Module tf.dataset.modify
from tf.dataset import modify
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# Modify
## Usage
``` python
from tf.dataset import modify
import collections
import functools
from ..fabric import Fabric
from ..parameters import WARP, OTYPE, OSLOTS, OTEXT
from ..core.timestamp import Timestamp, SILENT_D, DEEP
from ..core.helpers import itemize, fitemize, isInt, collectFormats
from ..core.files import dirEmpty, expanduser as ex
VALTP = "valueType"
NODE = "node"
NODES = "nodes"
EDGE = "edge"
EDGES = "edges"
NFS = "nodeFeatures"
EFS = "edgeFeatures"
NF = "nodeFrom"
NT = "nodeTo"
NS = "nodeSlots"
SE_TP = "sectionTypes"
SE_FT = "sectionFeatures"
ST_TP = "structureTypes"
ST_FT = "structureFeatures"
def _rep(iterable):
return ", ".join(sorted(iterable))
def modify(
"""Modifies the supply of node types and features in a single data set.
Dependent on the presence of the parameters, the following steps will be
executed before the result is written out as a new TF dataset:
* merge existing features into an other feature, removing the features
that went in;
* delete any number of existing features;
* add any number of features and their data;
* merge existing node types into a new one, removing the
types that went in, without loss of nodes;
So far, no new nodes have been added or removed. But then:
* delete any number of node types with their nodes;
* add any number of new node types, with nodes and features.
The last two actions lead to a shifting of nodes, and all features that map
them, will be shifted accordingly.
After all that, there is one remaining action that could be performed
You can also pass meta data to be merged in.
Finally, the resulting features will be written to disk.
!!! hint "Only added / merged features"
It is possible to output only the added and merged features instead
of a complete dataset. Just pass the boolean value `True` to `deleteFeatures`
location: string
You can pass just the location of the original dataset in the file system,
i.e. the directory that contains the `.tf` files.
targetLocation: string
The directory into which the result dataset will be written.
targetVersion: string, optional None
If given, the new version that will be written to the metadata of each
feature in the modified dataset.
If None, no version modification takes place.
mergeFeatures: dict, optional None
You can merge several features into one. This is especially useful if there
are many features each operating on different node types, and you want to
unify them into one feature.
The situation may occur that several of the features to be merged supply
conflicting values for a node. Then the last feature in the merge list wins.
The result feature may exist already. Also then there is a risk of conflict.
Again, the merge result wins.
resultFeature1=[feat1, feat2],
resultFeature2="feat3, feat4",
If the resulting feature is new, or needs a new description, you can
provide metadata in the `featureMeta` argument.
For new features you may want to set the `valueType`, although we try
hard to deduce it from the data available.
deleteFeatures: boolean | string | iterable, optional None
This should be either a boolean value `True` or an iterable or space/comma
separated string of features that you want to delete from the result.
`True` means: all features will be deleted that are not the result of merging
or adding features (see `mergeFeatures` above and `addFeatures` below.
addFeatures: dict, optional None
You can add as many features as you want, assigning values to all types,
including new nodes of new types that have been generated in the steps before.
You can also use this parameter to override existing features:
if a feature that you are adding already exists, the new data will be merged
in, overriding assignments of the existing feature if there is a conflict.
The meta data of the old and new feature will also be merged.
This parameter must have this shape:
If the resulting features are new, or need a new description, you can
provide metadata in the `featureMeta` argument.
For new features you may want to set the `valueType`, although we try
hard to deduce it from the data available.
mergeTypes: dict, optional None
You can merge several node types into one.
The merged node type will have the union of nodes of the types that are merged.
All relevant features will stay the same, except the `otype` feature of course.
You can pass additional information to be added as features to nodes
of the new node type.
These features can be used to discriminate between the merged types.
This parameter must have this shape:
outTypeB="inType3, inType4",
It does not matter if these types and features already occur.
The `outTypes` may be existing types of really new types.
The new features may be existing or new features.
Do not forget to provide meta data for new features in the `featureMeta` argument.
This will migrate nodes of type `inType1` or `inType2` to nodes of `outTypeA`.
In the extended form, when there are feature specifications associated
with the old types, after merging the following assignments will be made:
`featureI = valueI` to nodes coming from `inType1`
`featureK = valueK` to nodes coming from `inType2`.
No nodes will be removed!
!!! caution "slot types"
Merging is all about non-slot types.
It is an error if a new type or an old type is a slot type.
deleteTypes: string | iterable, optional None
You can delete node types from the result altogether.
You can specify a list of node types as an iterable or as a space
separated string.
If a node type has to be deleted, all nodes in that type
will be removed, and features that assign values to these nodes will have
those assignments removed.
deleteTypes=('line', 'sentence')
deleteTypes="line sentence"
!!! caution "slot types"
Deleting is all about non-slot types.
It is an error to attempt to delete slot type.
addTypes: dict, optional None
You may add as many node types as you want.
Per node type that you add, you need to specify the current boundaries of
that type and how all those nodes map to slots.
You can also add features that assign values to those nodes:
The boundaries may be completely arbitrary, so if you get your nodes from another
TF data source, you do not need to align their values.
If you also add features about those nodes, the only thing that matters is
that the features assign the right values to the nodes within the boundaries.
Assignments to nodes outside the boundaries will be ignored.
The slots that you link the new nodes to, must exist in the original.
You cannot use this function to add slots to your data set.
!!! caution "existing node types"
It is an error if a new node type already exists in the original,
unless that type is meant to be deleted.
!!! info "`nodeFeatures`, `edgeFeatures`"
You can add any number of features.
Per feature you have to provide the mapping that defines the feature.
These features may be new,
or they may already be present in the original data.
If these features have values for nodes that are not within the boundaries
of the new node type,
those values will not be assigned but silently discarded.
Edge features without values are specified like this:
n1={m1, m2},
n2={m3, m4},
n1={m5, m6},
n2={m7, m8},
Edge features with values are specified like this:
n1={m1: v1, m2: v2},
n2={m3: v3, m4: v4},
n1={m5: v5, m6: v6},
n2={m7: v7, m8: v8},
!!! info "`edgeFeatures` to nodes of other types"
However, you may want to define edge features that relate the new nodes
to nodes of other types. There is a limited way to do that.
* the other type must be the last type that was added before the current
* the nodes in the specification of the previously added type must be
disjoint from the nodes of the currently added type.
replaceSlotType: string, optional None
If passed, it should be a tuple whose first member is a valid, non-slot
node type.
The slot type will be replaced by this node type and the original slots will
be deleted.
The remaining members are features that should be discarded in the process,
they are typically features defined for old slot nodes that have little or no
meaning for new slot nodes.
Other features that are defined for old slots carry over to the corresponding
new slots, but only if the new slot does not have already that feature
assigned. Only the value of the first old slot that corresponds with a new slot
carries over to that new slot.
When the original slot type gets replaced, the slot mapping of other nodes
needs to be adjusted. The new slots are a coarser division of the
corpus than the old slots. It might even be the case that the new slots
do not cover the corpus completely.
If other nodes are linked to slots that are not covered by the new slots,
these links are lost.
This may lead to nodes that do not have links to slots anymore.
These nodes will be lost, together with the feature values for these nodes
and the edges that involve these nodes.
Once the slot type is replaced, you may want to adapt the text formats in
the OTEXT feature. You can do so by passing appropriate values
in the `featureMeta` argument.
featureMeta: dict, optional None
If the features you have specified in one of the parameters above are new,
do not forget to pass metadata for them in this parameter
It is especially important to state the value type:
description='level of node'
description='subtype of node'
You can also tweak the section / structure configuration and the
text-formats that are specified in the `otext` feature.
Just specify them as keys and values to the `otext` feature.
The logic of tweaking meta data is this: what you provide in this
parameter will be merged into existing meta data.
If you want to remove a key from a feature, give it the value None.
silent: string, optional tf.core.timestamp.SILENT_D
See `tf.core.timestamp.Timestamp`
TM = Timestamp()
indent = TM.indent
info =
error = TM.error
warning = TM.warning
setSilent = TM.setSilent
addFeatures = addFeatures or {}
onlyDeliverUpdatedFeatures = False
if type(deleteFeatures) is bool and deleteFeatures:
deleteFeatures = set()
onlyDeliverUpdatedFeatures = True
deleteFeatures = set(fitemize(deleteFeatures))
mergeFeatures = mergeFeatures or {}
addTypes = addTypes or {}
deleteTypes = set(fitemize(deleteTypes))
mergeTypes = mergeTypes or {}
featureMeta = featureMeta or {}
origMaxNode = None
origNodeTypes = None
origNodeFeatures = None
origEdgeFeatures = None
origFeatures = None
shift = {}
shiftNeeded = False
slotType = None
maxNode = None
nodeFeatures = {}
edgeFeatures = {}
deletedTypes = set()
deletedFeatures = set()
nodeTypes = {}
nodeFeaturesOut = {}
edgeFeaturesOut = {}
metaDataOut = {}
api = None
good = True
ePrefix = ""
eItem = ""
targetLocation = ex(targetLocation)
def err(msg):
nonlocal good
error(f"{ePrefix}{eItem}{msg}", tm=False)
good = False
def warn(msg):
warning(f"WARNING: {ePrefix}{eItem}{msg}", tm=False)
def inf(msg):
info(f"{ePrefix}{eItem}{msg}", tm=False)
def meta(feat):
return api.TF.features[feat].metaData
def valTp(feat):
return meta(feat).get(VALTP, None)
def otextInfo():
orig = meta(OTEXT)
custom = featureMeta.get(OTEXT, {})
combi = {}
for key in set(custom) | set(orig):
origVal = orig.get(key, "")
customVal = custom.get(key, "")
combi[key] = customVal or origVal
ensureTypes = set()
ensureFeatures = set()
for kind in (SE_TP, ST_TP):
ensureTypes |= set(itemize(combi.get(kind, ""), sep=","))
for kind in (SE_FT, ST_FT):
ensureFeatures |= set(itemize(combi.get(kind, ""), sep=","))
ensureFeatures |= set(collectFormats(combi)[-1])
return (ensureTypes, ensureFeatures)
def allInt(values):
return all(isInt(v) for v in values) and any(True for v in values)
def prepare():
nonlocal api
nonlocal origNodeTypes
nonlocal origFeatures
nonlocal origNodeFeatures
nonlocal origEdgeFeatures
nonlocal origMaxNode
nonlocal slotType
nonlocal maxNode
nonlocal shift
nonlocal ePrefix
nonlocal eItem
indent(level=0, reset=True)
info("preparing and checking ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
TF = Fabric(locations=location, silent=silent)
origAllFeatures = TF.explore(silent=DEEP, show=True)
origNodeFeatures = set(origAllFeatures[NODES])
origEdgeFeatures = set(origAllFeatures[EDGES])
origFeatures = origNodeFeatures | origEdgeFeatures
api = TF.load("", silent=silent)
if not api:
return False
F = api.F
C = api.C
slotType = F.otype.slotType
origNodeTypes = {x[0]: (x[2], x[3]) for x in}
origMaxSlot = F.otype.maxSlot
origMaxNode = F.otype.maxNode
maxNode = origMaxNode
addedTp = set()
addedFt = set()
deletedTp = set()
deletedFt = set()
# check mergeFeatures
ePrefix = "Merge features: "
for outFeat, inFeats in mergeFeatures.items():
eItem = f"{outFeat}: "
inFeats = fitemize(inFeats)
if outFeat in WARP:
err("Can not merge into standard features")
if not inFeats:
err("Nothing to merge from")
for inFeat in inFeats:
if inFeat in WARP:
err(f"Can not merge from standard features: {inFeat}")
missingIn = {f for f in inFeats if f not in origFeatures}
if missingIn:
err(f"Missing features {_rep(missingIn)}")
allInIsNode = all(f in origNodeFeatures for f in inFeats)
allInIsEdge = all(f in origEdgeFeatures for f in inFeats)
outExists = outFeat in origFeatures
outIsNode = outExists and outFeat in origNodeFeatures
outIsEdge = outExists and outFeat in origEdgeFeatures
if outIsNode and not allInIsNode:
err("Node Feature can not be merged from an edge feature")
if outIsEdge and not allInIsEdge:
err("Edge Feature can not be merged from a node feature")
if not allInIsNode and not allInIsEdge:
err("Feature can not be merged from both node and edge features")
allInIsInt = all(valTp(f) == "int" for f in inFeats)
correctTp = "int" if allInIsInt else "str"
checkValType(outFeat, correctTp=correctTp)
# check deleteFeatures
ePrefix = "Delete features: "
for feat in deleteFeatures:
eItem = f"{feat}: "
if feat in WARP:
err("Can not delete standard features")
if feat not in origFeatures:
err("Not in data set")
# check addFeatures
ePrefix = "Add features: "
eItem = ""
illegalKeys = set(addFeatures) - ADD_F_KEYS
if illegalKeys:
err(f"{_rep(illegalKeys)} unrecognized, expected {_rep(ADD_F_KEYS)}")
bothFeatures = set(addFeatures.get(NFS, {})) & set(addFeatures.get(EFS, {}))
if bothFeatures:
err(f"{_rep(bothFeatures)}: Both node and edge features")
for kind, otherKind, origSet, origSetOther in (
(NODE, EDGE, origNodeFeatures, origEdgeFeatures),
(EDGE, NODE, origEdgeFeatures, origNodeFeatures),
for feat, data in addFeatures.get(f"{kind}Features", {}).items():
eItem = f"{feat}: "
if feat in WARP:
err("Cannot add standard features")
if feat in origSetOther:
err(f"{kind} feature already exists as {otherKind} feature")
checkValType(feat, vals=data.values())
# check mergeTypes
ePrefix = "Merge types: "
mData = {}
for outType, inTypes in mergeTypes.items():
eItem = f"{outType}: "
if outType == slotType:
err("Result cannot be the slot type")
withFeatures = type(inTypes) is dict
for inType in inTypes:
if inType == slotType:
err(f"Slot type {inType} is not mergeable")
if inType not in origNodeTypes:
err(f"Cannot merge non-existing node type {inType}")
mFeatures = inTypes[inType] if withFeatures else {}
for feat, val in mFeatures.items():
mData.setdefault(feat, set()).add(val)
for feat, vals in mData.items():
eItem = f"{feat}: "
checkValType(feat, vals=vals)
# check deleteTypes
ePrefix = "Delete types: "
for nodeType in deleteTypes:
eItem = f"{nodeType}: "
if nodeType not in origNodeTypes:
err("Not in data set")
# check addTypes
ePrefix = "Add types: "
for nodeType, typeInfo in sorted(addTypes.items()):
eItem = f"{nodeType}: "
illegalKeys = set(typeInfo) - ADD_T_KEYS
if illegalKeys:
err(f"{_rep(illegalKeys)} unrecognized, expected {_rep(ADD_T_KEYS)}")
if nodeType in set(origNodeTypes) - deleteTypes:
err("Already occurs")
nodeSlots = typeInfo.get(NS, {})
if not nodeSlots:
err("No slot information given")
nF = typeInfo.get(NF, None)
if not nF:
err("No lower bound given")
nT = typeInfo.get(NT, None)
if not nT:
err("No upper bound given")
if nF is not None and nT is not None:
unlinked = 0
badlinked = 0
for n in range(nF, nT + 1):
slots = nodeSlots.get(n, ())
if not slots:
unlinked += 1
slotGood = True
for slot in slots:
if slot < 1 or slot > origMaxSlot:
slotGood = False
if not slotGood:
badlinked += 1
if unlinked:
err(f"{unlinked} nodes not linked to slots")
if badlinked:
err(f"{badlinked} nodes linked to non-slot nodes")
for kind in (NODE, EDGE):
for feat, data in typeInfo.get(f"{kind}Features", {}).items():
eItem = f"{feat}: "
checkValType(feat, vals=data.values())
(otextTypes, otextFeatures) = otextInfo()
if False:
# it is no problem to first delete a type and then add a type with
# the same name (I think)
problemTypes = addedTp & deletedTp
if problemTypes:
ePrefix = "Add and then delete: "
eItem = "types: "
problemTypes = otextTypes - ((set(origNodeTypes) | addedTp) - deletedTp)
if problemTypes:
ePrefix = "Missing for text API: "
eItem = "types: "
problemFeats = addedFt & deletedFt
if problemFeats:
ePrefix = "Add and then delete: "
eItem = "features: "
problemFeats = otextFeatures - ((origFeatures | addedFt) - deletedFt)
if problemFeats:
ePrefix = "Missing for text API: "
eItem = "features: "
if not dirEmpty(targetLocation):
ePrefix = "Output directory: "
eItem = "not empty: "
err("Clean it or remove it or choose another location")
if not good:
return False
api = TF.loadAll(silent=silent)
return True
def checkValType(feat, vals=None, correctTp=None):
origTp = valTp(feat) if feat in origFeatures else None
customTp = featureMeta.get(feat, {}).get(VALTP, None)
assignedTp = origTp or customTp
if correctTp is None:
correctTp = "int" if allInt(vals) else "str"
newTp = customTp or correctTp
if newTp != assignedTp:
featureMeta.setdefault(feat, {})[VALTP] = newTp
if customTp and customTp != correctTp and customTp == "int":
err("feature values are declared to be int but some values are not int")
if assignedTp != newTp:
rep1 = f"feature of type {newTp}"
rep2 = f" (was {assignedTp})" if assignedTp else ""
def shiftx(vs, offset=None, nF=None, nT=None, nodeMap={}):
if offset is None:
return (
{shift[m]: v for (m, v) in vs.items()}
if type(vs) is dict
else {shift[m] for m in vs}
if type(vs) is dict:
result = {}
for (m, v) in vs.items():
if nF <= m <= nT:
result[m + offset] = v
elif m in nodeMap:
result[nodeMap[m]] = v
result = set()
for m in vs:
if nF <= m <= nT:
result.add(m + offset)
elif m in nodeMap:
return result
def shiftFeature(kind, feat, data):
return (
{shift[n]: v for (n, v) in data.items() if n in shift}
if kind == NODE
else {shift[n]: shiftx(v) for (n, v) in data.items() if n in shift}
def mergeF():
nonlocal deletedFeatures
Fs = api.Fs
Es = api.Es
if mergeFeatures:
info("merge features ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
inF = set()
for outFeat, inFeats in mergeFeatures.items():
data = {}
inFeats = fitemize(inFeats)
if all(f in origNodeFeatures for f in inFeats):
featSrc = Fs
featDst = nodeFeatures
featSrc = Es
featDst = edgeFeatures
for inFeat in inFeats:
for n, val in featSrc(inFeat).data.items():
data[n] = val
featDst.setdefault(outFeat, {}).update(data)
for inFeat in inFeats:
if inFeat in featDst:
del featDst[inFeat]
deletedFeatures |= inF
if mergeFeatures:
info(f"done (deleted {len(inF)} and added {len(mergeFeatures)} features)")
info(f"deleted {_rep(inF)}", tm=False)
info(f"added {_rep(mergeFeatures)}", tm=False)
return True
def deleteF():
if deleteFeatures:
info("delete features ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
for feat in deleteFeatures:
dest = (
if feat in origNodeFeatures
else edgeFeatures
if feat in origEdgeFeatures
else None
if dest and feat in dest:
del dest[feat]
if deleteFeatures:
info(f"done ({len(deleteFeatures)} features)")
info(_rep(deleteFeatures), tm=False)
return True
def addF():
if addFeatures:
info("add features ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
added = collections.defaultdict(set)
for kind, dest in (
(NODE, nodeFeatures),
(EDGE, edgeFeatures),
for feat, data in addFeatures.get(f"{kind}Features", {}).items():
dest.setdefault(feat, {}).update(data)
if addFeatures:
f'done (added {len(added["node"])} node + {len(added["edge"])} edge features)'
for kind, feats in sorted(added.items()):
info(f"{kind} features: {_rep(feats)}")
return True
def mergeT():
nonlocal deletedTypes
if mergeTypes:
info("merge types ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
inT = set()
for outType, inTypes in mergeTypes.items():
info(f"Merging {outType}")
withFeatures = type(inTypes) is dict
for inType in inTypes:
addFeatures = inTypes[inType] if withFeatures else {}
addFeatures[OTYPE] = outType
(nF, nT) = origNodeTypes[inType]
for feat, val in addFeatures.items():
for n in range(nF, nT + 1):
nodeFeatures.setdefault(feat, {})[n] = val
deletedTypes |= inT
if mergeTypes:
info(f"done (merged {len(mergeTypes)} node types)")
info(f"deleted {_rep(inT)}", tm=False)
info(f"added {_rep(mergeTypes)}", tm=False)
return True
def deleteT():
nonlocal maxNode
nonlocal shiftNeeded
nonlocal ePrefix
nonlocal eItem
ePrefix = "Delete types: "
if deleteTypes:
info("delete types ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
curShift = 0
for nType, (nF, nT) in sorted(origNodeTypes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0]):
eItem = f"{nType:<20}: "
if nType in deleteTypes:
curShift -= nT - nF + 1
inf(f"remove: delete nodes {nF:>7}-{nT:>7}")
nodeTypes[nType] = (nF + curShift, nT + curShift)
for n in range(nF, nT + 1):
shift[n] = n + curShift
f"keep: shift nodes {nF:>7}-{nT:>7} to "
f"{nF + curShift:>7}-{nT + curShift:>7}"
for kind, upd in (
(NODE, nodeFeatures),
(EDGE, edgeFeatures),
for feat, uData in upd.items():
upd[feat] = shiftFeature(kind, feat, uData)
maxNode = origMaxNode + curShift
eItem = "max node: "
inf(f"shifted from {origMaxNode} to {maxNode}")
shiftNeeded = curShift != 0
if deleteTypes:
info(f"done ({len(deleteTypes)} types)")
info(_rep(deleteTypes), tm=False)
return True
def addT():
nonlocal maxNode
if addTypes:
info("add types ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
nodeMap = {}
for nodeType, typeInfo in sorted(addTypes.items()):
nF = typeInfo[NF]
nT = typeInfo[NT]
offset = maxNode - nF + 1
nodeSlots = typeInfo[NS]
data = {}
newNodeMap = {}
for n in range(nF, nT + 1):
data[offset + n] = nodeType
newNodeMap[n] = offset + n
nodeFeatures.setdefault(OTYPE, {}).update(data)
data = {}
for n in range(nF, nT + 1):
data[offset + n] = set(nodeSlots[n])
edgeFeatures.setdefault(OSLOTS, {}).update(data)
for feat, addData in typeInfo.get(NFS, {}).items():
data = {}
for n in range(nF, nT + 1):
value = addData.get(n, None)
if value is not None:
data[offset + n] = value
nodeFeatures.setdefault(feat, {}).update(data)
for feat, addData in typeInfo.get(EFS, {}).items():
data = {}
for n in range(nF, nT + 1):
value = addData.get(n, None)
if value:
newValue = shiftx(
value, offset=offset, nF=nF, nT=nT, nodeMap=nodeMap
if newValue:
data[offset + n] = newValue
edgeFeatures.setdefault(feat, {}).update(data)
maxNode += nT - nF + 1
nodeMap = newNodeMap
if addTypes:
info(f"done ({len(addTypes)} types)")
info(_rep(addTypes), tm=False)
return True
def applyUpdates():
nonlocal good
nonlocal ePrefix
nonlocal eItem
nonlocal replaceSlotType
Fs = api.Fs
Es = api.Es
info("applying updates ...")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
mFeat = 0
for kind, featSet, featSrc, featUpd, featOut in (
(NODE, origNodeFeatures, Fs, nodeFeatures, nodeFeaturesOut),
(EDGE, origEdgeFeatures, Es, edgeFeatures, edgeFeaturesOut),
ePrefix = f"Shift {kind} feature: "
allFeatSet = set() if onlyDeliverUpdatedFeatures else set(featSet)
for feat in sorted((allFeatSet | set(featUpd)) - deletedFeatures):
eItem = f"{feat:<20}: "
outData = {}
outMeta = {}
if feat in featSet:
# inf("original feature")
featObj = featSrc(feat)
if feat != OSLOTS and kind == EDGE and featObj.doValues:
outMeta["edgeValues"] = True
if shiftNeeded:
outData.update(shiftFeature(kind, feat, featObj))
mFeat += 1
if feat in featUpd:
# inf("new / updated feature")
if kind == EDGE:
aVal = next(iter(featUpd[feat].values()))
hasValues = type(aVal) is dict
if outMeta.get("edgeValues", False) != hasValues:
outMeta["edgeValues"] = hasValues
if feat in featureMeta:
for k, v in featureMeta[feat].items():
if v is None:
if k in outMeta:
del outMeta[k]
outMeta[k] = v
featOut[feat] = outData
metaDataOut[feat] = outMeta
if replaceSlotType:
if type(replaceSlotType) is str:
ignoreSlotFeatures = ()
(replaceSlotType, *ignoreSlotFeatures) = replaceSlotType
ignoreSlotFeatures = set(ignoreSlotFeatures)
ignoreRep = (
f" while ignoring {ignoreSlotFeatures}" if ignoreSlotFeatures else ""
info(f"Replacing slot type {slotType} by {replaceSlotType}{ignoreRep}")
# check replaceSlotType
ePrefix = "Replace slot type: "
eItem = f"{replaceSlotType}: "
allTypes = (set(nodeTypes) - deletedTypes) | set(addTypes)
if replaceSlotType not in allTypes:
err("Node type does not exist")
if replaceSlotType == slotType:
err("Node type is already the slot type")
if not good:
# map old slots to nodes of the new slot type
currentOtype = nodeFeaturesOut[OTYPE]
currentOslots = edgeFeaturesOut[OSLOTS]
# We have to sort the nodes of the new slot type in the canonical order
nextSlots = sorted(
for (node, nType) in currentOtype.items()
if nType == replaceSlotType
# Now we walk through the nodes of the new slot type and see
# to what slots they are linked.
# There might be old slots that are not linked to any of these nodes.
# These old slots must be removed.
currentSlotMap = {}
removeNodes = set()
for newSlot in nextSlots:
for oldSlot in currentOslots[newSlot]:
currentSlotMap[oldSlot] = newSlot
for oldSlot, nType in currentOtype.items():
if nType == slotType:
if oldSlot not in currentSlotMap:
info(f"{len(removeNodes)} old {slotType}s do not map to {replaceSlotType}s")
# All features (except those in ignoreSlotFeatures) on old slots
# have to be extended to the new slots
# If a new slot has conflicting feature values for the old slots
# it is linked to, the first defined feature value will be taken.
# Likewise, all edge features that involve old slots
# have to be extended to the new slots.
for feat, featData in nodeFeaturesOut.items():
if feat == OTYPE:
if feat in ignoreSlotFeatures:
updates = {}
for oldSlot, value in featData.items():
if oldSlot in removeNodes:
nType = currentOtype[oldSlot]
if nType != slotType:
newSlot = currentSlotMap[oldSlot]
currentVal = featData.get(newSlot, None)
if currentVal is None:
alreadyUpdated = updates.get(newSlot, None)
if alreadyUpdated is None:
updates[newSlot] = value
if updates:
for node, val in updates.items():
featData[node] = val
for feat, featData in edgeFeaturesOut.items():
if feat == OSLOTS:
updates = {}
for fromNode, toNodes in featData.items():
if fromNode in removeNodes:
nTypeFrom = currentOtype[fromNode]
if nTypeFrom == slotType:
newFromNode = currentSlotMap[fromNode]
newFromNode = fromNode
if type(toNodes) is dict:
for toNode, value in toNodes.items():
if toNode in removeNodes:
nTypeTo = currentOtype[toNode]
if nTypeTo == slotType:
newToNode = currentSlotMap[toNode]
newToNode = toNode
if nTypeFrom != slotType and nTypeTo != slotType:
currentVals = featData.get(newFromNode, {})
if newToNode not in currentVals:
alreadyUpdateds = updates.get(newFromNode, {})
if newToNode not in alreadyUpdateds:
doUpdate = True
alreadyVal = alreadyUpdateds[newToNode]
if alreadyVal is None:
doUpdate = value is not None
doUpdate = False
if doUpdate:
updates.setdefault(newFromNode, {})[
] = value
for toNode in toNodes:
if toNode in removeNodes:
nTypeTo = currentOtype[toNode]
if nTypeTo == slotType:
newToNode = currentSlotMap[toNode]
newToNode = toNode
if nTypeFrom != slotType and nTypeTo != slotType:
currentVals = featData.get(newFromNode, set())
if newToNode not in currentVals:
alreadyUpdateds = updates.get(newFromNode, set())
if newToNode not in alreadyUpdateds:
updates.setdefault(newFromNode, set()).add(
if updates:
for fromNode, toNodes in updates.items():
if type(toNodes) is dict:
for toNode, val in toNodes.items():
featData.setdefault(fromNode, {})[toNode] = val
for toNode in toNodes:
featData.setdefault(fromNode, set()).add(toNode)
# link all nodes, except slot nodes and nodes of the new slot type to
# new slots.
# N.B. the new slots are still ordinary nodes, so this is just
# the next version of oslots, not the final version
# Gather the nodes that end up unlinked to new slots.
nextOslots = {}
for node, slots in currentOslots.items():
newSlots = {currentSlotMap[s] for s in slots if s in currentSlotMap}
if len(newSlots):
nextOslots[node] = newSlots
# build the final otype and oslots features
# we will shuffle nodes and delete nodes, so we maintain a map
newOtype = {}
newOslots = {}
newFromCurrent = {}
newNode = 0
# first the new slots
for node in nextSlots:
newNode += 1
newFromCurrent[node] = newNode
newOtype[newNode] = replaceSlotType
# now the rest
for node, nType in currentOtype.items():
if nType == slotType or nType == replaceSlotType or node in removeNodes:
newNode += 1
newFromCurrent[node] = newNode
newOtype[newNode] = nType
newOslots[newNode] = {newFromCurrent[s] for s in nextOslots[node]}
# now apply the node mapping to the remaining node and edge features
# we may have to delete features
removeNodeFeatures = set()
removeEdgeFeatures = set()
for feat, featData in nodeFeaturesOut.items():
if feat == OTYPE:
nodeFeaturesOut[OTYPE] = newOtype
newFeatData = {}
for node, value in featData.items():
if node in removeNodes:
if node not in newFromCurrent:
newFeatData[newFromCurrent[node]] = value
if len(newFeatData):
nodeFeaturesOut[feat] = newFeatData
for feat, featData in edgeFeaturesOut.items():
if feat == OSLOTS:
edgeFeaturesOut[OSLOTS] = newOslots
newFeatData = {}
for fromNode, toNodes in featData.items():
if fromNode in removeNodes:
newFromNode = newFromCurrent[fromNode]
if type(toNodes) is dict:
newToNodes = {}
for toNode, value in toNodes.items():
if toNode in removeNodes:
newTNode = newFromCurrent[toNode]
newToNodes[newTNode] = value
newToNodes = set()
for toNode in toNodes:
if toNode in removeNodes:
newTNode = newFromCurrent[toNode]
if not len(newToNodes):
newFeatData[newFromNode] = newToNodes
if len(newFeatData):
edgeFeaturesOut[feat] = newFeatData
# remove empty features
for feat in removeNodeFeatures:
del nodeFeaturesOut[feat]
if feat in metaDataOut:
del metaDataOut[feat]
for feat in removeEdgeFeatures:
del edgeFeaturesOut[feat]
if feat in metaDataOut:
del metaDataOut[feat]
otextMeta = {}
mK = 0
if OTEXT in featureMeta:
for k, v in featureMeta[OTEXT].items():
if v is None:
if k in otextMeta:
del otextMeta[k]
mK += 1
if k not in otextMeta or otextMeta[k] != v:
otextMeta[k] = v
mK += 1
metaDataOut[OTEXT] = otextMeta
if mFeat or mK:
fRep = f" (shifted {mFeat} features)" if mFeat else ""
kRep = f" (adapted {mK} keys in otext)" if mK else ""
return True
def _canonical(oslots):
def before(nodeA, nodeB):
slotsA = oslots[nodeA]
slotsB = oslots[nodeB]
if slotsA == slotsB:
return 0
aWithoutB = slotsA - slotsB
if not aWithoutB:
return 1
bWithoutA = slotsB - slotsA
if not bWithoutA:
return -1
aMin = min(aWithoutB)
bMin = min(bWithoutA)
return -1 if aMin < bMin else 1
return functools.cmp_to_key(before)
def writeTf():
if targetVersion is None:
versionMsg = "with the original version number"
versionMsg = f"as version {targetVersion}"
for feat in set(nodeFeaturesOut) | set(edgeFeaturesOut):
metaDataOut.setdefault(feat, {})["version"] = targetVersion
info(f"write TF data {versionMsg} ... ")
indent(level=1, reset=True)
TF = Fabric(locations=targetLocation, silent=silent)
return True
def finalize():
info("all done")
return True
def process():
for step in (
if not step():
return False
return True
result = process()
return result
def modify(location, targetLocation, targetVersion=None, mergeFeatures=None, deleteFeatures=None, addFeatures=None, mergeTypes=None, deleteTypes=None, addTypes=None, replaceSlotType=None, featureMeta=None, silent='auto')
Modifies the supply of node types and features in a single data set.
Dependent on the presence of the parameters, the following steps will be executed before the result is written out as a new TF dataset:
- merge existing features into an other feature, removing the features that went in;
- delete any number of existing features;
- add any number of features and their data;
- merge existing node types into a new one, removing the types that went in, without loss of nodes;
So far, no new nodes have been added or removed. But then:
- delete any number of node types with their nodes;
- add any number of new node types, with nodes and features.
The last two actions lead to a shifting of nodes, and all features that map them, will be shifted accordingly.
After all that, there is one remaining action that could be performed
You can also pass meta data to be merged in.
Finally, the resulting features will be written to disk.
Only added / merged features
It is possible to output only the added and merged features instead of a complete dataset. Just pass the boolean value
- You can pass just the location of the original dataset in the file system,
i.e. the directory that contains the
files. targetLocation
- The directory into which the result dataset will be written.
, optionalNone
- If given, the new version that will be written to the metadata of each feature in the modified dataset. If None, no version modification takes place.
, optionalNone
You can merge several features into one. This is especially useful if there are many features each operating on different node types, and you want to unify them into one feature. The situation may occur that several of the features to be merged supply conflicting values for a node. Then the last feature in the merge list wins.
The result feature may exist already. Also then there is a risk of conflict. Again, the merge result wins.
mergeFeatures=dict( resultFeature1=[feat1, feat2], resultFeature2="feat3, feat4", ),
If the resulting feature is new, or needs a new description, you can provide metadata in the
argument. For new features you may want to set thevalueType
, although we try hard to deduce it from the data available. deleteFeatures
:boolean | string | iterable
, optionalNone
This should be either a boolean value
or an iterable or space/comma separated string of features that you want to delete from the result.True
means: all features will be deleted that are not the result of merging or adding features (seemergeFeatures
above andaddFeatures
below. addFeatures
, optionalNone
You can add as many features as you want, assigning values to all types, including new nodes of new types that have been generated in the steps before.
You can also use this parameter to override existing features: if a feature that you are adding already exists, the new data will be merged in, overriding assignments of the existing feature if there is a conflict. The meta data of the old and new feature will also be merged.
This parameter must have this shape:
addFeatures=dict( nodeFeatures=dict( feat1=data1, feat2=data2, ), edgeFeatures=dict( feat3=data3, feat4=data4, ),
If the resulting features are new, or need a new description, you can provide metadata in the
argument. For new features you may want to set thevalueType
, although we try hard to deduce it from the data available. mergeTypes
, optionalNone
You can merge several node types into one. The merged node type will have the union of nodes of the types that are merged. All relevant features will stay the same, except the
feature of course.You can pass additional information to be added as features to nodes of the new node type. These features can be used to discriminate between the merged types.
This parameter must have this shape:
mergeTypes=dict( outTypeA=( 'inType1', 'inType2', ), outTypeB="inType3, inType4", )
mergeTypes=dict( outTypeA=dict( inType1=dict( featureI=valueI, featureK=valueK, ), inType2=dict( featureL=valueL, featureM=valueM, ), ), outTypeB=dict( inType3=dict( featureN=valueN, featureO=valueO, ), inType4=dict( featureP=valueP, featureQ=valueQ, ), ), )
It does not matter if these types and features already occur. The
may be existing types of really new types. The new features may be existing or new features.Do not forget to provide meta data for new features in the
argument.This will migrate nodes of type
to nodes ofoutTypeA
.In the extended form, when there are feature specifications associated with the old types, after merging the following assignments will be made:
featureI = valueI
to nodes coming frominType1
featureK = valueK
to nodes coming frominType2
.No nodes will be removed!
slot types
Merging is all about non-slot types. It is an error if a new type or an old type is a slot type.
:string | iterable
, optionalNone
You can delete node types from the result altogether. You can specify a list of node types as an iterable or as a space separated string.
If a node type has to be deleted, all nodes in that type will be removed, and features that assign values to these nodes will have those assignments removed.
deleteTypes=('line', 'sentence')
deleteTypes="line sentence"
slot types
Deleting is all about non-slot types. It is an error to attempt to delete slot type.
, optionalNone
You may add as many node types as you want.
Per node type that you add, you need to specify the current boundaries of that type and how all those nodes map to slots. You can also add features that assign values to those nodes:
dict( nodeType1=dict( nodeFrom=from1, nodeTo=to1, nodeSlots=slots1, nodeFeatures=nFeatures1, edgeFeatures=eFeatures1, ), nodeType2=dict( nodeFrom=from2, nodeTo=to2, nodeSlots=slots2, nodeFeatures=nFeatures2, edgeFeatures=eFeatures2, ), ),
The boundaries may be completely arbitrary, so if you get your nodes from another TF data source, you do not need to align their values.
If you also add features about those nodes, the only thing that matters is that the features assign the right values to the nodes within the boundaries. Assignments to nodes outside the boundaries will be ignored.
The slots that you link the new nodes to, must exist in the original. You cannot use this function to add slots to your data set.
existing node types
It is an error if a new node type already exists in the original, unless that type is meant to be deleted.
You can add any number of features. Per feature you have to provide the mapping that defines the feature.
These features may be new, or they may already be present in the original data.
If these features have values for nodes that are not within the boundaries of the new node type, those values will not be assigned but silently discarded.
dict( feat1=dict( n1=val1, n2=val2, ), feat2=dict( n1=val1, n2=val2, ), ),
Edge features without values are specified like this:
dict( feat1=dict( n1={m1, m2}, n2={m3, m4}, ), feat2=dict( n1={m5, m6}, n2={m7, m8}, ), ),
Edge features with values are specified like this:
dict( feat1=dict( n1={m1: v1, m2: v2}, n2={m3: v3, m4: v4}, ), feat2=dict( n1={m5: v5, m6: v6}, n2={m7: v7, m8: v8}, ), ),
to nodes of other typesHowever, you may want to define edge features that relate the new nodes to nodes of other types. There is a limited way to do that.
- the other type must be the last type that was added before the current type;
- the nodes in the specification of the previously added type must be disjoint from the nodes of the currently added type.
, optionalNone
If passed, it should be a tuple whose first member is a valid, non-slot node type. The slot type will be replaced by this node type and the original slots will be deleted. The remaining members are features that should be discarded in the process, they are typically features defined for old slot nodes that have little or no meaning for new slot nodes. Other features that are defined for old slots carry over to the corresponding new slots, but only if the new slot does not have already that feature assigned. Only the value of the first old slot that corresponds with a new slot carries over to that new slot.
When the original slot type gets replaced, the slot mapping of other nodes needs to be adjusted. The new slots are a coarser division of the corpus than the old slots. It might even be the case that the new slots do not cover the corpus completely.
If other nodes are linked to slots that are not covered by the new slots, these links are lost. This may lead to nodes that do not have links to slots anymore. These nodes will be lost, together with the feature values for these nodes and the edges that involve these nodes.
Once the slot type is replaced, you may want to adapt the text formats in the OTEXT feature. You can do so by passing appropriate values in the
argument. featureMeta
, optionalNone
If the features you have specified in one of the parameters above are new, do not forget to pass metadata for them in this parameter It is especially important to state the value type:
featureMeta=dict( featureI=dict( valueType='int', description='level of node' ), featureK=dict( valueType='str', description='subtype of node' ), ),
You can also tweak the section / structure configuration and the text-formats that are specified in the
feature. Just specify them as keys and values to theotext
feature.The logic of tweaking meta data is this: what you provide in this parameter will be merged into existing meta data.
If you want to remove a key from a feature, give it the value None.
, optionalSILENT_D
- See