Module tf.browser.ner.annotate

Central Annotation object.

As a preparation, read tf.about.annotate first, since it explains the concepts, and guides you to set up the configuration for your corpus.

The main task of this module is to find occurrences of annotations on the basis of criteria.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, since this module inherits from a number of other modules that inherit form yet other modules:

It also uses

Hence, Annotation is the central class of this tool, whose methods are relevant for:

  • tf.browser.ner.ner: the API for users to manipulate annotations in their own programs, especially in a Jupyter notebook.
  • tf.browser.ner.web: Flask app that routes URLs to controller functions.

web makes use of the following modules that are not needed by ner:

Again, this is a top of an iceberg, since it inherits from:

request also uses form to retrieve form values into typed and structured values.

Both web and ner make use of the following modules in as far as they are not already mentioned under annotate and its parent classes:

Class hierarchy

The classes Settings, Corpus, Data, Sets, Show, Annotate, NER form one hierarchy. So an object of class NER has access to all methods of these classes.

The classes Serve, Request, Fragments, From form a separate hierarchy. It will create an Annotate instance which will be stored in a Serve instance.

Here is an overview how the modules hang together.

A | denotes inheritance, parent classes above child classes.

A <-< arrow denotes dependency by importing code.

Browser                           |   Api-hierarchy
                                  |   NER
                                  |     |
web <-----< Serve <-----------------< Annotate  <-< match
            |   |                 |     |   |
       Request Fragments <-< html |   Sets Show <-< html
          |                       |     |
        Form                      |   Data
                                  |     |
                                  |   Corpus
                                  |     |
                                  |   Settings
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"""Central Annotation object.

As a preparation, read `tf.about.annotate` first, since it explains the concepts, and
guides you to set up the configuration for your corpus.

The main task of this module is to find occurrences of annotations
on the basis of criteria.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, since this module inherits
from a number of other modules that inherit form yet other modules:

*   ``: generate HTML for annotated buckets of the corpus;
*   `tf.browser.ner.sets`: manage annotation sets;
*   ``: manage annotation data: loading, adding/deleting
*   `tf.browser.ner.settings`: manage the specifics of a TF corpus and have
    access to its data.

It also uses

*   `tf.browser.ner.match`: to filter individual buckets on the basis of

Hence, `Annotation` is the central class of this tool, whose methods are relevant

*   `tf.browser.ner.ner`: the API for users to manipulate annotations in their
    own programs, especially in a Jupyter notebook.
*   `tf.browser.ner.web`: Flask app that routes URLs to controller functions.

`web` makes use of the following modules that are not needed by `ner`:

*   `tf.browser.ner.serve`: define the controllers of the web app

Again, this is a top of an iceberg, since it inherits from:

*   `tf.browser.ner.request`: manage the data of a request;
*   `tf.browser.ner.fragments`: generate HTML for widgets on the page;

`request` also uses `form` to retrieve form values into typed and structured values.

Both `web` and `ner` make use of the following modules in as far as they are not
already mentioned under `annotate` and its parent classes:

*   `tf.browser.ner.helpers`: a variety of context-free data jugglers;
*   `tf.browser.html`: a generic library to generate HTML using Pythonic

!!! note "Class hierarchy"
    The classes `Settings`, `Corpus`, `Data`, `Sets`, `Show`, `Annotate`,
    `NER` form one hierarchy.
    So an object of class `NER` has access to all methods of these classes.

    The classes `Serve`, `Request`, `Fragments`, `From` form a separate hierarchy.
    It will create an `Annotate` instance which will be stored in a `Serve` instance.

Here is an overview how the modules hang together.

A `|` denotes inheritance, parent classes above child classes.

A `<-<` arrow denotes dependency by importing code.

Browser                           |   Api-hierarchy
                                  |   NER
                                  |     |
web <-----< Serve <-----------------< Annotate  <-< match
            |   |                 |     |   |
       Request Fragments <-< html |   Sets Show <-< html
          |                       |     |
        Form                      |   Data
                                  |     |
                                  |   Corpus
                                  |     |
                                  |   Settings

import collections

from .helpers import findCompile
from .sets import Sets
from .show import Show
from .match import entityMatch, occMatch

class Annotate(Sets, Show):
    def __init__(self, app, data=None, browse=False):
        """Entity annotation.

        Basic methods to handle the various aspects of entity annotation.
        These methods can be used by code that runs in the TF browser
        and by code that runs in a Jupyter notebook.

        This class handles data, it does not contain code to generate HTML.
        But it has a parent class, `Show`, that can generate HTML.

        This class works with a fixed annotation set.
        But it has a parent class, `Sets` that has method to manipulate such sets
        and switch between them.

        We consider the corpus as a list of buckets (typically level-3 sectional
        units; in TEI-derived corpora called `chunk`, being generalizations of
        `p` (paragraph) elements). What type exactly the buckets are is configured
        in the `ner/config.yaml` file.

        app: object
            The object that corresponds to a loaded TF app for a corpus.
        data: object, optional None
            Entity data to start with. If this class is initialized by the browser,
            the browser hands over the in-memory data that the tool needs.
            That way, it can maintain access to the same data between requests.
            If None, no data is handed over, and a fresh data store will be
            created by an ancestor class (Data)
        browse: boolean, optional False
            If True, the object is informed that it is run by the TF
            browser. This will influence how results are reported back.
        """ = app
        self.browse = browse

        if not self.properlySetup:

        if not browse:

    def findOccs(self, qTokenSet=set()):
        """Finds the occurrences of multiple sequences of tokens.

        This is meant to efficiently list all occurrences of many token
        sequences in the corpus.

        qTokenSet: set, optional set()
            A set of sequences of tokens. Each sequence in the set will be used as a
            search pattern in the whole corpus, and it occurrences are collected.

            Keyed by each member of parameter `qTokenSet` the values are
            the occurrences of that member in the corpus.
            A single occurrence is represented as a tuple of slots.

        if not self.properlySetup:
            return []

        setData = self.getSetData()
        getTokens = self.getTokens

        buckets = setData.buckets or ()

        results = {}

        for b in buckets:
            occMatch(getTokens, b, qTokenSet, results)

        return results

    def filterContent(
        """Filter the buckets according to a variety of criteria.

        Either the buckets of the whole corpus are filtered, or a given subset
        of buckets, or a subset of buckets, namely those contained in a
        particular node, see parameters `node`, and `buckets`.

        **Bucket filtering**

        The parameters `bFind`, `bFindC`, `bFindRe`  specify a regular expression
        search on the texts of the buckets.

        The positions of the found occurrences is included in the result.

        The parameter `anyEnt` is a filter on the presence or absence of entities in
        buckets in general.

        **Entity filtering**

        The parameter `eVals` holds the values of a specific entity to look for.

        **Occurrence filtering**

        The parameter `qTokens` is a sequence of tokens to look for.
        The occurrences that are found, can be filtered further by `valSelect`
        and `freeState`.

        In entity filtering and occurrence filtering, the matching occurrences
        are included in the result.

        buckets: set of integer, optional None
            The set of buckets to filter, instead of the whole corpus.
            Works also if the parameter `node` is specified, which also restricts
            the buckets to filter. If both are specified, their effect will be
        node: integer, optional None
            Gets the context of the node, typically the intermediate-level section
            in which the node occurs. Then restricts the filtering to the buckets
            contained in the context, instead of the whole corpus.
        bFind: string, optional None
            A search pattern that filters the buckets, before applying the search
            for a token sequence.
        bFindC: string, optional None
            Whether the search is case sensitive or not.
        bFindRe: object, optional None
            A compiled regular expression.
            This function searches on `bFindRe`, but if it is None, it compiles
            `bFind` as regular expression and searches on that. If `bFind` itself
            is not None, of course.
        anyEnt: boolean, optional None
            If True, it wants all buckets that contain at least one already
            marked entity; if False, it wants all buckets that do not contain any
            already marked entity.
        eVals: tuple, optional None
            A sequence of values corresponding with the entity features `eid`
            and `kind`. If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least
            an entity with those properties.
        qTokens: tuple, optional None
            A sequence of tokens whose occurrences in the corpus will be looked up.
        valSelect: dict, optional None
            If present, the keys are the entity features (`eid` and `kind`),
            and the values are iterables of values that are allowed.

            The feature values to filter on.
            The results of searching for `eVals` or `qTokens` are filtered further.
            If a result is also an instance of an already marked entity,
            the properties of that entity will be compared feature by feature with
            the allowed values that `valSelect` specifies for that feature.
        freeState: boolean, optional None
            If True, found occurrences may not intersect with already marked up
            If False, found occurrences must intersect with already marked up features.
        showStats: boolean, optional None
            Whether to show statistics of the find.
            If None, it only shows gross totals, if False, it shows nothing,
            if True, it shows totals by feature.

        list of tuples
            For each bucket that passes the filter, a tuple with the following
            members is added to the list:

            *   the TF node of the bucket;
            *   tokens: the tokens of the bucket, each token is a tuple consisting
                of the TF slot of the token and its string value;
            *   matches: the match positions of the found occurrences or entity;
            *   positions: the token positions of where the text of the bucket
                starts matching the `bFindRe`;

            If `browse` is True, also some stats are passed next to the list
            of results.
        if not self.properlySetup:
            return []

        settings = self.settings
        bucketType = settings.bucketType
        features = settings.features

        getTextR = self.getTextR
        getTokens = self.getTokens

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()
        entityIndex = setData.entityIndex
        entityVal = setData.entityVal
        entitySlotVal = setData.entitySlotVal
        entitySlotAll = setData.entitySlotAll
        entitySlotIndex = setData.entitySlotIndex

        bucketUniverse = (
            if buckets is None
            else tuple(sorted(self.checkBuckets(buckets)))
        buckets = (
            if node is None
            else tuple(sorted(set(bucketUniverse) & set(self.getContext(node))))

        nFind = 0
        nEnt = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}
        nVisible = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}

        if bFindRe is None:
            if bFind is not None:
                (bFind, bFindRe, errorMsg) = findCompile(bFind, bFindC)
                if errorMsg:
                    self.console(errorMsg, error=True)

        hasEnt = eVals is not None
        hasQTokens = qTokens is not None and len(qTokens)
        hasOcc = not hasEnt and hasQTokens

        if eVals is not None and eVals in entityVal:
            eSlots = entityVal[eVals]
            eStarts = {s[0]: s[-1] for s in eSlots}
            eStarts = {}

        useQTokens = qTokens if hasOcc else None

        requireFree = (
            True if freeState == "free" else False if freeState == "bound" else None

        results = []

        for b in buckets:
            fValStats = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in features}
            (fits, result) = entityMatch(

            blocked = fits is not None and not fits

            if not blocked:
                nFind += 1

            for feat in features:
                theseStats = fValStats[feat]
                if len(theseStats):
                    theseNEnt = nEnt[feat]
                    theseNVisible = nVisible[feat]

                    for ek, n in theseStats.items():
                        theseNEnt[ek] += n
                        if not blocked:
                            theseNVisible[ek] += n

            nMatches = len(result[1])

            if nMatches:
                nEnt[""][None] += nMatches
                if not blocked:
                    nVisible[""][None] += nMatches

            if node is None:
                if fits is not None and not fits:

                if (hasEnt or hasQTokens) and nMatches == 0:

            results.append((b, *result))

        if browse:
            return (results, nFind, nVisible, nEnt)

        nResults = len(results)

        if showStats:
            pluralF = "" if nFind == 1 else "s"
            self.console(f"{nFind} {bucketType}{pluralF} satisfy the filter")
            for feat in ("",) + (() if anyEnt else features):
                if feat == "":
                    self.console("Combined features match:")
                    for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
                        v = nVisible[feat][ek]
                        self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x")
                    self.console(f"Feature {feat}: found the following values:")
                    for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
                        v = nVisible[feat][ek]
                        self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x {ek}")
        if showStats or showStats is None:
            pluralR = "" if nResults == 1 else "s"
            self.console(f"{nResults} {bucketType}{pluralR}")
        return results


class Annotate (app, data=None, browse=False)

Entity annotation.

Basic methods to handle the various aspects of entity annotation. These methods can be used by code that runs in the TF browser and by code that runs in a Jupyter notebook.

This class handles data, it does not contain code to generate HTML. But it has a parent class, Show, that can generate HTML.

This class works with a fixed annotation set. But it has a parent class, Sets that has method to manipulate such sets and switch between them.

We consider the corpus as a list of buckets (typically level-3 sectional units; in TEI-derived corpora called chunk, being generalizations of p (paragraph) elements). What type exactly the buckets are is configured in the ner/config.yaml file.


app : object
The object that corresponds to a loaded TF app for a corpus.
data : object, optional None
Entity data to start with. If this class is initialized by the browser, the browser hands over the in-memory data that the tool needs. That way, it can maintain access to the same data between requests. If None, no data is handed over, and a fresh data store will be created by an ancestor class (Data)
browse : boolean, optional False
If True, the object is informed that it is run by the TF browser. This will influence how results are reported back.
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class Annotate(Sets, Show):
    def __init__(self, app, data=None, browse=False):
        """Entity annotation.

        Basic methods to handle the various aspects of entity annotation.
        These methods can be used by code that runs in the TF browser
        and by code that runs in a Jupyter notebook.

        This class handles data, it does not contain code to generate HTML.
        But it has a parent class, `Show`, that can generate HTML.

        This class works with a fixed annotation set.
        But it has a parent class, `Sets` that has method to manipulate such sets
        and switch between them.

        We consider the corpus as a list of buckets (typically level-3 sectional
        units; in TEI-derived corpora called `chunk`, being generalizations of
        `p` (paragraph) elements). What type exactly the buckets are is configured
        in the `ner/config.yaml` file.

        app: object
            The object that corresponds to a loaded TF app for a corpus.
        data: object, optional None
            Entity data to start with. If this class is initialized by the browser,
            the browser hands over the in-memory data that the tool needs.
            That way, it can maintain access to the same data between requests.
            If None, no data is handed over, and a fresh data store will be
            created by an ancestor class (Data)
        browse: boolean, optional False
            If True, the object is informed that it is run by the TF
            browser. This will influence how results are reported back.
        """ = app
        self.browse = browse

        if not self.properlySetup:

        if not browse:

    def findOccs(self, qTokenSet=set()):
        """Finds the occurrences of multiple sequences of tokens.

        This is meant to efficiently list all occurrences of many token
        sequences in the corpus.

        qTokenSet: set, optional set()
            A set of sequences of tokens. Each sequence in the set will be used as a
            search pattern in the whole corpus, and it occurrences are collected.

            Keyed by each member of parameter `qTokenSet` the values are
            the occurrences of that member in the corpus.
            A single occurrence is represented as a tuple of slots.

        if not self.properlySetup:
            return []

        setData = self.getSetData()
        getTokens = self.getTokens

        buckets = setData.buckets or ()

        results = {}

        for b in buckets:
            occMatch(getTokens, b, qTokenSet, results)

        return results

    def filterContent(
        """Filter the buckets according to a variety of criteria.

        Either the buckets of the whole corpus are filtered, or a given subset
        of buckets, or a subset of buckets, namely those contained in a
        particular node, see parameters `node`, and `buckets`.

        **Bucket filtering**

        The parameters `bFind`, `bFindC`, `bFindRe`  specify a regular expression
        search on the texts of the buckets.

        The positions of the found occurrences is included in the result.

        The parameter `anyEnt` is a filter on the presence or absence of entities in
        buckets in general.

        **Entity filtering**

        The parameter `eVals` holds the values of a specific entity to look for.

        **Occurrence filtering**

        The parameter `qTokens` is a sequence of tokens to look for.
        The occurrences that are found, can be filtered further by `valSelect`
        and `freeState`.

        In entity filtering and occurrence filtering, the matching occurrences
        are included in the result.

        buckets: set of integer, optional None
            The set of buckets to filter, instead of the whole corpus.
            Works also if the parameter `node` is specified, which also restricts
            the buckets to filter. If both are specified, their effect will be
        node: integer, optional None
            Gets the context of the node, typically the intermediate-level section
            in which the node occurs. Then restricts the filtering to the buckets
            contained in the context, instead of the whole corpus.
        bFind: string, optional None
            A search pattern that filters the buckets, before applying the search
            for a token sequence.
        bFindC: string, optional None
            Whether the search is case sensitive or not.
        bFindRe: object, optional None
            A compiled regular expression.
            This function searches on `bFindRe`, but if it is None, it compiles
            `bFind` as regular expression and searches on that. If `bFind` itself
            is not None, of course.
        anyEnt: boolean, optional None
            If True, it wants all buckets that contain at least one already
            marked entity; if False, it wants all buckets that do not contain any
            already marked entity.
        eVals: tuple, optional None
            A sequence of values corresponding with the entity features `eid`
            and `kind`. If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least
            an entity with those properties.
        qTokens: tuple, optional None
            A sequence of tokens whose occurrences in the corpus will be looked up.
        valSelect: dict, optional None
            If present, the keys are the entity features (`eid` and `kind`),
            and the values are iterables of values that are allowed.

            The feature values to filter on.
            The results of searching for `eVals` or `qTokens` are filtered further.
            If a result is also an instance of an already marked entity,
            the properties of that entity will be compared feature by feature with
            the allowed values that `valSelect` specifies for that feature.
        freeState: boolean, optional None
            If True, found occurrences may not intersect with already marked up
            If False, found occurrences must intersect with already marked up features.
        showStats: boolean, optional None
            Whether to show statistics of the find.
            If None, it only shows gross totals, if False, it shows nothing,
            if True, it shows totals by feature.

        list of tuples
            For each bucket that passes the filter, a tuple with the following
            members is added to the list:

            *   the TF node of the bucket;
            *   tokens: the tokens of the bucket, each token is a tuple consisting
                of the TF slot of the token and its string value;
            *   matches: the match positions of the found occurrences or entity;
            *   positions: the token positions of where the text of the bucket
                starts matching the `bFindRe`;

            If `browse` is True, also some stats are passed next to the list
            of results.
        if not self.properlySetup:
            return []

        settings = self.settings
        bucketType = settings.bucketType
        features = settings.features

        getTextR = self.getTextR
        getTokens = self.getTokens

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()
        entityIndex = setData.entityIndex
        entityVal = setData.entityVal
        entitySlotVal = setData.entitySlotVal
        entitySlotAll = setData.entitySlotAll
        entitySlotIndex = setData.entitySlotIndex

        bucketUniverse = (
            if buckets is None
            else tuple(sorted(self.checkBuckets(buckets)))
        buckets = (
            if node is None
            else tuple(sorted(set(bucketUniverse) & set(self.getContext(node))))

        nFind = 0
        nEnt = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}
        nVisible = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}

        if bFindRe is None:
            if bFind is not None:
                (bFind, bFindRe, errorMsg) = findCompile(bFind, bFindC)
                if errorMsg:
                    self.console(errorMsg, error=True)

        hasEnt = eVals is not None
        hasQTokens = qTokens is not None and len(qTokens)
        hasOcc = not hasEnt and hasQTokens

        if eVals is not None and eVals in entityVal:
            eSlots = entityVal[eVals]
            eStarts = {s[0]: s[-1] for s in eSlots}
            eStarts = {}

        useQTokens = qTokens if hasOcc else None

        requireFree = (
            True if freeState == "free" else False if freeState == "bound" else None

        results = []

        for b in buckets:
            fValStats = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in features}
            (fits, result) = entityMatch(

            blocked = fits is not None and not fits

            if not blocked:
                nFind += 1

            for feat in features:
                theseStats = fValStats[feat]
                if len(theseStats):
                    theseNEnt = nEnt[feat]
                    theseNVisible = nVisible[feat]

                    for ek, n in theseStats.items():
                        theseNEnt[ek] += n
                        if not blocked:
                            theseNVisible[ek] += n

            nMatches = len(result[1])

            if nMatches:
                nEnt[""][None] += nMatches
                if not blocked:
                    nVisible[""][None] += nMatches

            if node is None:
                if fits is not None and not fits:

                if (hasEnt or hasQTokens) and nMatches == 0:

            results.append((b, *result))

        if browse:
            return (results, nFind, nVisible, nEnt)

        nResults = len(results)

        if showStats:
            pluralF = "" if nFind == 1 else "s"
            self.console(f"{nFind} {bucketType}{pluralF} satisfy the filter")
            for feat in ("",) + (() if anyEnt else features):
                if feat == "":
                    self.console("Combined features match:")
                    for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
                        v = nVisible[feat][ek]
                        self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x")
                    self.console(f"Feature {feat}: found the following values:")
                    for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
                        v = nVisible[feat][ek]
                        self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x {ek}")
        if showStats or showStats is None:
            pluralR = "" if nResults == 1 else "s"
            self.console(f"{nResults} {bucketType}{pluralR}")
        return results




def filterContent(self, buckets=None, node=None, bFind=None, bFindC=None, bFindRe=None, anyEnt=None, eVals=None, qTokens=None, valSelect=None, freeState=None, showStats=None)

Filter the buckets according to a variety of criteria.

Either the buckets of the whole corpus are filtered, or a given subset of buckets, or a subset of buckets, namely those contained in a particular node, see parameters node, and buckets.

Bucket filtering

The parameters bFind, bFindC, bFindRe specify a regular expression search on the texts of the buckets.

The positions of the found occurrences is included in the result.

The parameter anyEnt is a filter on the presence or absence of entities in buckets in general.

Entity filtering

The parameter eVals holds the values of a specific entity to look for.

Occurrence filtering

The parameter qTokens is a sequence of tokens to look for. The occurrences that are found, can be filtered further by valSelect and freeState.

In entity filtering and occurrence filtering, the matching occurrences are included in the result.


buckets : set of integer, optional None
The set of buckets to filter, instead of the whole corpus. Works also if the parameter node is specified, which also restricts the buckets to filter. If both are specified, their effect will be combined.
node : integer, optional None
Gets the context of the node, typically the intermediate-level section in which the node occurs. Then restricts the filtering to the buckets contained in the context, instead of the whole corpus.
bFind : string, optional None
A search pattern that filters the buckets, before applying the search for a token sequence.
bFindC : string, optional None
Whether the search is case sensitive or not.
bFindRe : object, optional None
A compiled regular expression. This function searches on bFindRe, but if it is None, it compiles bFind as regular expression and searches on that. If bFind itself is not None, of course.
anyEnt : boolean, optional None
If True, it wants all buckets that contain at least one already marked entity; if False, it wants all buckets that do not contain any already marked entity.
eVals : tuple, optional None
A sequence of values corresponding with the entity features eid and kind. If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least an entity with those properties.
qTokens : tuple, optional None
A sequence of tokens whose occurrences in the corpus will be looked up.
valSelect : dict, optional None

If present, the keys are the entity features (eid and kind), and the values are iterables of values that are allowed.

The feature values to filter on. The results of searching for eVals or qTokens are filtered further. If a result is also an instance of an already marked entity, the properties of that entity will be compared feature by feature with the allowed values that valSelect specifies for that feature.

freeState : boolean, optional None
If True, found occurrences may not intersect with already marked up features. If False, found occurrences must intersect with already marked up features.
showStats : boolean, optional None
Whether to show statistics of the find. If None, it only shows gross totals, if False, it shows nothing, if True, it shows totals by feature.


list of tuples

For each bucket that passes the filter, a tuple with the following members is added to the list:

  • the TF node of the bucket;
  • tokens: the tokens of the bucket, each token is a tuple consisting of the TF slot of the token and its string value;
  • matches: the match positions of the found occurrences or entity;
  • positions: the token positions of where the text of the bucket starts matching the bFindRe;

If browse is True, also some stats are passed next to the list of results.

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def filterContent(
    """Filter the buckets according to a variety of criteria.

    Either the buckets of the whole corpus are filtered, or a given subset
    of buckets, or a subset of buckets, namely those contained in a
    particular node, see parameters `node`, and `buckets`.

    **Bucket filtering**

    The parameters `bFind`, `bFindC`, `bFindRe`  specify a regular expression
    search on the texts of the buckets.

    The positions of the found occurrences is included in the result.

    The parameter `anyEnt` is a filter on the presence or absence of entities in
    buckets in general.

    **Entity filtering**

    The parameter `eVals` holds the values of a specific entity to look for.

    **Occurrence filtering**

    The parameter `qTokens` is a sequence of tokens to look for.
    The occurrences that are found, can be filtered further by `valSelect`
    and `freeState`.

    In entity filtering and occurrence filtering, the matching occurrences
    are included in the result.

    buckets: set of integer, optional None
        The set of buckets to filter, instead of the whole corpus.
        Works also if the parameter `node` is specified, which also restricts
        the buckets to filter. If both are specified, their effect will be
    node: integer, optional None
        Gets the context of the node, typically the intermediate-level section
        in which the node occurs. Then restricts the filtering to the buckets
        contained in the context, instead of the whole corpus.
    bFind: string, optional None
        A search pattern that filters the buckets, before applying the search
        for a token sequence.
    bFindC: string, optional None
        Whether the search is case sensitive or not.
    bFindRe: object, optional None
        A compiled regular expression.
        This function searches on `bFindRe`, but if it is None, it compiles
        `bFind` as regular expression and searches on that. If `bFind` itself
        is not None, of course.
    anyEnt: boolean, optional None
        If True, it wants all buckets that contain at least one already
        marked entity; if False, it wants all buckets that do not contain any
        already marked entity.
    eVals: tuple, optional None
        A sequence of values corresponding with the entity features `eid`
        and `kind`. If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least
        an entity with those properties.
    qTokens: tuple, optional None
        A sequence of tokens whose occurrences in the corpus will be looked up.
    valSelect: dict, optional None
        If present, the keys are the entity features (`eid` and `kind`),
        and the values are iterables of values that are allowed.

        The feature values to filter on.
        The results of searching for `eVals` or `qTokens` are filtered further.
        If a result is also an instance of an already marked entity,
        the properties of that entity will be compared feature by feature with
        the allowed values that `valSelect` specifies for that feature.
    freeState: boolean, optional None
        If True, found occurrences may not intersect with already marked up
        If False, found occurrences must intersect with already marked up features.
    showStats: boolean, optional None
        Whether to show statistics of the find.
        If None, it only shows gross totals, if False, it shows nothing,
        if True, it shows totals by feature.

    list of tuples
        For each bucket that passes the filter, a tuple with the following
        members is added to the list:

        *   the TF node of the bucket;
        *   tokens: the tokens of the bucket, each token is a tuple consisting
            of the TF slot of the token and its string value;
        *   matches: the match positions of the found occurrences or entity;
        *   positions: the token positions of where the text of the bucket
            starts matching the `bFindRe`;

        If `browse` is True, also some stats are passed next to the list
        of results.
    if not self.properlySetup:
        return []

    settings = self.settings
    bucketType = settings.bucketType
    features = settings.features

    getTextR = self.getTextR
    getTokens = self.getTokens

    browse = self.browse
    setData = self.getSetData()
    entityIndex = setData.entityIndex
    entityVal = setData.entityVal
    entitySlotVal = setData.entitySlotVal
    entitySlotAll = setData.entitySlotAll
    entitySlotIndex = setData.entitySlotIndex

    bucketUniverse = (
        if buckets is None
        else tuple(sorted(self.checkBuckets(buckets)))
    buckets = (
        if node is None
        else tuple(sorted(set(bucketUniverse) & set(self.getContext(node))))

    nFind = 0
    nEnt = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}
    nVisible = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}

    if bFindRe is None:
        if bFind is not None:
            (bFind, bFindRe, errorMsg) = findCompile(bFind, bFindC)
            if errorMsg:
                self.console(errorMsg, error=True)

    hasEnt = eVals is not None
    hasQTokens = qTokens is not None and len(qTokens)
    hasOcc = not hasEnt and hasQTokens

    if eVals is not None and eVals in entityVal:
        eSlots = entityVal[eVals]
        eStarts = {s[0]: s[-1] for s in eSlots}
        eStarts = {}

    useQTokens = qTokens if hasOcc else None

    requireFree = (
        True if freeState == "free" else False if freeState == "bound" else None

    results = []

    for b in buckets:
        fValStats = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in features}
        (fits, result) = entityMatch(

        blocked = fits is not None and not fits

        if not blocked:
            nFind += 1

        for feat in features:
            theseStats = fValStats[feat]
            if len(theseStats):
                theseNEnt = nEnt[feat]
                theseNVisible = nVisible[feat]

                for ek, n in theseStats.items():
                    theseNEnt[ek] += n
                    if not blocked:
                        theseNVisible[ek] += n

        nMatches = len(result[1])

        if nMatches:
            nEnt[""][None] += nMatches
            if not blocked:
                nVisible[""][None] += nMatches

        if node is None:
            if fits is not None and not fits:

            if (hasEnt or hasQTokens) and nMatches == 0:

        results.append((b, *result))

    if browse:
        return (results, nFind, nVisible, nEnt)

    nResults = len(results)

    if showStats:
        pluralF = "" if nFind == 1 else "s"
        self.console(f"{nFind} {bucketType}{pluralF} satisfy the filter")
        for feat in ("",) + (() if anyEnt else features):
            if feat == "":
                self.console("Combined features match:")
                for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
                    v = nVisible[feat][ek]
                    self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x")
                self.console(f"Feature {feat}: found the following values:")
                for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
                    v = nVisible[feat][ek]
                    self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x {ek}")
    if showStats or showStats is None:
        pluralR = "" if nResults == 1 else "s"
        self.console(f"{nResults} {bucketType}{pluralR}")
    return results
def findOccs(self, qTokenSet=set())

Finds the occurrences of multiple sequences of tokens.

This is meant to efficiently list all occurrences of many token sequences in the corpus.


qTokenSet : set, optional set()
A set of sequences of tokens. Each sequence in the set will be used as a search pattern in the whole corpus, and it occurrences are collected.


Keyed by each member of parameter qTokenSet the values are the occurrences of that member in the corpus. A single occurrence is represented as a tuple of slots.
Expand source code Browse git
def findOccs(self, qTokenSet=set()):
    """Finds the occurrences of multiple sequences of tokens.

    This is meant to efficiently list all occurrences of many token
    sequences in the corpus.

    qTokenSet: set, optional set()
        A set of sequences of tokens. Each sequence in the set will be used as a
        search pattern in the whole corpus, and it occurrences are collected.

        Keyed by each member of parameter `qTokenSet` the values are
        the occurrences of that member in the corpus.
        A single occurrence is represented as a tuple of slots.

    if not self.properlySetup:
        return []

    setData = self.getSetData()
    getTokens = self.getTokens

    buckets = setData.buckets or ()

    results = {}

    for b in buckets:
        occMatch(getTokens, b, qTokenSet, results)

    return results

Inherited members