Module tf.about.searchusage


You can query for graph like structures in your data set. The structure you are interested in has to be written as a search template.

A search template expresses a pattern of nodes and edges with additional conditions also known as quantifiers.

You can query a TF corpus in the TF browser.

You can also run queries on arbitrary TF corpora programmatically, e.g. in a Jupyter notebook, by using or the S Api.

Search primer

A search template consists of a bunch of lines, possibly indented, that specify objects to look for. Here is a simple example, not from any real corpus, so do not enter this literally:

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
        word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular

This template looks for word combinations within a sentence within chapter 2 of either Genesis or Exodus, where one of the words is a verb and the other is a noun. Both have a feminine inflection, but the verb is plural and the noun is singular.

The indentation signifies embedding, i.e. containment. The two words are contained in the same sentence, the sentence is contained in the chapter, the chapter in the book.

The things you look for, such as book, chapter, sentence, word are nodes in your corpus of those node types.

The conditions you specify on nodes are all conditions in terms of node features. You can use all features in the corpus for this.

The order of the two words is immaterial. If there are cases where the verb follows the noun, they will be included in the results.

Also, the words do not have to be adjacent. If there are cases with words intervening between the noun and the verb, they will be included in the results.

Speaking of results: the search function returns its results as tuples of nodes:

(book, chapter, sentence, word1, word2)

With these nodes in hand, you can programmatically gather all information about the results that the corpus provides.

If the order between the verb and the noun is important, you can specify that as an additional constraint. You can give the words a name, and state a relational condition. Here we state that the noun precedes the verb.

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        vb:word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
        nn:word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular
nn < vb

This can be written a bit more economically as:

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
        > word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular

If you insist that the noun immediately precedes the verb, you can use a different relational operator:

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
        :> word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular

There are more kinds of relational operators.

If the noun must be the first word in the sentence, you can specify it as

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        w:word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular
        <: word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
s =: w

or a bit more economically:

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        =: word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular
        <: word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural

If the verb must be the last word in the sentence, you can specify it as

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular
        <: w:word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
s := w

or a bit more economically:

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
        word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular
        <: word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural

You can also use the edge features in the corpus as relational operators as well.

Suppose we have an edge feature sub between clauses, such that if main clause m has subordinate clauses s1, s2 and s3, then

E.sub.f(m) = (s1, s2, s3)

You can use this relation in search. Suppose we want to find the noun verb pair in subordinate clauses only. We can use this template:

book name=Genesis|Exodus
   chapter number=2
          word pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
          :> word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular
m -sub> s

or a bit more economically:

book name=Genesis|Exodus
  chapter number=2
      -sub> clause
        word    pos=verb gender=feminine number=plural
        :> word pos=noun gender=feminine number=singular

Read m -sub> s as: there is a sub-arrow from m to s.

Edge features may have values. For example, the crossref feature is a set of edges between parallel verses, with the levels of confidence as values. This number is an integer between 0 and 100. We can ask for parallel verses in an unqualified way:

<crossref> verse

But we can also ask for the cases with a specific confidence:

<crossref=90> verse

or cases with a high confidence:

<crossref>95> verse

or cases with a low confidence:

<crossref<80> verse

All feature conditions that you can assert on node features, you can also assert for edge features. If an edge feature is integer valued, such as crossref you can use comparisons; if it is string valued, you can use regular expressions. In both cases you can also use the other constructs, such as

<crossref=66|77> verse

To get a more specific introduction to search, consult the search tutorials for annotated corpora, see tf.about.corpora.

Finally an example with quantifiers. We want all clauses where Pred-phrases consist of verbs only:

    phrase function=Pred
      word sp#verb

Search template reference

Template lines

We have these kinds of lines in a template:

comment lines

  • if the first non-white character on a line is % it is a comment line;
  • you cannot comment out parts of lines after a non-white part;
  • if a line is empty or has white-space only, it is a comment line;
  • comment lines are allowed everywhere;
  • comment lines are ignored.

atom lines

(simple): indent name:node-type-or-set features

The node-type-or-set is either a node type that exists in your TF data set, or ., which stands for all node types together, or it is the name of a set that you have passed in the sets parameter alongside the query itself when you call search or study.

See feature specifications below for all full variety of feature constraints on nodes and edges.


  1. word pos=verb gender=feminine
  2. vb:word pos=verb gender=feminine
  3. vb pos=verb gender=feminine
  4. . n=3


  • The indent is significant. Indent is counted as the number of white-space characters, where tabs count for just 1. Avoid tabs!.
  • The name: part is optional. If present, it defines a name for this atom that can be used in relational comparisons and other atoms.
  • The query . n=3 looks for all nodes that have a feature n with value 3, irrespective of the node type.
  • The node-type-or-set part is optional. If it is absent, the name part must be present.

The meaning of

p:phrase sp=verb
p vs=qal

is identical to the meaning of

p:phrase sp=verb
pnew:phrase vs=qal
p = pnew
(with relop): indent operator name:node-type-or-set features
  • <: word pos=verb gender=feminine
  • The relation operator specifies an extra constraint between a preceding atom and this atom.
  • The preceding atom may be the parent, provided we are at its first child, or it may the preceding sibling.
  • You can leave out the name:node-type-or-set features bit. In that case, the relation holds between the preceding atom and its parent.
  • The name: part is optional. Exactly as in the case without relop.
  • The node-type-or-set part is optional. Exactly as in the case without relop.

feature lines: features

Indent is not significant. Continuation of feature constraints after a preceding atom line or other feature line. This way you can divide lengthy feature constraints over multiple lines.

See feature specifications below for the full variety of feature constraints on nodes and edges.

relation lines: name operator name

  • s := w
  • m -sub> s
  • m <sub- s
  • m <sub> s
  • Indents and spacing are ignored.
  • There must be white-space around the operator.
  • Operators that come from edge features may be enriched with values.

See relational operators below for the whole spectrum of relational constraints on nodes.

quantifier sub-templates:

Atom lines that contain a node type or set may be followed by quantifiers. Quantifiers consist of search templates themselves, demarcated by some special keywords:

  • /without/
  • /where/ and /have/
  • /with/ and /or/
  • /-/

N.B. Quantifiers are also allowed after the feature lines that may follow such atoms. In that case, the quantifier is also associated with the atom. So the following two are equivalent

word gn=f
.. nu=pl


.. nu=pl

See quantifiers below for all the syntax and semantics.

Feature specifications

The features above is a specification of what features with which values to search for. This specification must be written as a white-space separated list of feature specs.

A feature spec has the form name valueSpec, with no space between the name and the valueSpec.

Value specifications

The valueSpec may have the following forms and meanings:

form the feature name
(empty) has any value except None
# has value None
* has arbitrary value
=values has one of the values specified
#values has none of the values specified
>value is greater than value
<value is less than value
~regular expression has a value and it matches regular expression

Why * ?

The operator * after a feature name does not pose any restriction at all. It will not influence the search results.

Why would you want to include such a "criterion"?

Some applications, such as the TF browser collect the features used in a query to retrieve result information to be presented to the user. So if you want to include the values of a particular feature, mention that feature with a *.

All these forms are also valid as -name form> and <name form- and <name form>, in which case they specify value constraints on edge features. This is only meaningful if the edge feature is declared to have values (most edge features do not have values).

Additional constraints

  • There may be no space around the =#<>~.
  • name must be a feature name that exists in the dataset. If it references a feature that is not yet loaded, the feature will be loaded automatically.
  • values must be a | separated list of feature values, no quotes. No spaces around the |. If you need a space or | or \ in a value, escape it by a \. Escape tabs and newlines as \t and \n.
  • When comparing values with < and >:
    • value must be an integer (negative values allowed);
    • You can do numeric comparisons only on number-valued features, not on string-valued features.
    • If the feature in question is not defined for a node, or has the value None the outcome is always False.
  • regular expression must be a string that conforms to the Python regular expression syntax.
    • If you need a space in your regular expression, you have to escape it with a \.
    • You can do regular expressions only on string-valued features, not on number-valued features.

Relational operators

Node comparison

  • =: is equal (meaning the same node, a clause and a verse that occupy the same slots are still unequal) op
  • #: is unequal (meaning a different node, a clause and a verse that occupy the same slots are still unequal) op
  • < >: before and after (in the canonical ordering, see tf.core.nodes) op

Slot comparison

  • ==: occupy the same slots (identical slot sets) op
  • &&: overlap (the intersection of both slot sets is not empty) op
  • ##: occupy different slots (but they may overlap, the set of slots of the two are different as sets) op
  • ||: occupy disjoint slots (no slot occupied by the one is also occupied by the other) op
  • [[ ]]: embeds and contains (slot set inclusion, in both directions) op Never holds between the same nodes. But it holds between different nodes with the same slots. But a slot can never embed an other node.
  • << >>: before and after (with respect to the slots occupied: left ends before right starts and vice versa) op
  • <: :>: adjacent before and after (with respect to the slots occupied: left ends immediately before right starts and vice versa) op
  • =: left and right start at the same slot op
  • := left and right end at the same slot op
  • :: left and right start and end at the same slot op

Nearness comparison

Some of the adjacency relations can actually be weakened. Instead of requiring that one slot is equal to an other slot, you can require that they are k-near, i.e. they are at most k apart. Here are the relationships where you can do that. Instead of typing the letter k, provide the actual number you want.

  • <k: :k>: k-adjacent before and after (with respect to the slots occupied: left ends k-near where right starts and vice versa) op
  • =k: left and right start at k-near slots op
  • :k= left and right end at k-near slots op
  • :k: left and right start and end at k-near slots op

Based on node features

Nodes can be compared on the basis of the features that they have. For each pair of node features f, g there is a relation between nodes that holds precisely when feature f of the first node has the same value as feature g on the second node. This can be used in search templates. Not only equality is covered, also inequality, comparison, and matching.

  • .f. and .f=g. feature equality: the f value of the left node is equal to the g value of the right node.

    .f. is an abbreviation for .f=f.. op

    None values

    If one or both of the nodes does not have a value, the result is False.

    In particular, two nodes that have both None for a feature f, count as having unequal values for f.

    • .f#g. feature inequality: the f value of the left node is unequal to the g value of the right node. op

    None values

    If one or both of the nodes does not have a value, the result is True.

    In particular, two nodes that have both None for a feature f, count as having unequal values for f.

    • .f<g. and .f>g. feature less than and greater than: the f value of the left node is less / greater than the g value of right node. This is only legal if both f and g are integer valued features. op

    None values

    If one or both of the nodes does not have a value, the result is False.

    • .f~regex~g. Features match: they are equal modulo the replacement of the parts that match the regex. This is only legal if both f and g are string valued features. op


    If node n has feature lex with value donkey_1 and node m has feature lex with value donkey_2, then the following holds:

    n .lex~_[0-9]*$~lex. m

    The values are stripped of their final _1 and _2 strings before they are being compared, leaving the comparison donkey = donkey, which is True.

    None values

    If one or both of the nodes does not have a value, the result is False.

Based on edge features

Edge features are based on directed edges. An edge from n to m is not the same as an edge from m to n. For each direction there is a relation operator. And there is an operator corresponding to the symmetric closure of the edges.

  • without values

    • A -name> B: edge from A to B .
    • A <name- B: edge from B to A .
    • A <name> B: edge from A to B or from B to A or both .

    These forms work for edges that do and do not have values;



  • with values

    • A -name valueSpec> B: edge with value from A to B .
    • A <name valueSpec- B: edge with value from B to A .
    • A <name valueSpec> B: edge with value from A to B . or form B to A or both

    These forms work only for edges that do have values.




Quantifiers are powerful expressions in templates.

They state conditions on a given atom in your template. The atom in question is called the parent atom. The conditions may involve many nodes that are related to the parent, as in:

all embedded words are a verb;

without a following predicate phrase;

with a mother clause or a mother phrase.

That is where the term quantifier comes from.

A quantifier quantifies its parent atom.





  extra feature line 1
  extra feature line 2
  extra feature line n

In the following, when we say atom, we mean the atom line itself plus all feature lines that follow it.

The Meaning is:

node r is a result of this template if and only if r is a result of atom (with all its the extra feature lines) and there is no tuple RN such that (r, RN) is a result of






node r is a result of this template if and only if r is a result of atom and for all tuples (RA) such that (r, RA) is a result of


there is a tuple RH such that (r, RA, RH) is a result of






node r is a result of this template if and only if: there is a tuple R1 such that (r, R1) is a result of


or there is a tuple R2 such that (r, R2) is a result of


or there is a tuple R3 such that (r, R3) is a result of

1 or more alternatives

This quantifier can be used with any number of /or/ keywords, including none at all. If there is no /or/, there is just one alternative. The only difference between




is that the results of the first query contain tuples with only one element, corresponding to the atom. The second query contains tuples of which the first element corresponds to the atom, and the remaining members correspond to the template.


The atom bit is an atom line, it acts as the parent of the quantifier. Inside a quantifier, you may refer to the parent by the special name ... So you do not have to give a name to the parent.

Multiple quantifiers

You may have multiple quantifiers for one parent.

Not in result tuples

Whereas the search for a normal template proceeds by finding a tuple that instantiates all its nodes in such a way that all relationships expressed in the template hold, a quantifier template is not instantiated. It asserts a condition that has to be tested for all nodes relative its parent. None of the atoms in a template of a quantifier corresponds to a node in a final result tuple.

May be nested

Templates within a quantifier may contain other quantifiers. The idea is, that whenever a search template is evaluated, quantifiers at the outer level of get interpreted. This interpretation gives rise to one or more templates to be constructed and run. Those new templates have been stripped of the outer layer of quantifiers, and when these templates are executed, the quantifiers at the next level have become outer. And so on.


Due to the implementation of quantifiers there are certain restrictions.

  • Quantifiers must be put immediately below their parents or below preceding quantifiers of the same parent.
  • The keywords of a quantifier must appear on lines with exactly the same indentation as the atom they quantify.
  • The templates of a quantifier must have equal or greater indent than its keywords;
  • The names accessible to the templates inside a quantifier are:

    • the name .., which is the name of the atom that is quantified; this name is automagically valid in quantifier templates;
    • the name of the atom that is quantified (if that atom has a given name);
    • names defined in the template itself;
    • in /where/, templateH may use names defined in templateA; but only if these names are defined outside any quantifier of templateA.
  • The following situations block the visibility of names:

    • in /with/, templateOi may not use names defined in templateOj for j other than i;
    • names defined outer quantifiers are not accessible in inner quantifiers;
    • names defined inner quantifiers are not accessible in outer quantifiers.

When you nest quantifiers, think of the way they will be recomposed into ordinary templates. This dictates whether your quantifier is syntactically valid or not.


The indentation in quantifiers relative to their parent atom will be preserved.

Nested quantifiers


  phrase function=Pred
    word sp#verb
  phrase function=Subj

The auxiliary templates that will be run are:

For the outer quantifier:

  phrase function=Pred


  phrase function=Pred
    word sp#verb

For the inner quantifier:

phrase function=Pred
  word sp#verb

Note that the auxiliary template for the inner quantifier is shifted in its entirety to the left, but that the relative indentation is exactly as it shows in the original template.


Here is a description of the implementation of the quantifiers. It is not the real implementation, but it makes clear what is going on, and why the quantifiers have certain limitations, and how indentation works.

The basic idea is:

  • a quantifier leads to the execution of one or more separate search templates;
  • the results of these searches are combined by means of set operations: difference, intersection, union, dependent on the nature of the quantifier;
  • the end result of this combination will fed as a custom set to the original template after stripping the whole quantifier from that template. So we replace a quantifier by a custom set.

Suppose we have

clause typ=Wx0

We compute a set of clauses filteredClauses1 based on

clause typ=Wx0

and then compute a new set filteredClauses2 based on'''
fclause typ=Wx0

and so on until we have had QUANTIFIERn, leading to a set filteredClausesN of clauses that pass all filters set by the quantifiers.

Finally, we deliver the results of'''
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