Module tf.browser.ner.corpus

Access to the corpus.

Contains a bunch of instant methods to access corpus material.

To see how this fits among all the modules of this package, see tf.browser.ner.annotate .

All access to the TF API should happen through methods in this class.

At this point we have the information from the settings and from the corpus. By collecting all corpus access methods in one class, we have good conceptual control over how to customize the annotator for different corpora.

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"""Access to the corpus.

Contains a bunch of instant methods to access corpus material.

To see how this fits among all the modules of this package, see
`tf.browser.ner.annotate` .

All access to the TF API should happen through methods in this class.

At this point we have the information from the settings and from the corpus.
By collecting all corpus access methods in one class, we have good conceptual
control over how to customize the annotator for different corpora.

import re

from .settings import Settings, TOOLKEY
from .helpers import makeCss
from ...core.files import annotateDir

WHITE_RE = re.compile(r"""\s{2,}""", re.S)
NON_ALPHA_RE = re.compile(r"""[^\w ]""", re.S)

class Corpus(Settings):
    def __init__(self):
        """Corpus dependent methods for the annotator.

        Everything that depends on the specifics of a corpus, such as getting its text,
        is collected here.

        If a corpus does not have a configuration file that tells TF which
        features to use for text representation, then we flag to the object
        instance that it is not properly set up.

        All methods that might fail because of this, are guarded by a check on this
        app =
        context = app.context
        appName = context.appName
        version = context.version

        self.appName = appName
        self.version = version
        (specDir, annoDir) = annotateDir(app, TOOLKEY)
        self.specDir = specDir
        self.annoDir = f"{annoDir}/{version}"
        self.sheetDir = f"{specDir}/sheets"


        api = app.api
        F = api.F
        Fs = api.Fs
        L = api.L
        T = api.T
        slotType = F.otype.slotType

        self.slotType = slotType
        """The node type of the slots in the corpus."""

        settings = self.settings
        features = settings.features
        keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures
        bucketType = settings.bucketType
        entityType = settings.entityType
        strFeature = settings.strFeature
        afterFeature = settings.afterFeature

        def getSlots(node):
            return L.d(node, otype=slotType)

        def checkFeature(feat):
            return api.isLoaded(feat, pretty=False)[feat] is not None

        def getFVal(feat, node):
            return Fs(feat).v(node)

        def getAfter():
            return Fs(afterFeature).v

        def getStr():
            return Fs(strFeature).v

        if not checkFeature(strFeature) or not checkFeature(afterFeature):
            self.properlySetup = False

        self.properlySetup = True
        """Whether the tool has been properly set up.

        This means that the configuration in `ner/config.yaml` or the
        default configuration work correctly with this corpus.
        If not, this attribute will prevent most of the methods
        from working: they fail silently.

        So users of corpora without any need for this tool will not be bothered
        by it.

        context = app.context = context.defaultClsOrig
        self.ltr = context.direction

        self.css = app.loadToolCss(TOOLKEY, makeCss(features, keywordFeatures))

        strv = getStr()
        afterv = getAfter()

        def getText(slots):
            text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip()
            # text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text)
            return text

        def getTextR(node):
            slots = L.d(node, otype=slotType)
            text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip()
            # text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text)
            return text

        def getTokens(node):
            return [(t, strv(t)) or "" for t in L.d(node, otype=slotType)]

        def getStrings(tokenStart, tokenEnd):
            return tuple(
                for t in range(tokenStart, tokenEnd + 1)
                if (token := (strv(t) or "").strip())

        def getContext(node):
            return L.d(T.sectionTuple(node)[1], otype=bucketType)

        def get0(slots):
            text = getText(slots)
            text = NON_ALPHA_RE.sub("", text)
            text = text.replace(" ", ".").strip(".").lower()
            return text

        def get1(slots):
            return settings.defaultValues[features[1]]

        def getBucketNodes():
            return F.otype.s(bucketType)

        def getEntityNodes():
            return F.otype.s(entityType)

        def sectionHead(node):
            return app.sectionStrFromNode(node)

        def checkBuckets(nodes):
            return {node for node in nodes if F.otype.v(node) == bucketType}

        self.checkFeature = checkFeature
        """Checks whether a feature is loaded in the corpus.

        feat: string
            The name of the feature

            Whether the feature is loaded in this corpus.

        self.getFVal = getFVal
        """Retrieves the value of a feature for a node.

        feat: string
            The name of the feature
        node: int
            The node whose feature value we need

        string or integer or void
            The value of the feature for that node, if there is a value.

        self.getStr = getStr
        """Delivers a function that retrieves the material of a slot.

            It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
            of the *str* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml`
            under key `strFeature` .

        self.getAfter = getAfter
        """Delivers a function that retrieves the material after a slot.

            It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
            of the *after* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml`
            under key `afterFeature` .

        self.getSlots = getSlots
        """Gets the slot nodes contained in a node.

        node: integer
            The container node.

        list of integer
            The slots in the container.

        self.getText = getText
        """Gets the text of a number of slots.

        slots: iterable of integer

            The concatenation of the representation of the individual slots.
            These representations are white-space trimmed at both sides,
            and the concatenation adds a single space between each adjacent pair
            of them.

            !!! caution "Space between slots"
                Leading and trailing white-space is stripped, and inner white-space is
                normalized to a single space.
                The text of the individual slots is joined by means of a single
                white-space, also in corpora that may have zero space between words.

        self.getTextR = getTextR
        """Gets the text for a non-slot node.

        It first determines the slots contained in a node, and then uses
        `Settings.getText()` to return the text of those slots.

        node: integer
            The nodes for whose slots we want the text.


        self.getTokens = getTokens
        """Gets the tokens contained in node.

        node: integer
            The nodes whose slots we want.

        list of tuple
            Each tuple is a pair of the slot number of the token and its
            string value. If there is no string value, the empty string is taken.

        self.getStrings = getStrings
        """Gets the text of the tokens occupying a sequence of slots.

        tokenStart: integer
            The position of the starting token.
        tokenEnd: integer
            The position of the ending token.

            The members consist of the string values of the tokens in question,
            as far as these values are not purely white-space.
            Also, the string values are stripped from leading and trailing white-space.

        self.getContext = getContext
        """Gets the context buckets around a node.

        We start from a node and find the section node of intermediate level
        that contains that node. Then we return all buckets contained in that

        node: int

        tuple of int

        self.get0 = get0
        """Makes an identifier value out of a number of slots.

        This acts as the default value for the `eid` feature of new

        Starting with the white-space-normalized text of a number of slots,
        the string is lowercased, non-alphanumeric characters are stripped,
        and spaces are replaced by dots.

        self.get1 = get1
        """Return a fixed value specified in the corpus-dependent settings.

        This acts as the default value ofr the `kind` feature of new

        self.getBucketNodes = getBucketNodes
        """Return all bucket nodes."""

        self.getEntityNodes = getEntityNodes
        """Return all entity nodes."""

        self.sectionHead = sectionHead
        """Provide a section heading.

        node: integer
            The node whose section head we need.


        self.checkBuckets = checkBuckets
        """Given a set of nodes, return the set of only its bucket nodes.

        nodes: set of int

        set of int

        self.featureDefault = {
            features[0]: get0,
            features[1]: get1,
        """Functions that deliver default values for the entity features."""


class Corpus

Corpus dependent methods for the annotator.

Everything that depends on the specifics of a corpus, such as getting its text, is collected here.

If a corpus does not have a configuration file that tells TF which features to use for text representation, then we flag to the object instance that it is not properly set up.

All methods that might fail because of this, are guarded by a check on this flag.

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class Corpus(Settings):
    def __init__(self):
        """Corpus dependent methods for the annotator.

        Everything that depends on the specifics of a corpus, such as getting its text,
        is collected here.

        If a corpus does not have a configuration file that tells TF which
        features to use for text representation, then we flag to the object
        instance that it is not properly set up.

        All methods that might fail because of this, are guarded by a check on this
        app =
        context = app.context
        appName = context.appName
        version = context.version

        self.appName = appName
        self.version = version
        (specDir, annoDir) = annotateDir(app, TOOLKEY)
        self.specDir = specDir
        self.annoDir = f"{annoDir}/{version}"
        self.sheetDir = f"{specDir}/sheets"


        api = app.api
        F = api.F
        Fs = api.Fs
        L = api.L
        T = api.T
        slotType = F.otype.slotType

        self.slotType = slotType
        """The node type of the slots in the corpus."""

        settings = self.settings
        features = settings.features
        keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures
        bucketType = settings.bucketType
        entityType = settings.entityType
        strFeature = settings.strFeature
        afterFeature = settings.afterFeature

        def getSlots(node):
            return L.d(node, otype=slotType)

        def checkFeature(feat):
            return api.isLoaded(feat, pretty=False)[feat] is not None

        def getFVal(feat, node):
            return Fs(feat).v(node)

        def getAfter():
            return Fs(afterFeature).v

        def getStr():
            return Fs(strFeature).v

        if not checkFeature(strFeature) or not checkFeature(afterFeature):
            self.properlySetup = False

        self.properlySetup = True
        """Whether the tool has been properly set up.

        This means that the configuration in `ner/config.yaml` or the
        default configuration work correctly with this corpus.
        If not, this attribute will prevent most of the methods
        from working: they fail silently.

        So users of corpora without any need for this tool will not be bothered
        by it.

        context = app.context = context.defaultClsOrig
        self.ltr = context.direction

        self.css = app.loadToolCss(TOOLKEY, makeCss(features, keywordFeatures))

        strv = getStr()
        afterv = getAfter()

        def getText(slots):
            text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip()
            # text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text)
            return text

        def getTextR(node):
            slots = L.d(node, otype=slotType)
            text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip()
            # text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text)
            return text

        def getTokens(node):
            return [(t, strv(t)) or "" for t in L.d(node, otype=slotType)]

        def getStrings(tokenStart, tokenEnd):
            return tuple(
                for t in range(tokenStart, tokenEnd + 1)
                if (token := (strv(t) or "").strip())

        def getContext(node):
            return L.d(T.sectionTuple(node)[1], otype=bucketType)

        def get0(slots):
            text = getText(slots)
            text = NON_ALPHA_RE.sub("", text)
            text = text.replace(" ", ".").strip(".").lower()
            return text

        def get1(slots):
            return settings.defaultValues[features[1]]

        def getBucketNodes():
            return F.otype.s(bucketType)

        def getEntityNodes():
            return F.otype.s(entityType)

        def sectionHead(node):
            return app.sectionStrFromNode(node)

        def checkBuckets(nodes):
            return {node for node in nodes if F.otype.v(node) == bucketType}

        self.checkFeature = checkFeature
        """Checks whether a feature is loaded in the corpus.

        feat: string
            The name of the feature

            Whether the feature is loaded in this corpus.

        self.getFVal = getFVal
        """Retrieves the value of a feature for a node.

        feat: string
            The name of the feature
        node: int
            The node whose feature value we need

        string or integer or void
            The value of the feature for that node, if there is a value.

        self.getStr = getStr
        """Delivers a function that retrieves the material of a slot.

            It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
            of the *str* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml`
            under key `strFeature` .

        self.getAfter = getAfter
        """Delivers a function that retrieves the material after a slot.

            It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
            of the *after* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml`
            under key `afterFeature` .

        self.getSlots = getSlots
        """Gets the slot nodes contained in a node.

        node: integer
            The container node.

        list of integer
            The slots in the container.

        self.getText = getText
        """Gets the text of a number of slots.

        slots: iterable of integer

            The concatenation of the representation of the individual slots.
            These representations are white-space trimmed at both sides,
            and the concatenation adds a single space between each adjacent pair
            of them.

            !!! caution "Space between slots"
                Leading and trailing white-space is stripped, and inner white-space is
                normalized to a single space.
                The text of the individual slots is joined by means of a single
                white-space, also in corpora that may have zero space between words.

        self.getTextR = getTextR
        """Gets the text for a non-slot node.

        It first determines the slots contained in a node, and then uses
        `Settings.getText()` to return the text of those slots.

        node: integer
            The nodes for whose slots we want the text.


        self.getTokens = getTokens
        """Gets the tokens contained in node.

        node: integer
            The nodes whose slots we want.

        list of tuple
            Each tuple is a pair of the slot number of the token and its
            string value. If there is no string value, the empty string is taken.

        self.getStrings = getStrings
        """Gets the text of the tokens occupying a sequence of slots.

        tokenStart: integer
            The position of the starting token.
        tokenEnd: integer
            The position of the ending token.

            The members consist of the string values of the tokens in question,
            as far as these values are not purely white-space.
            Also, the string values are stripped from leading and trailing white-space.

        self.getContext = getContext
        """Gets the context buckets around a node.

        We start from a node and find the section node of intermediate level
        that contains that node. Then we return all buckets contained in that

        node: int

        tuple of int

        self.get0 = get0
        """Makes an identifier value out of a number of slots.

        This acts as the default value for the `eid` feature of new

        Starting with the white-space-normalized text of a number of slots,
        the string is lowercased, non-alphanumeric characters are stripped,
        and spaces are replaced by dots.

        self.get1 = get1
        """Return a fixed value specified in the corpus-dependent settings.

        This acts as the default value ofr the `kind` feature of new

        self.getBucketNodes = getBucketNodes
        """Return all bucket nodes."""

        self.getEntityNodes = getEntityNodes
        """Return all entity nodes."""

        self.sectionHead = sectionHead
        """Provide a section heading.

        node: integer
            The node whose section head we need.


        self.checkBuckets = checkBuckets
        """Given a set of nodes, return the set of only its bucket nodes.

        nodes: set of int

        set of int

        self.featureDefault = {
            features[0]: get0,
            features[1]: get1,
        """Functions that deliver default values for the entity features."""



Instance variables

var checkBuckets

Given a set of nodes, return the set of only its bucket nodes.


nodes : set of int


set of int
var checkFeature

Checks whether a feature is loaded in the corpus.


feat : string
The name of the feature


Whether the feature is loaded in this corpus.
var featureDefault

Functions that deliver default values for the entity features.

var get0

Makes an identifier value out of a number of slots.

This acts as the default value for the eid feature of new entities.

Starting with the white-space-normalized text of a number of slots, the string is lowercased, non-alphanumeric characters are stripped, and spaces are replaced by dots.

var get1

Return a fixed value specified in the corpus-dependent settings.

This acts as the default value ofr the kind feature of new entities.

var getAfter

Delivers a function that retrieves the material after a slot.


It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value of the after feature, which is configured in ner/config.yaml under key afterFeature .
var getBucketNodes

Return all bucket nodes.

var getContext

Gets the context buckets around a node.

We start from a node and find the section node of intermediate level that contains that node. Then we return all buckets contained in that section.


node : int


tuple of int
var getEntityNodes

Return all entity nodes.

var getFVal

Retrieves the value of a feature for a node.


feat : string
The name of the feature
node : int
The node whose feature value we need


string or integer or void
The value of the feature for that node, if there is a value.
var getSlots

Gets the slot nodes contained in a node.


node : integer
The container node.


list of integer
The slots in the container.
var getStr

Delivers a function that retrieves the material of a slot.


It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value of the str feature, which is configured in ner/config.yaml under key strFeature .
var getStrings

Gets the text of the tokens occupying a sequence of slots.


tokenStart : integer
The position of the starting token.
tokenEnd : integer
The position of the ending token.


The members consist of the string values of the tokens in question, as far as these values are not purely white-space. Also, the string values are stripped from leading and trailing white-space.
var getText

Gets the text of a number of slots.


slots : iterable of integer



The concatenation of the representation of the individual slots. These representations are white-space trimmed at both sides, and the concatenation adds a single space between each adjacent pair of them.

Space between slots

Leading and trailing white-space is stripped, and inner white-space is normalized to a single space. The text of the individual slots is joined by means of a single white-space, also in corpora that may have zero space between words.

var getTextR

Gets the text for a non-slot node.

It first determines the slots contained in a node, and then uses Settings.getText() to return the text of those slots.


node : integer
The nodes for whose slots we want the text.


var getTokens

Gets the tokens contained in node.


node : integer
The nodes whose slots we want.


list of tuple
Each tuple is a pair of the slot number of the token and its string value. If there is no string value, the empty string is taken.
var properlySetup

Whether the tool has been properly set up.

This means that the configuration in ner/config.yaml or the default configuration work correctly with this corpus. If not, this attribute will prevent most of the methods from working: they fail silently.

So users of corpora without any need for this tool will not be bothered by it.

var sectionHead

Provide a section heading.


node : integer
The node whose section head we need.


var slotType

The node type of the slots in the corpus.

Inherited members