
Expand source code Browse git
import sys
import re
from subprocess import run
from textwrap import dedent

from ..core.helpers import console
from ..core.files import (
    unexpanduser as ux,

__pdoc__ = {}

HELP = """

``` sh
nbconvert inputDir [outputDir]

Several modes:

Copy mode
If outputDir is given and not equal to "-":

Converts all `.ipynb` files in `inputDir` to `.html` files in `outputDir`.
Copies all other files in `inputDir` to `outputDir`.
If `outputDir` does not exist, it will be created.

Makes sure that all links in the resulting HTML to one of the
original `.ipynb` files are transformed in links to the converted `.html` files.

In place mode
If outputDir is given and equal to "-":

Converts all `.ipynb` files in `inputDir` to `.html` files next to their originals.
Overwrites existing HTML names with the same name.

Makes sure that all links in the resulting HTML to one of the
original `.ipynb` files are transformed in links to the converted `.html` files.

Index mode
Without outputDir

Generates an index.html file in inputDir with links
to all HTML files that can be recursively found inside the inputDir.

Command switches

``` sh


HTML_EXT = ".html"
NB_EXT = ".ipynb"
INDEX = "index.html"

def task(*args):
    inputDir = args[0]
    if not isDir(inputDir):
        console(f"Input directory does not exist: {inputDir}")
        return 1

    if len(args) == 1:
        console("INDEX MODE")
        convertDir(inputDir, args[1])

def makeIndex(inputDir):
    htmlStart = dedent(
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                <meta charset="utf-8"/>
            div {
                padding-left: 3em;
    htmlEnd = dedent(

    def doSubDir(path):
        subInputDir = inputDir if path == "" else f"{inputDir}/{path}"

        theseLinks = []

        with scanDir(subInputDir) as dh:
            for entry in dh:
                name =
                if name.startswith("."):
                subPath = name if path == "" else f"{path}/{name}"
                if entry.is_dir():
                    subResult = doSubDir(subPath)
                    if len(subResult) > 0:
                        theseLinks.append((name, path, doSubDir(subPath)))
                elif name.endswith(HTML_EXT) and name != INDEX:
                    theseLinks.append((name, path))
        return sorted(theseLinks)

    def formatDir(entry):
        if len(entry) == 3:
            (name, path, subEntries) = entry
            subResults = "\n".join(formatDir(subEntry) for subEntry in subEntries)
            return dedent(
            (name, path) = entry
            url = name if path == "" else f"{path}/{name}"
            return f"""<a href="{url}">{name.removesuffix(HTML_EXT)}</a><br>"""

    console(f"Creating a table of contents for {ux(inputDir)}")
    result = doSubDir("")

    html = "\n".join(formatDir(d) for d in result)

    html = f"{htmlStart}{html}{htmlEnd}"
    filePath = INDEX if inputDir == "" else f"{inputDir}/{INDEX}"

    with fileOpen(filePath, mode="w") as fh:

    console(f"Created {ux(filePath)}")

def convertDir(inputDir, outputDir):
    inPlace = outputDir == "-"
    console("IN PLACE MODE" if inPlace else "COPY MODE")

    if not inPlace:
        initTree(outputDir, fresh=True)

    convertedNotebooks = []

    def escapeSpace(x):
        return x.replace(" ", "\\ ")

    def doSubDir(path):
        subInputDir = inputDir if path == "" else f"{inputDir}/{path}"

        if not inPlace:
            subOutputDir = outputDir if path == "" else f"{outputDir}/{path}"

        theseNotebooks = []

        with scanDir(subInputDir) as dh:
            for entry in dh:
                name =
                if name.startswith("."):
                subPath = name if path == "" else f"{path}/{name}"
                if entry.is_dir():
                elif name.endswith(NB_EXT):
                    if not inPlace:
                        fileCopy(f"{subInputDir}/{name}", f"{subOutputDir}/{name}")

        if len(theseNotebooks):
            command = "jupyter nbconvert --to html"
            inFiles = " ".join(
                f"{subInputDir}/{escapeSpace(name)}" for name in theseNotebooks
            destDir = subInputDir if inPlace else subOutputDir
            commandLine = f"{command} --output-dir={destDir} {inFiles}"
            run(commandLine, shell=True)
            for thisNotebook in theseNotebooks:
                convertedNotebooks.append((destDir, thisNotebook.replace(NB_EXT, "")))

    convertedPat = ")|(?:".join(re.escape(c[1]) for c in convertedNotebooks)

    LINK_RE = re.compile(

    def processLinks(text):
        return LINK_RE.sub(r"\1.html\2", text)

    console("fixing links to converted notebooks:")
    for path, name in convertedNotebooks:
        pathName = f"{path}/{name}.html"
        with fileOpen(pathName) as fh:
            text =
        text = processLinks(text)
        with fileOpen(pathName, mode="w") as fh:

def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if "-h" in args or "--help" in args or len(args) not in {1, 2}:

    return task(*args)

__pdoc__["task"] = HELP

if __name__ == "__main__":


def convertDir(inputDir, outputDir)
def main()
def makeIndex(inputDir)
def task(*args)
nbconvert inputDir [outputDir]

Several modes:

Copy Mode

If outputDir is given and not equal to "-":

Converts all .ipynb files in inputDir to .html files in outputDir. Copies all other files in inputDir to outputDir. If outputDir does not exist, it will be created.

Makes sure that all links in the resulting HTML to one of the original .ipynb files are transformed in links to the converted .html files.

In Place Mode

If outputDir is given and equal to "-":

Converts all .ipynb files in inputDir to .html files next to their originals. Overwrites existing HTML names with the same name.

Makes sure that all links in the resulting HTML to one of the original .ipynb files are transformed in links to the converted .html files.

Index Mode

Without outputDir

Generates an index.html file in inputDir with links to all HTML files that can be recursively found inside the inputDir.

Command switches
