Module tf.advanced.unravel
Unraveling means to transform a neighbourhood of nodes into a tree of node fragment. That sounds simple, but quite a few ideas have to work together to make it work.
It is described at length in tf.about.displaydesign
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# Unravel
Unraveling means to transform a neighbourhood of nodes into a tree of node fragment.
That sounds simple, but quite a few ideas have to work together to make it work.
It is described at length in `tf.about.displaydesign`.
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
from ..core.helpers import rangesFromList, console, QUAD
from ..core.text import DEFAULT_FORMAT
from ..parameters import OMAP
from .highlight import getHlAtt
from .helpers import _getLtr
__pdoc__ = {}
class OuterSettings:
"""Common properties during plain() and pretty().
OuterSettings = namedtuple( # noqa: F811
__pdoc__["OuterSettings.slotType"] = "The slot type of the dataset."
__pdoc__["OuterSettings.ltr"] = "writing direction."
__pdoc__["OuterSettings.fmt"] = "the currently selected text format."
__pdoc__["OuterSettings.textClsDefault"] = "Default CSS class for full text."
__pdoc__["OuterSettings.textMethod"] = (
"Method to print text of a node according to a text format: "
__pdoc__["OuterSettings.getText"] = (
"Method to get the text for a node according to a template: "
] = "Method to move from a node to its first embedder: `tf.core.locality.Locality.u`"
] = "Method to get the slots of a node: `tf.core.oslotsfeature.OslotsFeature.s`"
] = "Method to get the value of a node feature: `tf.core.api.Api.Fs`"
] = "Method to get the value of an edge feature: `tf.core.api.Api.Es`"
] = "Set of all edge features: `tf.core.api.Api.Eall(warp=False)`"
] = "whether we work for the TF browser or for a Jupyter notebook"
] = "Method to produce a web link to a node: `tf.advanced.links.webLink`"
__pdoc__["OuterSettings.getGraphics"] = (
"Method to fetch graphics for a node. App-dependent."
"See `tf.advanced.settings` under **graphics**."
class NodeProps:
"""Node properties during plain() or pretty().
NodeProps = namedtuple( # noqa: F811
__pdoc__["NodeProps.nType"] = "The node type of the current node."
__pdoc__["NodeProps.isSlot"] = "Whether the current node is a slot node."
__pdoc__["NodeProps.isSlotOrDescend"] = (
"Whether the current node is a slot node or"
" has a type to which the current text format should descend."
" This type is determined by the current text format."
__pdoc__["NodeProps.descend"] = (
"When calling T.text(n, descend=??) for this node, what should we"
" substitute for the ?? ?"
__pdoc__["NodeProps.isBaseNonSlot"] = (
"Whether the current node has a type that is currently a baseType,"
" i.e. a type where a pretty display should stop unfolding."
__pdoc__["NodeProps.isLexType"] = "Whether nodes of type are lexemes."
] = "If nodes of this type have lexemes in another type, this is that type."
] = "Feature with source line numbers of nodes of this type."
] = "Features to display in the labels of pretty displays without their names"
] = "Features to display in the labels of pretty displays with their names"
__pdoc__["NodeProps.textCls"] = "The text Css class of the current node."
__pdoc__["NodeProps.hlCls"] = (
"The highlight Css class of the current node, "
"both for pretty and plain modes, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'"
__pdoc__["NodeProps.hlStyle"] = (
"The highlight Css color style of the current node, "
"both for pretty and plain modes, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'"
__pdoc__["NodeProps.cls"] = (
"A dict of several classes for the display of the node:"
" for the container, the label, and the children of the node;"
" might be set by prettyCustom"
__pdoc__["NodeProps.hasGraphics"] = "Whether this node type has graphics."
__pdoc__["NodeProps.after"] = (
"Whether the app defines a custom method to generate material after a child."
"It is a dict keyed by node type whose values are the custom methods."
] = "Whether the app defines a custom method to plain displays for this node type."
class TreeInfo:
"""Tree properties during plain() or pretty().
Collects `NodeProps`, `OuterSettings`, and `tf.advanced.options`.
def __init__(self, **specs):
def update(self, **specs):
for (k, v) in specs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def get(self, k, v):
return getattr(self, k, v)
def unravel(app, n, isPlain=True, _inTuple=False, explain=False, **options):
"""Unravels a node and its graph-neighbourhood into a tree of fragments.
n: integer
The node to unravel.
isPlain: boolean, optional True
Whether to unravel for plain display. Otherwise it is for pretty display.
The tree structure is the same for both, but the tree is also dressed up
with formatting information, which may differ for both modes.
explain: boolean or `'details'`:
Whether to pretty-print the tree.
If the value `details` is passed, most of the dressing information of the tree
is also shown.
Any amount of legal display options.
These will influence the dressing information.
chunk: tuple
`(node, (begin slot, end slot))`
The top of the tree has `None`
info: object
dressing information in the form of key value pairs, among which:
`options` (the display options that are in force), `settings` (properties
of node independent properties), `props` (properties
of the node of the chunk), `boundaryCls` (CSS info for the boundaries of
the chunk). The top of the tree has only has options and settings.
children: list
subtrees where each subtree is again a tuple of chunk, info and children.
display = app.display
dContext = display.distill(options)
return _unravel(app, not isPlain, dContext, n, _inTuple=_inTuple, explain=explain)
def _unravel(app, isPretty, options, n, _inTuple=False, explain=False):
"""Unravels a node in a tree of fragments dressed up with formatting properties.
_browse = app._browse
webLink = app.webLink
getText = app.getText
getGraphics = getattr(app, "getGraphics", None)
api = app.api
N = api.N
E = api.E
Es = api.Es
Eall = api.Eall
F = api.F
Fs = api.Fs
L = api.L
T = api.T
eOslots = E.oslots.s
fOtype = F.otype
fOtypeV = fOtype.v
fOtypeAll = fOtype.all
slotType = fOtype.slotType
nType = fOtypeV(n)
aContext = app.context
lexTypes = aContext.lexTypes
lexMap = aContext.lexMap
lineNumberFeature = aContext.lineNumberFeature
featuresBare = aContext.featuresBare
features = aContext.features
descendantType = aContext.descendantType
levelCls = aContext.levelCls
styles = aContext.styles
formatHtml = aContext.formatHtml
hasGraphics = aContext.hasGraphics
customMethods = app.customMethods
afterChild = customMethods.afterChild
plainCustom = customMethods.plainCustom
prettyCustom = customMethods.prettyCustom
baseTypes = options.baseTypes
highlights = options.highlights
fmt = options.fmt
options.set("isHtml", fmt in formatHtml)
ltr = _getLtr(app, options)
textClsDefault = _getTextCls(app, fmt)
descendType = T.formats.get(fmt, slotType)
textMethod = T.text
upMethod = L.u
subBaseTypes = set()
if baseTypes and baseTypes != {slotType}:
for bt in baseTypes:
if bt in descendantType:
subBaseTypes |= descendantType[bt]
settings = OuterSettings(
{e for e in Eall(warp=False) if not e.startswith(OMAP)},
nodeInfo = {}
def distillChunkInfo(m, chunkInfo):
"""Gather all the dressing info for a chunk.
mType = fOtypeV(m)
isSlot = mType == slotType
isBaseNonSlot = not isSlot and (mType in baseTypes or mType in subBaseTypes)
(hlCls, hlStyle) = getHlAtt(app, m, highlights, isSlot)
cls = {}
if mType in levelCls:
if mType in prettyCustom:
prettyCustom[mType](m, mType, cls)
textCls = styles.get(mType, settings.textClsDefault)
nodeInfoM = nodeInfo.setdefault(
isSlot or mType == descendType,
False if descendType == mType or mType in lexTypes else None,
mType in lexTypes,
lexMap.get(mType, None),
lineNumberFeature.get(mType, None),
featuresBare.get(mType, ((), {})),
features.get(mType, ((), {})),
mType in hasGraphics,
afterChild.get(mType, None),
plainCustom.get(mType, None) if plainCustom else None,
# determine intersecting nodes
hideTypes = options.hideTypes
hiddenTypes = options.hiddenTypes
verseTypes = aContext.verseTypes
showVerseInTuple = aContext.showVerseInTuple
full = options.full
isBigType = (
if not isPretty and nType in verseTypes and not showVerseInTuple
else _getBigType(app, isPretty, options, nType)
if isBigType and not full:
iNodes = set()
elif nType in descendantType:
myDescendantType = descendantType[nType]
iNodes = set(L.i(n, otype=myDescendantType))
elif nType in lexTypes:
iNodes = {n}
iNodes = set(L.i(n))
if hideTypes:
iNodes -= {m for m in iNodes if fOtypeV(m) in hiddenTypes}
# chunkify all nodes and determine all true boundaries:
# of nodes and of their maximal contiguous chunks
exclusions = aContext.exclusions
nSlots = eOslots(n)
if nType in lexTypes:
nSlots = (nSlots[0],)
nSlots = set(nSlots)
chunks = {}
boundaries = {}
for m in iNodes:
mType = fOtypeV(m)
if mType in exclusions:
skip = False
conditions = exclusions[mType]
for (feat, value) in conditions.items():
if Fs(feat).v(m) == value:
skip = True
if skip:
slots = eOslots(m)
if nType in lexTypes:
slots = (slots[0],)
if m != n and mType == nType and nSlots <= set(slots):
ranges = rangesFromList(slots)
bounds = {}
minSlot = min(slots)
maxSlot = max(slots)
# for each node m the boundaries value is a dict keyed by slots
# and valued by a tuple: (left bound, right bound)
# where bound is:
# None if there is no left resp. right boundary there
# True if the left resp. right node boundary is there
# False if a left resp. right inner chunk boundary is there
for r in ranges:
(b, e) = r
chunks.setdefault(mType, set()).add((m, r))
bounds[b] = ((b == minSlot), (None if b != e else e == maxSlot))
bounds[e] = ((b == minSlot if b == e else None), (e == maxSlot))
boundaries[m] = bounds
# fragmentize all chunks
sortKeyChunk = N.sortKeyChunk
sortKeyChunkLength = N.sortKeyChunkLength
typeLen = len(fOtypeAll) - 1 # exclude the slot type
for (p, pType) in enumerate(fOtypeAll):
pChunks = chunks.get(pType, ())
if not pChunks:
# fragmentize nodes of the same type, largest first
splits = {}
pChunksLen = len(pChunks)
pSortedChunks = sorted(pChunks, key=sortKeyChunkLength)
for (i, pChunk) in enumerate(pSortedChunks):
for j in range(i + 1, pChunksLen):
p2Chunk = pSortedChunks[j]
splits.setdefault(p2Chunk, set()).update(
_getSplitPoints(pChunk, p2Chunk)
# apply the splits for nodes of this type
_applySplits(pChunks, splits)
# fragmentize nodes of other types
for q in range(p + 1, typeLen):
qType = fOtypeAll[q]
qChunks = chunks.get(qType, ())
if not qChunks:
splits = {}
for qChunk in qChunks:
for pChunk in pChunks:
splits.setdefault(qChunk, set()).update(
_getSplitPoints(pChunk, qChunk)
_applySplits(qChunks, splits)
# collect all fragments for all types in one list, ordered canonically
# theorem: each fragment is either contained in the top node or completely
# outside the top node.
# We leave out the fragments that are outside the top node.
# In order to test that, it is sufficient to test only one slot of
# the fragment. We take the begin slot/
chunks = sorted(
(c for c in chain.from_iterable(chunks.values()) if c[1][0] in nSlots),
# determine boundary classes
startCls = "r" if ltr == "rtl" else "l"
endCls = "l" if ltr == "rtl" else "r"
chunkBoundaries = {}
for (m, (b, e)) in chunks:
bounds = boundaries[m]
css = []
code = bounds[b][0] if b in bounds else None
cls = f"{startCls}no" if code is None else "" if code else startCls
if cls:
code = bounds[e][1] if e in bounds else None
cls = f"{endCls}no" if code is None else "" if code else endCls
if cls:
chunkBoundaries[(m, (b, e))] = " ".join(css)
# stack the chunks hierarchically
tree = (None, TreeInfo(options=options, settings=settings), [])
parent = {}
rightmost = tree
for chunk in chunks:
rightnode = rightmost
added = False
m = chunk[0]
e = chunk[1][1]
chunkInfo = TreeInfo()
while rightnode is not tree:
(br, er) = rightnode[0][1]
cr = rightnode[2]
if e <= er:
rightmost = (chunk, chunkInfo, [])
parent[chunk] = rightnode
added = True
rightnode = parent[rightnode[0]]
if not added:
rightmost = (chunk, chunkInfo, [])
parent[chunk] = tree
distillChunkInfo(m, chunkInfo)
if explain:
details = False if explain is True else True if explain == "details" else None
if details is None:
"Illegal value for parameter explain: `{explain}`.\n"
"Must be `True` or `'details'`",
_showTree(tree, 0, details=details)
return tree
def _getSplitPoints(pChunk, qChunk):
"""Determines where the boundaries of one chunk cut through another chunk.
The splitting point is the index where the second part starts.
So the split point is always greater than the start point.
(b1, e1) = pChunk[1]
(b2, e2) = qChunk[1]
if b2 == e2 or (b1 <= b2 and e1 >= e2):
return []
splitPoints = set()
if b2 < b1 <= e2:
if b2 <= e1 < e2:
splitPoints.add(e1 + 1)
return splitPoints
def _applySplits(chunks, splits):
"""Splits a chunk in multiple pieces marked by a given sets of points.
if not splits:
for (target, splitPoints) in splits.items():
if not splitPoints:
(m, (b, e)) = target
prevB = b
# invariant: sp > prevB
# initially true because it is the result of _getSPlitPoint
# after each iteration: the new split point cannot be the old one
# and the new start is the old split point.
for sp in sorted(splitPoints):
chunks.add((m, (prevB, sp - 1)))
prevB = sp
chunks.add((m, (prevB, e)))
def _getTextCls(app, fmt):
aContext = app.context
formatCls = aContext.formatCls
defaultClsOrig = aContext.defaultClsOrig
return formatCls.get(fmt or DEFAULT_FORMAT, defaultClsOrig)
def _getBigType(app, isPretty, options, nType):
api = app.api
T = api.T
N = api.N
sectionTypeSet = T.sectionTypeSet
structureTypeSet = T.structureTypeSet
otypeRank = N.otypeRank
aContext = app.context
bigTypes = aContext.bigTypes
isBigOverride = nType in bigTypes
full = options.full
condenseType = options.condenseType
isBig = False
if not full:
if not isPretty and isBigOverride:
isBig = True
elif sectionTypeSet and nType in sectionTypeSet | structureTypeSet:
if condenseType is None or otypeRank[nType] > otypeRank[condenseType]:
isBig = True
elif condenseType is not None and otypeRank[nType] > otypeRank[condenseType]:
isBig = True
return isBig
def _showTree(tree, level, details=False):
indent = QUAD * level
(chunk, info, subTrees) = tree
if chunk is None:
console(f"{indent}<{level}> TOP")
settings = info.settings
options = info.options
if details:
((k, options.get(k)) for k in options.allKeys),
(n, (b, e)) = chunk
rangeRep = "{" + (str(b) if b == e else f"{b}-{e}") + "}"
props = info.props
nType = props.nType
isBaseNonSlot = props.isBaseNonSlot
base = "*" if isBaseNonSlot else ""
boundaryCls = info.boundaryCls
console(f"{indent}<{level}> {nType}{base} {n} {rangeRep} {boundaryCls}")
if details:
_showItems(indent, props._asdict().items())
for subTree in subTrees:
_showTree(subTree, level + 1, details=details)
def _showItems(indent, *iterables):
for (k, v) in sorted(chain(*iterables), key=lambda x: x[0],):
if (
k == "nType"
or v is None
or v == []
or v == ""
or v == {}
or v == ()
or v == set()
console(f"{indent}{QUAD * 4}{k:<20} = {v}")
def unravel(app, n, isPlain=True, explain=False, **options)
Unravels a node and its graph-neighbourhood into a tree of fragments.
- The node to unravel.
, optionalTrue
- Whether to unravel for plain display. Otherwise it is for pretty display. The tree structure is the same for both, but the tree is also dressed up with formatting information, which may differ for both modes.
:`- Whether to pretty-print the tree.
If the value
is passed, most of the dressing information of the tree is also shown.
**options: Any amount of legal display options. These will influence the dressing information.
(node, (begin slot, end slot))
The top of the tree hasNone
- dressing information in the form of key value pairs, among which:
(the display options that are in force),settings
(properties of node independent properties),props
(properties of the node of the chunk),boundaryCls
(CSS info for the boundaries of the chunk). The top of the tree has only has options and settings. children
- subtrees where each subtree is again a tuple of chunk, info and children.
class NodeProps (nType, isSlot, isSlotOrDescend, descend, isBaseNonSlot, isLexType, lexType, lineNumberFeature, featuresBare, features, textCls, hlCls, hlStyle, cls, hasGraphics, after, plainCustom)
NodeProps(nType, isSlot, isSlotOrDescend, descend, isBaseNonSlot, isLexType, lexType, lineNumberFeature, featuresBare, features, textCls, hlCls, hlStyle, cls, hasGraphics, after, plainCustom)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var after
Whether the app defines a custom method to generate material after a child.It is a dict keyed by node type whose values are the custom methods.
var cls
A dict of several classes for the display of the node: for the container, the label, and the children of the node; might be set by prettyCustom
var descend
When calling T.text(n, descend=??) for this node, what should we substitute for the ?? ?
var features
Features to display in the labels of pretty displays with their names
var featuresBare
Features to display in the labels of pretty displays without their names
var hasGraphics
Whether this node type has graphics.
var hlCls
The highlight Css class of the current node, both for pretty and plain modes, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'
var hlStyle
The highlight Css color style of the current node, both for pretty and plain modes, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'
var isBaseNonSlot
Whether the current node has a type that is currently a baseType, i.e. a type where a pretty display should stop unfolding.
var isLexType
Whether nodes of type are lexemes.
var isSlot
Whether the current node is a slot node.
var isSlotOrDescend
Whether the current node is a slot node or has a type to which the current text format should descend. This type is determined by the current text format.
var lexType
If nodes of this type have lexemes in another type, this is that type.
var lineNumberFeature
Feature with source line numbers of nodes of this type.
var nType
The node type of the current node.
var plainCustom
Whether the app defines a custom method to plain displays for this node type.
var textCls
The text Css class of the current node.
class OuterSettings (slotType, ltr, fmt, textClsDefault, textMethod, getText, upMethod, slotsMethod, fLookupMethod, eLookupMethod, allEFeats, browsing, webLink, getGraphics)
OuterSettings(slotType, ltr, fmt, textClsDefault, textMethod, getText, upMethod, slotsMethod, fLookupMethod, eLookupMethod, allEFeats, browsing, webLink, getGraphics)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var allEFeats
Set of all edge features:
var browsing
whether we work for the TF browser or for a Jupyter notebook
var eLookupMethod
Method to get the value of an edge feature:
var fLookupMethod
Method to get the value of a node feature:
var fmt
the currently selected text format.
var getGraphics
Method to fetch graphics for a node. App-dependent.See
under graphics. var getText
Method to get the text for a node according to a template:
var ltr
writing direction.
var slotType
The slot type of the dataset.
var slotsMethod
Method to get the slots of a node:
var textClsDefault
Default CSS class for full text.
var textMethod
Method to print text of a node according to a text format:
var upMethod
Method to move from a node to its first embedder:
var webLink
Method to produce a web link to a node:
class TreeInfo (**specs)
Tree properties during plain() or pretty().
, andtf.advanced.options
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class TreeInfo: """Tree properties during plain() or pretty(). Collects `NodeProps`, `OuterSettings`, and `tf.advanced.options`. """ def __init__(self, **specs): self.update(**specs) def update(self, **specs): for (k, v) in specs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def get(self, k, v): return getattr(self, k, v)
def get(self, k, v)
def update(self, **specs)