Module tf.core.helpers

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import os
import sys
from sys import getsizeof, stderr
import re
from itertools import chain
from collections import deque
from subprocess import run as run_cmd, CalledProcessError
from datetime import datetime as dt, UTC

from ..parameters import OMAP
from .files import unexpanduser as ux

NBSP = "\u00a0"  # non-breaking space

TO_SYM = "↦"
FROM_SYM = "⇥"

LETTER = set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
VALID = set("_0123456789") | LETTER
MQL_KEYWORDS["as"] = "as_"
MQL_KEYWORDS["or"] = "or_"

WARN32 = """WARNING: you are not running a 64-bit implementation of Python.
You may run into memory problems if you load a big data set.
Consider installing a 64-bit Python.

MSG64 = """Running on 64-bit Python"""

SEP_RE = re.compile(r"[\n\t ,]+")
STRIP_RE = re.compile(r"(?:^[\n\t ,]+)|(?:[\n\t ,]+$)", re.S)
VAR_RE = re.compile(r"\{([^}]+?)(:[^}]*)?\}")
MSG_LINE_RE = re.compile(r"^( *[0-9]+) (.*)$")
NUM_ALFA_RE = re.compile(r"^([0-9]*)([^0-9]*)(.*)$")

QUAD = "    "

def utcnow():

def versionSort(x):
    parts = []

    for p in x.split("."):
        match = NUM_ALFA_RE.match(p)
        (num, alfa, rest) =, 2, 3)
        parts.append((int(num) if num else 0, alfa, rest))

    return tuple(parts)

def var(envVar):
    """Retrieves the value of an environment variable.

    envVar: string
        The name of the environment variable.

    string or void
        The value of the environment variable if it exists, otherwise `None`.
    return os.environ.get(envVar, None)

def isInt(val):
        val = int(val)
    except Exception:
        return False
    return True

def mathEsc(val):
    """Escape dollar signs to `<span>$</span>`.

    To prevent them from being interpreted as math in a Jupyter notebook
    in cases where you need them literally.

    return "" if val is None else (str(val).replace("$", "<span>$</span>"))

def mdEsc(val, math=False):
    """Escape certain markdown characters.

    val: string
        The input value
    math: boolean, optional False
        Whether retain TeX notation.
        If True, `$` is not escaped, if False, it is not escaped.
    if val is None:
        return ""

    val = (
        .replace("!", "&#33;")
        .replace("#", "&#35;")
        .replace("*", "&#42;")
        .replace("[", "&#91;")
        .replace("_", "&#95;")
        .replace("|", "&#124;")
        .replace("~", "&#126;")

    return val if math else val.replace("$", "<span>$</span>")

def htmlEsc(val, math=False):
    """Escape certain HTML characters by HTML entities.

    To prevent them to be interpreted as HTML
    in cases where you need them literally.

    val: string
        The input value
    math: boolean, optional False
        Whether retain TeX notation.
        If True, `$` is not escaped, if False, it is not escaped.

    return (
        if val is None
        else (
            (str(val).replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;"))
            if math
            else (
                .replace("&", "&amp;")
                .replace("<", "&lt;")
                .replace(">", "&gt;")
                .replace("$", "<span>$</span>")

def xmlEsc(val):
    """Escape certain HTML characters by XML entities.

    To prevent them to be interpreted as XML
    in cases where you need them literally.

    return (
        if val is None
        else (
            .replace("&", "&amp;")
            .replace("<", "&lt;")
            .replace(">", "&gt;")
            .replace("'", "&apos;")
            .replace('"', "&quot;")

def mdhtmlEsc(val, math=False):
    """Escape certain Markdown characters by HTML entities or span elements.

    To prevent them to be interpreted as Markdown
    in cases where you need them literally.

    val: string
        The input value
    math: boolean, optional False
        Whether retain TeX notation.
        If True, `$` is not escaped, if False, it is not escaped.

    return (
        if val is None
        else (
                .replace("&", "&amp;")
                .replace("<", "&lt;")
                .replace(">", "&gt;")
                .replace("|", "&#124;")
            if math
            else (
                .replace("&", "&amp;")
                .replace("<", "&lt;")
                .replace(">", "&gt;")
                .replace("|", "&#124;")
                .replace("$", "<span>$</span>")

def tsvEsc(x):
    """Escapes a double quote for strings to be included in TSV data.

    Only `"` and `'` at the beginning of the string are escaped.
    The escaping is realized by putting a backslash at the beginning.
    s = str(x)
    return s if s == "" else f"\\{s}" if s[0] in {"'", '"'} else s

PANDAS_ESCAPE = "\u0001"

def pandasEsc(x):
    """Escapes the character that will be used as the `pandas` quote char.

    The escaping is realized by prepending a special char the quote char.
    Also: all tab characters will be replaced by single spaces.
    return (
        if x == ""
        else str(x)
        .replace("\t", " ")

def camel(name):
    if not name:
        return name
    temp = name.replace("_", " ").title().replace(" ", "")
    return temp[0].lower() + temp[1:]

def check32():
    warn = ""
    msg = ""
    on32 = sys.maxsize < 2**63 - 1
    if on32 < 2**63 - 1:
        warn = WARN32
        msg = MSG64
    return (on32, warn, msg)

def console(*msg, error=False, newline=True):
    msg = " ".join(m if type(m) is str else repr(m) for m in msg)
    msg = "" if not msg else ux(msg)
    msg = msg[1:] if msg.startswith("\n") else msg
    msg = msg[0:-1] if msg.endswith("\n") else msg
    target = sys.stderr if error else sys.stdout
    nl = "\n" if newline else ""

def cleanName(name):
    clean = "".join(c if c in VALID else "_" for c in name)
    if clean == "" or not clean[0] in LETTER:
        clean = "x" + clean
    return MQL_KEYWORDS.get(clean, clean)

def isClean(name):
    if name is None or len(name) == 0 or name[0] not in LETTER:
        return False
    return all(c in VALID for c in name[1:])

def flattenToSet(features):
    theseFeatures = set()
    if type(features) is str:
        theseFeatures |= setFromStr(features)
        for feature in features:
            if type(feature) is str:
                feature = feature[1]
                theseFeatures |= setFromValue(feature)
    return theseFeatures

def setFromSpec(spec):
    covered = set()
    for r_str in spec.split(","):
        bounds = r_str.split("-")
        if len(bounds) == 1:
            b = int(bounds[0])
            e = int(bounds[1])
            if e < b:
                (b, e) = (e, b)
            for n in range(b, e + 1):
    return covered

def rangesFromSet(nodeSet):
    # ranges = []
    curstart = None
    curend = None
    for n in sorted(nodeSet):
        if curstart is None:
            curstart = n
            curend = n
        elif n == curend + 1:
            curend = n
            yield (curstart, curend)
            # ranges.append((curstart, curend))
            curstart = n
            curend = n
    if curstart is not None:
        yield (curstart, curend)
        # ranges.append((curstart, curend))
    # return ranges

def rangesFromList(nodeList):  # the list must be sorted
    curstart = None
    curend = None
    for n in nodeList:
        if curstart is None:
            curstart = n
            curend = n
        elif n == curend + 1:
            curend = n
            yield (curstart, curend)
            curstart = n
            curend = n
    if curstart is not None:
        yield (curstart, curend)

def specFromRanges(ranges):  # ranges must be normalized
    return ",".join(
        "{}".format(r[0]) if r[0] == r[1] else "{}-{}".format(*r) for r in ranges

def specFromRangesLogical(ranges):  # ranges must be normalized
    return [r[0] if r[0] == r[1] else [r[0], r[1]] for r in ranges]

def valueFromTf(tf):
    return "\\".join(
        x.replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\n", "\n") for x in tf.split("\\\\")

def tfFromValue(val):
    valTp = type(val)
    isInt = valTp is int
    isStr = valTp is str
    if not isInt and not isStr:
        console(f"Wrong type for a TF value: {valTp}: {val}", error=True)
        return None
    return (
        if type(val) is int
        else val.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n")

def makeIndex(data):
    inv = {}
    for n, m in data.items():
        inv.setdefault(m, set()).add(n)
    return inv

def makeInverse(data):
    inverse = {}
    for n in data:
        for m in data[n]:
            inverse.setdefault(m, set()).add(n)
    return inverse

def makeInverseVal(data):
    inverse = {}
    for n in data:
        for m, val in data[n].items():
            inverse.setdefault(m, {})[n] = val
    return inverse

def nbytes(by):
    units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"]
    for i in range(len(units)):
        if by < 1024 or i == len(units) - 1:
            fmt = "{:>5}{}" if i == 0 else "{:>5.1f}{}"
            return fmt.format(by, units[i])
        by /= 1024

def collectFormats(config):
    featureSet = set()

    def collectFormat(tpl):
        features = []
        default = ""

        def varReplace(match):
            nonlocal default
            varText =
            default = ( or ":")[1:]
            fts = tuple(varText.split("/"))
            features.append((fts, default))
            for ft in fts:
            return "{}"

        rtpl = VAR_RE.sub(varReplace, tpl)
        return (tpl, rtpl, tuple(features))

    formats = {}
    for fmt, tpl in sorted(config.items()):
        if fmt.startswith("fmt:"):
            formats[fmt[4:]] = collectFormat(tpl)
    return (formats, sorted(featureSet))

def itemize(string, sep=None):
    if not string:
        return []
    if not sep:
        return string.strip().split()
    return string.strip().split(sep)

def fitemize(value):
    if not value:
        return []
    if type(value) is str:
        return SEP_RE.split(STRIP_RE.sub("", value))
    if type(value) in {bool, int, float}:
        return [str(value)]
    return list(str(v) for v in value)

def project(iterableOfTuples, maxDimension):
    if maxDimension == 1:
        return {r[0] for r in iterableOfTuples}
    return {r[0:maxDimension] for r in iterableOfTuples}

def wrapMessages(messages):
    if type(messages) is str:
        messages = messages.split("\n")
    html = []
    status = True
    for msg in messages:
        if type(msg) is tuple:
            (error, nl, msgRep) = msg
            if error:
                status = False
            match = MSG_LINE_RE.match(msgRep)
            msg = msgRep + ("<br>" if nl else "")
            clsName = "eline" if error and not match else "tline"
            match = MSG_LINE_RE.match(msg)
            clsName = "tline" if match else "eline"
            if clsName == "eline":
                status = False
            msg = msg.replace("\n", "<br>")
        html.append(f'<span class="{clsName.lower()}">{msg}</span>')
    return (status, "".join(html))

def makeExamples(nodeList):
    lN = len(nodeList)
    if lN <= 10:
        return f"{lN:>7} x: " + (", ".join(str(n) for n in nodeList))
        return (
            f"{lN:>7} x: "
            + (", ".join(str(n) for n in nodeList[0:5]))
            + " ... "
            + (", ".join(str(n) for n in nodeList[-5:]))

def setFromValue(x, asInt=False):
    if x is None:
        return set()

    typeX = type(x)
    if typeX in {set, frozenset}:
        return x
    elif typeX in {str, dict, list, tuple}:
        if typeX is str:
            x = SEP_RE.split(x)
        return {int(p) for p in x if p.isdecimal()} if asInt else {p for p in x if p}

    return {x}

def setFromStr(x):
    if x is None:
        return set()

    return {p for p in SEP_RE.split(x) if p}

def mergeDictOfSets(d1, d2):
    for n, ms in d2.items():
        if n in d1:
            d1[n] |= ms
            d1[n] = ms

def mergeDict(source, overrides):
    """Merge overrides into a source dictionary recursively.

    source: dict
        The source dictionary, which will be modified by the overrides.
    overrides: dict
        The overrides, itself a dictionary.

    for k, v in overrides.items():
        if k in source and type(source[k]) is dict:
            mergeDict(source[k], v)
            source[k] = v

def getAllRealFeatures(api):
    """Get all configuration features and all loaded node and edge features.

    Except `omap@v-w` features.
    When we take volumes or collections from works,
    we need to pass these features on.

    This will exclude the computed features and the node / edge features
    that are not loaded by default.

    TF = api.TF
    allFeatures = set()

    for feat, fObj in TF.features.items():
        if fObj.method:
        if fObj.isConfig:

    allFeatures |= set(api.Fall())
    allFeatures |= {e for e in api.Eall() if not e.startswith(OMAP)}
    return allFeatures

def formatMeta(featureMeta):
    """Reorder meta data.

    meta: dict
        Dictionary of meta data: keyed by feature, valued by a dict
        of metadata in the form of key values

        A copy of the dict but with the values for metadata keys
        `desc` and `eg` merged under a new key `description`,
        and the keys `desc` and `eg` deleted.

    result = {}
    for f, meta in featureMeta.items():
        fmeta = {}
        for k, v in meta.items():
            if k == "eg" and "desc" in meta:
            if k == "desc":
                eg = meta.get("eg", "")
                egRep = f" ({eg})" if eg else ""
                fmeta["description"] = f"{v}{egRep}"
                fmeta[k] = v
        result[f] = fmeta

    return result

def deepSize(o, handlers={}, verbose=False, seen=None):
    """Returns the approximate memory footprint an object and all of its contents.

    Automatically finds the contents of the following builtin containers and
    their subclasses:
    `tuple`, `list`, `deque`, `dict`, `set` and `frozenset`.
    To search other containers, add handlers to iterate over their contents:

    handlers = {SomeContainerClass: iter,
                OtherContainerClass: OtherContainerClass.get_elements}


    def dict_handler(d):
        return chain.from_iterable(d.items())

    all_handlers = {
        tuple: iter,
        list: iter,
        deque: iter,
        dict: dict_handler,
        set: iter,
        frozenset: iter,
    all_handlers.update(handlers)  # user handlers take precedence
    if seen is None:
        seen = set()  # track which object id's have already been seen
    default_size = getsizeof(0)  # estimate sizeof object without __sizeof__

    def sizeof(o):
        if id(o) in seen:  # do not double count the same object
            return 0
        s = getsizeof(o, default_size)

        if verbose:
            console(s, type(o), repr(o), file=stderr)

        for typ, handler in all_handlers.items():
            if isinstance(o, typ):
                s += sum(map(sizeof, handler(o)))
        return s

    return sizeof(o)

def run(cmdline, workDir=None):
    """Runs a shell command and returns all relevant info.

    The function runs a command-line in a shell, and returns
    whether the command was successful, and also what the output was, separately for
    standard error and standard output.

    cmdline: string
        The command-line to execute.
    workDir: string, optional None
        The working directory where the command should be executed.
        If `None` the current directory is used.
        result = run_cmd(
        stdOut = result.stdout.decode("utf8").strip()
        stdErr = result.stderr.decode("utf8").strip()
        returnCode = 0
        good = True

    except CalledProcessError as e:
        stdOut = e.stdout.decode("utf8").strip()
        stdErr = e.stderr.decode("utf8").strip()
        returnCode = e.returncode
        good = False

    return (good, returnCode, stdOut, stdErr)


def camel(name)
def check32()
def cleanName(name)
def collectFormats(config)
def console(*msg, error=False, newline=True)
def deepSize(o, handlers={}, verbose=False, seen=None)

Returns the approximate memory footprint an object and all of its contents.

Automatically finds the contents of the following builtin containers and their subclasses: tuple, list, deque, dict, set and frozenset. To search other containers, add handlers to iterate over their contents:

handlers = {SomeContainerClass: iter,
            OtherContainerClass: OtherContainerClass.get_elements}
def fitemize(value)
def flattenToSet(features)
def formatMeta(featureMeta)

Reorder meta data.


meta : dict
Dictionary of meta data: keyed by feature, valued by a dict of metadata in the form of key values


A copy of the dict but with the values for metadata keys desc and eg merged under a new key description, and the keys desc and eg deleted.
def getAllRealFeatures(api)

Get all configuration features and all loaded node and edge features.

Except omap@v-w features. When we take volumes or collections from works, we need to pass these features on.

This will exclude the computed features and the node / edge features that are not loaded by default.

def htmlEsc(val, math=False)

Escape certain HTML characters by HTML entities.

To prevent them to be interpreted as HTML in cases where you need them literally.


val : string
The input value
math : boolean, optional False
Whether retain TeX notation. If True, $ is not escaped, if False, it is not escaped.
def isClean(name)
def isInt(val)
def itemize(string, sep=None)
def makeExamples(nodeList)
def makeIndex(data)
def makeInverse(data)
def makeInverseVal(data)
def mathEsc(val)

Escape dollar signs to <span>$</span>.

To prevent them from being interpreted as math in a Jupyter notebook in cases where you need them literally.

def mdEsc(val, math=False)

Escape certain markdown characters.


val : string
The input value
math : boolean, optional False
Whether retain TeX notation. If True, $ is not escaped, if False, it is not escaped.
def mdhtmlEsc(val, math=False)

Escape certain Markdown characters by HTML entities or span elements.

To prevent them to be interpreted as Markdown in cases where you need them literally.


val : string
The input value
math : boolean, optional False
Whether retain TeX notation. If True, $ is not escaped, if False, it is not escaped.
def mergeDict(source, overrides)

Merge overrides into a source dictionary recursively.


source : dict
The source dictionary, which will be modified by the overrides.
overrides : dict
The overrides, itself a dictionary.
def mergeDictOfSets(d1, d2)
def nbytes(by)
def pandasEsc(x)

Escapes the character that will be used as the pandas quote char.

The escaping is realized by prepending a special char the quote char. Also: all tab characters will be replaced by single spaces.

def project(iterableOfTuples, maxDimension)
def rangesFromList(nodeList)
def rangesFromSet(nodeSet)
def run(cmdline, workDir=None)

Runs a shell command and returns all relevant info.

The function runs a command-line in a shell, and returns whether the command was successful, and also what the output was, separately for standard error and standard output.


cmdline : string
The command-line to execute.
workDir : string, optional None
The working directory where the command should be executed. If None the current directory is used.
def setFromSpec(spec)
def setFromStr(x)
def setFromValue(x, asInt=False)
def specFromRanges(ranges)
def specFromRangesLogical(ranges)
def tfFromValue(val)
def tsvEsc(x)

Escapes a double quote for strings to be included in TSV data.

Only " and ' at the beginning of the string are escaped. The escaping is realized by putting a backslash at the beginning.

def utcnow()
def valueFromTf(tf)
def var(envVar)

Retrieves the value of an environment variable.


envVar : string
The name of the environment variable.


string or void
The value of the environment variable if it exists, otherwise None.
def versionSort(x)
def wrapMessages(messages)
def xmlEsc(val)

Escape certain HTML characters by XML entities.

To prevent them to be interpreted as XML in cases where you need them literally.