
Rendering of corpus material with annotations.

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"""Rendering of corpus material with annotations.

from itertools import chain

from ..advanced.helpers import dh

from ..browser.html import H
from ..browser.ner.websettings import (

from .helpers import toAscii
from .settings import SET_SHEET

class Show:
    def showEntityOverview(self):
        """Generates HTML for an overview of the entities.

        The entity overview consists of a listing of the possible
        entity kinds with for each kind how many entities there are of that kind.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
        settings = self.settings
        keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()

        content = H.p(
                " x ",
                H.span(repSummary(keywordFeatures, fVals)),
            for (fVals, es) in sorted(
                setData.entitySummary.items(), key=lambda x: (-len(x[1]), x[0])

        if browse:
            return content


    def showEntities(
        self, activeEntity=None, sortKey=None, sortDir=None, cutOffFreq=None
        """Generates HTML for a sorted list of the entities.

        The entity list consists of a table of entity identifiers, with the columns for
        the kind and frequency of the entities.

        There may be one active entity, and that one will be highlighted.

        activeEntity: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted, given as entity id and entity kind.

        sortKey: string, optional None
            The key by which the entity list is sorted.

            Possible values:

            *   `freqsort`: by frequency
            *   `sort_0` or `sort_eid`: by entity identifier
            *   `sort_1` or `sort_kind`: by entity kind

            If `None` is passed, `freqsort` is filled in.

        sortDir: string, optional None
            The direction of the sort.

            Possible values:

            *   `a`: ascending
            *   `d`: descending

            If `None` is passed, `a` is filled in.
            However, if `None` is passed for both `sortKey` and `sortDir`,
            a `d` is filled in.

            As a consequence, the default sort order is by frequency, most
            frequent on top.

        cutOffFreq: integer, optional None
            If passed, it is a lower limit on the frequency of the entities that
            will be shown. Every entity with a lower frequency will be skipped.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
        settings = self.settings
        features = settings.features

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()

        hasEnt = activeEntity is not None

        entries = setData.entityIdent.items()
        sortKeyMap = {feat: i for (i, feat) in enumerate(features)}

        if sortKey is None and sortDir is None:
            (sortKey, sortDir) = SORT_DEFAULT
            if sortKey is None:
                sortKey = SORTKEY_DEFAULT
            if sortDir is None:
                sortDir = SORTDIR_DEFAULT

        if sortKey == SORTKEY_DEFAULT:
            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (len(x[1]), x[0]))
            if sortKey.startswith("sort_"):
                index = sortKey[5:]
                if index.isdecimal():
                    index = int(index)
                    if index >= len(features):
                        index = 0
                    index = sortKeyMap.get(index, 0)
                index = 0

            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (x[0][index], -len(x[1])))

        if sortDir == SORTDIR_DESC:
            entries = reversed(entries)

        content = []

        for vals, es in entries:
            x = len(es)

            if cutOffFreq is not None and x < cutOffFreq:
            identRep = "⊙".join(vals)

            active = " queried " if hasEnt and vals == activeEntity else ""

                    H.span(f"{x} ", cls="stat"),
                    repIdent(features, vals, active=active),
                    cls=f"e {active}",

        content = H.join(content)

        if browse:
            return content


    def showTriggers(
        """Generates HTML for an expandable overview of the entities and their triggers.

        activeEntity: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted.

        activeTrigger: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted.

        sortKey: string, optional None
            The key by which the entity list is sorted.

            Possible values:

            *   `freqsort`: by frequency
            *   `sort_0` or `sort_name`: by entity name

            If `None` is passed, `freqsort` is filled in.

        sortDir: string, optional None
            The direction of the sort.

            Possible values:

            *   `a`: ascending
            *   `d`: descending

            If `None` is passed, `a` is filled in.
            However, if `None` is passed for both `sortKey` and `sortDir`,
            a `d` is filled in.

            As a consequence, the default sort order is by frequency, most
            frequent on top.

        subtleFilter: boolean, optional None
            Filters on the kind of sheets in which triggers occur.

            If None: all sheets are considered.

            If True: only context sheets are considered.

            If False: only the main sheet is considered.

        zeroFilter: integer, optional 0
            Filters on triggers with zero hits.
            If `0`: no filtering.
            If `1` or `-1`: shows all entities that have at least one trigger
            with zero hits.
            If `1`, for those entities, all triggers will be shown, also the
            one with hits.
            If `-1`, for those entities only the triggers with zero hits will be shown.
            Only shows triggers without hits.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
        browse = self.browse
        sheetData = self.getSheetData()
        hitData = sheetData.hitData or {}
        nameMap = sheetData.nameMap or {}
        rowMap = sheetData.rowMap or {}

        hasEnt = activeEntity is not None
        hasTrig = activeTrigger is not None

        def entryNames(data):
            entries = []

            for eidkind, triggers in data.items():
                if eidkind not in nameMap:
                    # should not occur!

                name = nameMap[eidkind]
                tOccs = sum(triggers.values())
                subtle = any(t[1] != "" for t in triggers)

                if (
                    subtleFilter is None
                    or subtleFilter
                    and subtle
                    or not subtleFilter
                    and not subtle

            return entries

        def entryTriggers(data):
            entries = []

            for trigger, nOccs in sorted(data.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])):
                subtle = trigger[1] != ""
                entries.append((trigger, nOccs, subtle))

            return entries

        entries = entryNames(hitData)

        if sortKey is None and sortDir is None:
            (sortKey, sortDir) = SORT_DEFAULT
            if sortKey is None:
                sortKey = SORTKEY_DEFAULT
            if sortDir is None:
                sortDir = SORTDIR_DEFAULT

        if sortKey == SORTKEY_DEFAULT:
            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (x[2], toAscii(x[1]).lower()))
            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (toAscii(x[1]).lower(), -x[2]))

        if sortDir == SORTDIR_DESC:
            entries = reversed(entries)

        def genNames(data):
            content = []

            for eidkind, name, tOccs, subtle, triggers in entries:
                identRep = "⊙".join(eidkind)
                hasTriggerNoOccs = any(x[1] == 0 for x in triggers)
                hasNoOccs = tOccs == 0

                if zeroFilter and not (hasNoOccs or hasTriggerNoOccs):

                occsCls = (
                    "nooccs" if hasNoOccs else ("warnoccs" if hasTriggerNoOccs else "")
                subtleCls = "subtle" if subtle else ""
                active = "queried" if hasEnt and eidkind == activeEntity else ""

                        H.div((H.span(f"{tOccs} ", cls="stat"))),
                                H.div(name, cls=f"ntx {occsCls} {subtleCls}"),
                                H.div(genTriggers(triggers), cls="etrigger"),
                        cls=f"e {active}",

            return content

        def genTriggers(data):
            content = []

            for tInfo, nOccs, subtle in data:
                (trigger, scope) = tInfo
                hasNoOccs = nOccs == 0

                if zeroFilter == -1 and not hasNoOccs:

                rows = rowMap.get(trigger, [])
                r = "?" if len(rows) == 0 else ", ".join(str(x) for x in rows)
                occsCls = "nooccs" if nOccs == 0 else ""
                subtleCls = "subtle" if subtle else ""
                scopeRep = f"{SET_SHEET}{scope}"
                triggerRep = "⊙".join(str(x) for x in tInfo)
                active = (
                    "tqueried" if hasTrig and (trigger, scope) == activeTrigger else ""
                            H.span(f"{nOccs} ", cls="stat"),
                                    H.span(f"{scopeRep} "),
                                    H.code(trigger, cls="ttx", title=f"r{r}"),
                                cls=f"{occsCls} {subtleCls}",
                        cls=f"et {active}",

            return content

        content = "\n".join(genNames(hitData))

        if browse:
            return content


    def showContent(
        """Generates HTML for a given portion of the corpus.

        The corpus text will be marked up with entities, the positions of
        these entities are present in the input parameter `buckets`.

        It is recommended to apply this function to the outcome of

        !!! caution "Truncated"
            Unless the user has selected an entity or forced a start and end
            boundary to the list of buckets, the display may be truncated.
            See the parameter `mayLimit` below.

        buckets: iterable of tuple
            A selection of buckets (chunks / paragraphs) of the corpus.
            Each bucket is given as a tuple.
            The exact form of this data structure is equal to what the
            function `tf.ner.corpus.Corpus.filterContent`

        activeEntity: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted.

        activeTrigger: tuple, optional None
            The trigger that must be highlighted.

        excludedTokens: set, optional None
            If passed, it is a set of tokens where a ❌ has been placed by the
            user. They correspond to occurrences that have been deselected from
            being subject to add / delete operations.

        mayLimit: boolean, optional False
            It is possible that the buckets make up the whole corpus.
            Although we have optimised things in such a way that the browser can handle
            a webpage with thousands of pages of material in it, such large pages
            may compromise the performance.
            If the bucket set is potentially very large, and the `start` and `end`
            parameters are not both specified, we will truncate the list of buckets
            to a smallish value (see `settings.LIMIT_BROWSER` and `settings.LIMIT_NB`).

            However, when there is an `activeEntity`, we assume the buckets are those
            containing that entity, and that it is a limited set anyway, and in that
            case we do not truncate.

        start: integer, optional None
            If passed, start rendering the buckets at this position.

        end: integer, optional None
            If passed, stop rendering the buckets at this position.

        withNodes: boolean, optional None
            Shows the node in each token.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.

        settings = self.settings
        bucketType = self.bucketType
        features = settings.features
        style =
        ltr = self.ltr

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()
        setIsX = self.setIsX
        setIsRo = self.setIsRo
        setIsSrc = self.setIsSrc
        afterv = self.getAfter()
        sectionHead = self.sectionHead

        entityIdent = setData.entityIdent
        entitySlotIndex = setData.entitySlotIndex

        hasEnt = activeEntity is not None
        hasTrig = activeTrigger is not None

        if setIsX:
            sheetData = self.getSheetData()
            triggerFromMatch = sheetData.triggerFromMatch

        limited = mayLimit and not hasEnt and (start is None or end is None)
        limit = LIMIT_BROWSER if browse else LIMIT_NB

        content = []

        nB = 0
        nBshown = 0

        for b, bTokens, matches, positions in buckets:
            nB += 1

            if start is not None and nB < start:
            if end is not None and nB > end:

            if limited and nBshown > limit:
                        f"Showing only the first {limit} {bucketType}s of all "
                        f"{len(buckets)} ones.",

            nBshown += 1
            charPos = 0

            if setIsRo:
                if setIsSrc:
                    allMatches = set(chain.from_iterable(matches))
                    allMatches = {}
                    for match in matches:
                        trigger = triggerFromMatch.get(match, None)
                        if trigger is not None:
                            for m in match:
                                allMatches[m] = trigger
                allMatches = set()
                endMatches = set()

                for match in matches:
                    allMatches |= set(match)

            headContent = H.span(
                H.span(sectionHead(b), cls="bhl ltr", title="show context"),
                cls=f"bh {ltr}",
            subContent = []

            for t, w in bTokens:
                info = entitySlotIndex.get(t, None)
                inEntity = False

                if info is not None:
                    inEntity = True

                    for item in sorted(
                        (x for x in info if x is not None), key=lambda z: z[1]
                        (status, lg, ident) = item
                        identRep = "⊙".join(ident)

                        if status:
                            active = (
                                " queried " if hasEnt and ident == activeEntity else ""
                                    H.span(abs(lg), cls="lgb"),
                                    repIdent(features, ident, active=active),
                                    " ",
                                    H.span(len(entityIdent[ident]), cls="n"),

                after = afterv(t) or ""
                lenW = len(w)
                lenWa = len(w) + len(after)
                foundSet = set(range(charPos, charPos + lenW)) & positions
                found = len(foundSet) != 0

                if found:
                    firstFound = min(foundSet) - charPos
                    lastFound = max(foundSet) - charPos
                    leading = "" if firstFound == charPos else w[0:firstFound]
                    trailing = "" if lastFound == lenW - 1 else w[lastFound + 1 :]
                    hit = w[firstFound : lastFound + 1]
                    wRep = H.join(leading, H.span(hit, cls="found"), trailing)
                    wRep = w

                queried = t in allMatches
                tqueried = (
                    setIsX and hasTrig and allMatches.get(t, None) == activeTrigger

                hlClasses = " queried " if queried else ""
                hlClasses += " tqueried " if tqueried else ""
                hlClasses += " ei " if inEntity else ""
                hlClasses += f" {style} " if style else ""
                hlClass = dict(cls=hlClasses) if hlClasses else {}

                endQueried = (not setIsRo) and t in endMatches
                excl = "x" if t in excludedTokens else "v"
                nodeRep = H.span(str(t), cls="nd") if withNodes else ""

                        H.span(wRep + nodeRep, **hlClass, t=t),
                        H.span(te=t, st=excl) if endQueried else "",

                if info is not None:
                    for item in sorted(
                        (x for x in info if x is not None), key=lambda z: z[1]
                        (status, lg, ident) = item
                        if not status:
                                H.span(H.span(abs(lg), cls="lge"), cls="ee")

                charPos += lenWa

                H.div(headContent, H.nb, H.span(subContent, cls=ltr), cls=f"b {ltr}")

        if browse:
            return H.div(content, id="buckets", cls=f"buckets {ltr}")

        dh(H.div(content, cls=f"buckets {ltr}"))


class Show
Expand source code Browse git
class Show:
    def showEntityOverview(self):
        """Generates HTML for an overview of the entities.

        The entity overview consists of a listing of the possible
        entity kinds with for each kind how many entities there are of that kind.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
        settings = self.settings
        keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()

        content = H.p(
                " x ",
                H.span(repSummary(keywordFeatures, fVals)),
            for (fVals, es) in sorted(
                setData.entitySummary.items(), key=lambda x: (-len(x[1]), x[0])

        if browse:
            return content


    def showEntities(
        self, activeEntity=None, sortKey=None, sortDir=None, cutOffFreq=None
        """Generates HTML for a sorted list of the entities.

        The entity list consists of a table of entity identifiers, with the columns for
        the kind and frequency of the entities.

        There may be one active entity, and that one will be highlighted.

        activeEntity: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted, given as entity id and entity kind.

        sortKey: string, optional None
            The key by which the entity list is sorted.

            Possible values:

            *   `freqsort`: by frequency
            *   `sort_0` or `sort_eid`: by entity identifier
            *   `sort_1` or `sort_kind`: by entity kind

            If `None` is passed, `freqsort` is filled in.

        sortDir: string, optional None
            The direction of the sort.

            Possible values:

            *   `a`: ascending
            *   `d`: descending

            If `None` is passed, `a` is filled in.
            However, if `None` is passed for both `sortKey` and `sortDir`,
            a `d` is filled in.

            As a consequence, the default sort order is by frequency, most
            frequent on top.

        cutOffFreq: integer, optional None
            If passed, it is a lower limit on the frequency of the entities that
            will be shown. Every entity with a lower frequency will be skipped.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
        settings = self.settings
        features = settings.features

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()

        hasEnt = activeEntity is not None

        entries = setData.entityIdent.items()
        sortKeyMap = {feat: i for (i, feat) in enumerate(features)}

        if sortKey is None and sortDir is None:
            (sortKey, sortDir) = SORT_DEFAULT
            if sortKey is None:
                sortKey = SORTKEY_DEFAULT
            if sortDir is None:
                sortDir = SORTDIR_DEFAULT

        if sortKey == SORTKEY_DEFAULT:
            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (len(x[1]), x[0]))
            if sortKey.startswith("sort_"):
                index = sortKey[5:]
                if index.isdecimal():
                    index = int(index)
                    if index >= len(features):
                        index = 0
                    index = sortKeyMap.get(index, 0)
                index = 0

            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (x[0][index], -len(x[1])))

        if sortDir == SORTDIR_DESC:
            entries = reversed(entries)

        content = []

        for vals, es in entries:
            x = len(es)

            if cutOffFreq is not None and x < cutOffFreq:
            identRep = "⊙".join(vals)

            active = " queried " if hasEnt and vals == activeEntity else ""

                    H.span(f"{x} ", cls="stat"),
                    repIdent(features, vals, active=active),
                    cls=f"e {active}",

        content = H.join(content)

        if browse:
            return content


    def showTriggers(
        """Generates HTML for an expandable overview of the entities and their triggers.

        activeEntity: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted.

        activeTrigger: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted.

        sortKey: string, optional None
            The key by which the entity list is sorted.

            Possible values:

            *   `freqsort`: by frequency
            *   `sort_0` or `sort_name`: by entity name

            If `None` is passed, `freqsort` is filled in.

        sortDir: string, optional None
            The direction of the sort.

            Possible values:

            *   `a`: ascending
            *   `d`: descending

            If `None` is passed, `a` is filled in.
            However, if `None` is passed for both `sortKey` and `sortDir`,
            a `d` is filled in.

            As a consequence, the default sort order is by frequency, most
            frequent on top.

        subtleFilter: boolean, optional None
            Filters on the kind of sheets in which triggers occur.

            If None: all sheets are considered.

            If True: only context sheets are considered.

            If False: only the main sheet is considered.

        zeroFilter: integer, optional 0
            Filters on triggers with zero hits.
            If `0`: no filtering.
            If `1` or `-1`: shows all entities that have at least one trigger
            with zero hits.
            If `1`, for those entities, all triggers will be shown, also the
            one with hits.
            If `-1`, for those entities only the triggers with zero hits will be shown.
            Only shows triggers without hits.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
        browse = self.browse
        sheetData = self.getSheetData()
        hitData = sheetData.hitData or {}
        nameMap = sheetData.nameMap or {}
        rowMap = sheetData.rowMap or {}

        hasEnt = activeEntity is not None
        hasTrig = activeTrigger is not None

        def entryNames(data):
            entries = []

            for eidkind, triggers in data.items():
                if eidkind not in nameMap:
                    # should not occur!

                name = nameMap[eidkind]
                tOccs = sum(triggers.values())
                subtle = any(t[1] != "" for t in triggers)

                if (
                    subtleFilter is None
                    or subtleFilter
                    and subtle
                    or not subtleFilter
                    and not subtle

            return entries

        def entryTriggers(data):
            entries = []

            for trigger, nOccs in sorted(data.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])):
                subtle = trigger[1] != ""
                entries.append((trigger, nOccs, subtle))

            return entries

        entries = entryNames(hitData)

        if sortKey is None and sortDir is None:
            (sortKey, sortDir) = SORT_DEFAULT
            if sortKey is None:
                sortKey = SORTKEY_DEFAULT
            if sortDir is None:
                sortDir = SORTDIR_DEFAULT

        if sortKey == SORTKEY_DEFAULT:
            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (x[2], toAscii(x[1]).lower()))
            entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (toAscii(x[1]).lower(), -x[2]))

        if sortDir == SORTDIR_DESC:
            entries = reversed(entries)

        def genNames(data):
            content = []

            for eidkind, name, tOccs, subtle, triggers in entries:
                identRep = "⊙".join(eidkind)
                hasTriggerNoOccs = any(x[1] == 0 for x in triggers)
                hasNoOccs = tOccs == 0

                if zeroFilter and not (hasNoOccs or hasTriggerNoOccs):

                occsCls = (
                    "nooccs" if hasNoOccs else ("warnoccs" if hasTriggerNoOccs else "")
                subtleCls = "subtle" if subtle else ""
                active = "queried" if hasEnt and eidkind == activeEntity else ""

                        H.div((H.span(f"{tOccs} ", cls="stat"))),
                                H.div(name, cls=f"ntx {occsCls} {subtleCls}"),
                                H.div(genTriggers(triggers), cls="etrigger"),
                        cls=f"e {active}",

            return content

        def genTriggers(data):
            content = []

            for tInfo, nOccs, subtle in data:
                (trigger, scope) = tInfo
                hasNoOccs = nOccs == 0

                if zeroFilter == -1 and not hasNoOccs:

                rows = rowMap.get(trigger, [])
                r = "?" if len(rows) == 0 else ", ".join(str(x) for x in rows)
                occsCls = "nooccs" if nOccs == 0 else ""
                subtleCls = "subtle" if subtle else ""
                scopeRep = f"{SET_SHEET}{scope}"
                triggerRep = "⊙".join(str(x) for x in tInfo)
                active = (
                    "tqueried" if hasTrig and (trigger, scope) == activeTrigger else ""
                            H.span(f"{nOccs} ", cls="stat"),
                                    H.span(f"{scopeRep} "),
                                    H.code(trigger, cls="ttx", title=f"r{r}"),
                                cls=f"{occsCls} {subtleCls}",
                        cls=f"et {active}",

            return content

        content = "\n".join(genNames(hitData))

        if browse:
            return content


    def showContent(
        """Generates HTML for a given portion of the corpus.

        The corpus text will be marked up with entities, the positions of
        these entities are present in the input parameter `buckets`.

        It is recommended to apply this function to the outcome of

        !!! caution "Truncated"
            Unless the user has selected an entity or forced a start and end
            boundary to the list of buckets, the display may be truncated.
            See the parameter `mayLimit` below.

        buckets: iterable of tuple
            A selection of buckets (chunks / paragraphs) of the corpus.
            Each bucket is given as a tuple.
            The exact form of this data structure is equal to what the
            function `tf.ner.corpus.Corpus.filterContent`

        activeEntity: tuple, optional None
            The entity that must be highlighted.

        activeTrigger: tuple, optional None
            The trigger that must be highlighted.

        excludedTokens: set, optional None
            If passed, it is a set of tokens where a ❌ has been placed by the
            user. They correspond to occurrences that have been deselected from
            being subject to add / delete operations.

        mayLimit: boolean, optional False
            It is possible that the buckets make up the whole corpus.
            Although we have optimised things in such a way that the browser can handle
            a webpage with thousands of pages of material in it, such large pages
            may compromise the performance.
            If the bucket set is potentially very large, and the `start` and `end`
            parameters are not both specified, we will truncate the list of buckets
            to a smallish value (see `settings.LIMIT_BROWSER` and `settings.LIMIT_NB`).

            However, when there is an `activeEntity`, we assume the buckets are those
            containing that entity, and that it is a limited set anyway, and in that
            case we do not truncate.

        start: integer, optional None
            If passed, start rendering the buckets at this position.

        end: integer, optional None
            If passed, stop rendering the buckets at this position.

        withNodes: boolean, optional None
            Shows the node in each token.

        string or void
            If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string.
            Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming
            it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.

        settings = self.settings
        bucketType = self.bucketType
        features = settings.features
        style =
        ltr = self.ltr

        browse = self.browse
        setData = self.getSetData()
        setIsX = self.setIsX
        setIsRo = self.setIsRo
        setIsSrc = self.setIsSrc
        afterv = self.getAfter()
        sectionHead = self.sectionHead

        entityIdent = setData.entityIdent
        entitySlotIndex = setData.entitySlotIndex

        hasEnt = activeEntity is not None
        hasTrig = activeTrigger is not None

        if setIsX:
            sheetData = self.getSheetData()
            triggerFromMatch = sheetData.triggerFromMatch

        limited = mayLimit and not hasEnt and (start is None or end is None)
        limit = LIMIT_BROWSER if browse else LIMIT_NB

        content = []

        nB = 0
        nBshown = 0

        for b, bTokens, matches, positions in buckets:
            nB += 1

            if start is not None and nB < start:
            if end is not None and nB > end:

            if limited and nBshown > limit:
                        f"Showing only the first {limit} {bucketType}s of all "
                        f"{len(buckets)} ones.",

            nBshown += 1
            charPos = 0

            if setIsRo:
                if setIsSrc:
                    allMatches = set(chain.from_iterable(matches))
                    allMatches = {}
                    for match in matches:
                        trigger = triggerFromMatch.get(match, None)
                        if trigger is not None:
                            for m in match:
                                allMatches[m] = trigger
                allMatches = set()
                endMatches = set()

                for match in matches:
                    allMatches |= set(match)

            headContent = H.span(
                H.span(sectionHead(b), cls="bhl ltr", title="show context"),
                cls=f"bh {ltr}",
            subContent = []

            for t, w in bTokens:
                info = entitySlotIndex.get(t, None)
                inEntity = False

                if info is not None:
                    inEntity = True

                    for item in sorted(
                        (x for x in info if x is not None), key=lambda z: z[1]
                        (status, lg, ident) = item
                        identRep = "⊙".join(ident)

                        if status:
                            active = (
                                " queried " if hasEnt and ident == activeEntity else ""
                                    H.span(abs(lg), cls="lgb"),
                                    repIdent(features, ident, active=active),
                                    " ",
                                    H.span(len(entityIdent[ident]), cls="n"),

                after = afterv(t) or ""
                lenW = len(w)
                lenWa = len(w) + len(after)
                foundSet = set(range(charPos, charPos + lenW)) & positions
                found = len(foundSet) != 0

                if found:
                    firstFound = min(foundSet) - charPos
                    lastFound = max(foundSet) - charPos
                    leading = "" if firstFound == charPos else w[0:firstFound]
                    trailing = "" if lastFound == lenW - 1 else w[lastFound + 1 :]
                    hit = w[firstFound : lastFound + 1]
                    wRep = H.join(leading, H.span(hit, cls="found"), trailing)
                    wRep = w

                queried = t in allMatches
                tqueried = (
                    setIsX and hasTrig and allMatches.get(t, None) == activeTrigger

                hlClasses = " queried " if queried else ""
                hlClasses += " tqueried " if tqueried else ""
                hlClasses += " ei " if inEntity else ""
                hlClasses += f" {style} " if style else ""
                hlClass = dict(cls=hlClasses) if hlClasses else {}

                endQueried = (not setIsRo) and t in endMatches
                excl = "x" if t in excludedTokens else "v"
                nodeRep = H.span(str(t), cls="nd") if withNodes else ""

                        H.span(wRep + nodeRep, **hlClass, t=t),
                        H.span(te=t, st=excl) if endQueried else "",

                if info is not None:
                    for item in sorted(
                        (x for x in info if x is not None), key=lambda z: z[1]
                        (status, lg, ident) = item
                        if not status:
                                H.span(H.span(abs(lg), cls="lge"), cls="ee")

                charPos += lenWa

                H.div(headContent, H.nb, H.span(subContent, cls=ltr), cls=f"b {ltr}")

        if browse:
            return H.div(content, id="buckets", cls=f"buckets {ltr}")

        dh(H.div(content, cls=f"buckets {ltr}"))



def showContent(self, buckets, activeEntity=None, activeTrigger=None, excludedTokens=set(), mayLimit=True, start=None, end=None, withNodes=False)

Generates HTML for a given portion of the corpus.

The corpus text will be marked up with entities, the positions of these entities are present in the input parameter buckets.

It is recommended to apply this function to the outcome of Corpus.filterContent()


Unless the user has selected an entity or forced a start and end boundary to the list of buckets, the display may be truncated. See the parameter mayLimit below.


buckets : iterable of tuple
A selection of buckets (chunks / paragraphs) of the corpus. Each bucket is given as a tuple. The exact form of this data structure is equal to what the function Corpus.filterContent() returns.
activeEntity : tuple, optional None
The entity that must be highlighted.
activeTrigger : tuple, optional None
The trigger that must be highlighted.
excludedTokens : set, optional None
If passed, it is a set of tokens where a ❌ has been placed by the user. They correspond to occurrences that have been deselected from being subject to add / delete operations.
mayLimit : boolean, optional False

It is possible that the buckets make up the whole corpus. Although we have optimised things in such a way that the browser can handle a webpage with thousands of pages of material in it, such large pages may compromise the performance. If the bucket set is potentially very large, and the start and end parameters are not both specified, we will truncate the list of buckets to a smallish value (see settings.LIMIT_BROWSER and settings.LIMIT_NB).

However, when there is an activeEntity, we assume the buckets are those containing that entity, and that it is a limited set anyway, and in that case we do not truncate.

start : integer, optional None
If passed, start rendering the buckets at this position.
end : integer, optional None
If passed, stop rendering the buckets at this position.
withNodes : boolean, optional None
Shows the node in each token.


string or void
If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string. Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
def showEntities(self, activeEntity=None, sortKey=None, sortDir=None, cutOffFreq=None)

Generates HTML for a sorted list of the entities.

The entity list consists of a table of entity identifiers, with the columns for the kind and frequency of the entities.

There may be one active entity, and that one will be highlighted.


activeEntity : tuple, optional None
The entity that must be highlighted, given as entity id and entity kind.
sortKey : string, optional None

The key by which the entity list is sorted.

Possible values:

  • freqsort: by frequency
  • sort_0 or sort_eid: by entity identifier
  • sort_1 or sort_kind: by entity kind

If None is passed, freqsort is filled in.

sortDir : string, optional None

The direction of the sort.

Possible values:

  • a: ascending
  • d: descending

If None is passed, a is filled in. However, if None is passed for both sortKey and sortDir, a d is filled in.

As a consequence, the default sort order is by frequency, most frequent on top.

cutOffFreq : integer, optional None
If passed, it is a lower limit on the frequency of the entities that will be shown. Every entity with a lower frequency will be skipped.


string or void
If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string. Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
def showEntityOverview(self)

Generates HTML for an overview of the entities.

The entity overview consists of a listing of the possible entity kinds with for each kind how many entities there are of that kind.


string or void
If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string. Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.
def showTriggers(self, activeEntity=None, activeTrigger=None, sortKey=None, sortDir=None, subtleFilter=None, zeroFilter=0)

Generates HTML for an expandable overview of the entities and their triggers.


activeEntity : tuple, optional None
The entity that must be highlighted.
activeTrigger : tuple, optional None
The entity that must be highlighted.
sortKey : string, optional None

The key by which the entity list is sorted.

Possible values:

  • freqsort: by frequency
  • sort_0 or sort_name: by entity name

If None is passed, freqsort is filled in.

sortDir : string, optional None

The direction of the sort.

Possible values:

  • a: ascending
  • d: descending

If None is passed, a is filled in. However, if None is passed for both sortKey and sortDir, a d is filled in.

As a consequence, the default sort order is by frequency, most frequent on top.

subtleFilter : boolean, optional None

Filters on the kind of sheets in which triggers occur.

If None: all sheets are considered.

If True: only context sheets are considered.

If False: only the main sheet is considered.

zeroFilter : integer, optional 0
Filters on triggers with zero hits. If 0: no filtering. If 1 or -1: shows all entities that have at least one trigger with zero hits. If 1, for those entities, all triggers will be shown, also the one with hits. If -1, for those entities only the triggers with zero hits will be shown. Only shows triggers without hits.


string or void
If called by the browser, it returns the HTML string. Otherwise, it displays the HTML string in the output, assuming it is a cell in a Jupyter Notebook.