Module tf.ner.corpus
Access to the corpus.
Contains a bunch of instant methods to access corpus material.
All access to the TF API should happen through methods in this class.
At this point we have the information from the settings and from the corpus. By collecting all corpus access methods in one class, we have good conceptual control over how to customize the annotator for different corpora.
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"""Access to the corpus.
Contains a bunch of instant methods to access corpus material.
All access to the TF API should happen through methods in this class.
At this point we have the information from the settings and from the corpus.
By collecting all corpus access methods in one class, we have good conceptual
control over how to customize the annotator for different corpora.
import re
import collections
from ..core.files import annotateDir
from ..core.helpers import console
from .settings import Settings, TOOLKEY, makeCss
from .helpers import findCompile
from .match import entityMatch
WHITE_RE = re.compile(r"""\s{2,}""", re.S)
NON_ALPHA_RE = re.compile(r"""[^\w ]""", re.S)
class Corpus(Settings):
def __init__(self):
"""Corpus dependent methods for the annotator.
Everything that depends on the specifics of a corpus, such as getting its text,
is collected here.
If a corpus does not have a configuration file that tells TF which
features to use for text representation, then we flag to the object
instance that it is not properly set up.
All methods that might fail because of this, are guarded by a check on this
These corpus dependent functions will be defined as local functions and put
into a data member of the instance, rather than a method. Then we can pass
those functions on to functional contexts where they can be executed faster
than methods can.
app =
context = app.context
appName = context.appName
version = context.version
self.appName = appName
self.version = version
(specDir, annoDir) = annotateDir(app, TOOLKEY)
self.specDir = specDir
self.annoDir = f"{annoDir}/{version}"
self.sheetDir = f"{specDir}/specs"
api = app.api
F = api.F
Fs = api.Fs
L = api.L
T = api.T
C = api.C
slotType = F.otype.slotType
self.slotType = slotType
"""The node type of the slots in the corpus."""
bucketType = T.sectionTypes[-1]
self.bucketType = bucketType
"""The node type of the lowest level of sections.
This wil be used as the *bucketType* into which the corpus is divided for
the purpose of scoping and display in the entity browser.
seqFromNode =["seqFromNode"]
nodeFromSeq =["nodeFromSeq"]
settings = self.settings
features = settings.features
keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures
lineType = settings.lineType
entityType = settings.entityType
strFeature = settings.strFeature
afterFeature = settings.afterFeature
def slotsFromNode(node):
return L.d(node, otype=slotType)
self.slotsFromNode = slotsFromNode
"""Gets the slot nodes contained in a node.
node: integer
The container node.
list of integer
The slots in the container.
def checkFeature(feat):
return api.isLoaded(feat, pretty=False)[feat] is not None
self.checkFeature = checkFeature
"""Checks whether a feature is loaded in the corpus.
feat: string
The name of the feature
Whether the feature is loaded in this corpus.
def fvalFromNode(feat, node):
return Fs(feat).v(node)
self.fvalFromNode = fvalFromNode
"""Retrieves the value of a feature for a node.
feat: string
The name of the feature
node: integer
The node whose feature value we need
string or integer or void
The value of the feature for that node, if there is a value.
def getAfter():
return Fs(afterFeature).v
self.getAfter = getAfter
"""Delivers a function that retrieves the material after a slot.
It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
of the *after* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml`
under key `afterFeature` .
def getStr():
return Fs(strFeature).v
self.getStr = getStr
"""Delivers a function that retrieves the material of a slot.
It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
of the *str* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml`
under key `strFeature` .
if not checkFeature(strFeature) or not checkFeature(afterFeature):
self.properlySetup = False
self.properlySetup = True
"""Whether the tool has been properly set up.
This means that the configuration in `ner/config.yaml` or the
default configuration work correctly with this corpus.
If not, this attribute will prevent most of the methods
from working: they fail silently.
So users of corpora without any need for this tool will not be bothered
by it.
context = app.context = context.defaultClsOrig
self.ltr = context.direction
self.css = app.loadToolCss(TOOLKEY, makeCss(features, keywordFeatures))
strv = getStr()
afterv = getAfter()
def textFromSlots(slots):
text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip()
# text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text)
return text
self.textFromSlots = textFromSlots
"""Gets the text of a number of slots.
slots: iterable of integer
The concatenation of the representation of the individual slots.
These representations are white-space trimmed at both sides,
and the concatenation adds a single space between each adjacent pair
of them.
!!! caution "Space between slots"
Leading and trailing white-space is stripped, and inner white-space is
normalized to a single space.
The text of the individual slots is joined by means of a single
white-space, also in corpora that may have zero space between words.
def textFromNode(node):
slots = L.d(node, otype=slotType)
text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip()
# text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text)
return text
self.textFromNode = textFromNode
"""Gets the text for a non-slot node.
It first determines the slots contained in a node, and then uses
`textFromSlots()` to return the text of those slots.
node: integer
The nodes for whose slots we want the text.
def tokensFromNode(node, lineBoundaries=False):
if lineBoundaries and lineType is None:
lineBoundaries = False
ts = L.d(node, otype=slotType)
tokens = [(t, strv(t) or "") for t in ts]
if not lineBoundaries:
return tokens
lines = L.d(node, otype=lineType) or []
lineEnds = {L.d(ln, otype=slotType)[-1] for ln in lines}
return (lineEnds, tokens)
self.tokensFromNode = tokensFromNode
"""Gets the tokens contained in node.
node: integer
The nodes whose slots we want.
list of tuple
Each tuple is a pair of the slot number of the token and its
string value. If there is no string value, the empty string is taken.
def stringsFromTokens(tokenStart, tokenEnd):
return tuple(
for t in range(tokenStart, tokenEnd + 1)
if (token := (strv(t) or "").strip())
self.stringsFromTokens = stringsFromTokens
"""Gets the text of the tokens occupying a sequence of slots.
tokenStart: integer
The position of the starting token.
tokenEnd: integer
The position of the ending token.
The members consist of the string values of the tokens in question,
as far as these values are not purely white-space.
Also, the string values are stripped from leading and trailing white-space.
def getContext(node):
return L.d(T.sectionTuple(node)[1], otype=bucketType)
self.getContext = getContext
"""Gets the context buckets around a node.
We start from a node and find the section node of intermediate level
that contains that node. Then we return all buckets contained in that
node: integer
tuple of integer
def getSeqFromNode(node):
return seqFromNode[T.sectionTuple(node)[-1]]
self.getSeqFromNode = getSeqFromNode
"""Gets the heading tuple of the section of a node.
We need to treat headings as section numbers. So whatever the section features
deliver for each level, integers or strings, we convert it in to integers,
so that the first section gets number one, the second section number two,
and so on. This we do for each level, so every section is mapped onto a tuple
of integers.
node: integer
The nodes whose heading we want.
The tuple consists of sequence numbers per level, the most significant
sections first.
If the node itself is a section node, the last element is
the heading of the given node.
def getSeqFromStr(string):
result = app.nodeFromSectionStr(string)
if type(result) is str:
return (result, ())
return ("", seqFromNode[result])
self.getSeqFromStr = getSeqFromStr
"""Gets the heading tuple of a section string.
As `getSeqFromNode`, but the input section is now given as a string.
string: string
The heading, represented as string of the section we want.
string, tuple
The tuple consists of sequence numbers per level, the most significant
sections first.
If there is an error, the string part will contain the error message,
and the tuple part is the empty tuple.
In case of no error, the string part is the empty string.
def getStrFromSeq(seq):
node = nodeFromSeq[seq]
return app.sectionStrFromNode(node)
self.getStrFromSeq = getStrFromSeq
"""Gets the heading string from a sequence number tuple of a section.
seq: tuple
The heading, represented as tuple of sequence numbers
The heading string of the section
def getEid(slots):
text = textFromSlots(slots)
text = NON_ALPHA_RE.sub("", text)
text = text.replace(" ", ".").strip(".").lower()
return text
self.getEid = getEid
"""Makes an identifier value out of a number of slots.
This acts as the default value for the `eid` feature of new
Starting with the white-space-normalized text of a number of slots,
the string is lowercased, non-alphanumeric characters are stripped,
and spaces are replaced by dots.
slots: iterable of integer
The slots that contain the tokens to make an identifier from
The identifier
def getKind(slots):
return settings.defaultValues[features[1]]
self.getKind = getKind
"""Return a fixed value specified in the corpus-dependent settings.
This acts as the default value of the `kind` feature of new
slots: iterable of integer
Unlike in `getEid`, the result is not dependent on the text content,
so this parameter is not used. It is here for uniformity.
The default value for the *kind* feature for new entities.
def getBucketNodes():
return F.otype.s(bucketType)
self.getBucketNodes = getBucketNodes
"""Return all bucket nodes.
All nodes of the bucket type.
def getEntityNodes():
return F.otype.s(entityType)
self.getEntityNodes = getEntityNodes
"""Return all entity nodes.
All nodes of the entity type
def sectionHead(node, level=None):
return app.sectionStrFromNode(node, level=level)
self.sectionHead = sectionHead
"""Provide a section heading.
node: integer
The node whose section head we need.
level: integer, optional None
If passed, the containing section of that level will be taken.
def checkBuckets(nodes):
return {node for node in nodes if F.otype.v(node) == bucketType}
self.checkBuckets = checkBuckets
"""Given a set of nodes, return the set of only its bucket nodes.
nodes: set of integer
set of int
self.featureDefault = {
features[0]: getEid,
features[1]: getKind,
"""Functions that deliver default values for the entity features."""
def filterContent(
"""Filter the buckets according to a variety of criteria.
Either the buckets of the whole corpus are filtered, or a given subset
of buckets, or the set of buckets contained in a
particular node, see parameters `node`, and `buckets`.
**Bucket filtering**
The parameters `bFind`, `bFindC`, `bFindRe` specify a regular expression
search on the texts of the buckets.
The positions of the found occurrences are included in the result.
The parameter `anyEnt` is a filter on the presence or absence of entities in
buckets in general.
**Entity filtering**
The parameter `eVals` holds the values of a specific entity to look for.
It is a tuple consisting of an entity id and an entity kind.
**Occurrence filtering**
The parameter `qTokens` is a sequence of tokens to look for.
The occurrences that are found, can be filtered further by `valSelect`
and `freeState`.
In entity filtering and occurrence filtering, the matching occurrences
are included in the result.
buckets: set of integer, optional None
The set of buckets to filter, instead of the whole corpus.
Works also if the parameter `node` is specified, which also restricts
the buckets. If both are specified, their effect will be
node: integer, optional None
Gets the context of the node, typically the intermediate-level section
in which the node occurs. Then restricts the filtering to the buckets
contained in the context, instead of the whole corpus.
bFind: string, optional None
A search pattern that filters the buckets, before applying the search
for a token sequence.
bFindC: string, optional None
Whether the search is case sensitive or not.
bFindRe: object, optional None
A compiled regular expression.
This function searches on `bFindRe`, but if it is None, it compiles
`bFind` as regular expression and searches on that. If `bFind` itself
is not None, of course.
anyEnt: boolean, optional None
If True, it wants all buckets that contain at least one already
marked entity; if False, it wants all buckets that do not contain any
already marked entity.
If None, no filtering on existing entities is performed.
eVals: tuple, optional None
A sequence of values corresponding with the entity features `eid`
and `kind`. If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least
an entity with those properties.
trigger: string, optional None
If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least an
entity that is triggered by this string. The entity in question must
be the one given by the parameter `evals`.
qTokens: tuple, optional None
A sequence of tokens whose occurrences in the corpus will be looked up.
valSelect: dict, optional None
If present, the keys are the entity features (`eid` and `kind`),
and the values are iterables of values that are allowed.
These are additional feature values that we need to filter on.
The results of searching for `eVals` or `qTokens` are filtered further.
If a result is also an instance of an already marked entity,
the properties of that entity will be compared feature by feature with
the allowed values that `valSelect` specifies for that feature.
freeState: boolean, optional None
If True, found occurrences may not intersect with already marked up
If False, found occurrences must intersect with already marked up features.
showStats: boolean, optional None
Whether to show statistics of the find.
If None, it only shows gross totals, if False, it shows nothing,
if True, it shows totals by feature.
list of tuples
For each bucket that passes the filter, a tuple with the following
members is added to the list:
* the TF node of the bucket;
* tokens: the tokens of the bucket, each token is a tuple consisting
of the TF slot of the token and its string value;
* matches: the match positions of the found occurrences or entity;
* positions: the token positions of where the text of the bucket
starts matching the `bFindRe`;
If `browse` is True, also some stats are passed next to the list
of results.
if not self.properlySetup:
return []
bucketType = self.bucketType
settings = self.settings
features = settings.features
textFromNode = self.textFromNode
tokensFromNode = self.tokensFromNode
browse = self.browse
setIsX = self.setIsX
setData = self.getSetData()
entityIndex = setData.entityIndex
entityVal = setData.entityVal
entitySlotVal = setData.entitySlotVal
entitySlotAll = setData.entitySlotAll
entitySlotIndex = setData.entitySlotIndex
if setIsX:
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
triggerFromMatch = sheetData.triggerFromMatch
triggerFromMatch = None
bucketUniverse = (
if buckets is None
else tuple(sorted(self.checkBuckets(buckets)))
buckets = (
if node is None
else tuple(sorted(set(bucketUniverse) & set(self.getContext(node))))
nFind = 0
nEnt = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}
nVisible = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features}
if bFindRe is None:
if bFind is not None:
(bFind, bFindRe, errorMsg) = findCompile(bFind, bFindC)
if errorMsg:
console(errorMsg, error=True)
hasEnt = eVals is not None
hasQTokens = qTokens is not None and len(qTokens)
hasOcc = not hasEnt and hasQTokens
if hasEnt and eVals in entityVal:
eSlots = entityVal[eVals]
eStarts = {s[0]: s[-1] for s in eSlots}
eStarts = {}
useQTokens = qTokens if hasOcc else None
requireFree = (
True if freeState == "free" else False if freeState == "bound" else None
results = []
for b in buckets:
fValStats = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in features}
(fits, result) = entityMatch(
blocked = fits is not None and not fits
if not blocked:
nFind += 1
for feat in features:
theseStats = fValStats[feat]
if len(theseStats):
theseNEnt = nEnt[feat]
theseNVisible = nVisible[feat]
for ek, n in theseStats.items():
theseNEnt[ek] += n
if not blocked:
theseNVisible[ek] += n
nMatches = len(result[1])
if nMatches:
nEnt[""][None] += nMatches
if not blocked:
nVisible[""][None] += nMatches
if node is None:
if fits is not None and not fits:
if (hasEnt or hasQTokens) and nMatches == 0:
results.append((b, *result))
if browse:
return (results, nFind, nVisible, nEnt)
nResults = len(results)
if showStats:
pluralF = "" if nFind == 1 else "s"
self.console(f"{nFind} {bucketType}{pluralF} satisfy the filter")
for feat in ("",) + (() if anyEnt else features):
if feat == "":
self.console("Combined features match:")
for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
v = nVisible[feat][ek]
self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x")
self.console(f"Feature {feat}: found the following values:")
for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()):
v = nVisible[feat][ek]
self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x {ek}")
if showStats or showStats is None:
pluralR = "" if nResults == 1 else "s"
self.console(f"{nResults} {bucketType}{pluralR}")
return results
class Corpus
Corpus dependent methods for the annotator.
Everything that depends on the specifics of a corpus, such as getting its text, is collected here.
If a corpus does not have a configuration file that tells TF which features to use for text representation, then we flag to the object instance that it is not properly set up.
All methods that might fail because of this, are guarded by a check on this flag.
These corpus dependent functions will be defined as local functions and put into a data member of the instance, rather than a method. Then we can pass those functions on to functional contexts where they can be executed faster than methods can.
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class Corpus(Settings): def __init__(self): """Corpus dependent methods for the annotator. Everything that depends on the specifics of a corpus, such as getting its text, is collected here. If a corpus does not have a configuration file that tells TF which features to use for text representation, then we flag to the object instance that it is not properly set up. All methods that might fail because of this, are guarded by a check on this flag. These corpus dependent functions will be defined as local functions and put into a data member of the instance, rather than a method. Then we can pass those functions on to functional contexts where they can be executed faster than methods can. """ app = context = app.context appName = context.appName version = context.version self.appName = appName self.version = version (specDir, annoDir) = annotateDir(app, TOOLKEY) self.specDir = specDir self.annoDir = f"{annoDir}/{version}" self.sheetDir = f"{specDir}/specs" Settings.__init__(self) api = app.api F = api.F Fs = api.Fs L = api.L T = api.T C = api.C slotType = F.otype.slotType self.slotType = slotType """The node type of the slots in the corpus.""" bucketType = T.sectionTypes[-1] self.bucketType = bucketType """The node type of the lowest level of sections. This wil be used as the *bucketType* into which the corpus is divided for the purpose of scoping and display in the entity browser. """ seqFromNode =["seqFromNode"] nodeFromSeq =["nodeFromSeq"] settings = self.settings features = settings.features keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures lineType = settings.lineType entityType = settings.entityType strFeature = settings.strFeature afterFeature = settings.afterFeature def slotsFromNode(node): return L.d(node, otype=slotType) self.slotsFromNode = slotsFromNode """Gets the slot nodes contained in a node. Parameters ---------- node: integer The container node. Returns ------- list of integer The slots in the container. """ def checkFeature(feat): return api.isLoaded(feat, pretty=False)[feat] is not None self.checkFeature = checkFeature """Checks whether a feature is loaded in the corpus. Parameters ---------- feat: string The name of the feature Returns ------- boolean Whether the feature is loaded in this corpus. """ def fvalFromNode(feat, node): return Fs(feat).v(node) self.fvalFromNode = fvalFromNode """Retrieves the value of a feature for a node. Parameters ---------- feat: string The name of the feature node: integer The node whose feature value we need Returns ------- string or integer or void The value of the feature for that node, if there is a value. """ def getAfter(): return Fs(afterFeature).v self.getAfter = getAfter """Delivers a function that retrieves the material after a slot. Returns ------- function It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value of the *after* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml` under key `afterFeature` . """ def getStr(): return Fs(strFeature).v self.getStr = getStr """Delivers a function that retrieves the material of a slot. Returns ------- function It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value of the *str* feature, which is configured in `ner/config.yaml` under key `strFeature` . """ if not checkFeature(strFeature) or not checkFeature(afterFeature): self.properlySetup = False return self.properlySetup = True """Whether the tool has been properly set up. This means that the configuration in `ner/config.yaml` or the default configuration work correctly with this corpus. If not, this attribute will prevent most of the methods from working: they fail silently. So users of corpora without any need for this tool will not be bothered by it. """ context = app.context = context.defaultClsOrig self.ltr = context.direction self.css = app.loadToolCss(TOOLKEY, makeCss(features, keywordFeatures)) strv = getStr() afterv = getAfter() def textFromSlots(slots): text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip() # text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text) return text self.textFromSlots = textFromSlots """Gets the text of a number of slots. Parameters ---------- slots: iterable of integer Returns ------- string The concatenation of the representation of the individual slots. These representations are white-space trimmed at both sides, and the concatenation adds a single space between each adjacent pair of them. !!! caution "Space between slots" Leading and trailing white-space is stripped, and inner white-space is normalized to a single space. The text of the individual slots is joined by means of a single white-space, also in corpora that may have zero space between words. """ def textFromNode(node): slots = L.d(node, otype=slotType) text = "".join(f"""{strv(s)}{afterv(s) or ""}""" for s in slots).strip() # text = WHITE_RE.sub(" ", text) return text self.textFromNode = textFromNode """Gets the text for a non-slot node. It first determines the slots contained in a node, and then uses `textFromSlots()` to return the text of those slots. Parameters ---------- node: integer The nodes for whose slots we want the text. Returns ------- string """ def tokensFromNode(node, lineBoundaries=False): if lineBoundaries and lineType is None: lineBoundaries = False ts = L.d(node, otype=slotType) tokens = [(t, strv(t) or "") for t in ts] if not lineBoundaries: return tokens lines = L.d(node, otype=lineType) or [] lineEnds = {L.d(ln, otype=slotType)[-1] for ln in lines} return (lineEnds, tokens) self.tokensFromNode = tokensFromNode """Gets the tokens contained in node. Parameters ---------- node: integer The nodes whose slots we want. Returns ------- list of tuple Each tuple is a pair of the slot number of the token and its string value. If there is no string value, the empty string is taken. """ def stringsFromTokens(tokenStart, tokenEnd): return tuple( token for t in range(tokenStart, tokenEnd + 1) if (token := (strv(t) or "").strip()) ) self.stringsFromTokens = stringsFromTokens """Gets the text of the tokens occupying a sequence of slots. Parameters ---------- tokenStart: integer The position of the starting token. tokenEnd: integer The position of the ending token. Returns ------- tuple The members consist of the string values of the tokens in question, as far as these values are not purely white-space. Also, the string values are stripped from leading and trailing white-space. """ def getContext(node): return L.d(T.sectionTuple(node)[1], otype=bucketType) self.getContext = getContext """Gets the context buckets around a node. We start from a node and find the section node of intermediate level that contains that node. Then we return all buckets contained in that section. Parameters ---------- node: integer Returns ------- tuple of integer """ def getSeqFromNode(node): return seqFromNode[T.sectionTuple(node)[-1]] self.getSeqFromNode = getSeqFromNode """Gets the heading tuple of the section of a node. We need to treat headings as section numbers. So whatever the section features deliver for each level, integers or strings, we convert it in to integers, so that the first section gets number one, the second section number two, and so on. This we do for each level, so every section is mapped onto a tuple of integers. Parameters ---------- node: integer The nodes whose heading we want. Returns ------- tuple The tuple consists of sequence numbers per level, the most significant sections first. If the node itself is a section node, the last element is the heading of the given node. """ def getSeqFromStr(string): result = app.nodeFromSectionStr(string) if type(result) is str: return (result, ()) return ("", seqFromNode[result]) self.getSeqFromStr = getSeqFromStr """Gets the heading tuple of a section string. As `getSeqFromNode`, but the input section is now given as a string. Parameters ---------- string: string The heading, represented as string of the section we want. Returns ------- string, tuple The tuple consists of sequence numbers per level, the most significant sections first. If there is an error, the string part will contain the error message, and the tuple part is the empty tuple. In case of no error, the string part is the empty string. """ def getStrFromSeq(seq): node = nodeFromSeq[seq] return app.sectionStrFromNode(node) self.getStrFromSeq = getStrFromSeq """Gets the heading string from a sequence number tuple of a section. Parameters ---------- seq: tuple The heading, represented as tuple of sequence numbers Returns ------- string The heading string of the section """ def getEid(slots): text = textFromSlots(slots) text = NON_ALPHA_RE.sub("", text) text = text.replace(" ", ".").strip(".").lower() return text self.getEid = getEid """Makes an identifier value out of a number of slots. This acts as the default value for the `eid` feature of new entities. Starting with the white-space-normalized text of a number of slots, the string is lowercased, non-alphanumeric characters are stripped, and spaces are replaced by dots. Parameters ---------- slots: iterable of integer The slots that contain the tokens to make an identifier from Returns ------- string The identifier """ def getKind(slots): return settings.defaultValues[features[1]] self.getKind = getKind """Return a fixed value specified in the corpus-dependent settings. This acts as the default value of the `kind` feature of new entities. Parameters ---------- slots: iterable of integer Unlike in `getEid`, the result is not dependent on the text content, so this parameter is not used. It is here for uniformity. Returns ------- string The default value for the *kind* feature for new entities. """ def getBucketNodes(): return F.otype.s(bucketType) self.getBucketNodes = getBucketNodes """Return all bucket nodes. Returns ------- tuple All nodes of the bucket type. """ def getEntityNodes(): return F.otype.s(entityType) self.getEntityNodes = getEntityNodes """Return all entity nodes. Returns ------- tuple All nodes of the entity type """ def sectionHead(node, level=None): return app.sectionStrFromNode(node, level=level) self.sectionHead = sectionHead """Provide a section heading. Parameters ---------- node: integer The node whose section head we need. level: integer, optional None If passed, the containing section of that level will be taken. Returns ------- string """ def checkBuckets(nodes): return {node for node in nodes if F.otype.v(node) == bucketType} self.checkBuckets = checkBuckets """Given a set of nodes, return the set of only its bucket nodes. Parameters ---------- nodes: set of integer Returns ------- set of int """ self.featureDefault = { features[0]: getEid, features[1]: getKind, } """Functions that deliver default values for the entity features.""" def filterContent( self, buckets=None, node=None, bFind=None, bFindC=None, bFindRe=None, anyEnt=None, eVals=None, trigger=None, qTokens=None, valSelect=None, freeState=None, showStats=None, ): """Filter the buckets according to a variety of criteria. Either the buckets of the whole corpus are filtered, or a given subset of buckets, or the set of buckets contained in a particular node, see parameters `node`, and `buckets`. **Bucket filtering** The parameters `bFind`, `bFindC`, `bFindRe` specify a regular expression search on the texts of the buckets. The positions of the found occurrences are included in the result. The parameter `anyEnt` is a filter on the presence or absence of entities in buckets in general. **Entity filtering** The parameter `eVals` holds the values of a specific entity to look for. It is a tuple consisting of an entity id and an entity kind. **Occurrence filtering** The parameter `qTokens` is a sequence of tokens to look for. The occurrences that are found, can be filtered further by `valSelect` and `freeState`. In entity filtering and occurrence filtering, the matching occurrences are included in the result. Parameters ---------- buckets: set of integer, optional None The set of buckets to filter, instead of the whole corpus. Works also if the parameter `node` is specified, which also restricts the buckets. If both are specified, their effect will be combined. node: integer, optional None Gets the context of the node, typically the intermediate-level section in which the node occurs. Then restricts the filtering to the buckets contained in the context, instead of the whole corpus. bFind: string, optional None A search pattern that filters the buckets, before applying the search for a token sequence. bFindC: string, optional None Whether the search is case sensitive or not. bFindRe: object, optional None A compiled regular expression. This function searches on `bFindRe`, but if it is None, it compiles `bFind` as regular expression and searches on that. If `bFind` itself is not None, of course. anyEnt: boolean, optional None If True, it wants all buckets that contain at least one already marked entity; if False, it wants all buckets that do not contain any already marked entity. If None, no filtering on existing entities is performed. eVals: tuple, optional None A sequence of values corresponding with the entity features `eid` and `kind`. If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least an entity with those properties. trigger: string, optional None If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least an entity that is triggered by this string. The entity in question must be the one given by the parameter `evals`. qTokens: tuple, optional None A sequence of tokens whose occurrences in the corpus will be looked up. valSelect: dict, optional None If present, the keys are the entity features (`eid` and `kind`), and the values are iterables of values that are allowed. These are additional feature values that we need to filter on. The results of searching for `eVals` or `qTokens` are filtered further. If a result is also an instance of an already marked entity, the properties of that entity will be compared feature by feature with the allowed values that `valSelect` specifies for that feature. freeState: boolean, optional None If True, found occurrences may not intersect with already marked up features. If False, found occurrences must intersect with already marked up features. showStats: boolean, optional None Whether to show statistics of the find. If None, it only shows gross totals, if False, it shows nothing, if True, it shows totals by feature. Returns ------- list of tuples For each bucket that passes the filter, a tuple with the following members is added to the list: * the TF node of the bucket; * tokens: the tokens of the bucket, each token is a tuple consisting of the TF slot of the token and its string value; * matches: the match positions of the found occurrences or entity; * positions: the token positions of where the text of the bucket starts matching the `bFindRe`; If `browse` is True, also some stats are passed next to the list of results. """ if not self.properlySetup: return [] bucketType = self.bucketType settings = self.settings features = settings.features textFromNode = self.textFromNode tokensFromNode = self.tokensFromNode browse = self.browse setIsX = self.setIsX setData = self.getSetData() entityIndex = setData.entityIndex entityVal = setData.entityVal entitySlotVal = setData.entitySlotVal entitySlotAll = setData.entitySlotAll entitySlotIndex = setData.entitySlotIndex if setIsX: sheetData = self.getSheetData() triggerFromMatch = sheetData.triggerFromMatch else: triggerFromMatch = None bucketUniverse = ( setData.buckets if buckets is None else tuple(sorted(self.checkBuckets(buckets))) ) buckets = ( bucketUniverse if node is None else tuple(sorted(set(bucketUniverse) & set(self.getContext(node)))) ) nFind = 0 nEnt = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features} nVisible = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in ("",) + features} if bFindRe is None: if bFind is not None: (bFind, bFindRe, errorMsg) = findCompile(bFind, bFindC) if errorMsg: console(errorMsg, error=True) hasEnt = eVals is not None hasQTokens = qTokens is not None and len(qTokens) hasOcc = not hasEnt and hasQTokens if hasEnt and eVals in entityVal: eSlots = entityVal[eVals] eStarts = {s[0]: s[-1] for s in eSlots} else: eStarts = {} useQTokens = qTokens if hasOcc else None requireFree = ( True if freeState == "free" else False if freeState == "bound" else None ) results = [] for b in buckets: fValStats = {feat: collections.Counter() for feat in features} (fits, result) = entityMatch( entityIndex, eStarts, entitySlotVal, entitySlotAll, entitySlotIndex, triggerFromMatch, textFromNode, tokensFromNode, b, bFindRe, anyEnt, eVals, trigger, useQTokens, valSelect, requireFree, fValStats, ) blocked = fits is not None and not fits if not blocked: nFind += 1 for feat in features: theseStats = fValStats[feat] if len(theseStats): theseNEnt = nEnt[feat] theseNVisible = nVisible[feat] for ek, n in theseStats.items(): theseNEnt[ek] += n if not blocked: theseNVisible[ek] += n nMatches = len(result[1]) if nMatches: nEnt[""][None] += nMatches if not blocked: nVisible[""][None] += nMatches if node is None: if fits is not None and not fits: continue if (hasEnt or hasQTokens) and nMatches == 0: continue results.append((b, *result)) if browse: return (results, nFind, nVisible, nEnt) nResults = len(results) if showStats: pluralF = "" if nFind == 1 else "s" self.console(f"{nFind} {bucketType}{pluralF} satisfy the filter") for feat in ("",) + (() if anyEnt else features): if feat == "": self.console("Combined features match:") for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()): v = nVisible[feat][ek] self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x") else: self.console(f"Feature {feat}: found the following values:") for ek, n in sorted(nEnt[feat].items()): v = nVisible[feat][ek] self.console(f"\t{v:>5} of {n:>5} x {ek}") if showStats or showStats is None: pluralR = "" if nResults == 1 else "s" self.console(f"{nResults} {bucketType}{pluralR}") return results
Instance variables
var bucketType
The node type of the lowest level of sections.
This wil be used as the bucketType into which the corpus is divided for the purpose of scoping and display in the entity browser.
var checkBuckets
Given a set of nodes, return the set of only its bucket nodes.
var checkFeature
Checks whether a feature is loaded in the corpus.
- The name of the feature
- Whether the feature is loaded in this corpus.
var featureDefault
Functions that deliver default values for the entity features.
var fvalFromNode
Retrieves the value of a feature for a node.
- The name of the feature
- The node whose feature value we need
- The value of the feature for that node, if there is a value.
var getAfter
Delivers a function that retrieves the material after a slot.
- It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
of the after feature, which is configured in
under keyafterFeature
var getBucketNodes
Return all bucket nodes.
- All nodes of the bucket type.
var getContext
Gets the context buckets around a node.
We start from a node and find the section node of intermediate level that contains that node. Then we return all buckets contained in that section.
var getEid
Makes an identifier value out of a number of slots.
This acts as the default value for the
feature of new entities.Starting with the white-space-normalized text of a number of slots, the string is lowercased, non-alphanumeric characters are stripped, and spaces are replaced by dots.
- The slots that contain the tokens to make an identifier from
- The identifier
var getEntityNodes
Return all entity nodes.
- All nodes of the entity type
var getKind
Return a fixed value specified in the corpus-dependent settings.
This acts as the default value of the
feature of new entities.Parameters
- Unlike in
, the result is not dependent on the text content, so this parameter is not used. It is here for uniformity.
- The default value for the kind feature for new entities.
var getSeqFromNode
Gets the heading tuple of the section of a node.
We need to treat headings as section numbers. So whatever the section features deliver for each level, integers or strings, we convert it in to integers, so that the first section gets number one, the second section number two, and so on. This we do for each level, so every section is mapped onto a tuple of integers.
- The nodes whose heading we want.
- The tuple consists of sequence numbers per level, the most significant sections first. If the node itself is a section node, the last element is the heading of the given node.
var getSeqFromStr
Gets the heading tuple of a section string.
, but the input section is now given as a string.Parameters
- The heading, represented as string of the section we want.
string, tuple
- The tuple consists of sequence numbers per level, the most significant sections first. If there is an error, the string part will contain the error message, and the tuple part is the empty tuple. In case of no error, the string part is the empty string.
var getStr
Delivers a function that retrieves the material of a slot.
- It accepts integers, presumably slots, and delivers the value
of the str feature, which is configured in
under keystrFeature
var getStrFromSeq
Gets the heading string from a sequence number tuple of a section.
- The heading, represented as tuple of sequence numbers
- The heading string of the section
var properlySetup
Whether the tool has been properly set up.
This means that the configuration in
or the default configuration work correctly with this corpus. If not, this attribute will prevent most of the methods from working: they fail silently.So users of corpora without any need for this tool will not be bothered by it.
var sectionHead
Provide a section heading.
- The node whose section head we need.
, optionalNone
- If passed, the containing section of that level will be taken.
var slotType
The node type of the slots in the corpus.
var slotsFromNode
Gets the slot nodes contained in a node.
- The container node.
- The slots in the container.
var stringsFromTokens
Gets the text of the tokens occupying a sequence of slots.
- The position of the starting token.
- The position of the ending token.
- The members consist of the string values of the tokens in question, as far as these values are not purely white-space. Also, the string values are stripped from leading and trailing white-space.
var textFromNode
Gets the text for a non-slot node.
It first determines the slots contained in a node, and then uses
to return the text of those slots.Parameters
- The nodes for whose slots we want the text.
var textFromSlots
Gets the text of a number of slots.
The concatenation of the representation of the individual slots. These representations are white-space trimmed at both sides, and the concatenation adds a single space between each adjacent pair of them.
Space between slots
Leading and trailing white-space is stripped, and inner white-space is normalized to a single space. The text of the individual slots is joined by means of a single white-space, also in corpora that may have zero space between words.
var tokensFromNode
Gets the tokens contained in node.
- The nodes whose slots we want.
- Each tuple is a pair of the slot number of the token and its string value. If there is no string value, the empty string is taken.
def filterContent(self, buckets=None, node=None, bFind=None, bFindC=None, bFindRe=None, anyEnt=None, eVals=None, trigger=None, qTokens=None, valSelect=None, freeState=None, showStats=None)
Filter the buckets according to a variety of criteria.
Either the buckets of the whole corpus are filtered, or a given subset of buckets, or the set of buckets contained in a particular node, see parameters
, andbuckets
.Bucket filtering
The parameters
specify a regular expression search on the texts of the buckets.The positions of the found occurrences are included in the result.
The parameter
is a filter on the presence or absence of entities in buckets in general.Entity filtering
The parameter
holds the values of a specific entity to look for. It is a tuple consisting of an entity id and an entity kind.Occurrence filtering
The parameter
is a sequence of tokens to look for. The occurrences that are found, can be filtered further byvalSelect
.In entity filtering and occurrence filtering, the matching occurrences are included in the result.
, optionalNone
- The set of buckets to filter, instead of the whole corpus.
Works also if the parameter
is specified, which also restricts the buckets. If both are specified, their effect will be combined. node
, optionalNone
- Gets the context of the node, typically the intermediate-level section in which the node occurs. Then restricts the filtering to the buckets contained in the context, instead of the whole corpus.
, optionalNone
- A search pattern that filters the buckets, before applying the search for a token sequence.
, optionalNone
- Whether the search is case sensitive or not.
, optionalNone
- A compiled regular expression.
This function searches on
, but if it is None, it compilesbFind
as regular expression and searches on that. IfbFind
itself is not None, of course. anyEnt
, optionalNone
- If True, it wants all buckets that contain at least one already marked entity; if False, it wants all buckets that do not contain any already marked entity. If None, no filtering on existing entities is performed.
, optionalNone
- A sequence of values corresponding with the entity features
. If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least an entity with those properties. trigger
, optionalNone
- If given, the function wants buckets that contain at least an
entity that is triggered by this string. The entity in question must
be the one given by the parameter
. qTokens
, optionalNone
- A sequence of tokens whose occurrences in the corpus will be looked up.
, optionalNone
If present, the keys are the entity features (
), and the values are iterables of values that are allowed.These are additional feature values that we need to filter on. The results of searching for
are filtered further. If a result is also an instance of an already marked entity, the properties of that entity will be compared feature by feature with the allowed values thatvalSelect
specifies for that feature. freeState
, optionalNone
- If True, found occurrences may not intersect with already marked up features. If False, found occurrences must intersect with already marked up features.
, optionalNone
- Whether to show statistics of the find. If None, it only shows gross totals, if False, it shows nothing, if True, it shows totals by feature.
For each bucket that passes the filter, a tuple with the following members is added to the list:
- the TF node of the bucket;
- tokens: the tokens of the bucket, each token is a tuple consisting of the TF slot of the token and its string value;
- matches: the match positions of the found occurrences or entity;
- positions: the token positions of where the text of the bucket
starts matching the
is True, also some stats are passed next to the list of results.
Inherited members