Module tf.about.releases

Release notes

Consult the tutorials after changes

When we change the API, we make sure that the tutorials show off all possibilities.

See the app-specific tutorials via tf.about.corpora.


This major update has a few small fixes and adds nothing, but it deletes a lot. All functions having to do with XML conversion have been moved out of Text-Fabric, into a new package, Text-Fabric-Factory, which kan be pip installed separately.




GitLab backends: downloading deeper-than-toplevel subfolders from a repo led to a wrong directory structure of the downloaded files. This has been fixed.



The place where the downloader thinks the text-fabric-data directory is, is in fact a parameter, but only the module tf.advanced.repo used it. Now you can also pass it to the use() command in

This is needed when you drive TF programmatically in contexts where your home directory is not the best place for it. For example in conversion pipelines with multiple projects.

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.. include:: ../docs/about/