appName repos into a new annotation/tutorials repo.

The reason: the app-appName are used for downloading the app code. It should not be burdened with extra material, which is also often updated, giving rise to many spurious re-downloads of the app code.

Additionally, for education purposes it is handy to have the tutorials for all apps inside one repo. For example, to use in a Microsoft Azure environment.



Better browsing for corpora with very many top level sections, such as Uruk.

For more info: see #36



Small fix.



Small fixes in the core: the Text API can now work with corpora with only two levels of sections, such as the Quran.



Arabic transcription functions



TF browser: Fixed a performance bottleneck in showing passages. The computation of the highlights took too much time if the query in question has many results.



In the plain() representation NBConvert has a glitch. We can prevent that by directly outputting the plain representation as HTML, instead of going through Markdown. Fixed that.



The TF browser could not find its templates, because I had forgotten to include the template files in the Python package. (More precisely, I had renamed the templates folder from views, which was included, to templates, and I had forgotten to adapt the file).



Glitch in the Uruk app: it imports other modules, but because of the dynamic way it is imported itself, a trick is needed to let it import its submodules correctly.




  • TF has moved house from Dans-labs to annotation on GitHub.
  • The corpus apps have been moved to separate repos with name app-xxxx within annotation
  • The tutorials have been moved from the repos that store the corpus data to the app-xxxx repositories.




The TF browser exports an Excel export of results. Now you can also export to Excel from a notebook, using A.export(results).

Jump to the tutorial: exportExcel

For more info: see #38



Web framework: Bottle => Flask

The dependency on Bottle as web server has been replaced by Flask because Bottle is lagging behind in support for Python 3.7.

Plain display in Uruk

The plain display of lines and cases now outputs their ATF source, instead of merely line 1 or case a.

!!! abstract "Further code reorganization Most Python files are now less than 200 lines, although there is still a code file of more than 1000 lines.



  • Fix broken links to the documentation of the TF API members, after the incantation.
  • Fix in the Uruk lineart option: it could not be unchecked.



TF Browser

  • The TF kernel/server/website is also fit to be served over the internet
  • There is query result highlighting in passage view (like in SHEBANQ)
  • Various tweaks

TF app API

  • prettySetup() has been replaced with displaySetup() and displayReset(), by which you can configure a whole bunch of display parameters selectively.
  • All display functions (pretty plain prettyTuple plainTuple show table) accept a new optional parameter withPassage which will add a section label to the display. This parameter can be regulated in displaySetup.
  • accepts a new optional parameter: sort=... by which you can ask for canonically sorted results (True), custom sorted results (pass your own key function), or unsorted results (False).
  • New functions A.nodeFromSectionStr() and A.sectionStrFromNode() which give the passage string of any kind of node, if possible.
  • The function A.plain() now responds to the highlights parameter: you can highlight material inside plain displays. and display tutorial
  • New function T.sectionTuple(n) which gives the tuple of section nodes in which n is embedded
  • Modified function T.sectionFromNode(n, fillup=False) It used to give a tuple (section1, section2, section3), also for nodes of type section1 and section2 (like book and chapter). The new behaviour is the same if fillup=True. But if fillup=False (default), it returns a 1-tuple for section1 nodes and a 2-tuple for section2 nodes.
  • New API member sortKeyTuple to sort tuples of nodes in the canonical ordering (tf.core.nodes).
  • The code to detect the file name and path of the script / notebook you are running in, is inherently brittle. It is unwise to base decisions on that. This code has been removed from TF. So TF no longer knows whether you are in a notebook or not. And it will no longer produce links to the online notebook on GitHub or NBViewer.
  • Various other fixes


The entry points and paths from superficial to in-depth information have been adapted. Writing docs is an uphill battle.

Under the hood

As TF keeps growing, the need arises over and over again to reorganize the code, weed out duplicate pieces of near identical functionality, and abstract from concrete details to generic patterns. This release has seen a lot of that.




  • Queries in the TF browser are limited to three minutes, after that a graceful error message is shown.
  • Other small fixes.



  • You can use custom sets in queries in the TF browser
  • Reorganized the docs of the individual apps, took the common parts together
  • New functions writeSets and readSets in tf.lib




  • In the BHSA, feature values on the atom-types and subphrases are now shown too, and that includes extra features from foreign datasets
  • The feature listing after the incantation in a notebook now lists the loaded modules in a meaningful order.



  • Small fixes in text-fabric-zip
  • Internal reorganization of the code
  • Documentation updates (but internal docs are still lagging behind)



  • Fixed messages and logic in finding data and checking for updates (thanks to feedback of Christian Højgaard-Jensen)
  • Fixed issue #30
  • Improved the doc links under features after the incantation.
  • Typos in the documentation



Just before SBL Denver, two years after SBL San Antonio, where I started writing TF, here is major version 7.

Here is what is new:

  • you can call in "foreign data": TF feature files made by yourself and other researchers;
  • the foreign data shows up in the TF browser;
  • all features that are used in a query, show up in the pretty displays in the TF browser, also the foreign features;
  • there is a command to prepare your own data for distribution via GitHub;
  • the incantation is simpler, but it has changed in a backwards-incompatible way;
  • after the incantation, for each feature it is shown where it comes from.

Under the hood:

  • apps (bhsa, peshitta, syrnt, uruk) have been refactored thoroughly;
  • a lot of repeated code inside apps has been factored out
  • it is easier to turn corpora into new TF apps.

Quick start: the new share

See the tf.about.datasharing for concrete and detailed hints how to make most of this version.





  • Bug fix: Now TF can truly work if you do not have a feature in your dataset.
  • Tests added for basic relations in search: all relations are rigorously tested, a few small bugs fixed.
  • The comment sign in queries is now %, only at the start of a line.



Big bug fix in queries: basic relationships in combination with custom sets. The implementation of the basic relationships did not reckon with custom sets that contains both slot nodes and non-slot nodes. And it did not trigger the right code when a custom set has only slot nodes. That has been remedied. Some of the search tutorials have been expanded to include a number of these critical cases. A more complete test suite outside the tutorials is still on my to do list. Thanks to Cody Kingham for spotting and reporting this bug.

6.4, 6.4.1-2


  • A passage browsing interface that interacts with the search results.
  • The interface scrolls to the highlighted row.

Minor things:

  • More refined warnings when you run out of memory
  • TF checks whether you are running 64 bit Python. If not, a warning is issued.




  • Better documentation for installation of TF on Ubuntu.
  • Added new module requirements: ipykernel and notebook.



An optional parameter silent=False has been added to the initialization calls of the specific app APIs: you can say now

A = Xxxx(silent=True)

where Xxxx is a know corpus.

and then all non-error messages will be suppressed. If the underlying TF API needs to pre-compute data, it will still be shown, because this may cause an otherwise unexpected delay. Since this is a relatively rare case, and since this can be remedied by running the call again, I leave this behaviour as it is.



  • Character tables for Hebrew and Syriac, with links to them from the TF browser
  • Better font handling
  • In the pretty and plain functions you can pass a fmt parameter, to control the text representation (original script, transcription, phonetics)
  • You can also control the text representation in the TF browser.




  • Added ETCBC / WIT transcriptions to the SyrNT data source. Now both Peshitta and Syriac New Testament have ETCBC transcriptions.
  • The older, rectangular logo makes place for the more crisp, circular one



  • New app: SyrNT (Syriac New Testament. It works much like the Peshitta, but the SyrNT data has linguistic annotations at the word and lexeme levels. After this upgrade you can browse the SyrNT by saying
    tf syrnt

    on the command-line.



  • New app: Peshitta. It works much like the BHSA, but there is one big difference: the current Peshitta data does not have linguistic annotations. There are just books, chapters, verses and words. We expect to add lemmatisation of words shortly. After this upgrade you can browse the Peshitta by saying

    tf peshitta

    on the command-line. * Fixed a bug in exportMQL: when there are no enumerated values, do not write out an empty CREATE ENUMERATION statement to the MQL file.




  • More precise provenance data when you export results from the TF data;
  • Under the hood reorganization of configuration data of apps like Bhsa and Uruk;
  • App-specific parts of the code have moved to more generic parts: a big cleanup has performed;
  • This will make it easier to add new apps.




  • Avoid computing the notebook name when the user passes a name for the notebook to Uruk() or Bhsa(). And when the computing needs to be done, all exceptions will be caught, because the code for determining the notebook name is brittle, and may crash if the Jupyter version does not match.
  • Fixed the bug that the Bhsa and Uruk did not run properly outside a notebook or outside a GitHub repo.
  • In Bhsa and Uruk, the generated info after the incantation can be collapsed (features, API members).



In the BHSA, the edge features are now shown too after the incantation.

If you hoist the API members into your namespace, you will get a list of hoisted names, linked to the API documentation.



When using BHSA and Uruk in a notebook, there is an even simpler incantation which auto downloads features.

In the BHSA it is shown which features are loaded, with direct links to the feature docs.



When using BHSA and Uruk in a notebook, there is a simpler incantation which auto downloads features.

Some issues concerning paths in zip files of downloaded data have been solved.


Easier incantations for Bhsa() and Uruk().

  • It is no longer needed to pass the name of the notebook, but you can still do so: name='mynotebook'
  • You can leave out the api argument in Bhsa(). Then you do not have to load features by means of TF.load(), Bhsa() will load a standard set of features, and if the BHSA data is missing, it will download them first.

The former ways of calling Bhsa() and Uruk() are still valid. Note that all arguments have become optional.


The TF browser will always print a banner with its name and version. If you pass it the argument --help or -h or --version or -v it will show the relevant information and stop executing.



The TF browser takes it data by default from ~/text-fabric-data. It will not check local GitHub clones for data.

But if you pass the option -lgc, it will first check your local GitHub clones.

So it you do nothing special, the TF browser always works with the auto-downloaded data.



Not only the core BHSA data will auto load, also the related PHONO and PARALLELS data. A new release has been made of the related data, and they are now in sync with the release of the core data.

If you use auto load already, you do not have to do anything.

But if you have the ETCBC/phono and ETCBC/parallels repos in your ~/github folder, you should do a git pull origin master on those repos.

N.B.: I am contemplating to have the TF browser always use data from ~/text-fabric-data and no longer from ~/github/ETCBC. Then the TF browser always controls its own data, and it will not occur that the version of the TF browser is not compatible with the version of the TF data in your GitHub repos, or that the main data and the related data are out of sync.

The disadvantage is that if you have the GitHub repos on your system, you get redundant data in ~/text-fabric-data. However, there is only one version kept in ~/text-fabric-data, so this is not much.



A big update with several changes:

API change:

T.text() has got more behaviours.

This change was needed for the TF browser, in order to represent lexemes in exported files.

(2024-10-02 The following links are broken, these files no longer exist)

Showcase: BHSA dictionary

Here is how you can collect the BHSA lexemes in an Excel sheet.

It might also be handy for the programmers among you.

Auto update

The TF browser checks if you are using the most recent release of the data.

Font rendering

A font rendering issue in Safari 12 in macos Mojave prevented the use of Ezra SIL for Hebrew in notebooks. We now work around this by relying on the distribution of Ezra SIL as web font in the font library.

Additional small fixes.

Not worth telling.

update TF

To update TF itself to version 6.0, consult tf.about.install. Perform this step first, because the new TF may download the new data for you.

Data update needed

In order to work successfully with the new T.text() function, you need a newer release (1.4) of the BHSA data. (In fact, only one line in one feature has changed (

Here is how you get the new data release:


If previously your TF browser has automatically downloaded the data for you, it will detect the new release and download it automatically. You do not have to do anything, except increase your patience. The download (24MB) takes some time and after that TF will pre-compute related data, which may take a few minutes. This is a one-time-step after a data update.


If you get error messages, then you have local changes in your local BHSA repository that conflict with the GitHub version. Probably you have run the tutorials in place. Best thing to do is:

  • copy your BHSA tutorial directory to somewhere else;
  • remove your local BHSA repository entirely;
  • decide whether you really want the whole repo back (nearly 4GB).

If not: you're done, and TF will download automatically the data it needs.

If you still need it: move one directory up (into the ETCBC directory) and do git clone

If you want to consult the tutorials, either:

  • view them on NBViewer; or
  • run them in a directory outside the BHSA repo (where you have copied it a minute ago).





Solved a font-rendering issue on Safari 12 (MacOS Mojave): locally installed fonts, such as Ezra SIL are not being honoured. So I linked to a style sheet of the font library which has a web font version of Ezra SIL. That worked.



Exported tab-separated files get extension .tsv instead of .csv, because then they render better in GitHub.



Small optimization. More docs about reading and writing Excel compatible CSV files with Hebrew characters in it.



Better exporting from TF browser: a good RESULTSX.tsv with results, sensibly augmented with information, directly openable in Excel, even when non-latin UNICODE code characters are present . All features that occur in the search template are drawn in into the RESULTSX.tsv, onto the nodes they filter.

An additional feature filtering is now possible in search templates: feature*. This acts as "no additional constraint", so it does not influence the result set. But it will be picked up and used to add information into the RESULTSX.tsv.




The TF browser exports results as node lists and produces also a CONTEXT.tsv with all feature values for all nodes in the results. However, it does not contain full text representations of the nodes and it is also not possible to see in what verses the nodes occur.

That has changed. The last column of CONTEXT.tsv contains the full text of a node. And there are three columns at the beginning that contain the references to the sections the node is in. For the BHSA that is the book, chapter and verse.



BHSA app in TF Browser: the book names on the verse pad should be the English book names. That is now in the help texts, including a link to the list of English book names.



Problem in use of msgCache in the search engine, which caused fetch() to fail in some cases. Fixed.



Fix in left-to-right displays of extra features in pretty() displays in the BHSA.



Bug fix in w.r.t. to Syriac transcriptions.



BHSA app: adjusted the color of the gloss attribute: darker.



Fixed: when opening files for reading and writing for an export of a TF browser session: specify that the encoding is utf8. This is needed on those Windows versions where the default encoding is something else, usually cp1252.



No change, only in the build script. This is a test whether after uploading to PyPi, users can upgrade without using the --no-cache-dir in their pip commands.



The main functions in kernel and web can be passed arguments, instead that they always read from sys.argv.

So that it can be used packaged apps.



Extra option when starting up the TF web interface: -docker to let the web server listen at instead of localhost.

So that it can be used in a Docker container.



Extra option when starting up the TF web interface: -noweb to not start the web browser.

So that it can be used in a Docker container.



Better error reporting of quantified queries.



  • Faster export of big CSV lists.
  • Tweaks in the web interface.
  • Cleaner termination of processes.
  • The concept TF data server is now called TF kernel



  • Better in catching out-of-memory errors.
  • Prevents creation of corrupt compiled binary TF data.
  • Prevents starting the web server if the TF kernel fails to load.



Optimization is export from TF browser.



Better help display.

  • The opened-state of help sections is remembered.
  • You can open help next to an other open section in the sidebar.



Crisper icon.



Docs updated. Little bit of refactoring.



In the TF browser, use a selection of all the features when working with the BHSA. Otherwise in Windows you might run out of memory, even if you have 8GB RAM.



TF can download data for BHSA and Uruk. You do not have to clone GitHub repositories for that. The data downloaded by TF ends up in text-fabric-data under your home directory.




Experimenting with setuptools to get the tf script working on Windows.



Added renaming / duplicating of jobs and change of directory.



Small fixes in error reporting in search.



TF browser: at export a CSV file with all results is created, and also a markdown file with metadata.

Small fixes.



Improved interface and functionality of the TF browser:

  • you can save your work
  • you can enter verse references and tablet P numbers
  • there is help
  • there is a side bar

Docs not up to date

The API docs are not up-to-date: there are new functions in the Bhsa and Uruk APIs. The server/kernel/client APIs are not completely spelled out. However, the help for the TF browser is included in the interface itself.




Small fix: command-line arguments for TF.



Better process management

When the TF web interface is started, it cleans up remnant process that might get in the way otherwise. You can also say

tf -k

to kill all remnant processes, or

tf -k corpus

to kill the processes for a specific corpus only.

Manual node entry

You can enter nodes manually in the TF browser. Handy for quick inspection. You can click on the sequence number to append the node tuple of that row to the tuple input field. That way you can collect interesting results.

Name and Description

You can enter a name which will be used as title and file name during export.

You can enter a description in Markdown. When you export your query, the description appears formatted on top.


If you export a query, provenance is added, using DOIs.

Small fixes

No more blank pages due to double page breaks.




  • Added an expand all checkbox in the TF browser, to expand all shown rows or to collapse them.
  • Export function for search results in the TF browser. What you see is what you get, 1 pretty display per page if you have the browser save it to PDF.
  • Small tweaks



When displaying results in condensed mode, you can now choose the level of the container in which results are highlighted. So far it was fixed to verse for the bhsa and tablet for Uruk.

The docs are lagging behind! But it is shown in the tutorials and you can observer it in the TF browser.




Addressed start-up problems.



Built in web server and client for local query running. It is implemented for Bhsa and Uruk.





New distribution method with setuptools. TF has now dependencies on modules rpyc and bottle, because it contains a built-in TF kernel and web server.

This website is still barely functional, though.



Search API:

Escapes in regular expression search was buggy and convoluted. If a feature value contains a | then in an RE you have to enter \| to match it. But to have that work in a TF search, you needed to say \\\|.

On the other hand, in the same case for . instead of |, you could just sat \.

In the new situation you do not have to double escape in regular expressions anymore. You can just say \| and \..



Search API: accepts a new optional parameter: withContext. It triggers the output of context information for nodes in the result tuples.




Search API:

The /with/ /or/ /or/ /-/ quantifier is also allowed with zero /or/ s.

Small fix in the /with/ quantifier if there are quantifiers between this one and its parent atom.



Search API:

Improved quantifiers in search:

  • /where/ /have/ /without/ /with/ /or/ /-/;
  • much clearer indentation rules (no caret anymore);
  • better reporting by



Search API:

  • quantifiers may use the name .. to refer to their parents
  • you may use names in the place of atoms, which lessens the need for constructs with p = q
  • stricter checks on the syntax and position of quantifiers



Docs and metadata update



  • API Change in Search.

    In search templates I recently added things like

    word vt!

    which checks for words that do not have a value for feature vt.

    The syntax for this has now changed to

    word vt#
  • Unequal (#) in feature value conditions.

    Now you can say things like

    word vt#infa|infc

    meaning that the value of feature is not one of infa, infc.

    So, in addition to = we have # for "not equal". * Quantifiers.

    You can now use quantifiers in search. One of them is like NOTEXIST in MQL.

  • A number of minor fixes.




  • Several improvements in the pretty display in Bhsa and Uruk APIs
  • Under the hood changes in to prepare for quantifiers in search templates.

    • Tokenization of quantifiers already works
    • Searches can now spawn auxiliary searches without polluting intermediate data
    • This has been done by promoting the S API to a factory of search engines. By default, S creates and maintains a single factory, so to the user it is the same S. But when it needs to run a query in the middle of processing another query it can just spawn another search engine to do that, without interfering with the original search.
  • NB: the search tutorial for the Bhsa got too big. It has thoroughly been rewritten.



The Search API has been extended:

  • you can use custom sets in your query templates
  • you can search in shallow mode: instead of full result tuples, you just get a set of the top-level thing you mention in your template.

This functionality is a precursor for quantifiers in search templates but is also a powerful addition to search in its own right.




Bhsa and Uruk APIs:

  • custom highlight colours also work for condensed results.
  • you can pass the highlights parameter also to show and prettyTuple



Bhsa API: you can customize the features that are shown in pretty displays.



Bhsa and Uruk APIs: you can customize the highlighting of search results:

  • different colours for different parts of the results
  • you can choose your colours freely from all that CSS has to offer.

See the updated search tutorials.




No changes, just quirks in the update process to get a new version of TF out.



Documentation updates.



  • Additions to Search. You can now include the values of edges in your search templates.
  • F.feature.freqList() accepts a new parameter: nodeTypes. It will restrict its results to nodes in one of the types in nodeTypes.
  • You can now also do E.feature.freqList(). It will count the number of edges if the edge is declared to be without values, or it will give a frequency list of the edges by value if the edge has values. Like F.freqList, you can pass parameters to constrain the frequency list to certain node types. You can constrain the node types from which the edges start (nodeTypesFrom) and where they arrive (nodeTypesTo).
  • New documentation system based on MkDocs.





The Uruk and Bhsa APIs show the version of TF that is being called.




  • cases are divided horizontally and vertically, alternating with their nesting level;
  • cases have a feature depth now, indicating at which level of nesting they are.



Various small fixes, such as:

  • Bhsa: Lexeme links in pretty displays.

  • Uruk: Prevented spurious </div> in NbViewer.


Uruk: Modified local image names


Small tweaks in search.



Bhsa API:

  • new functions plain() and table() for plainly representing nodes, tuples and result lists, as opposed to the abundant representations by pretty() and show().



Uruk API:

  • new functions plain() and table() for plainly representing nodes, tuples and result lists, as opposed to the abundant representations by pretty() and show().



Better search documentation.

Uruk API: small fixes.



Bhsa API:

  • Search / show: you can now show results condensed: i.e. a list of passages with highlighted results is returned. This is how SHEBANQ represents the results of a query. If you have two results in the same verse, with condensed=True you get one verse display with two highlights, with condensed=False you get two verse displays with one highlight each.

Uruk API:

  • Search / show: the pretty, prettyTuple, show functions of the Bhsa API have bee translated to the Uruk API. You can now get very pretty displays of search results.




  • You can use regular expressions to specify feature values in queries.
  • You could already search for nodes which have a non-None value for a certain feature. Now you can also search for the complement: nodes that do not have a certain feature.

Bhsa API:

The display of query results also works with lexeme nodes.




Uruk API: Better height and width control for images. Leaner captions.



Uruk API: casesByLevel() returns case nodes in corpus order.



Change in the Uruk API reflecting that undivided lines have no cases now (was: they had a single case with the same material as the line). Also: the feature fullNumber on cases is now called number, and contains the full hierarchical part leading to a case. There is an extra feature terminal on lines and cases if they are not subdivided.

Changes in Uruk and Bhsa API:

  • fixed a bug that occurred when working outside a GitHub repository.



Change in the Uruk API. casesByLevel() now takes an optional argument terminal instead of withChildren, with opposite values.

withChildren=False is ambiguous: will it deliver only cases that have no children (intended), or will it deliver cases and their children (understood, but not intended).

terminal=True: delivers only cases that are terminal.

terminal=False: delivers all cases at that level.



Small fix in the bhsa API.

Bumped the version number because of the inclusion of corpus specific APIs.




  • TF now contains corpus specific extras:
    • for the Hebrew Bible (BHSA)
    • for the Proto-Cuneiform corpus Uruk
  • The Fabric(locations=locations, modules=modules) constructor now uses [''] as default value for modules. Now you can use the locations parameter on its own to specify the search paths for TF features, leaving the modules parameter undefined, if you wish.



Enhancement in search templates: you can now test for the presence of features. Till now, you could only test for one or more concrete values of features. So, in addition to things like

word number=plural tense=yiqtol

you can also say things like

word number=plural tense

and it will give you words in the plural that have a tense.



The short API names F, T, L etc. have been aliased to longer names: Feature, Text, Locality, etc.



Removed the sub module It is better to keep corpus dependent modules in outside the TF package.



Added a sub module, which contains methods to produce ATF transcriptions for nodes of certain types.



API change Previously, the functions L.d() and L.u() took rank into account. In the Hebrew Bible, that means that L.d(sentence) will not return a verse, even if the verse is contained in the sentence.

This might be handy for sentences and verses, but in general this behaviour causes problems. It also disturbs the expectation that with these functions you get all embedders and embeddees.

So we have lifted this restriction. Still, the results of the L functions have an ordering that takes into account the levels of the returned nodes.

Enhancement Previously, TF determined the levels of node types automatically, based on the average slot-size of nodes within the node types. So books get a lower level than chapters than verses than phrases, etc.

However, working with cuneiform tablets revealed that containing node types may have a smaller average size than contained node types. This happens when a container type only contains small instances of the contained type and not the bigger ones.

Now you can override the computation by TF by means of a key-value in the otext feature.




Fixed a small problem in sectionFromNode(n) when n is a node within a primary section but outside secondary / tertiary sections.



Small fix in the Text API. If your data set does not have language dependent features, for section level 1 headings, such as book@en, book@sw, the Text API will not break, and the plain book feature will be taken always.

We also reformatted all code with a PEP8 code formatter.



Small adaptions in conversion from MQL to TF, it can now also convert the MQL coming from CALAP dataset (Syriac).



Nothing changed, only the names of some variables and the text of some messages. The terminology has been made more consistent with the fabric metaphor, in particular, grid has been replaced by warp.



The exportMQL() function now generates one single enumeration type that serves for all enumeration features. That makes it possible to compare values of different enumeration features with each other, such as ps and prs_ps.



The exportMQL() function now generates enumeration types for features, if certain conditions are fulfilled. That makes it possible to query those features with the IN relationship of MQL, like [chapter book IN (Genesis, Exodus)].




When reading edges with values, also the edges without a value are taken in.



Edges with edge values did not allow for the absence of values. Now they do.



A major tweak in the importMQL() function so that it can handle gaps in the monad sequence. The issue arose when converting MQL for version 3 of the BHSA. In that version there are somewhat arbitrary gaps in the monad sequence between the books of the Hebrew Bible. I transform a gapped sequence of monads into a continuous sequence of slots.



Another little tweak in the importMQL() function so that it can handle more patterns in the MQL dump file. The issue arose when converting MQL for version 3 of the BHSA.



Little tweak in the importMQL() function so that it can handle more patterns in the MQL dump file. The issue arose when converting MQL for extrabiblical material.

3.0.2, 3.0.3


No changes, only an update of the package metadata, to reflect that TF has moved from ETCBC to Dans-labs.



Bug fix in reading edge features with values.



MQL! You can now convert MQL data into a TF dataset: importMQL(). We had already exportMQL().

The consequence is that we can operate with much agility between the worlds of MQL and TF.

We can start with source data in MQL, convert it to TF, combine it with other TF data sources, compute additional stuff and add it, and then finally export it as enriched MQL, so that the enriched data can be queried by MQL.





Completion: TF defines the concept of edges that carry a value. But so far we have not used them. It turned out that it was impossible to let TF know that an edge carries values, when saving data as a new feature. Now it is possible.



Bug fix: it was not possible to get T.nodeFromSection(('2_Chronicles', 36, 23)), the last verse in the Bible.

This is the consequence of a bug in pre-computing the sections sections. The preparation step used

range(firstVerse, lastVerse)

somewhere, which should of course have been

range(firstVerse, lastVerse + 1)



Loading TF was not completely silent if silent=True was passed. Better now.



  • Small fix in The spec says that the metadata under the empty key will be inserted into all features, but in fact this did not happen. Instead it was used as a default when some feature did not have metadata specified.

    From now on, that metadata will spread through all features.

  • New API function explore, to get a list of all known features in a dataset.



  • Small fix in Search: the implementation of the relation operator || (disjoint slot sets) was faulty. Repaired.

(2024-10-02) The following tutorial no longer exists. What comes closest is the BHSA searchGaps tutorial

  • The search tutorial got an extra example: how to look for gaps. Gaps are not a primitive in the TF search language. Yet the language turns out to be powerful enough to look for gaps. This answers a question by Cody Kingham.



When defining text formats in the feature, you can now include newlines and tabs in the formats. Enter them as \n and \t.



TF has a list of default locations to look for data sources: ~/Downloads, ~/github, etc. Now ~/Dropbox has been added to that list.



The section levels (book, chapter, verse) were supposed to be customisable through the otext feature. But in fact, up till version 2.3.7 this did not work. From now on the names of the section types and the features that name / number them, are given in the otext feature. It is still the case that exactly three levels must be specified, otherwise it does not work.



Fixes. Added an extra default location for looking for TF data sources, for the benefit of running TF within a shared notebook service.



Bug fix in Search. Spotted by Cody Kingham. Relational operators between atoms in the template got discarded after an outdent.



Also the Fabric() call can be made silent now.




  • you can load features more silently. See TF.load();
  • you can search more silently. See;
  • you can search more concisely. See the new;
  • when fetching results, the amount parameter of S.fetch() has been renamed to limit;
  • the tutorial notebooks (see links on top) have been updated.



Bug fix: the results of F.feature.s(), E.feature.f(), and E.features.t() are now all tuples. They were a mixture of tuples and lists.



Bug fix: when searching simple queries with only one query node, the result nodes were delivered as integers, instead of 1-tuples of integers.



We start archiving releases of TF at Zenodo.




Small fixes.



New: sortKey

The API has a new member: sortKey

(2024-10-02) The following tutorial no longer exists. What comes closest is the BHSA search tutorial

New relationships in templates: nearness. See for examples the end of the search tutorial. Thanks to James Cuénod for requesting nearness operators.

  • in S.glean() word nodes were not printed;
  • the check whether the search graph consists of a single connected component did not handle the case of one node without edges well;




Various fixes.



New: relations

Some relations have been added to search templates:

  • =: and := and ::: start at same slot, end at same slot, start at same slot and end at same slot
  • <: and :>: adjacent before and adjacent next.

The latter two can also be used through the L-API: L.p() and L.n().

The data that feeds them is pre-computed and available as C.boundary.

New: enhanced search templates

You can now easily make extra constraints in search templates without naming atoms.

(2024-10-02) The following tutorial no longer exists. What comes closest is the BHSA search tutorial

See the search tutorial for an updated exposition on searching.





Want to feel cosy with Christmas? Put your laptop on your lap, update TF, and start playing with search. Your laptop will spin itself warm with your queries!

TF just got a powerful search facility, based on (graph)-templates.

It is still very fresh, and more experimentation will be needed. Feedback is welcome.

(2024-10-02) The following tutorial no longer exists. What comes closest is the BHSA search tutorial

Start with the tutorial.

The implementation of this search engine can be nicely explained with a textile metaphor: spinning wool into yarn and then stitching the yarns together.

That will be explained further in a document that I'll love to write during Xmas.









bug fix

There was an error in computing the order of nodes. One of the consequences was that objects that occupy the same slots were not ordered properly. And that had as consequence that you could not go up from words in one-word phrases to their containing phrase.

It has been remedied.


Your computed data needs to be refreshed. This can be done by calling a new function TF.clearCache(). When you use TF after this, you will see it working quite hard to recompute a bunch of data.



Documentation update




Data update needed

Frequency lists

F.feature.freqList(): get a sorted frequency list for any feature. Handy as a first step in exploring a feature.

Export to MQL

TF.exportMQL(): export a whole dataset as a MQL database. Including all modules that you have loaded with it.


The slot numbers start at 0, no longer at 1. Personally I prefer the zero starting point, but Emdros insists on positive monads and objects ids. Most important is that users do not have to add / subtract one from the numbers they see in TF if they want to use it in MQL and vice versa.

Because of this you need to update your data too:

    cd ~/github/text-fabric-data
    git pull origin master
Expand source code Browse git
.. include:: ../docs/about/