Module tf.core.prepare
Pre-compute data.
For TF to work efficiently, some derived data needs to be pre-computed. The pre-computed data has a similar function as indexes in a database.
Pre-computation is triggered when Fabric
loads features, and
the order and nature of the steps is configured in
The functions in this module implement those tasks.
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# Pre-compute data.
For TF to work efficiently, some derived data needs to be pre-computed.
The pre-computed data has a similar function as indexes in a database.
Pre-computation is triggered when `tf.fabric.Fabric` loads features, and
the order and nature of the steps is configured in
The functions in this module implement those tasks.
import collections
import functools
import array
from .helpers import itemize
def levels(info, error, otype, oslots, otext):
"""Computes level data.
For each node type, compute the average number of slots occupied by its nodes,
and order the node types on that.
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
oslots: iterable
The data of the `oslots` feature.
otext: iterable
The data of the `otext` feature.
An ordered tuple, each member with the information of a node type:
* node type name
* average number of slots contained in the nodes of this type
* first node of this type
* last node of this type
The order of the tuple is descending by average number of slots per node of that
!!! explanation "Level computation and customization"
All node types have a level, defined by the average amount of slots object of
that type usually occupy. The bigger the average object, the lower the levels.
Books have the lowest level, words the highest level.
However, this can be overruled. Suppose you have a node type `phrase` and above
it a node type `cluster`, i.e. phrases are contained in clusters, but not vice
versa. If all phrases are contained in clusters, and some clusters have more
than one phrase, the automatic level ranking of node types works out well in
this case. But if clusters only have very small phrases, and the big phrases do
not occur in clusters, then the algorithm may assign a lower rank to clusters
than to phrases.
In general, it is too expensive to try to compute the levels in a sophisticated
way. In order to remedy cases where the algorithm assigns wrong levels, you can
add a `@levels` and / or `@levelsConstraint` key to the `otext`
configuration feature.
See `tf.core.text`.
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
oslots = oslots[0]
levelOrder = otext.get("levels", None)
if levelOrder is not None:
levelRank = {level: i for (i, level) in enumerate(levelOrder.split(","))}
otypeCount = collections.Counter()
otypeMin = {}
otypeMax = {}
slotSetLengths = collections.Counter()
info("get ranking of otypes")
for k in range(len(oslots)):
ntp = otype[k]
otypeCount[ntp] += 1
slotSetLengths[ntp] += len(oslots[k])
tfn = k + maxSlot + 1
if ntp not in otypeMin:
otypeMin[ntp] = tfn
if ntp not in otypeMax or otypeMax[ntp] < tfn:
otypeMax[ntp] = tfn
sortKey = (
(lambda x: -x[1])
if levelOrder is None
else (lambda x: (-1, levelRank[x[0]]) if x[0] in levelRank else (1, -x[1]))
result = sorted(
slotSetLengths[ntp] / otypeCount[ntp],
for ntp in otypeCount
) + [(slotType, 1, 1, maxSlot)]
resultIndex = {r[0]: i for (i, r) in enumerate(result)}
levelConstraintsSpec = otext.get("levelConstraints", None)
if levelConstraintsSpec:
levelConstraints = levelConstraintsSpec.split(";")
for levelConstraint in levelConstraints:
(smaller, biggerSpec) = levelConstraint.strip().split("<")
smaller = smaller.strip()
biggers = {b.strip() for b in biggerSpec.strip().split(",")}
highestBigIndex = max(resultIndex.get(tp, 0) for tp in biggers)
smallerIndex = resultIndex.get(smaller, len(result))
if smallerIndex <= highestBigIndex:
x = result.pop(smallerIndex)
result.insert(highestBigIndex, x)
resultIndex = {r[0]: i for (i, r) in enumerate(result)}
for otp, av, omin, omax in result:
info(f"{otp:<15}: {round(av, 2):>8} {{{omin}-{omax}}}", tm=False)
return tuple(result)
def order(info, error, otype, oslots, levels):
"""Computes order data for the canonical ordering.
The canonical ordering between nodes is defined in terms of the slots that
nodes contain, and if that is not decisive, the rank of the node type is taken
into account, and if that is still not decisive, the node itself is taken into
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
oslots: iterable
The data of the `oslots` feature.
levels: tuple
The data of the `levels` pre-computation step.
All nodes, slot and nonslot, in canonical order.
See Also
tf.core.nodes: canonical ordering
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
oslots = oslots[0]
info("assigning otype levels to nodes")
otypeLevels = dict(((x[0], i) for (i, x) in enumerate(reversed(levels))))
def otypeRank(n):
return otypeLevels[slotType if n < maxSlot + 1 else otype[n - maxSlot - 1]]
def before(na, nb):
if na < maxSlot + 1:
a = na
sa = {a}
a = na - maxSlot
sa = set(oslots[a - 1])
if nb < maxSlot + 1:
b = nb
sb = {b}
b = nb - maxSlot
sb = set(oslots[b - 1])
oa = otypeRank(na)
ob = otypeRank(nb)
if sa == sb:
return (
(-1 if na < nb else 1 if na > nb else 0)
if oa == ob
else -1 if oa > ob else 1
if sa > sb:
return -1
if sa < sb:
return 1
am = min(sa - sb)
bm = min(sb - sa)
return -1 if am < bm else 1 if bm < am else 0
canonKey = functools.cmp_to_key(before)
info("sorting nodes")
nodes = sorted(range(1, maxNode + 1), key=canonKey)
# return array.array("I", nodes)
return tuple(nodes)
def rank(info, error, otype, order):
"""Computes rank data.
The rank of a node is its place in among the other nodes in the
canonical order (see `tf.core.nodes`).
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
order: tuple
The data of the `order` feature.
The ranks of all nodes, slot and nonslot, with respect to the canonical order.
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
info("ranking nodes")
nodesRank = dict(((n, i) for (i, n) in enumerate(order)))
return array.array("I", (nodesRank[n] for n in range(1, maxNode + 1)))
# return tuple((nodesRank[n] for n in range(1, maxNode + 1)))
def levUp(info, error, otype, oslots, rank):
"""Computes level-up data.
Level-up data is used by the API function `tf.core.locality.Locality.u`.
This function computes the embedders of a node by looking them up from
the level-up data.
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
oslots: iterable
The data of the `oslots` feature.
rank: tuple
The data of the `rank` pre-computation step.
The `n`-th member is a tuple of the embedder nodes of `n`.
Those tuples are sorted in canonical order (`tf.core.nodes`).
!!! hint "Memory efficiency"
Many nodes have the same tuple of embedders.
Those embedder tuples will be reused for those nodes.
It is not advisable to use this data directly by ``,
it is far better to use the `tf.core.locality.Locality.u` function.
Only when every bit of performance waste has to be squeezed out,
this raw data might be a deal.
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
oslots = oslots[0]
info("making inverse of edge feature oslots")
oslotsInv = {}
for k, mList in enumerate(oslots):
for m in mList:
oslotsInv.setdefault(m, set()).add(k + 1 + maxSlot)
info("listing embedders of all nodes")
embedders = []
for n in range(1, maxSlot + 1):
contentEmbedders = oslotsInv.get(n, tuple())
(m for m in contentEmbedders if m != n),
key=lambda k: -rank[k - 1],
for n in range(maxSlot + 1, maxNode + 1):
mList = oslots[n - maxSlot - 1]
if len(mList) == 0:
contentEmbedders = functools.reduce(
lambda x, y: x & oslotsInv[y],
(m for m in contentEmbedders if m != n),
key=lambda k: -rank[k - 1],
# reuse embedder tuples, because lots of nodes share embedders
seen = {}
embeddersx = []
for t in embedders:
if t not in seen:
# seen[t] = array.array("I", t)
seen[t] = tuple(t)
return tuple(embeddersx)
def levDown(info, error, otype, levUp, rank):
"""Computes level-down data.
Level-down data is used by the API function `tf.core.locality.Locality.d`.
This function computes the embedded nodes of a node by looking them up from
the level-down data.
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
levUp: iterable
The data of the `levUp` pre-computation step.
rank: tuple
The data of the `rank` pre-computation step.
The `n`-th member is an tuple of the embedded nodes of `n + maxSlot`.
Those tuples are sorted in canonical order (`tf.core.nodes`).
!!! hint "Memory efficiency"
Slot nodes do not have embedded nodes, so they do not have to occupy
space in this tuple. Hence the first member are the embedded nodes
of node `maxSlot + 1`.
!!! caution "Use with care"
It is not advisable to use this data directly by ``,
it is far better to use the `tf.core.locality.Locality.d` function.
Only when every bit of performance waste has to be squeezed out,
this raw data might be a deal.
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
info("inverting embedders")
inverse = {}
for n in range(maxSlot + 1, maxNode + 1):
for m in levUp[n - 1]:
inverse.setdefault(m, set()).add(n)
info("turning embeddees into list")
embeddees = []
for n in range(maxSlot + 1, maxNode + 1):
array.array("I", sorted(inverse.get(n, []), key=lambda m: rank[m - 1]))
# tuple(sorted(inverse.get(n, []), key=lambda m: rank[m - 1]))
return tuple(embeddees)
def characters(info, error, otext, tFormats, *tFeats):
"""Computes character data.
For each text format, a frequency list of the characters in that format
is made.
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otext: iterable
The data of the `otext` feature.
tFormats: dict
Dictionary keyed by text format and valued by the tuple of features
used in that format.
tFeats: iterable
Each `tFeat` is the name and the data of a text feature.
i.e. a feature used in text formats.
Keyed by format valued by a frequency dict, which is
itself keyed by single characters and valued by the frequency
of that character in the whole corpus when rendered with that format.
charFreqsByFeature = {}
for tFeat, data in tFeats:
freqList = collections.Counter()
if data is not None:
for v in data.values():
freqList[v] += 1
charFreq = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for v, freq in freqList.items():
for c in str(v):
charFreq[c] += freq
charFreqsByFeature[tFeat] = charFreq
charFreqsByFmt = {}
for fmt, tFeatures in sorted(tFormats.items()):
charFreq = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for tFeat in tFeatures:
thisCharFreq = charFreqsByFeature[tFeat]
for c, freq in thisCharFreq.items():
charFreq[c] += freq
charFreqsByFmt[fmt] = sorted(x for x in charFreq.items())
return charFreqsByFmt
def boundary(info, error, otype, oslots, rank):
"""Computes boundary data.
For each slot, the nodes that start at that slot and the nodes that end
at that slot are collected.
Boundary data is used by the API functions
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
oslots: iterable
The data of the `oslots` feature.
rank: tuple
The data of the `rank` pre-computation step.
* first: tuple of tuple
The `n`-th member is the tuple of nodes that start at slot `n`,
ordered in *reversed* canonical order (`tf.core.nodes`);
* last: tuple of tuple
The `n`-th member is the tuple of nodes that end at slot `n`,
ordered in canonical order;
!!! hint "why reversed canonical order?"
Just for symmetry.
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
oslots = oslots[0]
firstSlotsD = {}
lastSlotsD = {}
for node, slots in enumerate(oslots):
realNode = node + 1 + maxSlot
firstSlotsD.setdefault(slots[0], []).append(realNode)
lastSlotsD.setdefault(slots[-1], []).append(realNode)
firstSlots = tuple(
tuple(sorted(firstSlotsD.get(n, []), key=lambda node: -rank[node - 1]))
# array.array("I", sorted(firstSlotsD.get(n, []),
# key=lambda node: -rank[node - 1]))
for n in range(1, maxSlot + 1)
lastSlots = tuple(
tuple(sorted(lastSlotsD.get(n, []), key=lambda node: rank[node - 1]))
# array.array("I", sorted(lastSlotsD.get(n, []),
# key=lambda node: rank[node - 1]))
for n in range(1, maxSlot + 1)
return (firstSlots, lastSlots)
def sections(info, error, otype, oslots, otext, levUp, levDown, levels, *sFeats):
"""Computes section data.
TF datasets may define up to three section levels, roughly corresponding
with a volume, a chapter, a paragraph.
If the corpus has a richer section structure, it is also possible
a different, more flexible and more extensive nest of structural sections.
See `structure`.
TF must be able to go from sections at one level to the sections
at one level lower. It must also be able to map section headings
to nodes. For this, the section features are needed, since they
contain the section headings.
We also map the sections to sequence numbers and back, at each level, e.g.
in the Hebrew Bible `Genesis` is mapped to 1, `Exodus` to 2, etc.
We also do it for integer values components, and we make sure that the first section
at each level gets sequence number `1`.
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
oslots: iterable
The data of the `oslots` feature.
otext: iterable
The data of the `otext` feature.
levUp: tuple
The data of the `levUp` pre-computation step.
levDown: tuple
The data of the `levDown` pre-computation step.
levels: tuple
The data of the `levels` pre-computation step.
sFeats: iterable
Each `sFeat` is the data of a section feature.
We have the following items:
* `sec1`:
Mapping from section-level-1 nodes to mappings from
section-level-2 headings to section-level-2 nodes.
* `sec2`:
Mapping from section-level-1 nodes to mappings from
section-level-2 headings to mappings from
section-level-3 headings to section-level-3 nodes.
* `seqFromNode`:
Mapping from tuples of section nodes to tuples of sequence numbers.
Only if there are precisely 3 section levels, otherwise this is an
empty dictionary.
* `nodeFromSeq`:
Mapping from tuples of section sequence numbers to tuples of nodes.
Only if there are precisely 3 section levels, otherwise this is an
empty dictionary.
Note that the terms `book`, `chapter`, `verse` are not baked into TF.
It is the corpus data, especially the `otext` configuration feature that
spells out the names of the sections.
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
oslots = oslots[0]
support = {level[0]: (level[2], level[3]) for level in levels}
sTypes = itemize(otext["sectionTypes"], ",")
sec1 = {}
sec2 = {}
seqFromNode = {}
nodeFromSeq = {}
nestingProblems = collections.Counter()
if len(sTypes) < 2:
elif len(sTypes) < 3:
c1 = 0
support1 = support[sTypes[1]]
for n1 in range(support1[0], support1[1] + 1):
n0s = tuple(x for x in levUp[n1 - 1] if otype[x - maxSlot - 1] == sTypes[0])
if not n0s:
f"section {sTypes[1]} without containing {sTypes[0]}"
] += 1
n0 = n0s[0]
n1head = sFeats[1].get(n1, None)
if n1head is None:
nestingProblems[f"{sTypes[1]}-node {n1} has no section heading"] += 1
if n0 not in sec1:
sec1[n0] = {}
if n1head not in sec1[n0]:
sec1[n0][n1head] = n1
c1 += 1
info(f"{c1} {sTypes[1]}s indexed")
c1 = 0
c2 = 0
support2 = support[sTypes[2]]
for n2 in range(support2[0], support2[1] + 1):
n0s = tuple(x for x in levUp[n2 - 1] if otype[x - maxSlot - 1] == sTypes[0])
if not n0s:
f"section {sTypes[2]} without containing {sTypes[0]}"
] += 1
n0 = n0s[0]
n1s = tuple(x for x in levUp[n2 - 1] if otype[x - maxSlot - 1] == sTypes[1])
if not n1s:
f"section {sTypes[2]} without containing {sTypes[1]}"
] += 1
n1 = n1s[0]
n1head = sFeats[1].get(n1, None)
if n1head is None:
nestingProblems[f"{sTypes[1]}-node {n1} has no section heading"] += 1
n2head = sFeats[2].get(n2, None)
if n2head is None:
nestingProblems[f"{sTypes[2]}-node {n2} has no section heading"] += 1
if n0 not in sec1:
sec1[n0] = {}
if n1head not in sec1[n0]:
sec1[n0][n1head] = n1
c1 += 1
sec2.setdefault(n0, {}).setdefault(n1head, {})[n2head] = n2
c2 += 1
info(f"{c1} {sTypes[1]}s and {c2} {sTypes[2]}s indexed")
if nestingProblems:
for msg, amount in sorted(nestingProblems.items()):
error(f"WARNING: {amount:>4} x {msg}")
c0 = 0
if len(sTypes) == 3:
support0 = support[sTypes[0]]
for n0 in range(support0[0], support0[1] + 1):
c0 += 1
seqFromNode[n0] = (c0,)
nodeFromSeq[(c0,)] = n0
c1 = 0
for n1 in (
for x in levDown[n0 - maxSlot - 1]
if otype[x - maxSlot - 1] == sTypes[1]
c1 += 1
c2 = 0
seqFromNode[n1] = (c0, c1)
nodeFromSeq[(c0, c1)] = n1
for n2 in (
for x in levDown[n1 - maxSlot - 1]
if otype[x - maxSlot - 1] == sTypes[2]
c2 += 1
seqFromNode[n2] = (c0, c1, c2)
nodeFromSeq[(c0, c1, c2)] = n2
return dict(sec1=sec1, sec2=sec2, seqFromNode=seqFromNode, nodeFromSeq=nodeFromSeq)
def structure(info, error, otype, oslots, otext, rank, levUp, *sFeats):
"""Computes structure data.
If the corpus has a rich section structure, it is possible to define
a flexible and extensive nest of structural sections.
Independent of this,
TF datasets may also define up to three section levels,
roughly corresponding with a volume, a chapter, a paragraph.
See `sections`.
TF must be able to go from sections at one level to the sections
at one level lower. It must also be able to map section headings
to nodes. For this, the section features are needed, since they
contain the section headings.
info: function
Method to write informational messages to the console.
error: function
Method to write error messages to the console.
otype: iterable
The data of the `otype` feature.
oslots: iterable
The data of the `oslots` feature.
otext: iterable
The data of the `otext` feature.
rank: tuple
The data of the `rank` pre-computation step.
levUp: tuple
The data of the `levUp` pre-computation step.
sFeats: iterable
Each `sFeat` the data of a section feature.
* `headingFromNode` (Mapping from nodes to section keys)
* `nodeFromHeading` (Mapping from section keys to nodes)
* `multiple`
* `top`
* `up`
* `down`
A section key of a structural node is obtained by going a level up from
that node, retrieving the heading of that structural node, then going up again,
and so on till a top node is reached. The tuple of headings obtained in this way
is the section key.
(otype, maxSlot, maxNode, slotType) = otype
oslots = oslots[0]
sTypeList = itemize(otext["structureTypes"], ",")
nsTypes = len(sTypeList)
nsFeats = len(sFeats)
if nsTypes != nsFeats:
f"WARNING: {nsTypes} structure levels but {nsFeats} corresponding features"
return ({}, {})
sTypes = set(sTypeList)
if len(sTypes) != nsTypes:
error("WARNING: duplicate structure levels")
return ({}, {})
higherTypes = collections.defaultdict(set)
for i, highType in enumerate(sTypeList):
for lowType in sTypeList[i:]:
featFromType = {sTypeList[i]: sFeats[i] for i in range(nsTypes)}
multiple = collections.defaultdict(list)
headingFromNode = {}
nodeFromHeading = {}
for n in range(maxSlot + 1, maxNode + 1):
nType = otype[n - maxSlot - 1]
if nType not in sTypes:
ups = (u for u in levUp[n - 1] if otype[u - maxSlot - 1] in higherTypes[nType])
sKey = tuple(
otype[x - maxSlot - 1],
featFromType[otype[x - maxSlot - 1]].get(x, None),
for x in (n, *ups)
if sKey in nodeFromHeading:
if sKey not in multiple:
nodeFromHeading[sKey] = n
headingFromNode[n] = sKey
multiple = {
sKey: tuple(sorted(ns, key=lambda n: rank[n - 1]))
for (sKey, ns) in multiple.items()
top = tuple(
(n for (n, h) in headingFromNode.items() if len(h) == 1),
key=lambda n: rank[n - 1],
up = {}
for n, heading in headingFromNode.items():
lHeading = len(heading)
if lHeading == 1:
upNode = None
for i in range(lHeading - 1, 0, -1):
upHeading = heading[0:i]
upNode = nodeFromHeading.get(upHeading, None)
if upNode is not None:
up[n] = upNode
down = {}
for n, heading in headingFromNode.items():
if len(heading) == 1:
down.setdefault(up[n], []).append(n)
down = {n: tuple(sorted(ms, key=lambda m: rank[m - 1])) for (n, ms) in down.items()}
return (headingFromNode, nodeFromHeading, multiple, top, up, down)
def boundary(info, error, otype, oslots, rank)
Computes boundary data.
For each slot, the nodes that start at that slot and the nodes that end at that slot are collected.
Boundary data is used by the API functions
. andLocality.n()
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. oslots
- The data of the
feature. rank
- The data of the
pre-computation step.
- first: tuple of tuple
-th member is the tuple of nodes that start at slotn
, ordered in reversed canonical order (tf.core.nodes
); - last: tuple of tuple
-th member is the tuple of nodes that end at slotn
, ordered in canonical order;
- first: tuple of tuple
why reversed canonical order?
Just for symmetry.
def characters(info, error, otext, tFormats, *tFeats)
Computes character data.
For each text format, a frequency list of the characters in that format is made.
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. tFormats
- Dictionary keyed by text format and valued by the tuple of features used in that format.
- Each
is the name and the data of a text feature. i.e. a feature used in text formats.
- Keyed by format valued by a frequency dict, which is itself keyed by single characters and valued by the frequency of that character in the whole corpus when rendered with that format.
def levDown(info, error, otype, levUp, rank)
Computes level-down data.
Level-down data is used by the API function
.This function computes the embedded nodes of a node by looking them up from the level-down data.
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. levUp
- The data of the
pre-computation step. rank
- The data of the
pre-computation step.
- The
-th member is an tuple of the embedded nodes ofn + maxSlot
. Those tuples are sorted in canonical order (tf.core.nodes
Memory efficiency
Slot nodes do not have embedded nodes, so they do not have to occupy space in this tuple. Hence the first member are the embedded nodes of node
maxSlot + 1
.Use with care
It is not advisable to use this data directly by
, it is far better to use theLocality.d()
function.Only when every bit of performance waste has to be squeezed out, this raw data might be a deal.
def levUp(info, error, otype, oslots, rank)
Computes level-up data.
Level-up data is used by the API function
.This function computes the embedders of a node by looking them up from the level-up data.
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. oslots
- The data of the
feature. rank
- The data of the
pre-computation step.
- The
-th member is a tuple of the embedder nodes ofn
. Those tuples are sorted in canonical order (tf.core.nodes
Memory efficiency
Many nodes have the same tuple of embedders. Those embedder tuples will be reused for those nodes.
It is not advisable to use this data directly by
, it is far better to use theLocality.u()
function.Only when every bit of performance waste has to be squeezed out, this raw data might be a deal.
def levels(info, error, otype, oslots, otext)
Computes level data.
For each node type, compute the average number of slots occupied by its nodes, and order the node types on that.
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. oslots
- The data of the
feature. otext
- The data of the
An ordered tuple, each member with the information of a node type:
- node type name
- average number of slots contained in the nodes of this type
- first node of this type
- last node of this type
The order()
ofthe tuple is descending by average number
ofslots per node
Level computation and customization
All node types have a level, defined by the average amount of slots object of that type usually occupy. The bigger the average object, the lower the levels. Books have the lowest level, words the highest level.
However, this can be overruled. Suppose you have a node type
and above it a node typecluster
, i.e. phrases are contained in clusters, but not vice versa. If all phrases are contained in clusters, and some clusters have more than one phrase, the automatic level ranking of node types works out well in this case. But if clusters only have very small phrases, and the big phrases do not occur in clusters, then the algorithm may assign a lower rank to clusters than to phrases.In general, it is too expensive to try to compute the levels in a sophisticated way. In order to remedy cases where the algorithm assigns wrong levels, you can add a
and / or@levelsConstraint
key to theotext
configuration feature. Seetf.core.text
. def order(info, error, otype, oslots, levels)
Computes order data for the canonical ordering.
The canonical ordering between nodes is defined in terms of the slots that nodes contain, and if that is not decisive, the rank of the node type is taken into account, and if that is still not decisive, the node itself is taken into account.
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. oslots
- The data of the
feature. levels
- The data of the
pre-computation step.
- All nodes, slot and nonslot, in canonical order.
See Also
- canonical ordering
def rank(info, error, otype, order)
Computes rank data.
The rank of a node is its place in among the other nodes in the canonical order (see
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. order
- The data of the
- The ranks of all nodes, slot and nonslot, with respect to the canonical order.
def sections(info, error, otype, oslots, otext, levUp, levDown, levels, *sFeats)
Computes section data.
TF datasets may define up to three section levels, roughly corresponding with a volume, a chapter, a paragraph.
If the corpus has a richer section structure, it is also possible a different, more flexible and more extensive nest of structural sections. See
.TF must be able to go from sections at one level to the sections at one level lower. It must also be able to map section headings to nodes. For this, the section features are needed, since they contain the section headings.
We also map the sections to sequence numbers and back, at each level, e.g. in the Hebrew Bible
is mapped to 1,Exodus
to 2, etc. We also do it for integer values components, and we make sure that the first section at each level gets sequence number1
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. oslots
- The data of the
feature. otext
- The data of the
feature. levUp
- The data of the
pre-computation step. levDown
- The data of the
pre-computation step. levels
- The data of the
pre-computation step. sFeats
- Each
is the data of a section feature.
We have the following items:
: Mapping from section-level-1 nodes to mappings from section-level-2 headings to section-level-2 nodes.sec2
: Mapping from section-level-1 nodes to mappings from section-level-2 headings to mappings from section-level-3 headings to section-level-3 nodes.seqFromNode
: Mapping from tuples of section nodes to tuples of sequence numbers. Only if there are precisely 3 section levels, otherwise this is an empty dictionary.nodeFromSeq
: Mapping from tuples of section sequence numbers to tuples of nodes. Only if there are precisely 3 section levels, otherwise this is an empty dictionary.
Note that the terms
are not baked into TF. It is the corpus data, especially theotext
configuration feature that spells out the names of the sections. def structure(info, error, otype, oslots, otext, rank, levUp, *sFeats)
Computes structure data.
If the corpus has a rich section structure, it is possible to define a flexible and extensive nest of structural sections.
Independent of this, TF datasets may also define up to three section levels, roughly corresponding with a volume, a chapter, a paragraph. See
.TF must be able to go from sections at one level to the sections at one level lower. It must also be able to map section headings to nodes. For this, the section features are needed, since they contain the section headings.
- Method to write informational messages to the console.
- Method to write error messages to the console.
- The data of the
feature. oslots
- The data of the
feature. otext
- The data of the
feature. rank
- The data of the
pre-computation step. levUp
- The data of the
pre-computation step. sFeats
- Each
the data of a section feature.
(Mapping from nodes to section keys)nodeFromHeading
(Mapping from section keys to nodes)multiple
A section key of a structural node is obtained by going a level up from that node, retrieving the heading of that structural node, then going up again, and so on till a top node is reached. The tuple of headings obtained in this way is the section key.