Module tf.convert.watm

Export to Web Annotation Text Model

The situation

This module can export a TF corpus to WATM (Web Annotation Text Model), which is the input format of the suite of systems developed by Team Text for serving text plus annotations over the web.

If we can convert TF corpora to WATM, then we have an avenue to the KNAW/HuC/DI/Team-Text web publishing machinery.

Given the fact that TF can already convert TEI and PageXML corpora, this completes a pipeline from source to publication.

We have done this for the following corpora:

All these corpora need distinct preprocessing steps before they are "canalized" into TF, see the illustration below.


At the same time, Maarten van Gompel is also making pipelines to the Team-Text publishing street. He uses his STAM software to build a pipeline from a corpus of letters by P.C. Hooft in Folia format to text segments and web annotations.

The general idea

The idea of WATM is, like the idea of Text-Fabric, to untangle the text from its markup. Everything outside the text itself is coded in annotations.

Annotations look a lot like TF features, but they are a bit more general. Annotations can also annotate annotations, not only pieces of text.

We need this extra generality, because unlike TF, WATM does not have a concept of node. The only parallel are the slot nodes of TF, which corresponds to the tokens of the text in WATM.

Every node in TF is linked to a set of slot nodes. As such it can be mapped to an annotation to the corresponding tokens. Features of such nodes can be mapped to annotations on annotations.

TF also has edges. These can be mapped to WATM annotations whose targets are pairs: one for the thing the edge is from, and one for the thing the edge is to. These things are typical annotations that correspond to TF nodes, since TF edges are links between TF nodes.

If the TF dataset itself is the result of converting an XML file (e.g TEI or PageXML), then there is a further correspondence between the XML and the TF:

  • elements translate into nodes; element tags translate into node types;
  • attributes translate into features; values of attributes translate into values of features.

In our terminology below we assume that the TF data comes from XML files, but this is not essential. Whenever we talk about elements and tags, you may read nodes and node types if the TF dataset does not have an XML precursor. Likewise, for attributes you may read features.

The specifics

We generate tokens and annotations out of a TF dataset. Here is what we deliver and in what form. The files are either .tsv or .json, dependent on the configuration setting asTsv in the watm.yaml file in the project.

  • a bunch of files text-0.ext, text-1.ext: containing a list of tokenlike segments; Each file corresponds with a section in the TF dataset; the level of the sections that correspond with these files is given in the watm.yaml config file, under the key textRepoLevel. It can have the values 1 (top level), 2, and 3 (lower levels).
  • a bunch of files anno-1.ext, anno-2.ext, …: all generated annotations; We pack at most 400,000 annotations in one file, that keeps their size below 50MB, so that they still can live in a git directory without large file support. The numbering in the anno-i.*ext* files it independent of the numbering in thetext-`i.json files!
  • An optional file inherited.txt which contains the ids of annotations that have been generated by inheriting feature values of nodes to contained nodes. This is only needed to exclude these annotations from rigid tests.
  • a pair of files anno2node.tsv and pos2node.tsv that map annotations resp. text positions to their corresponding TF nodes.
  • a file logicalpairs.tsv (only if it is configured to produce it). For each pair of tokens across a line boundary of which the first ends with an hyphen, it contains three rows: two with the node numbers of both tokens, and one with the combined text of the tokens without the hyphen.

Format of the text files

A text-i.json is a JSON file with the following structure:

  "_ordered_segments": [
    "token1 ",
    "token2 ",

These tokens may contain newlines and tabs.

A text-i.tsv is a TSV file with the following structure:


The first line is a header line with fixed content: token.

Newlines and tabs must be escaped in TSV files. We do that by \n and \t.

  • each token1, token2, … corresponds to one token;
  • the item contains the text of the token plus the subsequent whitespace, if any;
  • if the corpus is converted from TEI, we skip all material inside the TEI-header.


Tokens correspond to the slot nodes in the TF dataset. Depending on the original format of the corpus we have the following specifics.

TEI corpora

The base type is t, the atomic token. Atomic tokens are tokens as they come from some NLP processing, except when tokens contain element boundaries. In those cases tokens are split in fragments between the element boundaries.

It is guaranteed that a text segment that corresponds to a t does not contain element boundaries.

The original, unsplit tokens are also present in the annotations, they have type token.

Tokens have the attributes str and after, both may be empty.

PageXML corpora

The base type is token, it is available without NLP processing.

Tokens have the attributes str and after, both may be empty. They may also have the attributes rstr and rafter.

  • str is the logical string value of a token, after is empty or a space: what comes after the token before the next token.
  • rstr is the raw string value of a token, when it deviates from the logical value, otherwise no value. rafter analogously.


token 1 2 3 4 5
rstr empty efflagitan ¬ do empty
str improbè efflagitando empty empty tandem

Format of the annotation files

The anno-1.json file is a JSON file with the following structure:

 "a000001": [
 "a000002": [

A anno-i.tsv is a TSV file with the following structure:

annoid  kind    namespace   body    target
a000001 element tei p   0:10-60
a000002 element tei p   0:60-70

The first line is a header line with fixed content: de field names separeted by tabs.

Newlines and tabs must be escaped in TSV files. We do that by \n and \t. It only has to be done for the body field.

When reading these lines, it is best to collect the information in a dict, keyed by the annoid, whose values are lists of the remaining fields, just as in the JSON.

You get a big dictionary, keyed by annotation ids and each value is the data of an annotation, divided in the following fields:

  • kind: the kind of annotation:

    • element: targets the text location where an element occurs, the body is the element name;
    • pi: targets the text location where a processing instruction occurs, the body is the target of the pi;
    • attribute: targets an annotation (an element or pi), the body has the shape name=value, the name and value of the attribute in question;
    • edge: targets two node annotations, the body has the shape *name* orname=value, where name is the name of the edge and value is the label of the edge if the edge has a label;
    • format: targets an individual token, the body is a formatting property for that token, all tokens in note elements get a format annotation with body note;
    • anno: targets an arbitrary annotation or text range, body has an arbitrary value; can be used for extra annotations, e.g. in the Mondriaan corpus to provide an URL to an artwork derived from an <rs> element.
  • namespace: the namespace of the annotation; an indicator where the information comes from. Possible values:

    • pagexml: annotation comes from the PageXML, possibly indirectly, e.g. h, w, x, y
    • tei: annotation comes literally from the TEI guidelines or the PageXML specification, or is processed straightforwardly from it;
    • tf: annotation is composed in a more intricate way from the original source or even added to it;
    • nlp: annotation is generated as a result of NLP processing;
    • tt: annotation is derived from other material in the source for the benefit of the Team Text infrastructure. Defined in the watm.yaml file next to this program. Currently used for annotations that derive from project specific requirements.
  • body: the body of an annotation (probably the kind and body fields together will make up the body of the resulting web annotation);

  • target: a string specifying the target of the annotation, of the following kinds:

    • single this is a target pointing to a single thing, either:

      • fn:bbb: a single token, at the index position bbb in the _ordered_segments in the file text-fn.json. De first position is 0.

      • fn:bbb-eee: a range of text segments in the _ordered_segments in the file text-fn.json; the token at position eee is not included. It is guaranteed that bbb <=eee`.

      • fn:bbb-fm:eee: a range of text segments starting at position bbb of the file text-fn.json and ending just before position eee in the file text-fm.json, including all tokens in all intermediate text-fi.json files for fn < fi < fm.

      • an annotation id

    • double this is a target pointing to two things:

      • fff->ttt where fff is a "from" target and ttt is a "to" target; both targets can vary independently between a range and an annotation id.

        N.B. It is allowed that fff and ttt target segments in distinct text-i.json files. In this case, it is not implied that the intermediate tokens are part of the target, because this target conveys the information that the body of the annotation is a property of the pair (fff, ttt).

        If fff and ttt target segments, than they must both contain a file specifier, even if both target a segment in the same token file.


Entities are coded in the TF and exported in the regular way to WATM. Here are the details.

In TF there are nodes of type ent which correspond to entity occurrences. These nodes have two features: eid and kind. Together they uniquely identify the concept of an entity and all its occurrences, represented in TF by nodes of type entity. There are edges names eoccs from entity nodes to all ent nodes that are their occurrences. These entity nodes also have the features eid and kind, with the same values as you see on their ent nodes.

How does this translate to the WATM output?

Let's start with the ent nodes (and maybe for publishing we do not even need the entity nodes and the eoccs edges).

Let's inspect an example (taken from the Suriano corpus):

a00301550   element tf      ent     472:1316-1320

This is the id of an entity occurrence annotation:

  • kind = element
  • namespace = tf
  • body = ent
  • target = the list of tokens in file 472 from positions 1316 to 1320.

    Looking in text file 472 we find the text of the entity on lines 1317, 1318, 1319 and 1320 (we shift one downwards because the file contains a header line; when the file is used to read in the ordered segments, we take the segments at positions 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319) and they contain the text:

    ambasciator d ’ Inghilterra

Associated with the annotation id a00301550 we see the following annotations:

  • a00329572 attribute tf eid=dudley.carleton a00301550

    This gives the entity id of this occurrence: dudley.carleton.

  • a00635517 attribute tf kind=PER a00301550

    This gives the entity kind of this occurrence: PER.

Now we move to the entity node of which this is an occurrence. We find the annotation:

a00850177   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00301550

This means there is an edge from a00015782 to this occurrence. Let's lookup what a00015782 is. First of all:

a00015782   element tf      entity  9:158-677:783

It is an entity node and its first occurrence starts at 9:158 and its last occurrence ends at 677:783. This is not directly useful, since there is an enormous amount of text in between that is not covered by this entity. The important information is that this is an entity element. Associated with this element we see the following annotations:

  • a00333926 attribute tf eid=dudley.carleton a00015782
  • a00639871 attribute tf kind=PER a00015782

So the entity as a whole has the same properties as each of its occurrences. But how do we find the occurrences? When we look further for a00015782 we find a bunch of annotations (336 in total) like this:

a00849965   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00297761
a00849966   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00297763
a00849967   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00297764
a00850177   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00301550
a00850298   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00303415
a00850299   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00303420
a00850300   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00303449

These are all edges named eoccs from this entity element to all its ent elements, and we see a00301550 among them. We have already seen how we can get the exact occurrence from an ent annotation, so repeating that procedure for all these ent annotations gives all the occurrences of entity Dudley Carleton.


In the file config.yaml (in the directory where the program runs) certain parameters can be set:

  • textRepoLevel: the TF section level for which individual textRepo json files will be made. Default: 1: the top level. Other possible values: 2 and 3 (lower levels). Only the special TF section levels can be specified, not arbitrary node types. Because we must guarantee that all tokens in the corpus fall under one of the nodes belonging to this section level.

  • excludeElements: the names of elements for which no annotations will be generated. All node and edge features that target those elements will be filtered, so that there are no annotations that target non-existing annotations.

  • excludeFeatures: the names of features (nodes or edge) for which no annotations will be generated.

  • asTsv: the text and anno files are written as tsv instead of json.

    The text files consist of one token per line. The newline token is written as .

    The anno files are written as one anno per line. The tab separated fields are anno id, kind, namespace, body, target. Any tab or newline in the body must be written as resp. .

    The tsv files will have exactly one header line.

  • hyphenation: information on combining tokens around an end-of-line hyphen. The information consists of the lineType (the node type of lines in the corpus). It is assumed that the node type of the tokens is the slot type.

  • inheritFeatures: a list of instructions to inherit features of nodes to contained nodes. Each instruction specifies source (the source node type), destination (the destination node type), and a list of features that must be read from source nodes and repeated on destination nodes. The instruction also spacefies the namespace of these extra annotations.


The WATM representation of the corpus is a faithful and complete representation of the TF dataset and hence of the TEI/PageXML source from which the TF dataset has been converted.

Well, don't take this too literally, probably there are aspects where the different representations differ.

I am aware of the following:

  • If the TF has nodes whose slots are not an interval, the WATM will smooth that over: the target of those nodes will be the complete interval from its first slot to its last slot, including the gaps. The program will show warnings when this happens. Cases where this can happen are instances of text-critical elements in the TEI, where variant readings are given. When we construct sentences by means of NLP, we will exclude the non-chosen readings from the sentence, but these occupy slots between the start and the end of the sentence. Other cases occur where tokens, coming from the NLP, have been split because of intervening elements, which may leave an empty token. In such cases, the fragments of the original token are what ends up as tokens in the output, and they have the node type t, and not token.

  • The TEI to TF conversion has lost the exact embedding of elements in the following case:

    Suppose element A contains the same words as element B. Then the TF data does not know whether A is a child of B or the other way round.

    This is repairable by adding parenthood edges between nodes when constructing the TF data. We should then also convert these TF edges to WATM annotations, for which we need structured targets:

    If n is the parent of m, we must make an annotation with body "parent" and target [n, m].

    Something similar holds for the sibling relationship: if two nodes are adjacent in a TF dataset, we do not know whether they are siblings elements in the original XML. It is also possible to add sibling edges to the TF dataset.

    See tf.convert.tei under parentEdges and siblingEdges.

  • The TF to WATM conversion forgets the types of feature values: it does not make a distinction between the integer 1 and the string "1".

    This is repairable by creating annotations with structured bodies like {"att": value} instead of strings like att=value as we do now.

    In practice, the meaning of the features in TF are known, and hence the attributes in the WATM data, so this is not a blocking problem for now.

  • The excludeElements and excludeFeatures settings will prevent some TF information from reaching the WATM.

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"""Export to Web Annotation Text Model

# The situation

This module can export a TF corpus to WATM (Web Annotation Text Model),
which is the input format of the suite of systems developed by Team Text for
serving text plus annotations over the web.

If we can convert TF corpora to WATM, then we have an avenue to the
web publishing machinery.

Given the fact that TF can already convert TEI and PageXML corpora, this
completes a pipeline from source to publication.

We have done this for the following corpora:

*   [mondriaan/letters](
*   [HuygensING/translatin-manif](
*   [suriano/letters](

All these corpora need distinct preprocessing steps before they are "canalized" into
TF, see the illustration below.


At the same time,
[Maarten van Gompel](
is also making pipelines to the Team-Text publishing street. He uses his
software to build a
from a corpus of letters by P.C. Hooft in Folia format to text segments and
web annotations.

# The general idea

The idea of WATM is, like the idea of Text-Fabric, to untangle the text from its
markup. Everything outside the text itself is coded in annotations.

Annotations look a lot like TF features, but they are a bit more general.
Annotations can also annotate annotations, not only pieces of text.

We need this extra generality, because unlike TF, WATM does not have a concept
of node. The only parallel are the slot nodes of TF, which corresponds to the
tokens of the text in WATM.

Every node in TF is linked to a set of slot nodes.
As such it can be mapped to an annotation to the corresponding tokens.
Features of such nodes can be mapped to annotations on annotations.

TF also has edges. These can be mapped to WATM annotations whose targets are
pairs: one for the thing the edge is *from*, and one for the thing the edge is *to*.
These things are typical annotations that correspond to TF nodes, since TF edges
are links between TF nodes.

If the TF dataset itself is the result of converting an XML file (e.g TEI or
PageXML), then there is a further correspondence between the XML and the TF:

*   elements translate into nodes; element tags translate into node types;
*   attributes translate into features; values of attributes translate into
    values of features.

In our terminology below we assume that the TF data comes from XML files,
but this is not essential. Whenever we talk about *elements* and *tags*,
you may read *nodes* and *node types* if the TF dataset does not have an XML
precursor. Likewise, for *attributes* you may read *features*.

# The specifics

We generate tokens and annotations out of a TF dataset. Here is what we deliver
and in what form. The files are either `.tsv` or `.json`, dependent on the
configuration setting `asTsv` in the `watm.yaml` file in the project.

*   a bunch of files `text-0.`*ext*, `text-1.`*ext*:
    containing a list of tokenlike segments;
    Each file corresponds with a section in the TF dataset; the level of the sections
    that correspond with these files is given in the `watm.yaml` config file,
    under the key `textRepoLevel`. It can have the values `1` (top level), `2`, and `3`
    (lower levels).
*   a bunch of files `anno-1.`*ext*, `anno-2.`*ext*, ...: all generated annotations;
    We pack at most 400,000 annotations in one file, that keeps their size below 50MB,
    so that they still can live in a git directory without large file support.
    The numbering in the `anno-`*i*`.*ext* files it independent of the numbering in
    the `text-`*i*`.json` files!
*   An optional file `inherited.txt` which contains the ids of annotations that have
    been generated by inheriting feature values of nodes to contained nodes.
    This is only needed to exclude these annotations from rigid tests.
*   a pair of files `anno2node.tsv` and `pos2node.tsv` that map annotations resp. text
    positions to their corresponding TF nodes.
*   a file `logicalpairs.tsv` (only if it is configured to produce it).
    For each pair of tokens across a line boundary of which the first ends
    with an hyphen, it contains three rows: two with the node numbers of both
    tokens, and one with the combined text of the tokens without the hyphen.

## Format of the text files

A `text-i.json` is a JSON file with the following structure:

  "_ordered_segments": [
    "token1 ",
    "token2 ",

These tokens may contain newlines and tabs.

A `text-i.tsv` is a TSV file with the following structure:


The first line is a header line with fixed content: `token`.

Newlines and tabs must be escaped in TSV files. We do that by `\\n` and `\\t`.

*   each `token1`, `token2`, ... corresponds to one token;
*   the item contains the text of the token plus the subsequent whitespace, if any;
*   if the corpus is converted from TEI, we skip all material inside the

### Tokens

Tokens correspond to the slot nodes in the TF dataset.
Depending on the original format of the corpus we have the following specifics.

#### TEI corpora

The base type is `t`, the *atomic* token.
Atomic tokens are tokens as they come from some NLP processing, except when tokens
contain element boundaries. In those cases tokens are split in fragments
between the element boundaries.

It is guaranteed that a text segment that corresponds to a `t` does not contain
element boundaries.

The original, unsplit tokens are also present in the annotations, they have
type `token`.

Tokens have the attributes `str` and `after`, both may be empty.

#### PageXML corpora

The base type is `token`, it is available without NLP processing.

Tokens have the attributes `str` and `after`, both may be empty.
They may also have the attributes `rstr` and `rafter`.

*   `str` is the *logical* string value of a token, `after` is empty or a space:
    what comes after the token before the next token.
*   `rstr` is the raw string value of a token, **when it deviates from the
    logical value**, otherwise no value. `rafter` analogously.


token | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
rstr | empty | `efflagitan` | `¬` | `do` | empty
str | `improbè` | `efflagitando` | empty | empty | `tandem`

## Format of the annotation files

The `anno-1.json` file is a JSON file with the following structure:

 "a000001": [
 "a000002": [

A `anno-i.tsv` is a TSV file with the following structure:

annoid  kind    namespace   body    target
a000001 element tei p   0:10-60
a000002 element tei p   0:60-70

The first line is a header line with fixed content: de field names separeted by tabs.

Newlines and tabs must be escaped in TSV files. We do that by `\\n` and `\\t`.
It only has to be done for the `body` field.

When reading these lines, it is best to collect the information in a dict,
keyed by the *annoid*, whose values are lists of the remaining fields, just as in
the JSON.

You get a big dictionary, keyed by annotation ids and each value is the data of
an annotation, divided in the following fields:

*   `kind`: the kind of annotation:
    *   `element`: targets the text location where an *element* occurs, the body
        is the element name;
    *   `pi`: targets the text location where a *processing instruction* occurs,
        the body is the  target of the *pi*;
    *   `attribute`: targets an annotation (an *element* or *pi*), the body has
        the shape *name*`=`*value*,
        the name and value of the attribute in question;
    *   `edge`: targets two node annotations, the body has the shape
        `*name* or `*name*`=`*value*,
        where *name* is the name of the edge and *value* is the label of the edge
        if the edge has a label;
    *   `format`: targets an individual token, the body is a formatting property
        for that token,
        all tokens in note elements get a `format` annotation with body `note`;
    *   `anno`: targets an arbitrary annotation or text range,
        body has an arbitrary value;
        can be used for extra annotations,
        e.g. in the Mondriaan corpus to provide an URL to an artwork derived
        from an `<rs>` element.

*   `namespace`: the namespace of the annotation; an indicator where the
    information comes from. Possible values:
    *   `pagexml`: annotation comes from the PageXML, possibly indirectly, e.g.
        `h`, `w`, `x`, `y`
    *   `tei`: annotation comes
        from the TEI guidelines or the PageXML specification, or is
        straightforwardly from it;
    *   `tf`: annotation is
        in a more intricate way from the original source or even
        to it;
    *   `nlp`: annotation is generated as a result of
        [NLP processing](;
    *   `tt`: annotation is derived from other material in the source for the benefit
        of the Team Text infrastructure. Defined in the `watm.yaml` file next
        to this program.
        Currently used for annotations that derive from project specific

*   `body`: the body of an annotation (probably the *kind* and *body* fields
    together will make up the body of the resulting web annotation);

*   `target`: a string specifying the target of the annotation, of the
    following kinds:

    *   **single** this is a target pointing to a single thing, either:

        *   `fn:bbb`: a single token, at the index position `bbb` in the
            `_ordered_segments` in the file `text-fn.json`. De first position is `0`.

        *   `fn:bbb-eee`: a range of text segments in the `_ordered_segments`
            in the file `text-fn.json`; the token at position `eee` is not included.
            It is guaranteed that `bbb <= `eee`.

        *   `fn:bbb-fm:eee`: a range of text segments starting at position `bbb` of the
            file `text-fn.json` and ending just before position `eee` in the file
            `text-fm.json`, including all tokens in all intermediate
            `text-fi.json` files for `fn < fi < fm`.

        *   an annotation id

    *   **double** this is a target pointing to two things:

        *   `fff->ttt` where `fff` is a "from" target and `ttt` is a "to" target;
            both targets can vary independently between a range and an annotation id.

            **N.B.** It is allowed that `fff` and `ttt` target segments in distinct
            `text-i.json` files. In this case, it is not implied that the intermediate
            tokens are part of the target, because this target conveys the information
            that the body of the annotation is a property of the pair `(fff, ttt)`.

            If `fff` and `ttt` target segments, than they must both contain a file
            specifier, even if both target a segment in the same token file.

## Entities

Entities are coded in the TF and exported in the regular way to WATM.
Here are the details.

In TF there are nodes of type `ent` which correspond to entity occurrences.
These nodes have two features: `eid` and `kind`. Together they uniquely identify
the concept of an entity and all its occurrences, represented in TF by nodes of type
There are edges names `eoccs` from `entity` nodes to all `ent` nodes that are
their occurrences.
These entity nodes also have the features `eid` and `kind`, with the same
values as you see on their `ent` nodes.

How does this translate to the WATM output?

Let's start with the `ent` nodes (and maybe for publishing we do not even need
the `entity` nodes and the `eoccs` edges).

Let's inspect an example (taken from the Suriano corpus):

    a00301550   element tf      ent     472:1316-1320

This is the *id* of an entity occurrence annotation:

*   *kind* = `element`
*   *namespace* = `tf`
*   *body* = `ent`
*   *target* = the list of tokens in file 472 from positions 1316 to 1320.

    Looking in text file 472 we find the text of the entity on lines 1317, 1318,
    1319 and 1320 (we shift one downwards because the file contains a header line; when
    the file is used to read in the ordered segments, we take the segments at positions
    1316, 1317, 1318, 1319) and they contain the text:

        ambasciator d ’ Inghilterra

Associated with the annotation id `a00301550` we see the following annotations:

*   `a00329572  attribute       tf      eid=dudley.carleton     a00301550`

    This gives the entity id of this occurrence: `dudley.carleton`.

*   `a00635517  attribute       tf      kind=PER        a00301550`

    This gives the entity kind of this occurrence: `PER`.

Now we move to the `entity` node of which this is an occurrence. We find the

    a00850177   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00301550

This means there is an edge from `a00015782` to this occurrence. Let's lookup
what `a00015782` is. First of all:

    a00015782   element tf      entity  9:158-677:783

It is an `entity` node and its first occurrence starts at `9:158` and its last
occurrence ends at `677:783`. This is not directly useful, since there is an enormous
amount of text in between that is not covered by this entity.
The important information is that this is an entity element.
Associated with this element we see the following annotations:

*   `a00333926  attribute       tf      eid=dudley.carleton     a00015782`
*   `a00639871  attribute       tf      kind=PER        a00015782`

So the entity as a whole has the same properties as each of its occurrences.
But how do we find the occurrences? When we look further for `a00015782` we find
a bunch of annotations (336 in total) like this:

    a00849965   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00297761
    a00849966   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00297763
    a00849967   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00297764
    a00850177   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00301550
    a00850298   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00303415
    a00850299   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00303420
    a00850300   edge    tf      eoccs   a00015782->a00303449

These are all edges named `eoccs` from this `entity` element to all its `ent` elements,
and we see `a00301550` among them.
We have already seen how we can get the exact occurrence from an `ent` annotation,
so repeating that procedure for all these `ent` annotations gives all the
occurrences of entity `Dudley Carleton`.

# Configuration

In the file `config.yaml` (in the directory where the program runs) certain
parameters can be set:

*   `textRepoLevel`: the TF section level for which individual textRepo json files will
    be made. Default: `1`: the top level. Other possible values: `2` and `3` (lower
    levels). Only the special TF section levels can be specified, not arbitrary
    node types. Because we must guarantee that all tokens in the corpus fall under
    one of the nodes belonging to this section level.

*   `excludeElements`: the names of elements for which no annotations will be generated.
    All node and edge features that target those elements will be filtered, so that
    there are no annotations that target non-existing annotations.

*   `excludeFeatures`: the names of features (nodes or edge) for which no annotations
    will be generated.

*   `asTsv`: the text and anno files are written as tsv instead of json.

    The text files consist of one token per line.
    The newline token is written as `\n`.

    The anno files are written as one anno per line. The tab separated fields
    are *anno id*, *kind*, *namespace*, *body*, *target*.
    Any tab or newline in the body must be written as `\t` resp. `\n`.

    The tsv files will have exactly one header line.

*   `hyphenation`: information on combining tokens around an end-of-line hyphen.
    The information consists of the `lineType` (the node type of lines in the
    It is assumed that the node type of the tokens is the slot type.

*   `inheritFeatures`: a list of instructions to inherit features of nodes to
    contained nodes.
    Each instruction specifies `source` (the source node type), `destination` (the
    destination node type), and a list of features that must be read from source
    nodes and repeated on destination nodes. The instruction also spacefies the
    `namespace` of these extra annotations.

# Caveat

The WATM representation of the corpus is a faithful and complete representation
of the TF dataset and hence of the TEI/PageXML source from which the TF dataset has been

Well, don't take this too literally, probably there are aspects where the
different representations differ.

I am aware of the following:

*   If the TF has nodes whose slots are not an interval, the WATM will smooth that
    over: the target of those nodes will be the complete interval from its first
    slot to its last slot, including the gaps.
    The program will show warnings when this happens.
    Cases where this can happen are instances of text-critical elements in the TEI,
    where variant readings are given. When we construct sentences by means of NLP,
    we will exclude the non-chosen readings from the sentence, but these occupy
    slots between the start and the end of the sentence.
    Other cases occur where tokens, coming from the NLP, have been split because of
    intervening elements, which may leave an empty token. In such cases, the fragments
    of the original token are what ends up as tokens in the output, and they have
    the node type `t`, and not `token`.

*   The TEI to TF conversion has lost the exact embedding of elements in the
    following case:

    Suppose element A contains the same words as element B. Then the TF data
    does not know whether A is a child of B or the other way round.

    This is repairable by adding parenthood edges between nodes when
    constructing the TF data. We should then also convert these TF edges to
    WATM annotations, for which we need structured targets:

    If `n` is the parent of `m`, we must make an annotation with body
    `"parent"` and target `[n, m]`.

    Something similar holds for the sibling relationship: if two nodes are adjacent
    in a TF dataset, we do not know whether they are siblings elements in the
    original XML. It is also possible to add sibling edges to the TF dataset.

    See `tf.convert.tei` under **parentEdges** and **siblingEdges**.

*   The TF to WATM conversion forgets the types of feature values: it does not
    make a distinction between the integer `1` and the string `"1"`.

    This is repairable by creating annotations with structured bodies like
    `{"att": value}` instead of strings like `att=value` as we do now.

    In practice, the meaning of the features in TF are known, and hence the attributes
    in the WATM data, so this is not a blocking problem for now.

*   The `excludeElements` and `excludeFeatures` settings will prevent some TF
    information from reaching the WATM.

import collections
import re

from ..core.generic import AttrDict
from ..core.helpers import console, readCfg
from ..core.files import (
from ..core.timestamp import DEEP
from ..parameters import OTYPE, OSLOTS, URL_TF_DOCS
from import use

from .helpers import parseIIIF, operationalize

AFTER = "after"
STR = "str"



NODEMAP_FILE = "anno2node.tsv"
SLOTMAP_FILE = "pos2node.tsv"
LOGICAL_FILE = "logicalpairs.tsv"
INHERITED_FILE = "inherited.txt"

TT_NAME = "watm"

NS_TF = "tf"
NS_PAGEXML = "pagexml"
NS_TEI = "tei"
NS_NLP = "nlp"
NS_TT = "tt"
NS_TV = "tv"
NS_NONE = "tf"

NS_FROM_FEAT = dict(

KIND_EDGE = "edge"
KIND_ELEM = "element"
KIND_PI = "pi"
KIND_ATTR = "attribute"
KIND_FMT = "format"
KIND_ANNO = "anno"

REL_RE = re.compile(r"""^(.*?)/tf\b(.*)$""")


def rep(status):
    """Represent a boolean status for a message to the console.

    status: boolean

    return "OK" if status else "XX"

def getResultDir(baseDir, headPart, version, prod, silent):
    """Determines the directory for the resulting WATM.

    The directory to which the resulting WATM is written, depends on a number of

    *   production or development
    *   the repo location
    *   the relative location of the tf directory in the repo

    The WATM is written to somewhere under the `watm` directory at the toplevel
    of the repo.

    The version of the WATM is the version of the TF from which it is generated plus
    a suffix, containing a sequence number.

    Whenever a pgeneration is executed, a new sequence number is chosen,
    so that no previous version gets overwritten.

    If there is a file `latest` in the directory of the WATM versions, its number is
    taken as the previous version suffix. But if there are versions with a higher
    suffix in that directory, we take the highest one of them as previous version

    Whatever we got, we increment it and write it to the file `latest`.
    That is the new version suffix.

    Inside the resulting directory, the production WATM resides under `prod` and
    the development WATM resides under `dev`.

    baseDir: string
        The path to the repo location
    headPart: string
        The path from the repo location to the `tf` directory.
    version: string
        The version of the TF on which the WATM is based
    prod: boolean:
        Whether we are in a production or development run
    silent: boolean
        Whether we should operate silently.

    The path to the versioned dir where the WATM ends up.
    prodRep = "production" if prod else "development"
    prodFix = "prod" if prod else "dev"
    resultDirBase = f"{baseDir}{headPart}/{TT_NAME}"
    initTree(resultDirBase, fresh=False)
    latestFile = f"{resultDirBase}/latest"

    prefix = f"{version}-"
    numReps = {
        for pv in dirContents(resultDirBase)[1]
        if pv.startswith(prefix)

    maxNum = max(
        (int(num) for numRep in numReps if (num := numRep.lstrip("0")).isdecimal()),

    if not fileExists(latestFile):
        latestNum = 0
        with fileOpen(latestFile) as fh:
            contents ="-", 1)
            latestNumStr = (contents[1] if len(contents) == 2 else "").lstrip("0")
            latestNum = int(latestNumStr) if latestNumStr.isdecimal() else 0

    if prod:
        newNum = max((latestNum, maxNum))

        while True:
            newNum += 1
            newNumRep = f"{newNum:>03}"
            if newNumRep in numReps:

        with fileOpen(latestFile, "w") as fh:
        newNumRep = f"{latestNum:>03}"

    resultVersionDir = f"{resultDirBase}/{version}-{newNumRep}/{prodFix}"

    if not silent:
        console(f"Writing {prodRep} data to {resultVersionDir}")
        resultVersionDir = f"{resultDirBase}/{version}"

        if not silent:
            if dirExists(resultVersionDir):
                console(f"Overwriting development data in {resultVersionDir}")
                console(f"Writing development data to new {resultVersionDir}")

    return resultVersionDir

class WATM:
    """The export machinery is exposed as a class, wrapped around a TF dataset."""

    def __init__(self, app, nsOrig, skipMeta=False, extra={}, silent=False, prod=False):
        """Wrap the WATM exporter around a TF dataset.

        Given an already loaded TF dataset, we make an inventory of all data
        we need to perform an export to WATM.

        app: object
            A loaded TF dataset, as obtained by a call `use(...)`.
            See ``
        nsOrig: string
            A namespace corresponding to the format of the original, pre-Text-Fabric
            representation. For example `tei` for a TEI corpus, `pagexml` for a
            PageXML corpus. The namespace is not related to XML namespaces, it is
            merely a device to categorize the resulting annotations.
        skipMeta: boolean, optional False
            Only relevant for TEI corpora. If True, all material in the TEI Header
            will not be converted to tokens in the text.
            More precisely: all TF slots for which the feature `is_meta` has a true-ish
            value will be skipped. If there is no feature `is_meta` in the dataset,
            the setting of `skipMeta` will have no effect: nothing will be excluded.
        extra: dictionary, optional {}
            The data for extra annotations, which will be generated on the fly under the
            namespace `anno`. The keys are the names of features/attributes, the
            value for each key is a dictionary that maps nodes to values.
        silent: boolean, optional False
            Whether to suppress output to the console
        prod: boolean, optional False
            If True, we make a production version, if False we make a
            development version.
            Production versions end up in the `watm` directory, development versions
            in the `_temp/watm` directory.

            Production versions have an extra sequence number behind the TF version
            on which they are based, e.g. `2.1.0e-001`, `2.1.0e-002`.
            They will never be overwritten, subsequent runs will increase the
            sequence number.
            The sequence number is stored in a file `latest` in the `watm` directory.

            Development versions are always equal to the TF versions and can be

            This mechanism helps you to ensure that you do not change existing
            versions in the `watm` directory.

        """ = app
        self.nsOrig = nsOrig
        self.extra = extra
        self.silent = silent = prod
        api = app.api
        F = api.F
        E = api.E
        T = api.T
        Fall = api.Fall
        Eall = api.Eall
        FAllSet = set(Fall())

        sectionTypes = T.sectionTypes
        strv = F.str.v if STR in FAllSet else None

        repoLocation = app.repoLocation
        self.repoLocation = repoLocation

        (ok, cfg) = readCfg(
            repoLocation, "watm", "conversion", verbose=-1 if silent else 1
        if not ok:
            self.error = True

        self.cfg = cfg

        (ok, settings) = readCfg(
            repoLocation, "iiif", "IIIF", verbose=-1 if silent else 1, plain=True
        if not ok:
            self.error = True

        self.scanInfo = (
            operationalize(parseIIIF(settings, prod, "scans")) if settings else {}

        self.error = False

        textRepoLevel = cfg.textRepoLevel or 1

        if type(textRepoLevel) is not int or not 1 <= textRepoLevel <= 3:
                "watm settings: textRepoLevel must be an integer between 1 and 3",
            self.error = True

        if len(sectionTypes) == 0:
                "No section types in corpus. "
                "We need at least one section level for tier-0",
            self.error = True

        hyphenation = cfg.hyphenation

        if hyphenation is not None:
            if strv is None:
                    "watm settings: hyphenation cannot be solved "
                    "because feature str does not exist in the TF dataset",
                hyphenation = None
                self.error = True

            if hyphenation.lineType not in F.otype.all:
                    "watm settings: hyphenation.lineType "
                    "must be an existing node type",
                hyphenation = None
                self.error = True

        self.hyphenation = hyphenation

        if self.error:

        textRepoType = T.sectionTypes[textRepoLevel - 1]
        self.textRepoType = textRepoType

        self.console(f"textRepoLevel is section level '{textRepoType}'")

        self.excludeElements = set(cfg.excludeElements or [])
        self.excludeFeatures = set(cfg.excludeFeatures or [])
        self.asTsv = cfg.asTsv

        self.L = api.L
        self.Es = api.Es
        self.F = F
        self.E = E
        self.Fs = api.Fs
        self.slotType = self.F.otype.slotType
        self.maxSlot = self.F.otype.maxSlot
        self.maxSlotPlus = self.F.otype.maxSlot + 1
        self.maxNodePlus = self.F.otype.maxNode + 1
        otypes = self.F.otype.all
        self.otypes = otypes =

        self.Fall = Fall
        self.Eall = Eall

        self.nodeFeatures = [f for f in Fall() if f not in TF_SPECIFIC_FEATURES]
        self.edgeFeatures = [f for f in Eall() if f not in TF_SPECIFIC_FEATURES]

        self.fotypev = F.otype.v
        self.eoslots = E.oslots.s
        self.emptyv = F.empty.v if "empty" in FAllSet else None
        self.strv = strv
        self.rstrv = F.rstr.v if "rstr" in FAllSet else None
        self.afterv = F.after.v if AFTER in FAllSet else None
        self.rafterv = F.rafter.v if "rafter" in FAllSet else None
        is_metav = F.is_meta.v if "is_meta" in FAllSet else None
        self.is_metav = is_metav

        inheritFeatures = cfg.inheritFeatures or []
        self.inheritFeatures = inheritFeatures

        for instruction in inheritFeatures:
            if type(instruction) is not AttrDict:
                    "watm settings: inheritFeatures non-dict instruction: "
                self.error = True

            for field in ("source", "destination"):
                value = instruction[field]

                if value not in otypes:
                        "watm settings: inheritFeatures {field}: "
                        f"{value} is not a node type"
                    self.error = True

            namespace = instruction.namespace

            if namespace is None:
                console("watm settings: inheritFeatures namespace not specified")
                self.error = True

            features = instruction.features

            for feat in features:
                if feat not in FAllSet:
                    console("watm settings: inheritFeatures feature {feat} unknown")
                    self.error = True

        if not silent:
  "[WATM exporter documentation]({URL_TF_DOCS}/convert/watm.html)")

        if skipMeta and not is_metav:
                "skipMeta=True has no effect because feature is_meta is not defined.",
            skipMeta = False

        self.skipMeta = skipMeta

    def console(self, msg, **kwargs):
        """Print something to the output.

        This works exactly as `tf.core.helpers.console`

        When the silent member of the object is True, the message will be suppressed.
        silent = self.silent

        if not silent:
            console(msg, **kwargs)

    def makeText(self):
        """Creates the text data.

        The text is a list of tokens and will be stored in member `text` in this object.
        Additionally, the mapping from slot numbers in the TF data
        to indices in this list is stored in member `waFromTF`.
        error = self.error

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        F = self.F
        L = self.L
        slotType = self.slotType
        textRepoType = self.textRepoType
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta

        emptyv = self.emptyv
        strv = self.strv
        rstrv = self.rstrv
        afterv = self.afterv
        rafterv = self.rafterv
        is_metav = self.is_metav

        texts = []
        waFromTF = {}

        self.texts = texts
        self.waFromTF = waFromTF

        for ti, sNode in enumerate(F.otype.s(textRepoType)):
            text = []

            for s in L.d(sNode, otype=slotType):
                if skipMeta and is_metav(s):

                after = rafterv(s) if rafterv else None

                if after is None:
                    after = afterv(s) if afterv else None

                if after is None:
                    after = ""

                if emptyv and emptyv(s):
                    value = after
                    string = rstrv(s) if rstrv else None

                    if string is None:
                        string = strv(s) if strv else None

                    if string is None:
                        string = ""

                    value = f"{string}{after}"

                t = len(text) - 1
                waFromTF[s] = (ti, t)

    def mkAnno(self, kind, ns, body, target, inherited=False):
        """Make a single annotation and return its id.

        kind: string
            The kind of annotation.
        ns: string
            The namespace of the annotation.
        body: string
            The body of the annotation.
        target: string  or tuple of strings
            The target of the annotation.
        inherited: boolean, optional False
            Whether this annotation derives from an inherited feature value
        annos = self.annos
        annosInherited = self.annosInherited
        aId = f"a{len(annos):>08}"
        annos.append((kind, aId, ns, body, target))

        if inherited:

        return aId

    def makeAnno(self):
        """Make all annotations.

        The annotations are stored in a big list, in member `anno` of this object.

        The mapping from slots to indices in the list of tokens is now extended
        with the mapping from nodes to corresponding node annotations.

        So member `waFromTF` is now a full mapping from all nodes in TF to
        tokens and/or annotations in WATM.
        error = self.error

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        L = self.L
        Es = self.Es
        F = self.F
        Fs = self.Fs
        fotypev = self.fotypev
        eoslots = self.eoslots
        nodeFeatures = self.nodeFeatures
        edgeFeatures = self.edgeFeatures
        slotType = self.slotType
        otypes = self.otypes
        nsOrig = self.nsOrig
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        extra = self.extra
        inheritFeatures = self.inheritFeatures
        excludeElements = self.excludeElements
        excludeFeatures = self.excludeFeatures
        scanInfo = self.scanInfo

        waFromTF = self.waFromTF

        is_metav = self.is_metav

        isTei = nsOrig == NS_TEI

        annos = []
        texts = self.texts
        self.annos = annos
        self.annosInherited = set()

        invertedTargets = []
        farTargets = []
        discontinuousNodes = collections.defaultdict(list)

        def mkSingleTarget(n):
            ts = waFromTF[n]
            return f"{ts[0]}:{ts[1]}" if fotypev(n) == slotType else ts

        for otype in otypes:
            if otype == slotType or otype in excludeElements:

            nodes = F.otype.s(otype)

            for n in nodes:
                ws = eoslots(n)
                sb, se = (ws[0], ws[-1])
                if len(ws) != se - sb + 1:

                if skipMeta and (is_metav(ws[0]) or is_metav(ws[-1])):

                ti0, start = waFromTF[ws[0]]
                ti1, end = waFromTF[ws[-1]]

                if ti0 != ti1:
                    farTargets.append((otype, ti0, start, ti1, end))

                if ti0 == ti1 and end < start:
                    invertedTargets.append((otype, ti0, start, end))
                    start, end = (end, start)

                startPoint = f"{ti0}:{start}"
                endPoint = (
                    ("" if start == end else f"-{end + 1}")
                    if ti0 == ti1
                    else f"-{ti1}:{end + 1}"
                target = f"{startPoint}{endPoint}"
                aId = (
                    self.mkAnno(KIND_PI, nsOrig, otype[1:], target)
                    if otype.startswith("?")
                    else self.mkAnno(
                        KIND_ELEM, NS_FROM_OTYPE.get(otype, nsOrig), otype, target
                waFromTF[n] = aId

            if otype in scanInfo:
                lastI = len(nodes) - 1
                thisScanInfo = scanInfo[otype]

                for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
                    for extraFeat, value, variables in thisScanInfo:
                        values = {}
                        valuesOK = True

                        for var, (parent, child, feat, shift) in variables.items():
                            refI = i + shift

                            if refI < 0 or refI > lastI:
                                valuesOK = False

                            refN = nodes[refI]

                            if parent is not None:
                                refN = L.u(refN, otype=parent)[0]
                            elif child is not None:
                                refN = L.d(refN, otype=child)[0]

                            values[var] = refN if feat == "=" else Fs(feat).v(refN)

                        if not valuesOK:

                        val = value.format(**values)

                            KIND_ATTR, NS_TV, f"{extraFeat}={val}", mkSingleTarget(n)

        for feat in nodeFeatures:
            if feat in excludeFeatures:

            ns = Fs(feat).meta.get("conversionCode", NS_FROM_FEAT.get(feat, nsOrig))

            if ns is None:
                    f"Node feature {feat} has no namespace, "
                    f"defaulting to {NS_NONE}",
                ns = NS_NONE

            isRend = False
            isNote = False

            if isTei:
                parts = feat.split("_", 2)
                isRend = len(parts) >= 2 and parts[0] == "rend"
                isNote = len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == "is" and parts[1] == "note"

            if isRend or isNote:
                body = parts[1] if isRend else "note"

                for n, val in Fs(feat).items():
                    if n not in waFromTF or not val or skipMeta and is_metav(n):

                    self.mkAnno(KIND_FMT, ns, body, mkSingleTarget(n))
                for n, val in Fs(feat).items():
                    if n not in waFromTF or val is None or skipMeta and is_metav(n):

                    body = f"{feat}={val}"
                    self.mkAnno(KIND_ATTR, ns, body, mkSingleTarget(n))

        for feat in edgeFeatures:
            if feat in excludeFeatures:

            ns = Es(feat).meta.get("conversionCode", NS_FROM_FEAT.get(feat, nsOrig))

            if ns is None:
                    f"Edge feature {feat} has no conversion code, "
                    f"defaulting to {NS_NONE}",
                ns = NS_NONE

            for fromNode, toNodes in Es(feat).items():
                if fromNode not in waFromTF or skipMeta and is_metav(fromNode):

                targetFrom = mkSingleTarget(fromNode)

                if type(toNodes) is dict:
                    for toNode, val in toNodes.items():
                        if toNode not in waFromTF or skipMeta and is_metav(toNode):

                        body = f"{feat}={val}"
                        targetTo = mkSingleTarget(toNode)
                        target = f"{targetFrom}->{targetTo}"
                        self.mkAnno(KIND_EDGE, ns, body, target)
                    for toNode in toNodes:
                        if toNode not in waFromTF or skipMeta and is_metav(toNode):

                        targetTo = mkSingleTarget(toNode)
                        target = f"{targetFrom}->{targetTo}"
                        self.mkAnno(KIND_EDGE, ns, feat, target)

        for feat, featData in extra.items():
            for n, value in featData.items():
                self.mkAnno(KIND_ANNO, NS_TT, f"{feat}={value}", mkSingleTarget(n))

        for instruction in inheritFeatures:
            sourceType = instruction.source
            destinationType = instruction.destination
            namespace = instruction.namespace
            features = instruction.features

            for sourceNode in F.otype.s(sourceType):
                destNodes = L.d(sourceNode, otype=destinationType)

                for feat in features:
                    value = Fs(feat).v(sourceNode)

                    for destNode in destNodes:

        if len(invertedTargets):
            self.console(f"WARNING: inverted targets, {len(invertedTargets)}x")

            for otype, ti0, start, end in invertedTargets:
                text = texts[ti0]
                sega = text[start]
                segb = text[end - 1]
                self.console(f"{otype:>20} {start:>6} `{sega}` > {end - 1} `{segb}`")

        if len(discontinuousNodes):
            nDis = sum(len(x) for x in discontinuousNodes.values())
            self.console(f"WARNING: {nDis} discontinuous nodes encountered")

            for otype, nodes in discontinuousNodes.items():
                nn = len(nodes)
                self.console(f"\t{nn} x of type {otype}")

                examples = ", ".join(str(n) for n in nodes[0:10])

        nFarTargets = len(farTargets)

        if nFarTargets:
            self.console(f"WARNING: targets across tier0 items, {nFarTargets}x")

            for otype, ti0, start, ti1, end in farTargets[0:10]:
                    f"{otype:>20} [{ti0:>4}:{start:>6}] - [{ti1:>4}:{end - 1:>6}]"
            if nFarTargets > 10:
                self.console(f"... and {nFarTargets - 10} more.")

    def getLogicalPairs(self):
        hyphenation = self.hyphenation
        F = self.F
        L = self.L
        slotType = self.slotType
        strv = self.strv
        afterv = self.afterv
        maxSlot = self.maxSlot

        if hyphenation is None:
            return []

        lineType = hyphenation.lineType

        pairs = []
        lines = F.otype.s(lineType)

        for line in lines:
            lastSlot = L.d(line, otype=slotType)[-1]

            if strv(lastSlot) == "-" and lastSlot > 1 and lastSlot < maxSlot:
                s1 = lastSlot - 1
                s2 = lastSlot + 1

        return tuple(pairs)

    def writeAll(self, resultVersion=None):
        """Write text and annotation data to disk.

        The data will be written as JSON files, or, is `asTsv` is in force, as TSV
        When the annotation data grows larger than a certain threshold, it will be
        divided over several files.

        The annotations are sorted by annotation id.

        resultVersion: string, optional None
            If not None, the resultVersion is in  this directory.
            This is needed if WATM is generated for a series of related datasets that
            have the same result base.
        cfg = self.cfg
        extra = cfg.extra
        hyphenation = self.hyphenation
        maxNodePlus = self.maxNodePlus
        maxSlotPlus = self.maxSlotPlus

        # text files

        error = self.error

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        silent = self.silent
        prod =
        app =
        texts = self.texts
        annos = self.annos
        annosInherited = self.annosInherited
        waFromTF = self.waFromTF
        asTsv = self.asTsv

        baseDir = self.repoLocation
        relative = app.context.relative
        version = app.version

        console("\tWriting WATM ...")

        match = REL_RE.match(relative)
        (headPart, tailPart) =, 2)
        tailPart1 = f"/{tailPart}" if tailPart else ""

        resultVersionDir = (
            getResultDir(baseDir, headPart, version, prod, silent)
            if resultVersion is None
            else resultVersion

        resultDir = f"{resultVersionDir}{tailPart1}"

        self.resultDir = resultDir

        initTree(resultDir, fresh=True)

        total = 0

        ext = "tsv" if asTsv else "json"

        j = 0
        cr = ""
        nl = True

        for i, text in enumerate(texts):
            j += 1
            if j > PROGRESS_LIMIT:
                cr = "\r"
                nl = False

            textFile = f"{resultDir}/text-{i}.{ext}"
            nText = len(text)
            total += nText

            with fileOpen(textFile, "w") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    for t in text:
                        fh.write(t.replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n") + "\n")
                    writeJson(dict(_ordered_segments=text), asFile=fh)

                f"{cr}Text file {i:>4}: {nText:>8} segments to {textFile}",

        nTexts = len(texts)
        sep = "" if nTexts == 1 else "s"

        self.console(f"Text files all: {total:>8} segments to {nTexts} file{sep}")

        # annotation files

        annoStore = {}

        for kind, aId, ns, body, target in annos:
            annoStore[aId] = (kind, ns, body, target)

        aIdSorted = sorted(annoStore.keys())

        thisAnnoStore = {}
        thisA = 1
        nAnnoFiles = 0

        LIMIT = 400000
        j = 0
        total = 0

        def writeThis():
            annoFile = f"{resultDir}/anno-{thisA:>01}.{ext}"

            with fileOpen(annoFile, "w") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    for aId, (kind, namespace, body, target) in thisAnnoStore.items():
                        body = body.replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n")
                    writeJson(thisAnnoStore, asFile=fh)

                f"Anno file {thisA:>4}: {j:>8} annotations written to {annoFile}"

        for aId in aIdSorted:
            if j >= LIMIT:
                nAnnoFiles += 1
                thisA += 1
                thisAnnoStore = {}
                total += j
                j = 0

            thisAnnoStore[aId] = annoStore[aId]
            j += 1

        if len(thisAnnoStore):
            nAnnoFiles += 1
            total += j

        if len(annoStore) != total:
            console(f"Sum of batches : {total:>8}", error=True)
            console(f"All annotations: {len(annoStore):>8}", error=True)
            console("Mismatch in number of annotations", error=True)

        inheritedFile = f"{resultDir}/{INHERITED_FILE}"

        with fileOpen(inheritedFile, "w") as fh:

        self.console(f"Inherited annotations: {len(annosInherited)}")

        sep = "" if nAnnoFiles == 1 else "s"
            f"Anno files all: {total:>8} annotations to {nAnnoFiles} file{sep}"

        # node mapping files

        slotmapFile = f"{resultDir}/{SLOTMAP_FILE}"
        nodemapFile = f"{resultDir}/{NODEMAP_FILE}"

        with fileOpen(slotmapFile, "w") as fh:
            for n in range(1, maxSlotPlus):
                (file, pos) = waFromTF[n]

        with fileOpen(nodemapFile, "w") as fh:
            for n in range(maxSlotPlus, maxNodePlus):
                aId = waFromTF.get(n, None)
                if aId is not None:

        self.console(f"Slot mapping written to {slotmapFile}")
        self.console(f"Node mapping written to {nodemapFile}")

        # hyphenation information files

        if hyphenation is not None:
            logicalFile = f"{resultDir}/{LOGICAL_FILE}"

            with fileOpen(logicalFile, "w") as fh:

                pairs = self.getLogicalPairs()

                for t1, t2, text in pairs:

            self.console(f"Logical pairs ({len(pairs)}) written to {logicalFile}")

        # extra files

        for extraDir, files in (extra or {}).items():
            for file in files:
                fileCopy(f"{baseDir}/{extraDir}/{file}", f"{resultDir}/{file}")
                    f"Extra file {extraDir}/{file} copied to the WATM directory"

    def numEqual(nTF, nWA, silent):
        """Compare two numbers and report the outcome.

        Used for testing the WATM conversion.

        nTF: integer
            The number as it is counted from the original TF dataset.
        nWA: integer
            The number as it is counted from the generated WATM dataset.

            Whether the two values are equal.
        error = nTF != nWA

        if error or not silent:
            console(f"\tTF: {nTF:>6}\n\tWA: {nWA:>6}", error=error)

        return nTF == nWA

    def strEqual(tf, wa, silent):
        """Compare two strings and report the outcome.

        Used for testing the WATM conversion.

        nTF: string
            The string as encountered in the original TF dataset.
        nWA: string
            The string as encountered in the generated WATM dataset.

            Whether the two values are equal.
        different = False

        for i, cTF in enumerate(tf):
            if i >= len(wa):
                contextI = max((0, i - 10))
                console(f"\tWA {i}: {wa[contextI:i]} <END>", error=True)
                console(f"\tTF {i}: {tf[contextI:i]} <> {tf[i:i + 10]}", error=True)
                different = True
            elif tf[i] != wa[i]:
                contextI = max((0, i - 10))
                    f"\tWA {i}: {wa[contextI:i]} <{wa[i]}> {wa[i + 1:i + 11]}",
                    f"\tTF {i}: {tf[contextI:i]} <{tf[i]}> {tf[i + 1:i + 11]}",
                different = True

        if not different and len(wa) > len(tf):
            i = len(tf)
            contextI = max((0, i - 10))
            console(f"\tWA {i}: {wa[contextI:i]} <> {wa[i:i + 10]}", error=True)
            console(f"\tTF {i}: {tf[contextI:i]} <END>", error=True)
            different = True

        sampleWA = f"{wa[0:20]} ... {wa[-20:]}".replace("\n", " ")
        sampleTF = f"{tf[0:20]} ... {tf[-20:]}".replace("\n", " ")
        if not silent:
            console(f"\tTF: {sampleTF:>6}\n\tWA: {sampleWA:>6}")
        return not different

    def testAll(self, condensed=False):
        """Test all aspects of the WATM conversion.

        For all kinds of information, such as nodes, edges, features, tokens,
        annotations, we check whether the parts that should correspond between
        the TF dataset and the WATM annotations do so indeed.

        We present some statistics, and highlight the mismatches.

        condensed: boolean, optional False
            If silent has been passed to the object, there is still some
            output for each corpus, namely whether all tests have passed.
            If `condensed` is True, we suppress this output.

            Whether all things that must agree do indeed agree.
        error = self.error
        silent = self.silent

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        console("\tTesting WATM ...")

        if self.error:
            console("WATM data is incomplete. Testing aborted")

        good = True

        if not self.testText():
            good = False

        if not self.testElements():
            good = False

        if not self.testAttributes():
            good = False

        if not self.testExtra():
            good = False

        if not self.testEdges():
            good = False

        self.console("Overall outcome ...")

        if not silent or not condensed:
            sep = "\t" if silent else ""
            console(f"{sep}{rep(good)} - whether all tests passed", error=not good)

        if not good:
            self.error = True

    def testSetup(self):
        """Prepare the tests.

        We read the WATM dataset and store the tokens in member `testTokens`
        and the annotations in the member `testAnnotations`, and the node mapping
        in the member `nodeFromAid`.
        We unpack targets if they contain structured information.

        # collect the files

        asTsv = self.asTsv
        hyphenation = self.hyphenation
        resultDir = self.resultDir
        resultFiles = dirContents(resultDir)[0]

        ext = "tsv" if asTsv else "json"

        def fileSort(name):
            middle = name.split(".", 1)[0].split("-", 1)[1]
            return f"{middle:0>10}" if middle.isdecimal else middle

        inheritedFile = f"{resultDir}/{INHERITED_FILE}"
        textFiles = sorted(
            (f for f in resultFiles if f.startswith("text-") and f.endswith(f".{ext}")),
        annoFiles = sorted(
            (f for f in resultFiles if f.startswith("anno-") and f.endswith(f".{ext}")),
        mapFiles = [
            for f in resultFiles
            if (f.startswith("anno") or f.startswith("pos")) and f.endswith("2node.tsv")

        if NODEMAP_FILE not in mapFiles:
            console(f"ERROR: Missing map file {NODEMAP_FILE}")
            self.error = True
        if SLOTMAP_FILE not in mapFiles:
            console(f"ERROR: Missing map file {SLOTMAP_FILE}")
            self.error = True
        if hyphenation is not None and LOGICAL_FILE not in resultFiles:
            console(f"ERROR: Missing logical file {LOGICAL_FILE}")
            self.error = True

        if self.error:

        # read the text files

        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        is_metav = self.is_metav

        waSlotTF = {}
        tokenFiles = []

        slot = 1

        for tfl, textFile in enumerate(textFiles):
            with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{textFile}") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    tokens = [
                        t.rstrip("\n").replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\n", "\n")
                        for t in fh
                    text = readJson(asFile=fh, plain=True)
                    tokens = text["_ordered_segments"]


                for offset in range(len(tokens)):
                    while skipMeta and is_metav(slot):
                        slot += 1

                    waSlotTF[slot] = (tfl, offset)
                    slot += 1

        self.testTokens = tokenFiles
        self.waSlotTF = waSlotTF

        # read the anno files

        annosInherited = set()

        if fileExists(inheritedFile):
            with fileOpen(inheritedFile) as fh:
                annosInherited = set("\n"))

        annotations = []

        for annoFile in annoFiles:
            with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{annoFile}") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    annos = {}

                    for line in fh:
                        (aId, kind, ns, body, target) = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")

                        if aId in annosInherited:

                        body = body.replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\n", "\n")
                        annos[aId] = (kind, ns, body, target)
                    annos = readJson(asFile=fh, plain=True)

                    for aId in annosInherited:
                        del annos[aId]

                for aId, (kind, ns, body, target) in annos.items():
                    if ns == NS_TV:

                    if "->" in target:
                        parts = target.split("->", 1)
                        parts = [target]

                    newParts = []

                    for part in parts:
                        if ":" in part:
                            boundaries = part.split("-", 1)
                            fb, b = boundaries[0].split(":", 1)
                            fb = int(fb)
                            b = int(b)

                            if len(boundaries) == 1:
                                if kind == KIND_ELEM or kind == KIND_PI:
                                    part = (int(fb), int(b), int(fb), int(b) + 1)
                                    part = (int(fb), int(b))
                                eParts = boundaries[1].split(":", 1)

                                if len(eParts) == 1:
                                    fe, e = fb, int(eParts[0])
                                    fe, e = eParts
                                    fe = int(fe)
                                    e = int(e)
                                part = (fb, b, fe, e)


                    target = newParts[0] if len(newParts) == 1 else tuple(newParts)

                    annotations.append((aId, kind, ns, body, target))

        annotations = sorted(annotations)
        self.testAnnotations = annotations

        # read the map files

        nodeFromAid = {}

        with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{SLOTMAP_FILE}") as fh:
            for line in fh:
                (pos, slot) = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
                key = tuple(int(p) for p in pos.split(":"))
                nodeFromAid[key] = int(slot)

        with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{NODEMAP_FILE}") as fh:
            for line in fh:
                (aId, node) = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
                nodeFromAid[aId] = int(node)

        self.nodeFromAid = nodeFromAid
        self.testNodes = set(nodeFromAid.values())

    def testText(self):
        """Test the text.

        We test the number of tokens and the equality of the resulting text:
        whether the TF and WATM datasets agree on it.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        maxSlotPlus = self.maxSlotPlus
        tokenFiles = self.testTokens
        texts = self.texts
        waSlotTF = self.waSlotTF
        silent = self.silent

        self.console("Testing the text ...")

        nTokensTF = sum(1 if s in waSlotTF else 0 for s in range(1, maxSlotPlus))
        nTokensWA = sum(len(tokens) for tokens in tokenFiles)
        nGood = self.numEqual(nTokensTF, nTokensWA, silent)

        if not nGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(nGood)} - whether the amounts of tokens agree", error=not nGood

        textWA = "".join("".join(tokens) for tokens in tokenFiles)
        textTF = "".join("".join(text) for text in texts)

        tGood = self.strEqual(textTF, textWA, silent)

        if not tGood or not silent:
            console(f"{rep(tGood)} - whether the text is the same", error=not tGood)

        return nGood and tGood

    def testElements(self):
        """Test the elements.

        We test the annotations representing elements/processing instructions
        and check whether they correspond 1-1 to the non-slot nodes in the TF

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        maxSlotPlus = self.maxSlotPlus
        maxNodePlus = self.maxNodePlus
        fotypev = self.fotypev
        eoslots = self.eoslots
        waSlotTF = self.waSlotTF
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        silent = self.silent
        excludeElements = self.excludeElements

        self.console("Testing the elements ...")

        nElementsTF = 0
        nPisTF = 0

        for n in range(maxSlotPlus, maxNodePlus):
            nType = fotypev(n)
            isPi = nType.startswith("?")

            slots = eoslots(n)
            b = slots[0]
            e = slots[-1]

            if not (b in waSlotTF and e in waSlotTF):

            if isPi:
                nPisTF += 1
                if nType not in excludeElements:
                    nElementsTF += 1

        nElementsWA = 0
        nPisWA = 0

        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid

        nElementsWA = sum(1 if a[1] == KIND_ELEM else 0 for a in annotations)
        nPisWA = sum(1 if a[1] == KIND_PI else 0 for a in annotations)

        eGood = self.numEqual(nElementsTF, nElementsWA, silent)

        if not eGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(eGood)} - whether the amounts of elements and nodes agree",
                error=not eGood,

        if not silent:
            console("Testing the processing instructions ...")

        pGood = self.numEqual(nPisTF, nPisWA, silent)

        if not pGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(pGood)} - whether the amounts of processing instructions agree",
                error=not pGood,

        self.console("Testing the element/pi annotations ...")

        element = 0
        pi = 0
        other = 0
        goodName = 0
        wrongName = 0
        unmapped = 0

        self.console(f"\t{len(nodeFromAid)} element/pi annotations")

        wrongTargets = []
        allTargets = 0
        goodTargets = 0

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            isElem = kind == KIND_ELEM
            isPi = kind == KIND_PI

            if not (isElem or isPi):
                other += 1

            if isElem:
                element += 1
                pi += 1

            tag = body
            node = nodeFromAid.get(aId, None)

            if node is None:
                unmapped += 1

            otype = fotypev(node)

            if isPi and tag == otype[1:] or not isPi and tag == otype:
                goodName += 1
                wrongName += 1

            if type(target) is not tuple or len(target) != 4:
                wrongTargets.append((aId, kind, body, target))
                node = nodeFromAid[aId]
                slots = eoslots(node)
                sb = slots[0]
                se = slots[-1]
                bTr = waSlotTF.get(sb, None)
                eTr = waSlotTF.get(se, None)

                if eTr is not None:
                    eTr = (eTr[0], eTr[1] + 1)

                bWA = (target[0], target[1])
                eWA = (target[2], target[3])

                bRep = f"{bWA}" if bTr == bWA else f"{bWA} XX {bTr}"
                eRep = f"{eWA}" if eTr == eWA else f"{eWA} XX {eTr}"

                if bTr is None or eTr is None or bTr != bWA or eTr != eWA:
                    wrongTargets.append((aId, kind, body, f"{bRep} - {eRep}"))
                    goodTargets += 1

            allTargets += 1

        self.console(f"\tElement      : {element:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tPi           : {pi:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tOther        : {other:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tGood name    : {goodName:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tWrong name   : {wrongName:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tGood target  : {goodTargets:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tWrong target : {len(wrongTargets):>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tUnmapped     : {unmapped:>6} x")

        aGood = wrongName == 0 and unmapped == 0

        if not aGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(aGood)} - whether all element/pi annotations have good bodies",
                error=not aGood,

        tGood = len(wrongTargets) == 0

        if not tGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(tGood)} - whether all element/pi annotations have good targets",
                error=not tGood,
            if not tGood:
                tExamples = "\n\t\t".join(str(a) for a in wrongTargets[0:10])

        return aGood and tGood and eGood and pGood

    def testAttributes(self):
        """Test the attributes.

        We test whether attributes and features correspond to each other.

        Some attributes in the original TEI are converted in a special way into
        TF features: this holds for the `rend` attribute.
        Basically, a value `rend="italic"` is translated into feature
        In turn, these features have been translated into annotations of kind
        `format`. We test them separately.

        We also do not test the attributes that have been inherited from nodes
        to sub nodes during the WATM generation.
        These annotations do not have namespace `TEI`.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        Fs = self.Fs
        Fall = self.Fall
        eoslots = self.eoslots
        waSlotTF = self.waSlotTF
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid
        testNodes = self.testNodes
        nsOrig = self.nsOrig
        silent = self.silent
        excludeFeatures = self.excludeFeatures

        isTei = nsOrig == NS_TEI

        self.console("Testing the attributes ...")

        attWA = []

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_ATTR:
            if type(target) is tuple and len(target) == 4:
                target = (target[0], target[1])
            node = nodeFromAid[target]
            att, value = body.split("=", 1)
            attWA.append((node, att, value))

        attWA = sorted(attWA)

        self.console(f"\t{len(attWA)} attribute values")

        good = 0
        wrong = []

        for node, att, valWA in attWA:
            val = Fs(att).v(node)
            valTF = None if val is None else str(val)

            if valWA == valTF:
                good += 1
                wrong.append((node, att, valWA, valTF))

        consistent = len(wrong) == 0

        self.console(f"\tGood:     {good:>5} x")

        if not consistent or not silent:
            console(f"\tWrong:    {len(wrong):>5} x", error=not consistent)

                f"{rep(consistent)} - whether annotations are consistent with features",
                error=not consistent,

        attTF = []

        for feat in Fall():
            if feat in TF_SPECIFIC_FEATURES or feat in excludeFeatures:

            if skipMeta and feat == "is_meta":

            if isTei and (
                (feat != "is_meta" and feat.startswith("is_"))
                or feat.startswith("rend_")

            for node, valTF in Fs(feat).items():
                if node not in testNodes:

                slots = eoslots(node)
                b = slots[0]
                e = slots[-1]

                if not (b in waSlotTF and e in waSlotTF):

                attTF.append((node, feat, None if valTF is None else str(valTF)))

        attTF = sorted(attTF)

        self.console(f"\tWA attributes: {len(attWA)}")
        self.console(f"\tTF attributes: {len(attTF)}")

        complete = attTF == attWA

        if not complete or not silent:
                f"{rep(complete)} - whether annotations are complete w.r.t. features",
                error=not complete,

        self.console("Testing the format attributes ...")

        fmtWA = []

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_FMT:
            if body == "note":
            if type(target) is tuple and len(target) == 4:
                target = (target[0], target[1])
            node = nodeFromAid[target]
            fmtWA.append((node, body))

        fmtWA = sorted(fmtWA)
        fmtFreqWA = collections.Counter()

        for node, body in fmtWA:
            fmtFreqWA[body] += 1

        if not silent:
            console(f"\t{len(fmtWA)} format values")
            console("\tformatting attributes: ")

            for fa, n in sorted(fmtFreqWA.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])):
                console(f"\t\t{n:>6} x {fa}")

        good = 0
        wrong = []

        for node, valWA in fmtWA:
            feat = f"rend_{valWA}"
            valTF = valWA if Fs(feat).v(node) else None

            if valWA == valTF:
                good += 1
                wrong.append((node, feat, valWA, valTF))

        fconsistent = len(wrong) == 0

        self.console(f"\tGood:     {good:>5} x")

        if not fconsistent or not silent:
            console(f"\tWrong:    {len(wrong):>5} x")

            for node, feat, valWA, valTF in wrong[0:5]:
                console(f"\t\t{node:>6} {feat}:\n", error=True)
                console(f"\t\t\tTF = «{valTF}»", error=True)
                console(f"\t\t\tWA = «{valWA}»", error=True)

                f"{rep(fconsistent)} - "
                f"whether format annotations are consistent with features",
                error=not fconsistent,

        fmtTF = []

        for feat in Fall():
            if feat in excludeFeatures:

            if not feat.startswith("rend_"):

            value = feat.split("_", 2)[1]
            if value == "note":

            for node, valTF in Fs(feat).items():
                slots = eoslots(node)
                b = slots[0]
                e = slots[-1]

                if not (b in waSlotTF and e in waSlotTF):

                fmtTF.append((node, value))

        fmtTF = sorted(fmtTF)

        self.console(f"\tWA format attributes: {len(fmtWA)}")
        self.console(f"\tTF format attributes: {len(fmtTF)}")

        fcomplete = fmtTF == fmtWA

        if not fcomplete or not silent:
                f"{rep(complete)} - "
                f"whether format annotations are complete w.r.t. features",
                error=not fcomplete,

        return consistent and complete and fconsistent and fcomplete

    def testExtra(self):
        """Test the extra data for on-the-fly annotations.

        Annotations that have been generated out of the data stored in the
        `extra` parameter with which the object has been initialized, all got
        the kind `anno`.

        Now we check these annotations against the data that went into it.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid
        extra = self.extra
        silent = self.silent

        self.console("Testing the extra annotations ...")

        attWA = []

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_ANNO:
            node = nodeFromAid[target]
            att, value = body.split("=", 1)
            attWA.append((node, att, value))

        attWA = sorted(attWA)

        attEX = []

        for feat, featData in extra.items():
            for n, value in featData.items():
                attEX.append((n, feat, value))

        attEX = sorted(attEX)

        self.console(f"\t{len(attEX)} extra feature values")
        self.console(f"\t{len(attWA)} extra annotations")

        good = attWA == attEX

        def showData(tuples, isin, isout):
            data = {}

            for n, f, v in tuples:
                data.setdefault(f, {})[n] = v

            for f in sorted(data):
                fData = data[f]
                    f"\t{isin}: {f} misses {len(fData)} annotations in {isout}",
                for n in sorted(fData.keys())[0:3]:
                    console(f"\t\t\t{n:>7} = {fData[n]}", error=True)

        if not good:
            attWASet = set(attWA)
            attEXSet = set(attEX)

            onlyWA = attWASet - attEXSet
            onlyEX = attEXSet - attWASet

            if len(onlyWA):
                showData(onlyWA, "WA", "EX")
                self.console("\tWA: All extra annotations derive from the extra data")
            if len(onlyEX):
                showData(onlyEX, "EX", "WA")
                self.console("\tEX: All extra data ended up as annotations")

        if not good or not silent:
                f"{rep(good)} - whether the extra annotations agree", error=not good

        return good

    def testEdges(self):
        """Test the edges.

        Edges in TF are links between nodes, and they translate into annotations of
        kind `edge` which target a pair of annotations: the `from` annotation,
        and the `to` annotation.

        Here we check whether the TF edges are faithfully and completely parallelled
        by annotations.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        Es = self.Es
        Eall = self.Eall
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        silent = self.silent
        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid
        testNodes = self.testNodes
        excludeFeatures = self.excludeFeatures

        self.console("Testing the edges ...")

        tfFromWAEdges = {}

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_EDGE:

            fro, to = target
            fromNode = nodeFromAid[fro]
            toNode = nodeFromAid[to]
            parts = body.split("=", 1)
            name, val = (body, None) if len(parts) == 1 else parts
            tfFromWAEdges.setdefault(name, {}).setdefault(fromNode, {})[toNode] = val

        if not silent:
            console(f"\tFound: {len(nodeFromAid)} nodes")

            for edge, edgeData in sorted(tfFromWAEdges.items()):
                console(f"\tFound edge {edge} with {len(edgeData)} starting nodes")

        allGood = True

        for edge in set(Eall()) | set(tfFromWAEdges):
            if edge == OSLOTS or edge in excludeFeatures:

            self.console(f"\tChecking edge {edge}")

            good = True

            x = f"edge {edge}: " if silent else "\t\t"

            if edge not in set(Eall()):
                console(f"{x}missing in TF data", error=True)
                good = False

            if edge not in tfFromWAEdges:
                console(f"{x}missing in annotation data", error=True)
                good = False

            if not good:
                good = False
                allGood = False

            dataTF = {}

            for f, ts in Es(edge).items():
                if f not in testNodes:

                if type(ts) is dict:
                    for t, v in ts.items():
                        if t not in testNodes:
                        dataTF.setdefault(f, {})[t] = v
                    for t in ts:
                        if t not in testNodes:
                        dataTF.setdefault(f, {})[t] = None

            dataWA = tfFromWAEdges[edge]

            fromNodesTF = set(dataTF)
            fromNodesWA = set(dataWA)

            nFromTF = len(fromNodesTF)
            nFromWA = len(fromNodesWA)

            if fromNodesTF == fromNodesWA:
                self.console(f"\t\tsame {nFromTF} fromNodes")
                    f"{x}from nodes differ: {nFromTF} in TF, {nFromWA} in WA",
                good = False

            diffs = []

            nToChecked = 0

            for f, toNodeInfoTF in dataTF.items():
                toNodeInfoWA = dataWA[f]
                toNodeInfoTF = {
                    k: None if v is None else str(v) for (k, v) in toNodeInfoTF.items()

                if toNodeInfoTF != toNodeInfoWA:
                    diffs.append((f, toNodeInfoTF, toNodeInfoWA))

                nToChecked += len(toNodeInfoTF)

            if len(diffs):
                good = False
                    f"{x}differences in toNodes for {len(diffs)} fromNodes", error=True

                for f, toNodeInfoTF, toNodeInfoWA in sorted(diffs)[0:10]:
                    console(f"{x}\tfromNode {f}", error=True)

                    toNodesTF = set(toNodeInfoTF)
                    toNodesWA = set(toNodeInfoWA)

                    nToTF = len(toNodesTF)
                    nToWA = len(toNodesWA)

                    if toNodesTF == toNodesWA:
                        self.console(f"\t\t\tsame {nToTF} toNodes")
                            f"{x}\ttoNodes differ: {nToTF} in TF, {nToWA} in WA",
                    for t in toNodesTF | toNodesWA:
                        doCompare = True
                        if t not in toNodesTF:
                            console(f"{x}\t\ttoNode {t} not in TF", error=True)
                            doCompare = False
                            valTF = toNodeInfoTF[t]

                        if t not in toNodesWA:
                            console(f"{x}\t\ttoNode {t} not in WA", error=True)
                            doCompare = False
                            valWA = toNodeInfoWA[t]

                        if doCompare:
                            if valTF == valWA:
                                    f"\t\t\t\ttoNode{t} values agree: {repr(valTF)}"
                                    f"{x}\t\ttoNode{t} values differ: "
                                    f"TF: {repr(valTF)} WA: {repr(valWA)}",

            if not good or not silent:
                console(f"\t{rep(good)} - {nToChecked} toNodes checked", error=not good)

            if not good:
                allGood = False

        self.console(f"{rep(allGood)} - whether all edges agree")

        return allGood

class WATMS:
    """Export corpora that are divided over multiple TF datasets.

    We set up and run WATM objects for each TF dataset, and generate results
    for them separately.

    We assume that all corpora have been generated by the same method and originate
    from the same original format.

    They must reside in the same repository, in adjacent directories under the `tf`
    top-level directory of the repo.

    def __init__(
        self, org, repo, backend, nsOrig, skipMeta=False, extra={}, silent=False
        """Collect the parameters for the WATM machinery.

        We will initialize many `WATM` objects with mostly the same parameters.
        These are collected when we initialize this object.

        org: string
            The organization of all TF datasets.
        repo: string
            The repo of all TF datasets.
        backend: string
            The backend of all TF datasets.
        nsOrig: string
            The original namespace of all TF datasets.
            See `tf.convert.watm.WATM`.
        skipMeta: boolean, optional False
            See `tf.convert.watm.WATM`.
        extra: dictionary, optional {}
            See `tf.convert.watm.WATM`.
        silent: boolean, optional False
            Whether to operate in silence.
        """ = org
        self.repo = repo
        self.backend = backend
        self.nsOrig = nsOrig
        self.skipMeta = skipMeta
        self.extra = extra
        self.silent = silent

        self.error = False

        repoDir = f"{backendRep(backend, 'clone')}/{org}/{repo}"
        self.repoDir = repoDir

        appDir = f"{repoDir}/app"
        appConfig = f"{appDir}/{APP_CONFIG}"
        appSettings = readYaml(asFile=appConfig)

        tfVersion = (
            if appSettings is None or appSettings.provenanceSpec is None
            else appSettings.provenanceSpec.version

        if tfVersion is None:
            console(f"Could not find the TF version in {appConfig}", error=True)
            self.error = True

        console(f"Making WATMS for version {tfVersion} ...")
        self.tfVersion = tfVersion

        tfDir = f"{repoDir}/tf"
        docs = dirContents(tfDir)[1]

        self.console(f"Found {len(docs)} docs in {tfDir}") = docs

    def console(self, msg, **kwargs):
        """Print something to the output.

        This works exactly as `tf.core.helpers.console`

        When the silent member of the object is True, the message will be suppressed.
        silent = self.silent

        if not silent:
            console(msg, **kwargs)

    def produce(self, doc=None, prod=False):
        """Convert all relevant TF datasets.

        doc: string, optional None
            Subdirectory where one of the TF datasets resides.
            If passed, only this dataset will be converted.
            Otherwise all datasets will be converted.
        prod: boolean, optional False
            See `WATM.writeAll`
        error = self.error
        silent = self.silent

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        org =
        repo = self.repo
        backend = self.backend
        nsOrig = self.nsOrig
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        extra = self.extra
        docs =
        silent = self.silent
        repoDir = self.repoDir
        tfVersion = self.tfVersion

        chosenDoc = doc

        resultVersion = getResultDir(repoDir, "", tfVersion, prod, silent)

        good = True

        for doc in sorted(docs, key=lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1:]))):
            if chosenDoc is not None and chosenDoc != doc:

            self.console(f"{doc:>5} ... ", newline=False)

            A = use(
            WA = WATM(
                A, nsOrig, skipMeta=skipMeta, extra=extra, silent=silent, prod=prod

            if WA.error:
                good = False

        if not silent or error:
            console(f"WATM generation: {rep(good)}", error=not good)


def getResultDir(baseDir, headPart, version, prod, silent)

Determines the directory for the resulting WATM.

The directory to which the resulting WATM is written, depends on a number of factors:

  • production or development
  • the repo location
  • the relative location of the tf directory in the repo

The WATM is written to somewhere under the watm directory at the toplevel of the repo.

The version of the WATM is the version of the TF from which it is generated plus a suffix, containing a sequence number.

Whenever a pgeneration is executed, a new sequence number is chosen, so that no previous version gets overwritten.

If there is a file latest in the directory of the WATM versions, its number is taken as the previous version suffix. But if there are versions with a higher suffix in that directory, we take the highest one of them as previous version suffix.

Whatever we got, we increment it and write it to the file latest. That is the new version suffix.

Inside the resulting directory, the production WATM resides under prod and the development WATM resides under dev.


baseDir : string
The path to the repo location
headPart : string
The path from the repo location to the tf directory.
version : string
The version of the TF on which the WATM is based
prod : boolean:
Whether we are in a production or development run
silent : boolean
Whether we should operate silently.


The path to the versioned dir where the WATM ends up.

def rep(status)

Represent a boolean status for a message to the console.


status : boolean




class WATM (app, nsOrig, skipMeta=False, extra={}, silent=False, prod=False)

The export machinery is exposed as a class, wrapped around a TF dataset.

Wrap the WATM exporter around a TF dataset.

Given an already loaded TF dataset, we make an inventory of all data we need to perform an export to WATM.


app : object
A loaded TF dataset, as obtained by a call use(…). See use()
nsOrig : string
A namespace corresponding to the format of the original, pre-Text-Fabric representation. For example tei for a TEI corpus, pagexml for a PageXML corpus. The namespace is not related to XML namespaces, it is merely a device to categorize the resulting annotations.
skipMeta : boolean, optional False
Only relevant for TEI corpora. If True, all material in the TEI Header will not be converted to tokens in the text. More precisely: all TF slots for which the feature is_meta has a true-ish value will be skipped. If there is no feature is_meta in the dataset, the setting of skipMeta will have no effect: nothing will be excluded.
extra : dictionary, optional {}
The data for extra annotations, which will be generated on the fly under the namespace anno. The keys are the names of features/attributes, the value for each key is a dictionary that maps nodes to values.
silent : boolean, optional False
Whether to suppress output to the console
prod : boolean, optional False

If True, we make a production version, if False we make a development version. Production versions end up in the watm directory, development versions in the _temp/watm directory.

Production versions have an extra sequence number behind the TF version on which they are based, e.g. 2.1.0e-001, 2.1.0e-002. They will never be overwritten, subsequent runs will increase the sequence number. The sequence number is stored in a file latest in the watm directory.

Development versions are always equal to the TF versions and can be overwritten.

This mechanism helps you to ensure that you do not change existing versions in the watm directory.

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class WATM:
    """The export machinery is exposed as a class, wrapped around a TF dataset."""

    def __init__(self, app, nsOrig, skipMeta=False, extra={}, silent=False, prod=False):
        """Wrap the WATM exporter around a TF dataset.

        Given an already loaded TF dataset, we make an inventory of all data
        we need to perform an export to WATM.

        app: object
            A loaded TF dataset, as obtained by a call `use(...)`.
            See ``
        nsOrig: string
            A namespace corresponding to the format of the original, pre-Text-Fabric
            representation. For example `tei` for a TEI corpus, `pagexml` for a
            PageXML corpus. The namespace is not related to XML namespaces, it is
            merely a device to categorize the resulting annotations.
        skipMeta: boolean, optional False
            Only relevant for TEI corpora. If True, all material in the TEI Header
            will not be converted to tokens in the text.
            More precisely: all TF slots for which the feature `is_meta` has a true-ish
            value will be skipped. If there is no feature `is_meta` in the dataset,
            the setting of `skipMeta` will have no effect: nothing will be excluded.
        extra: dictionary, optional {}
            The data for extra annotations, which will be generated on the fly under the
            namespace `anno`. The keys are the names of features/attributes, the
            value for each key is a dictionary that maps nodes to values.
        silent: boolean, optional False
            Whether to suppress output to the console
        prod: boolean, optional False
            If True, we make a production version, if False we make a
            development version.
            Production versions end up in the `watm` directory, development versions
            in the `_temp/watm` directory.

            Production versions have an extra sequence number behind the TF version
            on which they are based, e.g. `2.1.0e-001`, `2.1.0e-002`.
            They will never be overwritten, subsequent runs will increase the
            sequence number.
            The sequence number is stored in a file `latest` in the `watm` directory.

            Development versions are always equal to the TF versions and can be

            This mechanism helps you to ensure that you do not change existing
            versions in the `watm` directory.

        """ = app
        self.nsOrig = nsOrig
        self.extra = extra
        self.silent = silent = prod
        api = app.api
        F = api.F
        E = api.E
        T = api.T
        Fall = api.Fall
        Eall = api.Eall
        FAllSet = set(Fall())

        sectionTypes = T.sectionTypes
        strv = F.str.v if STR in FAllSet else None

        repoLocation = app.repoLocation
        self.repoLocation = repoLocation

        (ok, cfg) = readCfg(
            repoLocation, "watm", "conversion", verbose=-1 if silent else 1
        if not ok:
            self.error = True

        self.cfg = cfg

        (ok, settings) = readCfg(
            repoLocation, "iiif", "IIIF", verbose=-1 if silent else 1, plain=True
        if not ok:
            self.error = True

        self.scanInfo = (
            operationalize(parseIIIF(settings, prod, "scans")) if settings else {}

        self.error = False

        textRepoLevel = cfg.textRepoLevel or 1

        if type(textRepoLevel) is not int or not 1 <= textRepoLevel <= 3:
                "watm settings: textRepoLevel must be an integer between 1 and 3",
            self.error = True

        if len(sectionTypes) == 0:
                "No section types in corpus. "
                "We need at least one section level for tier-0",
            self.error = True

        hyphenation = cfg.hyphenation

        if hyphenation is not None:
            if strv is None:
                    "watm settings: hyphenation cannot be solved "
                    "because feature str does not exist in the TF dataset",
                hyphenation = None
                self.error = True

            if hyphenation.lineType not in F.otype.all:
                    "watm settings: hyphenation.lineType "
                    "must be an existing node type",
                hyphenation = None
                self.error = True

        self.hyphenation = hyphenation

        if self.error:

        textRepoType = T.sectionTypes[textRepoLevel - 1]
        self.textRepoType = textRepoType

        self.console(f"textRepoLevel is section level '{textRepoType}'")

        self.excludeElements = set(cfg.excludeElements or [])
        self.excludeFeatures = set(cfg.excludeFeatures or [])
        self.asTsv = cfg.asTsv

        self.L = api.L
        self.Es = api.Es
        self.F = F
        self.E = E
        self.Fs = api.Fs
        self.slotType = self.F.otype.slotType
        self.maxSlot = self.F.otype.maxSlot
        self.maxSlotPlus = self.F.otype.maxSlot + 1
        self.maxNodePlus = self.F.otype.maxNode + 1
        otypes = self.F.otype.all
        self.otypes = otypes =

        self.Fall = Fall
        self.Eall = Eall

        self.nodeFeatures = [f for f in Fall() if f not in TF_SPECIFIC_FEATURES]
        self.edgeFeatures = [f for f in Eall() if f not in TF_SPECIFIC_FEATURES]

        self.fotypev = F.otype.v
        self.eoslots = E.oslots.s
        self.emptyv = F.empty.v if "empty" in FAllSet else None
        self.strv = strv
        self.rstrv = F.rstr.v if "rstr" in FAllSet else None
        self.afterv = F.after.v if AFTER in FAllSet else None
        self.rafterv = F.rafter.v if "rafter" in FAllSet else None
        is_metav = F.is_meta.v if "is_meta" in FAllSet else None
        self.is_metav = is_metav

        inheritFeatures = cfg.inheritFeatures or []
        self.inheritFeatures = inheritFeatures

        for instruction in inheritFeatures:
            if type(instruction) is not AttrDict:
                    "watm settings: inheritFeatures non-dict instruction: "
                self.error = True

            for field in ("source", "destination"):
                value = instruction[field]

                if value not in otypes:
                        "watm settings: inheritFeatures {field}: "
                        f"{value} is not a node type"
                    self.error = True

            namespace = instruction.namespace

            if namespace is None:
                console("watm settings: inheritFeatures namespace not specified")
                self.error = True

            features = instruction.features

            for feat in features:
                if feat not in FAllSet:
                    console("watm settings: inheritFeatures feature {feat} unknown")
                    self.error = True

        if not silent:
  "[WATM exporter documentation]({URL_TF_DOCS}/convert/watm.html)")

        if skipMeta and not is_metav:
                "skipMeta=True has no effect because feature is_meta is not defined.",
            skipMeta = False

        self.skipMeta = skipMeta

    def console(self, msg, **kwargs):
        """Print something to the output.

        This works exactly as `tf.core.helpers.console`

        When the silent member of the object is True, the message will be suppressed.
        silent = self.silent

        if not silent:
            console(msg, **kwargs)

    def makeText(self):
        """Creates the text data.

        The text is a list of tokens and will be stored in member `text` in this object.
        Additionally, the mapping from slot numbers in the TF data
        to indices in this list is stored in member `waFromTF`.
        error = self.error

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        F = self.F
        L = self.L
        slotType = self.slotType
        textRepoType = self.textRepoType
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta

        emptyv = self.emptyv
        strv = self.strv
        rstrv = self.rstrv
        afterv = self.afterv
        rafterv = self.rafterv
        is_metav = self.is_metav

        texts = []
        waFromTF = {}

        self.texts = texts
        self.waFromTF = waFromTF

        for ti, sNode in enumerate(F.otype.s(textRepoType)):
            text = []

            for s in L.d(sNode, otype=slotType):
                if skipMeta and is_metav(s):

                after = rafterv(s) if rafterv else None

                if after is None:
                    after = afterv(s) if afterv else None

                if after is None:
                    after = ""

                if emptyv and emptyv(s):
                    value = after
                    string = rstrv(s) if rstrv else None

                    if string is None:
                        string = strv(s) if strv else None

                    if string is None:
                        string = ""

                    value = f"{string}{after}"

                t = len(text) - 1
                waFromTF[s] = (ti, t)

    def mkAnno(self, kind, ns, body, target, inherited=False):
        """Make a single annotation and return its id.

        kind: string
            The kind of annotation.
        ns: string
            The namespace of the annotation.
        body: string
            The body of the annotation.
        target: string  or tuple of strings
            The target of the annotation.
        inherited: boolean, optional False
            Whether this annotation derives from an inherited feature value
        annos = self.annos
        annosInherited = self.annosInherited
        aId = f"a{len(annos):>08}"
        annos.append((kind, aId, ns, body, target))

        if inherited:

        return aId

    def makeAnno(self):
        """Make all annotations.

        The annotations are stored in a big list, in member `anno` of this object.

        The mapping from slots to indices in the list of tokens is now extended
        with the mapping from nodes to corresponding node annotations.

        So member `waFromTF` is now a full mapping from all nodes in TF to
        tokens and/or annotations in WATM.
        error = self.error

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        L = self.L
        Es = self.Es
        F = self.F
        Fs = self.Fs
        fotypev = self.fotypev
        eoslots = self.eoslots
        nodeFeatures = self.nodeFeatures
        edgeFeatures = self.edgeFeatures
        slotType = self.slotType
        otypes = self.otypes
        nsOrig = self.nsOrig
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        extra = self.extra
        inheritFeatures = self.inheritFeatures
        excludeElements = self.excludeElements
        excludeFeatures = self.excludeFeatures
        scanInfo = self.scanInfo

        waFromTF = self.waFromTF

        is_metav = self.is_metav

        isTei = nsOrig == NS_TEI

        annos = []
        texts = self.texts
        self.annos = annos
        self.annosInherited = set()

        invertedTargets = []
        farTargets = []
        discontinuousNodes = collections.defaultdict(list)

        def mkSingleTarget(n):
            ts = waFromTF[n]
            return f"{ts[0]}:{ts[1]}" if fotypev(n) == slotType else ts

        for otype in otypes:
            if otype == slotType or otype in excludeElements:

            nodes = F.otype.s(otype)

            for n in nodes:
                ws = eoslots(n)
                sb, se = (ws[0], ws[-1])
                if len(ws) != se - sb + 1:

                if skipMeta and (is_metav(ws[0]) or is_metav(ws[-1])):

                ti0, start = waFromTF[ws[0]]
                ti1, end = waFromTF[ws[-1]]

                if ti0 != ti1:
                    farTargets.append((otype, ti0, start, ti1, end))

                if ti0 == ti1 and end < start:
                    invertedTargets.append((otype, ti0, start, end))
                    start, end = (end, start)

                startPoint = f"{ti0}:{start}"
                endPoint = (
                    ("" if start == end else f"-{end + 1}")
                    if ti0 == ti1
                    else f"-{ti1}:{end + 1}"
                target = f"{startPoint}{endPoint}"
                aId = (
                    self.mkAnno(KIND_PI, nsOrig, otype[1:], target)
                    if otype.startswith("?")
                    else self.mkAnno(
                        KIND_ELEM, NS_FROM_OTYPE.get(otype, nsOrig), otype, target
                waFromTF[n] = aId

            if otype in scanInfo:
                lastI = len(nodes) - 1
                thisScanInfo = scanInfo[otype]

                for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
                    for extraFeat, value, variables in thisScanInfo:
                        values = {}
                        valuesOK = True

                        for var, (parent, child, feat, shift) in variables.items():
                            refI = i + shift

                            if refI < 0 or refI > lastI:
                                valuesOK = False

                            refN = nodes[refI]

                            if parent is not None:
                                refN = L.u(refN, otype=parent)[0]
                            elif child is not None:
                                refN = L.d(refN, otype=child)[0]

                            values[var] = refN if feat == "=" else Fs(feat).v(refN)

                        if not valuesOK:

                        val = value.format(**values)

                            KIND_ATTR, NS_TV, f"{extraFeat}={val}", mkSingleTarget(n)

        for feat in nodeFeatures:
            if feat in excludeFeatures:

            ns = Fs(feat).meta.get("conversionCode", NS_FROM_FEAT.get(feat, nsOrig))

            if ns is None:
                    f"Node feature {feat} has no namespace, "
                    f"defaulting to {NS_NONE}",
                ns = NS_NONE

            isRend = False
            isNote = False

            if isTei:
                parts = feat.split("_", 2)
                isRend = len(parts) >= 2 and parts[0] == "rend"
                isNote = len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == "is" and parts[1] == "note"

            if isRend or isNote:
                body = parts[1] if isRend else "note"

                for n, val in Fs(feat).items():
                    if n not in waFromTF or not val or skipMeta and is_metav(n):

                    self.mkAnno(KIND_FMT, ns, body, mkSingleTarget(n))
                for n, val in Fs(feat).items():
                    if n not in waFromTF or val is None or skipMeta and is_metav(n):

                    body = f"{feat}={val}"
                    self.mkAnno(KIND_ATTR, ns, body, mkSingleTarget(n))

        for feat in edgeFeatures:
            if feat in excludeFeatures:

            ns = Es(feat).meta.get("conversionCode", NS_FROM_FEAT.get(feat, nsOrig))

            if ns is None:
                    f"Edge feature {feat} has no conversion code, "
                    f"defaulting to {NS_NONE}",
                ns = NS_NONE

            for fromNode, toNodes in Es(feat).items():
                if fromNode not in waFromTF or skipMeta and is_metav(fromNode):

                targetFrom = mkSingleTarget(fromNode)

                if type(toNodes) is dict:
                    for toNode, val in toNodes.items():
                        if toNode not in waFromTF or skipMeta and is_metav(toNode):

                        body = f"{feat}={val}"
                        targetTo = mkSingleTarget(toNode)
                        target = f"{targetFrom}->{targetTo}"
                        self.mkAnno(KIND_EDGE, ns, body, target)
                    for toNode in toNodes:
                        if toNode not in waFromTF or skipMeta and is_metav(toNode):

                        targetTo = mkSingleTarget(toNode)
                        target = f"{targetFrom}->{targetTo}"
                        self.mkAnno(KIND_EDGE, ns, feat, target)

        for feat, featData in extra.items():
            for n, value in featData.items():
                self.mkAnno(KIND_ANNO, NS_TT, f"{feat}={value}", mkSingleTarget(n))

        for instruction in inheritFeatures:
            sourceType = instruction.source
            destinationType = instruction.destination
            namespace = instruction.namespace
            features = instruction.features

            for sourceNode in F.otype.s(sourceType):
                destNodes = L.d(sourceNode, otype=destinationType)

                for feat in features:
                    value = Fs(feat).v(sourceNode)

                    for destNode in destNodes:

        if len(invertedTargets):
            self.console(f"WARNING: inverted targets, {len(invertedTargets)}x")

            for otype, ti0, start, end in invertedTargets:
                text = texts[ti0]
                sega = text[start]
                segb = text[end - 1]
                self.console(f"{otype:>20} {start:>6} `{sega}` > {end - 1} `{segb}`")

        if len(discontinuousNodes):
            nDis = sum(len(x) for x in discontinuousNodes.values())
            self.console(f"WARNING: {nDis} discontinuous nodes encountered")

            for otype, nodes in discontinuousNodes.items():
                nn = len(nodes)
                self.console(f"\t{nn} x of type {otype}")

                examples = ", ".join(str(n) for n in nodes[0:10])

        nFarTargets = len(farTargets)

        if nFarTargets:
            self.console(f"WARNING: targets across tier0 items, {nFarTargets}x")

            for otype, ti0, start, ti1, end in farTargets[0:10]:
                    f"{otype:>20} [{ti0:>4}:{start:>6}] - [{ti1:>4}:{end - 1:>6}]"
            if nFarTargets > 10:
                self.console(f"... and {nFarTargets - 10} more.")

    def getLogicalPairs(self):
        hyphenation = self.hyphenation
        F = self.F
        L = self.L
        slotType = self.slotType
        strv = self.strv
        afterv = self.afterv
        maxSlot = self.maxSlot

        if hyphenation is None:
            return []

        lineType = hyphenation.lineType

        pairs = []
        lines = F.otype.s(lineType)

        for line in lines:
            lastSlot = L.d(line, otype=slotType)[-1]

            if strv(lastSlot) == "-" and lastSlot > 1 and lastSlot < maxSlot:
                s1 = lastSlot - 1
                s2 = lastSlot + 1

        return tuple(pairs)

    def writeAll(self, resultVersion=None):
        """Write text and annotation data to disk.

        The data will be written as JSON files, or, is `asTsv` is in force, as TSV
        When the annotation data grows larger than a certain threshold, it will be
        divided over several files.

        The annotations are sorted by annotation id.

        resultVersion: string, optional None
            If not None, the resultVersion is in  this directory.
            This is needed if WATM is generated for a series of related datasets that
            have the same result base.
        cfg = self.cfg
        extra = cfg.extra
        hyphenation = self.hyphenation
        maxNodePlus = self.maxNodePlus
        maxSlotPlus = self.maxSlotPlus

        # text files

        error = self.error

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        silent = self.silent
        prod =
        app =
        texts = self.texts
        annos = self.annos
        annosInherited = self.annosInherited
        waFromTF = self.waFromTF
        asTsv = self.asTsv

        baseDir = self.repoLocation
        relative = app.context.relative
        version = app.version

        console("\tWriting WATM ...")

        match = REL_RE.match(relative)
        (headPart, tailPart) =, 2)
        tailPart1 = f"/{tailPart}" if tailPart else ""

        resultVersionDir = (
            getResultDir(baseDir, headPart, version, prod, silent)
            if resultVersion is None
            else resultVersion

        resultDir = f"{resultVersionDir}{tailPart1}"

        self.resultDir = resultDir

        initTree(resultDir, fresh=True)

        total = 0

        ext = "tsv" if asTsv else "json"

        j = 0
        cr = ""
        nl = True

        for i, text in enumerate(texts):
            j += 1
            if j > PROGRESS_LIMIT:
                cr = "\r"
                nl = False

            textFile = f"{resultDir}/text-{i}.{ext}"
            nText = len(text)
            total += nText

            with fileOpen(textFile, "w") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    for t in text:
                        fh.write(t.replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n") + "\n")
                    writeJson(dict(_ordered_segments=text), asFile=fh)

                f"{cr}Text file {i:>4}: {nText:>8} segments to {textFile}",

        nTexts = len(texts)
        sep = "" if nTexts == 1 else "s"

        self.console(f"Text files all: {total:>8} segments to {nTexts} file{sep}")

        # annotation files

        annoStore = {}

        for kind, aId, ns, body, target in annos:
            annoStore[aId] = (kind, ns, body, target)

        aIdSorted = sorted(annoStore.keys())

        thisAnnoStore = {}
        thisA = 1
        nAnnoFiles = 0

        LIMIT = 400000
        j = 0
        total = 0

        def writeThis():
            annoFile = f"{resultDir}/anno-{thisA:>01}.{ext}"

            with fileOpen(annoFile, "w") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    for aId, (kind, namespace, body, target) in thisAnnoStore.items():
                        body = body.replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n")
                    writeJson(thisAnnoStore, asFile=fh)

                f"Anno file {thisA:>4}: {j:>8} annotations written to {annoFile}"

        for aId in aIdSorted:
            if j >= LIMIT:
                nAnnoFiles += 1
                thisA += 1
                thisAnnoStore = {}
                total += j
                j = 0

            thisAnnoStore[aId] = annoStore[aId]
            j += 1

        if len(thisAnnoStore):
            nAnnoFiles += 1
            total += j

        if len(annoStore) != total:
            console(f"Sum of batches : {total:>8}", error=True)
            console(f"All annotations: {len(annoStore):>8}", error=True)
            console("Mismatch in number of annotations", error=True)

        inheritedFile = f"{resultDir}/{INHERITED_FILE}"

        with fileOpen(inheritedFile, "w") as fh:

        self.console(f"Inherited annotations: {len(annosInherited)}")

        sep = "" if nAnnoFiles == 1 else "s"
            f"Anno files all: {total:>8} annotations to {nAnnoFiles} file{sep}"

        # node mapping files

        slotmapFile = f"{resultDir}/{SLOTMAP_FILE}"
        nodemapFile = f"{resultDir}/{NODEMAP_FILE}"

        with fileOpen(slotmapFile, "w") as fh:
            for n in range(1, maxSlotPlus):
                (file, pos) = waFromTF[n]

        with fileOpen(nodemapFile, "w") as fh:
            for n in range(maxSlotPlus, maxNodePlus):
                aId = waFromTF.get(n, None)
                if aId is not None:

        self.console(f"Slot mapping written to {slotmapFile}")
        self.console(f"Node mapping written to {nodemapFile}")

        # hyphenation information files

        if hyphenation is not None:
            logicalFile = f"{resultDir}/{LOGICAL_FILE}"

            with fileOpen(logicalFile, "w") as fh:

                pairs = self.getLogicalPairs()

                for t1, t2, text in pairs:

            self.console(f"Logical pairs ({len(pairs)}) written to {logicalFile}")

        # extra files

        for extraDir, files in (extra or {}).items():
            for file in files:
                fileCopy(f"{baseDir}/{extraDir}/{file}", f"{resultDir}/{file}")
                    f"Extra file {extraDir}/{file} copied to the WATM directory"

    def numEqual(nTF, nWA, silent):
        """Compare two numbers and report the outcome.

        Used for testing the WATM conversion.

        nTF: integer
            The number as it is counted from the original TF dataset.
        nWA: integer
            The number as it is counted from the generated WATM dataset.

            Whether the two values are equal.
        error = nTF != nWA

        if error or not silent:
            console(f"\tTF: {nTF:>6}\n\tWA: {nWA:>6}", error=error)

        return nTF == nWA

    def strEqual(tf, wa, silent):
        """Compare two strings and report the outcome.

        Used for testing the WATM conversion.

        nTF: string
            The string as encountered in the original TF dataset.
        nWA: string
            The string as encountered in the generated WATM dataset.

            Whether the two values are equal.
        different = False

        for i, cTF in enumerate(tf):
            if i >= len(wa):
                contextI = max((0, i - 10))
                console(f"\tWA {i}: {wa[contextI:i]} <END>", error=True)
                console(f"\tTF {i}: {tf[contextI:i]} <> {tf[i:i + 10]}", error=True)
                different = True
            elif tf[i] != wa[i]:
                contextI = max((0, i - 10))
                    f"\tWA {i}: {wa[contextI:i]} <{wa[i]}> {wa[i + 1:i + 11]}",
                    f"\tTF {i}: {tf[contextI:i]} <{tf[i]}> {tf[i + 1:i + 11]}",
                different = True

        if not different and len(wa) > len(tf):
            i = len(tf)
            contextI = max((0, i - 10))
            console(f"\tWA {i}: {wa[contextI:i]} <> {wa[i:i + 10]}", error=True)
            console(f"\tTF {i}: {tf[contextI:i]} <END>", error=True)
            different = True

        sampleWA = f"{wa[0:20]} ... {wa[-20:]}".replace("\n", " ")
        sampleTF = f"{tf[0:20]} ... {tf[-20:]}".replace("\n", " ")
        if not silent:
            console(f"\tTF: {sampleTF:>6}\n\tWA: {sampleWA:>6}")
        return not different

    def testAll(self, condensed=False):
        """Test all aspects of the WATM conversion.

        For all kinds of information, such as nodes, edges, features, tokens,
        annotations, we check whether the parts that should correspond between
        the TF dataset and the WATM annotations do so indeed.

        We present some statistics, and highlight the mismatches.

        condensed: boolean, optional False
            If silent has been passed to the object, there is still some
            output for each corpus, namely whether all tests have passed.
            If `condensed` is True, we suppress this output.

            Whether all things that must agree do indeed agree.
        error = self.error
        silent = self.silent

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        console("\tTesting WATM ...")

        if self.error:
            console("WATM data is incomplete. Testing aborted")

        good = True

        if not self.testText():
            good = False

        if not self.testElements():
            good = False

        if not self.testAttributes():
            good = False

        if not self.testExtra():
            good = False

        if not self.testEdges():
            good = False

        self.console("Overall outcome ...")

        if not silent or not condensed:
            sep = "\t" if silent else ""
            console(f"{sep}{rep(good)} - whether all tests passed", error=not good)

        if not good:
            self.error = True

    def testSetup(self):
        """Prepare the tests.

        We read the WATM dataset and store the tokens in member `testTokens`
        and the annotations in the member `testAnnotations`, and the node mapping
        in the member `nodeFromAid`.
        We unpack targets if they contain structured information.

        # collect the files

        asTsv = self.asTsv
        hyphenation = self.hyphenation
        resultDir = self.resultDir
        resultFiles = dirContents(resultDir)[0]

        ext = "tsv" if asTsv else "json"

        def fileSort(name):
            middle = name.split(".", 1)[0].split("-", 1)[1]
            return f"{middle:0>10}" if middle.isdecimal else middle

        inheritedFile = f"{resultDir}/{INHERITED_FILE}"
        textFiles = sorted(
            (f for f in resultFiles if f.startswith("text-") and f.endswith(f".{ext}")),
        annoFiles = sorted(
            (f for f in resultFiles if f.startswith("anno-") and f.endswith(f".{ext}")),
        mapFiles = [
            for f in resultFiles
            if (f.startswith("anno") or f.startswith("pos")) and f.endswith("2node.tsv")

        if NODEMAP_FILE not in mapFiles:
            console(f"ERROR: Missing map file {NODEMAP_FILE}")
            self.error = True
        if SLOTMAP_FILE not in mapFiles:
            console(f"ERROR: Missing map file {SLOTMAP_FILE}")
            self.error = True
        if hyphenation is not None and LOGICAL_FILE not in resultFiles:
            console(f"ERROR: Missing logical file {LOGICAL_FILE}")
            self.error = True

        if self.error:

        # read the text files

        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        is_metav = self.is_metav

        waSlotTF = {}
        tokenFiles = []

        slot = 1

        for tfl, textFile in enumerate(textFiles):
            with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{textFile}") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    tokens = [
                        t.rstrip("\n").replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\n", "\n")
                        for t in fh
                    text = readJson(asFile=fh, plain=True)
                    tokens = text["_ordered_segments"]


                for offset in range(len(tokens)):
                    while skipMeta and is_metav(slot):
                        slot += 1

                    waSlotTF[slot] = (tfl, offset)
                    slot += 1

        self.testTokens = tokenFiles
        self.waSlotTF = waSlotTF

        # read the anno files

        annosInherited = set()

        if fileExists(inheritedFile):
            with fileOpen(inheritedFile) as fh:
                annosInherited = set("\n"))

        annotations = []

        for annoFile in annoFiles:
            with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{annoFile}") as fh:
                if asTsv:
                    annos = {}

                    for line in fh:
                        (aId, kind, ns, body, target) = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")

                        if aId in annosInherited:

                        body = body.replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\n", "\n")
                        annos[aId] = (kind, ns, body, target)
                    annos = readJson(asFile=fh, plain=True)

                    for aId in annosInherited:
                        del annos[aId]

                for aId, (kind, ns, body, target) in annos.items():
                    if ns == NS_TV:

                    if "->" in target:
                        parts = target.split("->", 1)
                        parts = [target]

                    newParts = []

                    for part in parts:
                        if ":" in part:
                            boundaries = part.split("-", 1)
                            fb, b = boundaries[0].split(":", 1)
                            fb = int(fb)
                            b = int(b)

                            if len(boundaries) == 1:
                                if kind == KIND_ELEM or kind == KIND_PI:
                                    part = (int(fb), int(b), int(fb), int(b) + 1)
                                    part = (int(fb), int(b))
                                eParts = boundaries[1].split(":", 1)

                                if len(eParts) == 1:
                                    fe, e = fb, int(eParts[0])
                                    fe, e = eParts
                                    fe = int(fe)
                                    e = int(e)
                                part = (fb, b, fe, e)


                    target = newParts[0] if len(newParts) == 1 else tuple(newParts)

                    annotations.append((aId, kind, ns, body, target))

        annotations = sorted(annotations)
        self.testAnnotations = annotations

        # read the map files

        nodeFromAid = {}

        with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{SLOTMAP_FILE}") as fh:
            for line in fh:
                (pos, slot) = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
                key = tuple(int(p) for p in pos.split(":"))
                nodeFromAid[key] = int(slot)

        with fileOpen(f"{resultDir}/{NODEMAP_FILE}") as fh:
            for line in fh:
                (aId, node) = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
                nodeFromAid[aId] = int(node)

        self.nodeFromAid = nodeFromAid
        self.testNodes = set(nodeFromAid.values())

    def testText(self):
        """Test the text.

        We test the number of tokens and the equality of the resulting text:
        whether the TF and WATM datasets agree on it.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        maxSlotPlus = self.maxSlotPlus
        tokenFiles = self.testTokens
        texts = self.texts
        waSlotTF = self.waSlotTF
        silent = self.silent

        self.console("Testing the text ...")

        nTokensTF = sum(1 if s in waSlotTF else 0 for s in range(1, maxSlotPlus))
        nTokensWA = sum(len(tokens) for tokens in tokenFiles)
        nGood = self.numEqual(nTokensTF, nTokensWA, silent)

        if not nGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(nGood)} - whether the amounts of tokens agree", error=not nGood

        textWA = "".join("".join(tokens) for tokens in tokenFiles)
        textTF = "".join("".join(text) for text in texts)

        tGood = self.strEqual(textTF, textWA, silent)

        if not tGood or not silent:
            console(f"{rep(tGood)} - whether the text is the same", error=not tGood)

        return nGood and tGood

    def testElements(self):
        """Test the elements.

        We test the annotations representing elements/processing instructions
        and check whether they correspond 1-1 to the non-slot nodes in the TF

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        maxSlotPlus = self.maxSlotPlus
        maxNodePlus = self.maxNodePlus
        fotypev = self.fotypev
        eoslots = self.eoslots
        waSlotTF = self.waSlotTF
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        silent = self.silent
        excludeElements = self.excludeElements

        self.console("Testing the elements ...")

        nElementsTF = 0
        nPisTF = 0

        for n in range(maxSlotPlus, maxNodePlus):
            nType = fotypev(n)
            isPi = nType.startswith("?")

            slots = eoslots(n)
            b = slots[0]
            e = slots[-1]

            if not (b in waSlotTF and e in waSlotTF):

            if isPi:
                nPisTF += 1
                if nType not in excludeElements:
                    nElementsTF += 1

        nElementsWA = 0
        nPisWA = 0

        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid

        nElementsWA = sum(1 if a[1] == KIND_ELEM else 0 for a in annotations)
        nPisWA = sum(1 if a[1] == KIND_PI else 0 for a in annotations)

        eGood = self.numEqual(nElementsTF, nElementsWA, silent)

        if not eGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(eGood)} - whether the amounts of elements and nodes agree",
                error=not eGood,

        if not silent:
            console("Testing the processing instructions ...")

        pGood = self.numEqual(nPisTF, nPisWA, silent)

        if not pGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(pGood)} - whether the amounts of processing instructions agree",
                error=not pGood,

        self.console("Testing the element/pi annotations ...")

        element = 0
        pi = 0
        other = 0
        goodName = 0
        wrongName = 0
        unmapped = 0

        self.console(f"\t{len(nodeFromAid)} element/pi annotations")

        wrongTargets = []
        allTargets = 0
        goodTargets = 0

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            isElem = kind == KIND_ELEM
            isPi = kind == KIND_PI

            if not (isElem or isPi):
                other += 1

            if isElem:
                element += 1
                pi += 1

            tag = body
            node = nodeFromAid.get(aId, None)

            if node is None:
                unmapped += 1

            otype = fotypev(node)

            if isPi and tag == otype[1:] or not isPi and tag == otype:
                goodName += 1
                wrongName += 1

            if type(target) is not tuple or len(target) != 4:
                wrongTargets.append((aId, kind, body, target))
                node = nodeFromAid[aId]
                slots = eoslots(node)
                sb = slots[0]
                se = slots[-1]
                bTr = waSlotTF.get(sb, None)
                eTr = waSlotTF.get(se, None)

                if eTr is not None:
                    eTr = (eTr[0], eTr[1] + 1)

                bWA = (target[0], target[1])
                eWA = (target[2], target[3])

                bRep = f"{bWA}" if bTr == bWA else f"{bWA} XX {bTr}"
                eRep = f"{eWA}" if eTr == eWA else f"{eWA} XX {eTr}"

                if bTr is None or eTr is None or bTr != bWA or eTr != eWA:
                    wrongTargets.append((aId, kind, body, f"{bRep} - {eRep}"))
                    goodTargets += 1

            allTargets += 1

        self.console(f"\tElement      : {element:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tPi           : {pi:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tOther        : {other:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tGood name    : {goodName:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tWrong name   : {wrongName:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tGood target  : {goodTargets:>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tWrong target : {len(wrongTargets):>6} x")
        self.console(f"\tUnmapped     : {unmapped:>6} x")

        aGood = wrongName == 0 and unmapped == 0

        if not aGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(aGood)} - whether all element/pi annotations have good bodies",
                error=not aGood,

        tGood = len(wrongTargets) == 0

        if not tGood or not silent:
                f"{rep(tGood)} - whether all element/pi annotations have good targets",
                error=not tGood,
            if not tGood:
                tExamples = "\n\t\t".join(str(a) for a in wrongTargets[0:10])

        return aGood and tGood and eGood and pGood

    def testAttributes(self):
        """Test the attributes.

        We test whether attributes and features correspond to each other.

        Some attributes in the original TEI are converted in a special way into
        TF features: this holds for the `rend` attribute.
        Basically, a value `rend="italic"` is translated into feature
        In turn, these features have been translated into annotations of kind
        `format`. We test them separately.

        We also do not test the attributes that have been inherited from nodes
        to sub nodes during the WATM generation.
        These annotations do not have namespace `TEI`.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        Fs = self.Fs
        Fall = self.Fall
        eoslots = self.eoslots
        waSlotTF = self.waSlotTF
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid
        testNodes = self.testNodes
        nsOrig = self.nsOrig
        silent = self.silent
        excludeFeatures = self.excludeFeatures

        isTei = nsOrig == NS_TEI

        self.console("Testing the attributes ...")

        attWA = []

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_ATTR:
            if type(target) is tuple and len(target) == 4:
                target = (target[0], target[1])
            node = nodeFromAid[target]
            att, value = body.split("=", 1)
            attWA.append((node, att, value))

        attWA = sorted(attWA)

        self.console(f"\t{len(attWA)} attribute values")

        good = 0
        wrong = []

        for node, att, valWA in attWA:
            val = Fs(att).v(node)
            valTF = None if val is None else str(val)

            if valWA == valTF:
                good += 1
                wrong.append((node, att, valWA, valTF))

        consistent = len(wrong) == 0

        self.console(f"\tGood:     {good:>5} x")

        if not consistent or not silent:
            console(f"\tWrong:    {len(wrong):>5} x", error=not consistent)

                f"{rep(consistent)} - whether annotations are consistent with features",
                error=not consistent,

        attTF = []

        for feat in Fall():
            if feat in TF_SPECIFIC_FEATURES or feat in excludeFeatures:

            if skipMeta and feat == "is_meta":

            if isTei and (
                (feat != "is_meta" and feat.startswith("is_"))
                or feat.startswith("rend_")

            for node, valTF in Fs(feat).items():
                if node not in testNodes:

                slots = eoslots(node)
                b = slots[0]
                e = slots[-1]

                if not (b in waSlotTF and e in waSlotTF):

                attTF.append((node, feat, None if valTF is None else str(valTF)))

        attTF = sorted(attTF)

        self.console(f"\tWA attributes: {len(attWA)}")
        self.console(f"\tTF attributes: {len(attTF)}")

        complete = attTF == attWA

        if not complete or not silent:
                f"{rep(complete)} - whether annotations are complete w.r.t. features",
                error=not complete,

        self.console("Testing the format attributes ...")

        fmtWA = []

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_FMT:
            if body == "note":
            if type(target) is tuple and len(target) == 4:
                target = (target[0], target[1])
            node = nodeFromAid[target]
            fmtWA.append((node, body))

        fmtWA = sorted(fmtWA)
        fmtFreqWA = collections.Counter()

        for node, body in fmtWA:
            fmtFreqWA[body] += 1

        if not silent:
            console(f"\t{len(fmtWA)} format values")
            console("\tformatting attributes: ")

            for fa, n in sorted(fmtFreqWA.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])):
                console(f"\t\t{n:>6} x {fa}")

        good = 0
        wrong = []

        for node, valWA in fmtWA:
            feat = f"rend_{valWA}"
            valTF = valWA if Fs(feat).v(node) else None

            if valWA == valTF:
                good += 1
                wrong.append((node, feat, valWA, valTF))

        fconsistent = len(wrong) == 0

        self.console(f"\tGood:     {good:>5} x")

        if not fconsistent or not silent:
            console(f"\tWrong:    {len(wrong):>5} x")

            for node, feat, valWA, valTF in wrong[0:5]:
                console(f"\t\t{node:>6} {feat}:\n", error=True)
                console(f"\t\t\tTF = «{valTF}»", error=True)
                console(f"\t\t\tWA = «{valWA}»", error=True)

                f"{rep(fconsistent)} - "
                f"whether format annotations are consistent with features",
                error=not fconsistent,

        fmtTF = []

        for feat in Fall():
            if feat in excludeFeatures:

            if not feat.startswith("rend_"):

            value = feat.split("_", 2)[1]
            if value == "note":

            for node, valTF in Fs(feat).items():
                slots = eoslots(node)
                b = slots[0]
                e = slots[-1]

                if not (b in waSlotTF and e in waSlotTF):

                fmtTF.append((node, value))

        fmtTF = sorted(fmtTF)

        self.console(f"\tWA format attributes: {len(fmtWA)}")
        self.console(f"\tTF format attributes: {len(fmtTF)}")

        fcomplete = fmtTF == fmtWA

        if not fcomplete or not silent:
                f"{rep(complete)} - "
                f"whether format annotations are complete w.r.t. features",
                error=not fcomplete,

        return consistent and complete and fconsistent and fcomplete

    def testExtra(self):
        """Test the extra data for on-the-fly annotations.

        Annotations that have been generated out of the data stored in the
        `extra` parameter with which the object has been initialized, all got
        the kind `anno`.

        Now we check these annotations against the data that went into it.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid
        extra = self.extra
        silent = self.silent

        self.console("Testing the extra annotations ...")

        attWA = []

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_ANNO:
            node = nodeFromAid[target]
            att, value = body.split("=", 1)
            attWA.append((node, att, value))

        attWA = sorted(attWA)

        attEX = []

        for feat, featData in extra.items():
            for n, value in featData.items():
                attEX.append((n, feat, value))

        attEX = sorted(attEX)

        self.console(f"\t{len(attEX)} extra feature values")
        self.console(f"\t{len(attWA)} extra annotations")

        good = attWA == attEX

        def showData(tuples, isin, isout):
            data = {}

            for n, f, v in tuples:
                data.setdefault(f, {})[n] = v

            for f in sorted(data):
                fData = data[f]
                    f"\t{isin}: {f} misses {len(fData)} annotations in {isout}",
                for n in sorted(fData.keys())[0:3]:
                    console(f"\t\t\t{n:>7} = {fData[n]}", error=True)

        if not good:
            attWASet = set(attWA)
            attEXSet = set(attEX)

            onlyWA = attWASet - attEXSet
            onlyEX = attEXSet - attWASet

            if len(onlyWA):
                showData(onlyWA, "WA", "EX")
                self.console("\tWA: All extra annotations derive from the extra data")
            if len(onlyEX):
                showData(onlyEX, "EX", "WA")
                self.console("\tEX: All extra data ended up as annotations")

        if not good or not silent:
                f"{rep(good)} - whether the extra annotations agree", error=not good

        return good

    def testEdges(self):
        """Test the edges.

        Edges in TF are links between nodes, and they translate into annotations of
        kind `edge` which target a pair of annotations: the `from` annotation,
        and the `to` annotation.

        Here we check whether the TF edges are faithfully and completely parallelled
        by annotations.

            Whether all these tests succeed.
        Es = self.Es
        Eall = self.Eall
        annotations = self.testAnnotations
        silent = self.silent
        nodeFromAid = self.nodeFromAid
        testNodes = self.testNodes
        excludeFeatures = self.excludeFeatures

        self.console("Testing the edges ...")

        tfFromWAEdges = {}

        for aId, kind, ns, body, target in annotations:
            if kind != KIND_EDGE:

            fro, to = target
            fromNode = nodeFromAid[fro]
            toNode = nodeFromAid[to]
            parts = body.split("=", 1)
            name, val = (body, None) if len(parts) == 1 else parts
            tfFromWAEdges.setdefault(name, {}).setdefault(fromNode, {})[toNode] = val

        if not silent:
            console(f"\tFound: {len(nodeFromAid)} nodes")

            for edge, edgeData in sorted(tfFromWAEdges.items()):
                console(f"\tFound edge {edge} with {len(edgeData)} starting nodes")

        allGood = True

        for edge in set(Eall()) | set(tfFromWAEdges):
            if edge == OSLOTS or edge in excludeFeatures:

            self.console(f"\tChecking edge {edge}")

            good = True

            x = f"edge {edge}: " if silent else "\t\t"

            if edge not in set(Eall()):
                console(f"{x}missing in TF data", error=True)
                good = False

            if edge not in tfFromWAEdges:
                console(f"{x}missing in annotation data", error=True)
                good = False

            if not good:
                good = False
                allGood = False

            dataTF = {}

            for f, ts in Es(edge).items():
                if f not in testNodes:

                if type(ts) is dict:
                    for t, v in ts.items():
                        if t not in testNodes:
                        dataTF.setdefault(f, {})[t] = v
                    for t in ts:
                        if t not in testNodes:
                        dataTF.setdefault(f, {})[t] = None

            dataWA = tfFromWAEdges[edge]

            fromNodesTF = set(dataTF)
            fromNodesWA = set(dataWA)

            nFromTF = len(fromNodesTF)
            nFromWA = len(fromNodesWA)

            if fromNodesTF == fromNodesWA:
                self.console(f"\t\tsame {nFromTF} fromNodes")
                    f"{x}from nodes differ: {nFromTF} in TF, {nFromWA} in WA",
                good = False

            diffs = []

            nToChecked = 0

            for f, toNodeInfoTF in dataTF.items():
                toNodeInfoWA = dataWA[f]
                toNodeInfoTF = {
                    k: None if v is None else str(v) for (k, v) in toNodeInfoTF.items()

                if toNodeInfoTF != toNodeInfoWA:
                    diffs.append((f, toNodeInfoTF, toNodeInfoWA))

                nToChecked += len(toNodeInfoTF)

            if len(diffs):
                good = False
                    f"{x}differences in toNodes for {len(diffs)} fromNodes", error=True

                for f, toNodeInfoTF, toNodeInfoWA in sorted(diffs)[0:10]:
                    console(f"{x}\tfromNode {f}", error=True)

                    toNodesTF = set(toNodeInfoTF)
                    toNodesWA = set(toNodeInfoWA)

                    nToTF = len(toNodesTF)
                    nToWA = len(toNodesWA)

                    if toNodesTF == toNodesWA:
                        self.console(f"\t\t\tsame {nToTF} toNodes")
                            f"{x}\ttoNodes differ: {nToTF} in TF, {nToWA} in WA",
                    for t in toNodesTF | toNodesWA:
                        doCompare = True
                        if t not in toNodesTF:
                            console(f"{x}\t\ttoNode {t} not in TF", error=True)
                            doCompare = False
                            valTF = toNodeInfoTF[t]

                        if t not in toNodesWA:
                            console(f"{x}\t\ttoNode {t} not in WA", error=True)
                            doCompare = False
                            valWA = toNodeInfoWA[t]

                        if doCompare:
                            if valTF == valWA:
                                    f"\t\t\t\ttoNode{t} values agree: {repr(valTF)}"
                                    f"{x}\t\ttoNode{t} values differ: "
                                    f"TF: {repr(valTF)} WA: {repr(valWA)}",

            if not good or not silent:
                console(f"\t{rep(good)} - {nToChecked} toNodes checked", error=not good)

            if not good:
                allGood = False

        self.console(f"{rep(allGood)} - whether all edges agree")

        return allGood

Static methods

def numEqual(nTF, nWA, silent)

Compare two numbers and report the outcome.

Used for testing the WATM conversion.


nTF : integer
The number as it is counted from the original TF dataset.
nWA : integer
The number as it is counted from the generated WATM dataset.


Whether the two values are equal.
def strEqual(tf, wa, silent)

Compare two strings and report the outcome.

Used for testing the WATM conversion.


nTF : string
The string as encountered in the original TF dataset.
nWA : string
The string as encountered in the generated WATM dataset.


Whether the two values are equal.


def console(self, msg, **kwargs)

Print something to the output.

This works exactly as console()

When the silent member of the object is True, the message will be suppressed.

def getLogicalPairs(self)
def makeAnno(self)

Make all annotations.

The annotations are stored in a big list, in member anno of this object.

The mapping from slots to indices in the list of tokens is now extended with the mapping from nodes to corresponding node annotations.

So member waFromTF is now a full mapping from all nodes in TF to tokens and/or annotations in WATM.

def makeText(self)

Creates the text data.

The text is a list of tokens and will be stored in member text in this object. Additionally, the mapping from slot numbers in the TF data to indices in this list is stored in member waFromTF.

def mkAnno(self, kind, ns, body, target, inherited=False)

Make a single annotation and return its id.


kind : string
The kind of annotation.
ns : string
The namespace of the annotation.
body : string
The body of the annotation.
target : string or tuple of strings
The target of the annotation.
inherited : boolean, optional False
Whether this annotation derives from an inherited feature value
def testAll(self, condensed=False)

Test all aspects of the WATM conversion.

For all kinds of information, such as nodes, edges, features, tokens, annotations, we check whether the parts that should correspond between the TF dataset and the WATM annotations do so indeed.

We present some statistics, and highlight the mismatches.


condensed : boolean, optional False
If silent has been passed to the object, there is still some output for each corpus, namely whether all tests have passed. If condensed is True, we suppress this output.


Whether all things that must agree do indeed agree.
def testAttributes(self)

Test the attributes.

We test whether attributes and features correspond to each other.

Some attributes in the original TEI are converted in a special way into TF features: this holds for the rend attribute. Basically, a value rend="italic" is translated into feature is_italic=1. In turn, these features have been translated into annotations of kind format. We test them separately.

We also do not test the attributes that have been inherited from nodes to sub nodes during the WATM generation. These annotations do not have namespace TEI.


Whether all these tests succeed.
def testEdges(self)

Test the edges.

Edges in TF are links between nodes, and they translate into annotations of kind edge which target a pair of annotations: the from annotation, and the to annotation.

Here we check whether the TF edges are faithfully and completely parallelled by annotations.


Whether all these tests succeed.
def testElements(self)

Test the elements.

We test the annotations representing elements/processing instructions and check whether they correspond 1-1 to the non-slot nodes in the TF dataset.


Whether all these tests succeed.
def testExtra(self)

Test the extra data for on-the-fly annotations.

Annotations that have been generated out of the data stored in the extra parameter with which the object has been initialized, all got the kind anno.

Now we check these annotations against the data that went into it.


Whether all these tests succeed.
def testSetup(self)

Prepare the tests.

We read the WATM dataset and store the tokens in member testTokens and the annotations in the member testAnnotations, and the node mapping in the member nodeFromAid. We unpack targets if they contain structured information.

def testText(self)

Test the text.

We test the number of tokens and the equality of the resulting text: whether the TF and WATM datasets agree on it.


Whether all these tests succeed.
def writeAll(self, resultVersion=None)

Write text and annotation data to disk.

The data will be written as JSON files, or, is asTsv is in force, as TSV files. When the annotation data grows larger than a certain threshold, it will be divided over several files.

The annotations are sorted by annotation id.


resultVersion : string, optional None
If not None, the resultVersion is in this directory. This is needed if WATM is generated for a series of related datasets that have the same result base.
class WATMS (org, repo, backend, nsOrig, skipMeta=False, extra={}, silent=False)

Export corpora that are divided over multiple TF datasets.

We set up and run WATM objects for each TF dataset, and generate results for them separately.

We assume that all corpora have been generated by the same method and originate from the same original format.

They must reside in the same repository, in adjacent directories under the tf top-level directory of the repo.

Collect the parameters for the WATM machinery.

We will initialize many WATM objects with mostly the same parameters. These are collected when we initialize this object.


org : string
The organization of all TF datasets.
repo : string
The repo of all TF datasets.
backend : string
The backend of all TF datasets.
nsOrig : string
The original namespace of all TF datasets. See WATM.
skipMeta : boolean, optional False
extra : dictionary, optional {}
silent : boolean, optional False
Whether to operate in silence.
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class WATMS:
    """Export corpora that are divided over multiple TF datasets.

    We set up and run WATM objects for each TF dataset, and generate results
    for them separately.

    We assume that all corpora have been generated by the same method and originate
    from the same original format.

    They must reside in the same repository, in adjacent directories under the `tf`
    top-level directory of the repo.

    def __init__(
        self, org, repo, backend, nsOrig, skipMeta=False, extra={}, silent=False
        """Collect the parameters for the WATM machinery.

        We will initialize many `WATM` objects with mostly the same parameters.
        These are collected when we initialize this object.

        org: string
            The organization of all TF datasets.
        repo: string
            The repo of all TF datasets.
        backend: string
            The backend of all TF datasets.
        nsOrig: string
            The original namespace of all TF datasets.
            See `tf.convert.watm.WATM`.
        skipMeta: boolean, optional False
            See `tf.convert.watm.WATM`.
        extra: dictionary, optional {}
            See `tf.convert.watm.WATM`.
        silent: boolean, optional False
            Whether to operate in silence.
        """ = org
        self.repo = repo
        self.backend = backend
        self.nsOrig = nsOrig
        self.skipMeta = skipMeta
        self.extra = extra
        self.silent = silent

        self.error = False

        repoDir = f"{backendRep(backend, 'clone')}/{org}/{repo}"
        self.repoDir = repoDir

        appDir = f"{repoDir}/app"
        appConfig = f"{appDir}/{APP_CONFIG}"
        appSettings = readYaml(asFile=appConfig)

        tfVersion = (
            if appSettings is None or appSettings.provenanceSpec is None
            else appSettings.provenanceSpec.version

        if tfVersion is None:
            console(f"Could not find the TF version in {appConfig}", error=True)
            self.error = True

        console(f"Making WATMS for version {tfVersion} ...")
        self.tfVersion = tfVersion

        tfDir = f"{repoDir}/tf"
        docs = dirContents(tfDir)[1]

        self.console(f"Found {len(docs)} docs in {tfDir}") = docs

    def console(self, msg, **kwargs):
        """Print something to the output.

        This works exactly as `tf.core.helpers.console`

        When the silent member of the object is True, the message will be suppressed.
        silent = self.silent

        if not silent:
            console(msg, **kwargs)

    def produce(self, doc=None, prod=False):
        """Convert all relevant TF datasets.

        doc: string, optional None
            Subdirectory where one of the TF datasets resides.
            If passed, only this dataset will be converted.
            Otherwise all datasets will be converted.
        prod: boolean, optional False
            See `WATM.writeAll`
        error = self.error
        silent = self.silent

        if error:
            self.console("Cannot run because of an earlier error")

        org =
        repo = self.repo
        backend = self.backend
        nsOrig = self.nsOrig
        skipMeta = self.skipMeta
        extra = self.extra
        docs =
        silent = self.silent
        repoDir = self.repoDir
        tfVersion = self.tfVersion

        chosenDoc = doc

        resultVersion = getResultDir(repoDir, "", tfVersion, prod, silent)

        good = True

        for doc in sorted(docs, key=lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1:]))):
            if chosenDoc is not None and chosenDoc != doc:

            self.console(f"{doc:>5} ... ", newline=False)

            A = use(
            WA = WATM(
                A, nsOrig, skipMeta=skipMeta, extra=extra, silent=silent, prod=prod

            if WA.error:
                good = False

        if not silent or error:
            console(f"WATM generation: {rep(good)}", error=not good)


def console(self, msg, **kwargs)

Print something to the output.

This works exactly as console()

When the silent member of the object is True, the message will be suppressed.

def produce(self, doc=None, prod=False)

Convert all relevant TF datasets.


doc : string, optional None
Subdirectory where one of the TF datasets resides. If passed, only this dataset will be converted. Otherwise all datasets will be converted.
prod : boolean, optional False
See WATM.writeAll()