Module tf.browser.ner.helpers

Auxiliary functions.

To see how this fits among all the modules of this package, see tf.browser.ner.annotate . ‹›

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"""Auxiliary functions.

To see how this fits among all the modules of this package, see
`tf.browser.ner.annotate` .

import re
import unicodedata

from ..html import H

from .settings import STYLES

WHITE_RE = re.compile(r"""\s+""", re.S)
NON_WORD = re.compile(r"""\W+""", re.S)

CUT_OFF = 20
"""Maximum length of parts of entity identifiers."""

TOKEN_RE = re.compile(r"""\w+|\W""")

TO_ASCII_DEF = dict(
"""Undecomposable UNICODE characters mapped to their related ASCII characters."""


for u, a in TO_ASCII_DEF.items():
    TO_ASCII[u] = a
    TO_ASCII[u.upper()] = a.upper()

def normalize(text):
    """Normalize white-space in a text."""
    return WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text).strip()

def toTokens(text, spaceEscaped=False):
    """Split a text into tokens.

    The text is split on white-space.
    Tokens are further split into maximal segments of word characters
    and individual non-word characters.

    spaceEscaped: boolean, optional False
        If True, it is assumed that if a `_` occurs in a token string, a space is meant.
    result = TOKEN_RE.findall(normalize(text))
    return tuple((t.replace("_", " ") for t in result) if spaceEscaped else result)

def toAscii(text):
    """Transforms a text with diacritical marks into a plain ASCII text.

    Characters with diacritics are replaced by their base character.
    Some characters with diacritics are considered by UNICODE to be undecomposable
    characters, such as `ø` and `ñ`.
    We use a table (`TO_ASCII_DEF`) to map these on their related ASCII characters.
    return "".join(
        TO_ASCII.get(c, c)
        for c in unicodedata.normalize("NFD", text)
        if unicodedata.category(c) != "Mn"

def toId(text):
    """Transforms text to an identifier string.

    Tokens are lower-cased, separated by `.`, reduced to ASCII.
    return NON_WORD.sub(".", toAscii(text.lower())).strip(".")

def toSmallId(text, transform={}):
    """Transforms text to a smaller identifier string.

    As `toId()`, but now certain parts of the resulting identifier are
    either left out or replaced by shorter strings.

    This transformation is defined by the `transform` dictionary,
    which ultimately is provided in the corpus-dependent
    `ner/config.yaml` .
    parts = [y for x in toId(text).split(".") if (y := transform.get(x, x))]
    result = []
    n = 0

    for part in parts:
        if len(part) > CUT_OFF:
            part = part[0:CUT_OFF]

        nPart = len(part)

        if n + nPart > CUT_OFF:

        n += nPart

    return ".".join(result)

def repIdent(features, vals, active=""):
    """Represents an identifier in HTML.

    vals: iterable
        The material is given as a list of feature values.
    active: string, optional ""
        A CSS class name to add to the HTML representation.
        Can be used to mark the entity as active.
    return H.join(
        (H.span(val, cls=f"{feat} {active}") for (feat, val) in zip(features, vals)),
        sep=" ",

def repSummary(keywordFeatures, vals, active=""):
    """Represents an keyword value in HTML.

    vals: iterable
        The material is given as a list of values of keyword features.
    active: string, optional ""
        A CSS class name to add to the HTML representation.
        Can be used to mark the entity as active.
    return H.join(
            H.span(val, cls=f"{feat} {active}")
            for (feat, val) in zip(keywordFeatures, vals)
        sep=" ",

def valRep(features, fVals):
    """HTML representation of an entity as a sequence of `feat=val` strings."""
    return ", ".join(f"<i>{feat}</i>={val}" for (feat, val) in zip(features, fVals))

def findCompile(bFind, bFindC):
    """Compiles a regular expression out of a search pattern.

    bFind: string
        The search pattern as a plain string.
    bFindC: boolean
        Whether the search is case-sensitive.

        the white-space-stripped search pattern;
        the regular expression object, if successful, otherwise None;
        the error message if the re-compilation was not successful.
    bFind = (bFind or "").strip()
    bFindFlag = [] if bFindC else [re.I]
    bFindRe = None
    errorMsg = ""

    if bFind:
            bFindRe = re.compile(bFind, *bFindFlag)
        except Exception as e:
            errorMsg = str(e)

    return (bFind, bFindRe, errorMsg)

def makeCss(features, keywordFeatures):
    """Generates CSS for the tool.

    The CSS for this tool has a part that depends on the choice of entity features.
    For now, the dependency is mild: keyword features such as `kind` are formatted
    differently than features with an unbounded set of values, such as `eid`.

    features, keywordFeatures: iterable
        What the features are and what the keyword features are.
        These derive ultimately from the corpus-dependent `ner/config.yaml`.
    propMap = dict(

    def makeBlock(manner):
        props = STYLES[manner]
        defs = [f"\t{propMap[abb]}: {val};\n" for (abb, val) in props.items()]
        return H.join(defs)

    def makeCssDef(selector, *blocks):
        return selector + " {\n" + H.join(blocks) + "}\n"

    css = []

    for feat in features:
        manner = "keyword" if feat in keywordFeatures else "free"

        plain = makeBlock(manner)
        bordered = makeBlock(f"{manner}_bordered")
        active = makeBlock(f"{manner}_active")
        borderedActive = makeBlock(f"{manner}_bordered_active")

                makeCssDef(f".{feat}", plain),
                makeCssDef(f".{feat}.active", active),
                makeCssDef(f"span.{feat}_sel,button.{feat}_sel", plain, bordered),
                makeCssDef(f"button.{feat}_sel[st=v]", borderedActive, active),

    featureCss = H.join(css, sep="\n")
    allCss =, type="text/css")
    return allCss

Global variables


Maximum length of parts of entity identifiers.


Undecomposable UNICODE characters mapped to their related ASCII characters.


def findCompile(bFind, bFindC)

Compiles a regular expression out of a search pattern.


bFind : string
The search pattern as a plain string.
bFindC : boolean
Whether the search is case-sensitive.


the white-space-stripped search pattern; the regular expression object, if successful, otherwise None; the error message if the re-compilation was not successful.
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def findCompile(bFind, bFindC):
    """Compiles a regular expression out of a search pattern.

    bFind: string
        The search pattern as a plain string.
    bFindC: boolean
        Whether the search is case-sensitive.

        the white-space-stripped search pattern;
        the regular expression object, if successful, otherwise None;
        the error message if the re-compilation was not successful.
    bFind = (bFind or "").strip()
    bFindFlag = [] if bFindC else [re.I]
    bFindRe = None
    errorMsg = ""

    if bFind:
            bFindRe = re.compile(bFind, *bFindFlag)
        except Exception as e:
            errorMsg = str(e)

    return (bFind, bFindRe, errorMsg)
def makeCss(features, keywordFeatures)

Generates CSS for the tool.

The CSS for this tool has a part that depends on the choice of entity features. For now, the dependency is mild: keyword features such as kind are formatted differently than features with an unbounded set of values, such as eid.


features, keywordFeatures : iterable
What the features are and what the keyword features are. These derive ultimately from the corpus-dependent ner/config.yaml.
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def makeCss(features, keywordFeatures):
    """Generates CSS for the tool.

    The CSS for this tool has a part that depends on the choice of entity features.
    For now, the dependency is mild: keyword features such as `kind` are formatted
    differently than features with an unbounded set of values, such as `eid`.

    features, keywordFeatures: iterable
        What the features are and what the keyword features are.
        These derive ultimately from the corpus-dependent `ner/config.yaml`.
    propMap = dict(

    def makeBlock(manner):
        props = STYLES[manner]
        defs = [f"\t{propMap[abb]}: {val};\n" for (abb, val) in props.items()]
        return H.join(defs)

    def makeCssDef(selector, *blocks):
        return selector + " {\n" + H.join(blocks) + "}\n"

    css = []

    for feat in features:
        manner = "keyword" if feat in keywordFeatures else "free"

        plain = makeBlock(manner)
        bordered = makeBlock(f"{manner}_bordered")
        active = makeBlock(f"{manner}_active")
        borderedActive = makeBlock(f"{manner}_bordered_active")

                makeCssDef(f".{feat}", plain),
                makeCssDef(f".{feat}.active", active),
                makeCssDef(f"span.{feat}_sel,button.{feat}_sel", plain, bordered),
                makeCssDef(f"button.{feat}_sel[st=v]", borderedActive, active),

    featureCss = H.join(css, sep="\n")
    allCss =, type="text/css")
    return allCss
def normalize(text)

Normalize white-space in a text.

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def normalize(text):
    """Normalize white-space in a text."""
    return WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text).strip()
def repIdent(features, vals, active='')

Represents an identifier in HTML.


vals : iterable
The material is given as a list of feature values.
active : string, optional ""
A CSS class name to add to the HTML representation. Can be used to mark the entity as active.
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def repIdent(features, vals, active=""):
    """Represents an identifier in HTML.

    vals: iterable
        The material is given as a list of feature values.
    active: string, optional ""
        A CSS class name to add to the HTML representation.
        Can be used to mark the entity as active.
    return H.join(
        (H.span(val, cls=f"{feat} {active}") for (feat, val) in zip(features, vals)),
        sep=" ",
def repSummary(keywordFeatures, vals, active='')

Represents an keyword value in HTML.


vals : iterable
The material is given as a list of values of keyword features.
active : string, optional ""
A CSS class name to add to the HTML representation. Can be used to mark the entity as active.
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def repSummary(keywordFeatures, vals, active=""):
    """Represents an keyword value in HTML.

    vals: iterable
        The material is given as a list of values of keyword features.
    active: string, optional ""
        A CSS class name to add to the HTML representation.
        Can be used to mark the entity as active.
    return H.join(
            H.span(val, cls=f"{feat} {active}")
            for (feat, val) in zip(keywordFeatures, vals)
        sep=" ",
def toAscii(text)

Transforms a text with diacritical marks into a plain ASCII text.

Characters with diacritics are replaced by their base character. Some characters with diacritics are considered by UNICODE to be undecomposable characters, such as ø and ñ. We use a table (TO_ASCII_DEF) to map these on their related ASCII characters.

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def toAscii(text):
    """Transforms a text with diacritical marks into a plain ASCII text.

    Characters with diacritics are replaced by their base character.
    Some characters with diacritics are considered by UNICODE to be undecomposable
    characters, such as `ø` and `ñ`.
    We use a table (`TO_ASCII_DEF`) to map these on their related ASCII characters.
    return "".join(
        TO_ASCII.get(c, c)
        for c in unicodedata.normalize("NFD", text)
        if unicodedata.category(c) != "Mn"
def toId(text)

Transforms text to an identifier string.

Tokens are lower-cased, separated by ., reduced to ASCII.

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def toId(text):
    """Transforms text to an identifier string.

    Tokens are lower-cased, separated by `.`, reduced to ASCII.
    return NON_WORD.sub(".", toAscii(text.lower())).strip(".")
def toSmallId(text, transform={})

Transforms text to a smaller identifier string.

As toId(), but now certain parts of the resulting identifier are either left out or replaced by shorter strings.

This transformation is defined by the transform dictionary, which ultimately is provided in the corpus-dependent ner/config.yaml .

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def toSmallId(text, transform={}):
    """Transforms text to a smaller identifier string.

    As `toId()`, but now certain parts of the resulting identifier are
    either left out or replaced by shorter strings.

    This transformation is defined by the `transform` dictionary,
    which ultimately is provided in the corpus-dependent
    `ner/config.yaml` .
    parts = [y for x in toId(text).split(".") if (y := transform.get(x, x))]
    result = []
    n = 0

    for part in parts:
        if len(part) > CUT_OFF:
            part = part[0:CUT_OFF]

        nPart = len(part)

        if n + nPart > CUT_OFF:

        n += nPart

    return ".".join(result)
def toTokens(text, spaceEscaped=False)

Split a text into tokens.

The text is split on white-space. Tokens are further split into maximal segments of word characters and individual non-word characters.


spaceEscaped : boolean, optional False
If True, it is assumed that if a _ occurs in a token string, a space is meant.
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def toTokens(text, spaceEscaped=False):
    """Split a text into tokens.

    The text is split on white-space.
    Tokens are further split into maximal segments of word characters
    and individual non-word characters.

    spaceEscaped: boolean, optional False
        If True, it is assumed that if a `_` occurs in a token string, a space is meant.
    result = TOKEN_RE.findall(normalize(text))
    return tuple((t.replace("_", " ") for t in result) if spaceEscaped else result)
def valRep(features, fVals)

HTML representation of an entity as a sequence of feat=val strings.

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def valRep(features, fVals):
    """HTML representation of an entity as a sequence of `feat=val` strings."""
    return ", ".join(f"<i>{feat}</i>={val}" for (feat, val) in zip(features, fVals))