
Meaningful information from XML schemas.

When parsing XML it is sometimes needed to know the properties of the current element, especially whether it allows mixed content or not.

If it does not, it is safe to discard white-space, otherwise not.

Moreover, if there are two adjacent elements, each containing text, are the string at the end of the first element and the string at the start of the second element part of the same word?

If both elements are contained in a element that does not allow mixed content, they are separate words (the XML-elements are used as data containers); otherwise they belong to the same word (the XML-elements annotate a piece of string).

This module can perform several analysis tasks of XML schemas.

fromrelax task:

Transforms a RelaxNG schema into an equivalent XSD schema using James Clark's TRANG library. For this, you must have java installed.

analyse task:

Given an XML schema file, produces a tab-separated list of elements defined in the schema, with columns

(element name) (simple or complex) (mixed or pure content)

tei task:

Analyses the complete TEI schema plus optional customizations on top of it. If you pass an optional customised TEI schema, it will be analysed separately, and the result will be used to override the result of analysing the complete TEI schema. The complete TEI schema is part of this package, you do not have to provide it. It has been generated on with the online TEI-Roma tool.


This code has only been tested on a single XSD, converted from a RelaxNG file produced by a customization of TEI.

It could very well be that I have missed parts of the semantics of XML-Schema.


This program can be used as a library or as a command-line tool.

As command-line tool

xmlschema validate schema.rng/xsd doc1.xml doc2.xml ...
xmlschema fromrelax schema.rng
xmlschema analyse schema.xsd
xmlschema tei customschema.xsd
xmlschema tei

Here customschema and schema are variable arguments.

The result is written to the console and / or a file in the current directory (from where the command xmlschema is called):

  • output from task validate is written to the standard output/error
  • output from task fromrelax is a file schema.xsd;
  • output from task analysis is written to schema.tsv;
  • output from task tei is written to customschema.tsv.

As library

You can write a script with exactly the same behavior as the xmlschema command as follows:

from import Analysis
A = Analysis()

You can run individual commands:

from import Analysis
A = Analysis()
good = A.task("tei", "customSchema.xsd")
good = A.task("analysis", "schema.xsd"))
good = A.task("fromrelax", "schema.rng")
good = A.task("validate", "schema.rng", "doc1.xml", "doc2.xml")

In order to get the analysis results after tasks tei and analysis:

(good, defs) = A.elements(baseSchema, override=override)

In order to get the validation results after task validate:

(good, stdOut, stdErr) = A.validate("schema.rng", "doc1.xml", "doc2.xml")
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## Meaningful information from XML schemas.

When parsing XML it is sometimes needed to know the properties of the current
element, especially whether it allows mixed content or not.

If it does not, it is safe to discard white-space, otherwise not.

Moreover, if there are two adjacent elements, each containing text, are
the string at the end of the first element and the string at the start
of the second element part of the same word?

If both elements are contained in a element that does not allow mixed content,
they are separate words (the XML-elements are used as data containers);
otherwise they belong to the same word (the XML-elements annotate a piece
of string).

This module can perform several analysis tasks of XML schemas.

`fromrelax` task:

Transforms a RelaxNG schema into an equivalent XSD schema using James Clark's
TRANG library.  For this, you must have java installed.

`analyse` task:

Given an XML schema file, produces a tab-separated list of elements defined in
the schema, with columns

(element name) (simple or complex) (mixed or pure content)

`tei` task:

Analyses the complete TEI schema plus optional customizations on top of it.  If
you pass an optional customised TEI schema, it will be analysed separately, and
the result will be used to override the result of analysing the complete TEI
schema.  The complete TEI schema is part of this package, you do not have to
provide it.  It has been generated on with the online
[`TEI-Roma` tool](

!!! note "Caution"
    This code has only been tested on a single XSD, converted from a RelaxNG
    file produced by a customization of TEI.

    It could very well be that I have missed parts of the semantics of XML-Schema.

## Usage

This program can be used as a library or as a command-line tool.

### As command-line tool

``` sh
xmlschema validate schema.rng/xsd doc1.xml doc2.xml ...
xmlschema fromrelax schema.rng
xmlschema analyse schema.xsd
xmlschema tei customschema.xsd
xmlschema tei

Here `customschema` and `schema` are variable arguments.

The result is written to the console and / or a file in the current directory
(from where the command `xmlschema` is called):

*   output from task `validate` is written to the standard output/error
*   output from task `fromrelax` is a file `schema.xsd`;
*   output from task `analysis` is written to `schema.tsv`;
*   output from task `tei` is written to `customschema.tsv`.

### As library

You can write a script with exactly the same behavior as the `xmlschema` command
as follows:

``` python
from import Analysis
A = Analysis()

You can run individual commands:

``` python
from import Analysis
A = Analysis()
good = A.task("tei", "customSchema.xsd")
good = A.task("analysis", "schema.xsd"))
good = A.task("fromrelax", "schema.rng")
good = A.task("validate", "schema.rng", "doc1.xml", "doc2.xml")

In order to get the analysis results after tasks `tei` and `analysis`:

``` python
(good, defs) = A.elements(baseSchema, override=override)

In order to get the validation results after task `validate`:

``` python
(good, stdOut, stdErr) = A.validate("schema.rng", "doc1.xml", "doc2.xml")


import sys
import collections
import re

from ..capable import CheckImport
from ..core.helpers import console, run
from ..core.files import fileOpen, fileExists, fileNm, dirNm, abspath

class Elements(CheckImport):
    types = set(

    notInteresting = set(

    def __init__(self, debug=False, verbose=-1):
        """Trivial initialization of the Elements class.

        Further configuration happens in the `configure` method.

        debug: boolean, optional False
            Whether to run in debug mode or not.
            In debug mode more information is shown on the console.
        verbose: integer, optional -1
            Produce no (-1), some (0) or many (1) progress and reporting messages
        if self.importOK(hint=True):
            self.etree = self.importGet()

        self.good = True

        self.verbose = verbose
        self.debug = debug
        self.myDir = dirNm(abspath(__file__))

    def configure(self, baseSchema, override=None, roots=None):
        """Configure for an XML schema and overrides

        baseSchema: string
            The path of the XSD file that acts as the base schema that we want
            to analyse.
        override: string, optional None
            The path of another schema intended to override parts of the `baseSchema`.
        roots: list, optional None
            If passed, it should be the list of root elements of the schema, resulting
            from another configure call with the same `baseSchema`, but not necessarily
            the same override).
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.good:

        etree = self.etree
        verbose = self.verbose

        self.baseSchema = baseSchema
        self.baseSchemaDir = dirNm(baseSchema)
        self.override = override
        self.overrideDir = None if override is None else dirNm(override)

        self.outputFile = (
            fileNm(override if override is not None else baseSchema).removesuffix(
            + ".tsv"

        def findImports(node):
            """Inner function to walk through the XSD and get the import statements.

            This function is called recursively for child nodes.

            node: Object
                The current node.
            tag = etree.QName(node.tag).localname
            if tag == "import":
                otherFile = node.attrib.get("schemaLocation", "??")
                if otherFile not in {"xml.xsd", "teix.xsd"}:
                    sep = "/" if schemaDir else ""
                    otherPath = f"{schemaDir}{sep}{otherFile}"
                    otherExists = fileExists(otherPath)
                    status = "exists" if otherExists else "missing"
                    kind = "INFO" if otherExists else "WARNING"
                    if verbose >= 0 or kind != "INFO":
                        console(f"{kind}: Needs {otherFile} ({status})")
                    if otherExists:

            for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):

        if roots is None:
            doParseBaseSchema = True
            roots = []
            doParseBaseSchema = False
        self.roots = roots
        oroots = []
        self.oroots = oroots

            if doParseBaseSchema:
                with fileOpen(baseSchema) as fh:
                    tree = etree.parse(fh)

                root = tree.getroot()
                schemaDir = self.baseSchemaDir
                dependents = []


                for dependent in dependents:
                    with fileOpen(dependent) as fh:
                        dTree = etree.parse(fh)
                        dRoot = dTree.getroot()

            if override is not None:
                with fileOpen(override) as fh:
                    tree = etree.parse(fh)

                oroot = tree.getroot()
                schemaDir = self.overrideDir
                dependents = []


                for dependent in dependents:
                    with fileOpen(dependent) as fh:
                        dTree = etree.parse(fh)
                        dRoot = dTree.getroot()

            self.good = True

        except Exception as e:
            msg = f"Could not read and parse {baseSchema}"
            if override is not None:
                msg += " or {override}"
            self.good = False

    def eKey(x):
        """Sort the dictionary with element definitions.

        x: tuple
            The element name and the element info.

            The members are such that definitions from other than `xs:element`
            come first, and within `xs:element` those that are "abstract" come
        name = x[0]
        tag = x[1]["tag"]
        abstract = x[1]["abstract"]

        return (
            "0" if tag == "simpleType" else "1" if tag == "complexType" else tag,
            "" if abstract else "x",

    def interpret(self):
        """Reads the XSD and interprets the element definitions.

        The definitions are read with the module LXML.

        For each definition of a name certain attributes are remembered, e.g.
        the `kind`, the presence of a `mixed` attribute, whether it is a
        `substitutionGroup` or `extension`, and whether it is `abstract`.

        When elements refer to a `substitutionGroup`, they need to get
        the `kind` and `mixed` attributes of that group.

        When elements refer to a *base*, they need to get
        the *kind* and *mixed* attributes of an extension with that *base*.

        After an initial parse of the XSD file, we do a variable number of
        resolving rounds, where we chase the substitution groups and
        extensions, until nothing changes anymore.

        The info that is gathered is put in `self.defs` and can be retrieved
        by method `getDefs()`.

        The info is a list of items, one item per element.
        Each item is a tuple of: element name, element kind, mixed status.

        The absence of the element *kind* and *mixed* status are indicated
        with `None`.
        If all went well, there are no such absences!
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.good:

        etree = self.etree
        verbose = self.verbose
        debug = self.debug
        roots = self.roots
        oroots = self.oroots
        types = self.types
        override = self.override

        definitions = {}
        redefinitions = collections.Counter()

        def findDefs(node, definingName, topDef):
            """Inner function to walk through the XSD and get definitions.

            This function is called recursively for child nodes.

            node: Object
                The current node.
            definingName: string | void
                If this has a value, we are underneath a definition.

            topDef: boolean
                If we are underneath a definition, this indicates
                we are at the top-level of that definition.
            tag = etree.QName(node.tag).localname

            name = node.get("name")
            abstract = node.get("abstract") == "true"
            mixed = node.get("mixed") == "true"
            subs = node.get("substitutionGroup")

            if definingName:
                if topDef:
                    if tag in types:
                        definitions[definingName]["kind"] = (
                            "simple" if tag == "simpleType" else "complex"
                        if mixed:
                            definitions[definingName]["mixed"] = mixed
                    if tag == "extension":
                        base = node.get("base")
                        if base:
                            definitions[definingName]["base"] = base

            if name and tag not in self.notInteresting:
                if name in definitions:
                    redefinitions[name] += 1
                    definitions[name] = dict(
                        tag=tag, abstract=abstract, mixed=mixed, subs=subs

            if definingName:
                defining = definingName
                top = False
                isElementDef = name and tag == "element"
                defining = name if isElementDef else False
                top = True if defining else False

            for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
                findDefs(child, defining, top)

        if verbose >= 0:
            console(f"Analysing {self.baseSchema}")
        for root in roots:
            findDefs(root, False, False)
        if debug:

        baseDefinitions = definitions

        self.overrides = {}

        if len(oroots) > 0:
            definitions = {}
            redefinitions = collections.Counter()
            if verbose >= 0:
                console(f"Analysing {override}")
            for root in oroots:
                findDefs(root, False, False)
            if debug:

            for (name, odef) in definitions.items():

                oKind = self.repKind(odef.get("kind", None))
                oMixed = self.repMixed(odef.get("mixed", None))

                if name in baseDefinitions:
                    baseDef = baseDefinitions[name]
                    baseKind = self.repKind(baseDef.get("kind", None))
                    baseMixed = self.repMixed(baseDef.get("mixed", None))
                    transRep = (
                        f"{baseKind} {baseMixed} ==> {oKind} {oMixed}"
                        if baseKind != oKind and baseMixed != oMixed
                        else f"{baseKind} ==> {oKind}"
                        if baseKind != oKind
                        else f"{baseMixed} ==> {oMixed}"
                        if baseMixed != oMixed
                        else None
                    if transRep is not None:
                        baseDefinitions[name] = odef
                    self.overrides[name] = transRep
                    baseDefinitions[name] = odef
                    if odef["tag"] == "element" and not odef["abstract"]:
                        self.overrides[name] = f"{oKind} {oMixed} (added)"

        self.defs = tuple(
            (name, info.get("kind", None), info.get("mixed", None))
            for (name, info) in sorted(baseDefinitions.items(), key=self.eKey)
            if info["tag"] == "element" and not info["abstract"]

    def writeDefs(self, outputDir):
        """Writes the definitions of the elements to a file.

        The definitions are written as a TSV file.
        The name of the file is derived from the name of the XSD file, the
        extension is `.tsv`.
        verbose = self.verbose
        outputFile = self.outputFile

        outputPath = f"{outputDir}/{outputFile}"
        with fileOpen(outputPath, mode="w") as fh:
        if verbose >= 0:
            console(f"Analysis written to {outputPath}\n")

    def getDefs(self, asTsv=False):
        """Delivers the analysis results.

        asTsv: boolean, optional False
            If True, the result is delivered as a TSV text,
            otherwise as a list.

        string | list
            One line / item per element.
            Each line has: element name, element kind, mixed status.

            The absence of the element *kind* and *mixed* status are indicated
            with `---` in the TSV and with the `None` value in the list.
            If all went well, there are no such absences!
        defs = self.defs

        return (
                for (name, kind, mixed) in defs
            if asTsv
            else defs

    def repMixed(m):
        return "-----" if m is None else "mixed" if m else "pure"

    def repKind(k):
        return "-----" if k is None else k

    def resolve(self, definitions):
        """Resolve indirections in the definitions.

        After having read the complete XSD file,
        we can now dereference names and fill properties of their definitions
        in places where the names occur.
        debug = self.debug
        verbose = self.verbose

        def infer():
            changed = 0
            for (name, info) in definitions.items():
                if info["mixed"]:

                other = info.get("base", info.get("subs", None))
                if other:
                    otherBare = other.split(":", 1)[-1]
                    otherInfo = definitions.get(otherBare, None)
                    if otherInfo is None:
                        if not other.startswith("xs:"):
                            if verbose >= 0:
                                console(f"Warning: {other} is not defined.")
                    if otherInfo["mixed"]:
                        info["mixed"] = True
                        changed += 1
                    if info.get("kind", None) is None:
                        if otherInfo.get("kind", None):
                            info["kind"] = otherInfo["kind"]
                            changed += 1
                            console(f"Warning: {other}.kind is not defined.")
                    if info.get("mixed", None) is None:
                        if otherInfo.get("mixed", None):
                            info["mixed"] = otherInfo["mixed"]
                            changed += 1
                            if verbose >= 0:
                                console(f"Warning: {other}.mixed is not defined.")

            return changed

        i = 0

        while True:
            changed = infer()
            i += 1
            if changed:
                if verbose == 1:
                    console(f"\tround {i:>3}: {changed:>3} changes")
                if debug:

    def showElems(self):
        """Shows the current state of definitions.

        Mainly for debugging.
        definitions = self.definitions
        redefinitions = self.redefinitions

        for (name, info) in sorted(definitions.items(), key=self.eKey):
            tag = info["tag"]
            mixed = "mixed" if info["mixed"] else "-----"
            abstract = "abstract" if info["abstract"] else "--------"
            kind = info.get("kind", "---")
            subs = info.get("subs")
            subsRep = f"==> {subs}" if subs else ""
            base = info.get("base")
            baseRep = f"<== {base}" if base else ""
                f"{name:<30} in {tag:<20} "
                f"({kind:<7}) ({mixed}) ({abstract}) {subsRep}{baseRep}"

        for (name, amount) in sorted(redefinitions.items()):
            console(f"{amount:>3}x {name}")

    def showOverrides(self):
        """Shows the overriding definitions."""
        verbose = self.verbose
        override = self.override

        if override:
            overrides = self.overrides
            same = sum(1 for x in overrides.items() if x[1] is None)
            distinct = len(overrides) - same
            if verbose == 1:
                console(f"{same:>3} identical override(s)")
            if verbose >= 0:
                console(f"{distinct:>3} changing override(s)")
        if verbose >= 0:
            for (name, trans) in sorted(
                x for x in self.overrides.items() if x[1] is not None
                console(f"\t{name} {trans}")

class Analysis(CheckImport):
    def help():


            xmlschema tei [customschemafile.xsd]
            xmlschema analyse {schemafile.xsd}
            xmlschema fromrelax {schemafile.rng}
            xmlschema validate {schemafile.rng} {docfile1.xml} {docfile2.xml} ...


    def __init__(self, debug=False, verbose=-1):
        """Initialization of the Analysis class.

        debug: boolean, optional False
            Whether to run in debug mode or not.
            In debug mode more information is shown on the console.
        verbose: integer, optional -1
            Produce no (-1), some (0) or many (1) progress and reporting messages
        if not self.importOK(hint=True):

        self.verbose = verbose
        self.debug = debug
        self.myDir = dirNm(abspath(__file__))
        self.setModes(debug=debug, verbose=verbose)
        self.schemaRoots = {}
        self.analyzers = {}
        self.modelRe = re.compile(r"<\?xml-model\b.*?\?>", re.S)
        self.modelSnsRe = re.compile(r"""schematypens=(['"])(.*?)\1""", re.S)
        self.modelHrefRe = re.compile(r"""href=(['"])(.*?)\1""", re.S)

    def getBaseSchema(self):
        """Get the base schema.

            A dictionary with keys `rng` and `xsd` and values the paths of the
            RNG and XSD files of the base schema.
        myDir = self.myDir

        return dict(rng=f"{myDir}/tei/tei_all.rng", xsd=f"{myDir}/tei/tei_all.xsd")

    def getModel(self, xmlContent):
        modelRe = self.modelRe
        modelSnsRe = self.modelSnsRe
        modelHrefRe = self.modelHrefRe

        modelPis = modelRe.findall(xmlContent)
        model = None

        for modelPi in modelPis:
            modelSns =
            if modelSns:
                modelSns =
                if "" in modelSns:
                    modelHref =
                    if modelHref:
                        model ="/")[-1].removesuffix(".rng")

        return model

    def setModes(self, debug=False, verbose=-1):
        """Sets debug and verbose modes.

        See ``
        self.debug = debug
        self.verbose = verbose

    def fromrelax(self, baseSchema, schemaOut):
        """Converts a RelaxNG schema to an XSD schema.

        baseSchema: string
            The RelaxNG schema to convert.
        schemaOut: string
            The XSD schema to write to.

            whether the conversion was successful.
        verbose = self.verbose
        myDir = self.myDir

        trang = f"{myDir}/trang/trang.jar"
        (good, stdOut, stdErr) = run(
            f'''java -jar {trang} "{baseSchema}" "{schemaOut}"''',
        if verbose >= 0:
        if stdErr:
            if verbose >= 0 or not good:
        return good

    def validate(self, schema, instances):
        """Validates an instance against a schema.

        schema: string
            The schema to validate against.
        instances: list
            The XML documents to validate.

        myDir = self.myDir

        jing = f"{myDir}/jing/jing.jar"
        instancesRep = " ".join(f'"{instance}"' for instance in instances)
        (good, stdOut, stdErr) = run(
            f"""java -jar {jing} -t "{schema}" {instancesRep}""",
        info = []
        errors = []

        outputLines = (stdOut + stdErr).strip().split("\n")

        for line in outputLines:
            if line.startswith("Elapsed"):

            fields = line.split(" ", 2)
            if len(fields) == 1:
                console(f"INFO: {line}")
                errors.append((None, None, None, None, "info", line))
                (file, kind) = fields[0:2]
                file = file.rstrip(":")
                kind = kind.rstrip(":")
                text = "" if len(fields) == 2 else fields[2]
                pathComps = file.rsplit("/", 2)
                (folder, file) = (
                    (None, file) if len(pathComps) == 1 else pathComps[-2::]
                fileComps = file.rsplit(":", 2)
                (file, line, col) = (
                    (file, None, None)
                    if len(fileComps) == 1
                    else (*fileComps[0:2], None)
                    if len(fileComps) == 2
                    else fileComps
                errors.append((folder, file, line, col, kind, text))

        return (good, info, errors)

    def analyser(self, baseSchema, override):
        """Initializes an analyser for a schema.
        if not self.importOK():

        if (baseSchema, override) in self.analyzers:
            return True

        debug = self.debug
        verbose = self.verbose
        schemaRoots = self.schemaRoots

        E = Elements(debug=debug, verbose=verbose)
            roots=schemaRoots.get(baseSchema, None),
        result = E.good
        if not result:
            return False

        self.schemaRoots[baseSchema] = E.roots
        self.analyzers[(baseSchema, override)] = E
        return True

    def elements(self, baseSchema, override):
        """Makes a list of elements and their properties.

        The elements of `baseSchema` are analysed and their properties are
        determined. If there is an overriding schema, the elements of that
        schema are analysed as well and the properties of the elements are
        updated with the properties of the overriding elements.
        The properties in question are whether an element is simple or complex,
        and whether its content is mixed or pure.

        baseSchema: string
            The base schema to analyse.
        override: string | None
            The overriding schema to analyse.
        write: boolean, optional True
            Whether to write the results to a file.

        (boolean, string, list)
            A tuple with three elements:
            - whether the analysis was successful
            - the name of the output file
            - the list of elements with their properties
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.analyser(baseSchema, override):
            return (False, None)

        E = self.analyzers[(baseSchema, override)]

        if not E.good:
            result = (False, None)
            result = (True, E.getDefs())

        return result

    def getElementInfo(self, baseSchema, overrides, verbose=None):
        """Analyse the schema and its overrides.

        The XML schema has useful information about the XML elements that
        occur in the source. Here we extract that information and make it

        verbose: boolean, optional None
            Produce more progress and reporting messages
            If not passed, take the verbose member of this object.

        dict of dict
            The outer dict is keyed by override.
            The inner dict is eyed by the names of the elements in that
            override (without namespaces), where the value
            for each name is a tuple of booleans: whether the element is simple
            or complex; whether the element allows mixed content or only pure content.
        if not self.importOK():

        verboseSav = None
        if verbose is not None:
            verboseSav = self.verbose
            self.verbose = verbose

        verbose = self.verbose

        elementDefs = {}
        self.elementDefs = elementDefs

        overrides = overrides if None in overrides else ([None] + list(overrides))

        for override in overrides:
            (thisGood, defs) = self.elements(baseSchema, override=override)
            if not thisGood:
                self.good = False

            elementDefs[(baseSchema, override)] = (
                {name: (typ, mixed) for (name, typ, mixed) in defs} if thisGood else {}

        if verboseSav is not None:
            self.verbose = verboseSav

    def task(self, task, *args, verbose=None):
        """Implements a higher level task.

        task: string
            The task to execute: `"fromrelax"`, `"analyse"`, `"tei"`, or `"validate"`.

        ask: list
            Any arguments for the task.
            That could be a base schema and an override.
            Not all tasks require both.

            whether the task was completed successfully.
        if not self.importOK():

        verboseSav = None

        if verbose is not None:
            verboseSav = self.verbose
            self.verbose = verbose
        verbose = self.verbose
        debug = self.debug

        result = True

        if task in {"tei", "analyse"}:
            if task == "tei":
                baseSchema = self.getBaseSchema()["xsd"]
                override = args[0] if len(args) else None
                baseSchema = args[0]
                override = None
            (good, defs) = self.elements(
                task, baseSchema, override, verbose=verbose, debug=debug
            self.defs = defs

            if good:
                if verbose >= 0:
                    console(f"{len(defs):>3} elements defined")
                console("No analysis available\n", error=True)
                self.good = False

        elif task == "fromrelax":
            baseSchema = args[0]
            schemaOut = baseSchema.removesuffix(".rng") + ".xsd"
            result = self.fromrelax(baseSchema, schemaOut)

        elif task == "validate":
            baseSchema = args[0]
            docFiles = args[1:]
            (good, stdOut, stdErr) = self.validate(baseSchema, docFiles)
            if verbose >= 0 or not good:
            result = good

        if verboseSav is not None:
            self.verbose = verboseSav

        return result

    def run(self):
        """Run a task specified by arguments on the command-line.

            0 if the task was executed successfully, otherwise 1
            -1 is an error from before executing the task,
            1 is an error from the actual execution of a task.
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.good:
            return -1

        tasks = dict(
            tei={0, 1},
        possibleFlags = {
            "-debug": False,
            "+debug": True,
            "-verbose": -1,
            "+verbose": 0,
            "++verbose": 1,

        args = sys.argv[1:]
        argSet = set(args)

        flags = {
            arg.lstrip("+-"): val
            for (arg, val) in possibleFlags.items()
            if arg in argSet
        args = [a for a in args if a not in possibleFlags]

        if "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
            return 0

        if len(args) == 0:
            console("No task specified")
            return -1

        task = args.pop(0)
        nParams = tasks.get(task, None)

        if nParams is None:
            console(f"Unrecognized task {task}")
            return -1

        if nParams is not True and len(args) not in nParams:
            console(f"Wrong number of arguments ({len(args)} for {task})")
            return -1

        return 0 if self.task(task, *args) else 1

def main():
    A = Analysis()

if __name__ == "__main__":


def main()
Expand source code Browse git
def main():
    A = Analysis()


class Analysis (debug=False, verbose=-1)

Initialization of the Analysis class.


debug : boolean, optional False
Whether to run in debug mode or not. In debug mode more information is shown on the console.
verbose : integer, optional -1
Produce no (-1), some (0) or many (1) progress and reporting messages
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class Analysis(CheckImport):
    def help():


            xmlschema tei [customschemafile.xsd]
            xmlschema analyse {schemafile.xsd}
            xmlschema fromrelax {schemafile.rng}
            xmlschema validate {schemafile.rng} {docfile1.xml} {docfile2.xml} ...


    def __init__(self, debug=False, verbose=-1):
        """Initialization of the Analysis class.

        debug: boolean, optional False
            Whether to run in debug mode or not.
            In debug mode more information is shown on the console.
        verbose: integer, optional -1
            Produce no (-1), some (0) or many (1) progress and reporting messages
        if not self.importOK(hint=True):

        self.verbose = verbose
        self.debug = debug
        self.myDir = dirNm(abspath(__file__))
        self.setModes(debug=debug, verbose=verbose)
        self.schemaRoots = {}
        self.analyzers = {}
        self.modelRe = re.compile(r"<\?xml-model\b.*?\?>", re.S)
        self.modelSnsRe = re.compile(r"""schematypens=(['"])(.*?)\1""", re.S)
        self.modelHrefRe = re.compile(r"""href=(['"])(.*?)\1""", re.S)

    def getBaseSchema(self):
        """Get the base schema.

            A dictionary with keys `rng` and `xsd` and values the paths of the
            RNG and XSD files of the base schema.
        myDir = self.myDir

        return dict(rng=f"{myDir}/tei/tei_all.rng", xsd=f"{myDir}/tei/tei_all.xsd")

    def getModel(self, xmlContent):
        modelRe = self.modelRe
        modelSnsRe = self.modelSnsRe
        modelHrefRe = self.modelHrefRe

        modelPis = modelRe.findall(xmlContent)
        model = None

        for modelPi in modelPis:
            modelSns =
            if modelSns:
                modelSns =
                if "" in modelSns:
                    modelHref =
                    if modelHref:
                        model ="/")[-1].removesuffix(".rng")

        return model

    def setModes(self, debug=False, verbose=-1):
        """Sets debug and verbose modes.

        See ``
        self.debug = debug
        self.verbose = verbose

    def fromrelax(self, baseSchema, schemaOut):
        """Converts a RelaxNG schema to an XSD schema.

        baseSchema: string
            The RelaxNG schema to convert.
        schemaOut: string
            The XSD schema to write to.

            whether the conversion was successful.
        verbose = self.verbose
        myDir = self.myDir

        trang = f"{myDir}/trang/trang.jar"
        (good, stdOut, stdErr) = run(
            f'''java -jar {trang} "{baseSchema}" "{schemaOut}"''',
        if verbose >= 0:
        if stdErr:
            if verbose >= 0 or not good:
        return good

    def validate(self, schema, instances):
        """Validates an instance against a schema.

        schema: string
            The schema to validate against.
        instances: list
            The XML documents to validate.

        myDir = self.myDir

        jing = f"{myDir}/jing/jing.jar"
        instancesRep = " ".join(f'"{instance}"' for instance in instances)
        (good, stdOut, stdErr) = run(
            f"""java -jar {jing} -t "{schema}" {instancesRep}""",
        info = []
        errors = []

        outputLines = (stdOut + stdErr).strip().split("\n")

        for line in outputLines:
            if line.startswith("Elapsed"):

            fields = line.split(" ", 2)
            if len(fields) == 1:
                console(f"INFO: {line}")
                errors.append((None, None, None, None, "info", line))
                (file, kind) = fields[0:2]
                file = file.rstrip(":")
                kind = kind.rstrip(":")
                text = "" if len(fields) == 2 else fields[2]
                pathComps = file.rsplit("/", 2)
                (folder, file) = (
                    (None, file) if len(pathComps) == 1 else pathComps[-2::]
                fileComps = file.rsplit(":", 2)
                (file, line, col) = (
                    (file, None, None)
                    if len(fileComps) == 1
                    else (*fileComps[0:2], None)
                    if len(fileComps) == 2
                    else fileComps
                errors.append((folder, file, line, col, kind, text))

        return (good, info, errors)

    def analyser(self, baseSchema, override):
        """Initializes an analyser for a schema.
        if not self.importOK():

        if (baseSchema, override) in self.analyzers:
            return True

        debug = self.debug
        verbose = self.verbose
        schemaRoots = self.schemaRoots

        E = Elements(debug=debug, verbose=verbose)
            roots=schemaRoots.get(baseSchema, None),
        result = E.good
        if not result:
            return False

        self.schemaRoots[baseSchema] = E.roots
        self.analyzers[(baseSchema, override)] = E
        return True

    def elements(self, baseSchema, override):
        """Makes a list of elements and their properties.

        The elements of `baseSchema` are analysed and their properties are
        determined. If there is an overriding schema, the elements of that
        schema are analysed as well and the properties of the elements are
        updated with the properties of the overriding elements.
        The properties in question are whether an element is simple or complex,
        and whether its content is mixed or pure.

        baseSchema: string
            The base schema to analyse.
        override: string | None
            The overriding schema to analyse.
        write: boolean, optional True
            Whether to write the results to a file.

        (boolean, string, list)
            A tuple with three elements:
            - whether the analysis was successful
            - the name of the output file
            - the list of elements with their properties
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.analyser(baseSchema, override):
            return (False, None)

        E = self.analyzers[(baseSchema, override)]

        if not E.good:
            result = (False, None)
            result = (True, E.getDefs())

        return result

    def getElementInfo(self, baseSchema, overrides, verbose=None):
        """Analyse the schema and its overrides.

        The XML schema has useful information about the XML elements that
        occur in the source. Here we extract that information and make it

        verbose: boolean, optional None
            Produce more progress and reporting messages
            If not passed, take the verbose member of this object.

        dict of dict
            The outer dict is keyed by override.
            The inner dict is eyed by the names of the elements in that
            override (without namespaces), where the value
            for each name is a tuple of booleans: whether the element is simple
            or complex; whether the element allows mixed content or only pure content.
        if not self.importOK():

        verboseSav = None
        if verbose is not None:
            verboseSav = self.verbose
            self.verbose = verbose

        verbose = self.verbose

        elementDefs = {}
        self.elementDefs = elementDefs

        overrides = overrides if None in overrides else ([None] + list(overrides))

        for override in overrides:
            (thisGood, defs) = self.elements(baseSchema, override=override)
            if not thisGood:
                self.good = False

            elementDefs[(baseSchema, override)] = (
                {name: (typ, mixed) for (name, typ, mixed) in defs} if thisGood else {}

        if verboseSav is not None:
            self.verbose = verboseSav

    def task(self, task, *args, verbose=None):
        """Implements a higher level task.

        task: string
            The task to execute: `"fromrelax"`, `"analyse"`, `"tei"`, or `"validate"`.

        ask: list
            Any arguments for the task.
            That could be a base schema and an override.
            Not all tasks require both.

            whether the task was completed successfully.
        if not self.importOK():

        verboseSav = None

        if verbose is not None:
            verboseSav = self.verbose
            self.verbose = verbose
        verbose = self.verbose
        debug = self.debug

        result = True

        if task in {"tei", "analyse"}:
            if task == "tei":
                baseSchema = self.getBaseSchema()["xsd"]
                override = args[0] if len(args) else None
                baseSchema = args[0]
                override = None
            (good, defs) = self.elements(
                task, baseSchema, override, verbose=verbose, debug=debug
            self.defs = defs

            if good:
                if verbose >= 0:
                    console(f"{len(defs):>3} elements defined")
                console("No analysis available\n", error=True)
                self.good = False

        elif task == "fromrelax":
            baseSchema = args[0]
            schemaOut = baseSchema.removesuffix(".rng") + ".xsd"
            result = self.fromrelax(baseSchema, schemaOut)

        elif task == "validate":
            baseSchema = args[0]
            docFiles = args[1:]
            (good, stdOut, stdErr) = self.validate(baseSchema, docFiles)
            if verbose >= 0 or not good:
            result = good

        if verboseSav is not None:
            self.verbose = verboseSav

        return result

    def run(self):
        """Run a task specified by arguments on the command-line.

            0 if the task was executed successfully, otherwise 1
            -1 is an error from before executing the task,
            1 is an error from the actual execution of a task.
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.good:
            return -1

        tasks = dict(
            tei={0, 1},
        possibleFlags = {
            "-debug": False,
            "+debug": True,
            "-verbose": -1,
            "+verbose": 0,
            "++verbose": 1,

        args = sys.argv[1:]
        argSet = set(args)

        flags = {
            arg.lstrip("+-"): val
            for (arg, val) in possibleFlags.items()
            if arg in argSet
        args = [a for a in args if a not in possibleFlags]

        if "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
            return 0

        if len(args) == 0:
            console("No task specified")
            return -1

        task = args.pop(0)
        nParams = tasks.get(task, None)

        if nParams is None:
            console(f"Unrecognized task {task}")
            return -1

        if nParams is not True and len(args) not in nParams:
            console(f"Wrong number of arguments ({len(args)} for {task})")
            return -1

        return 0 if self.task(task, *args) else 1


Static methods

def help()
Expand source code Browse git
def help():


        xmlschema tei [customschemafile.xsd]
        xmlschema analyse {schemafile.xsd}
        xmlschema fromrelax {schemafile.rng}
        xmlschema validate {schemafile.rng} {docfile1.xml} {docfile2.xml} ...


Instance variables

var modelHrefRe


def analyser(self, baseSchema, override)

Initializes an analyser for a schema.

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def analyser(self, baseSchema, override):
    """Initializes an analyser for a schema.
    if not self.importOK():

    if (baseSchema, override) in self.analyzers:
        return True

    debug = self.debug
    verbose = self.verbose
    schemaRoots = self.schemaRoots

    E = Elements(debug=debug, verbose=verbose)
        roots=schemaRoots.get(baseSchema, None),
    result = E.good
    if not result:
        return False

    self.schemaRoots[baseSchema] = E.roots
    self.analyzers[(baseSchema, override)] = E
    return True
def elements(self, baseSchema, override)

Makes a list of elements and their properties.

The elements of baseSchema are analysed and their properties are determined. If there is an overriding schema, the elements of that schema are analysed as well and the properties of the elements are updated with the properties of the overriding elements. The properties in question are whether an element is simple or complex, and whether its content is mixed or pure.


baseSchema : string
The base schema to analyse.
override : string | None
The overriding schema to analyse.
write : boolean, optional True
Whether to write the results to a file.


(boolean, string, list) A tuple with three elements: - whether the analysis was successful - the name of the output file - the list of elements with their properties

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def elements(self, baseSchema, override):
    """Makes a list of elements and their properties.

    The elements of `baseSchema` are analysed and their properties are
    determined. If there is an overriding schema, the elements of that
    schema are analysed as well and the properties of the elements are
    updated with the properties of the overriding elements.
    The properties in question are whether an element is simple or complex,
    and whether its content is mixed or pure.

    baseSchema: string
        The base schema to analyse.
    override: string | None
        The overriding schema to analyse.
    write: boolean, optional True
        Whether to write the results to a file.

    (boolean, string, list)
        A tuple with three elements:
        - whether the analysis was successful
        - the name of the output file
        - the list of elements with their properties
    if not self.importOK():

    if not self.analyser(baseSchema, override):
        return (False, None)

    E = self.analyzers[(baseSchema, override)]

    if not E.good:
        result = (False, None)
        result = (True, E.getDefs())

    return result
def fromrelax(self, baseSchema, schemaOut)

Converts a RelaxNG schema to an XSD schema.


baseSchema : string
The RelaxNG schema to convert.
schemaOut : string
The XSD schema to write to.


whether the conversion was successful.
Expand source code Browse git
def fromrelax(self, baseSchema, schemaOut):
    """Converts a RelaxNG schema to an XSD schema.

    baseSchema: string
        The RelaxNG schema to convert.
    schemaOut: string
        The XSD schema to write to.

        whether the conversion was successful.
    verbose = self.verbose
    myDir = self.myDir

    trang = f"{myDir}/trang/trang.jar"
    (good, stdOut, stdErr) = run(
        f'''java -jar {trang} "{baseSchema}" "{schemaOut}"''',
    if verbose >= 0:
    if stdErr:
        if verbose >= 0 or not good:
    return good
def getBaseSchema(self)

Get the base schema.


A dictionary with keys rng and xsd and values the paths of the RNG and XSD files of the base schema.
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def getBaseSchema(self):
    """Get the base schema.

        A dictionary with keys `rng` and `xsd` and values the paths of the
        RNG and XSD files of the base schema.
    myDir = self.myDir

    return dict(rng=f"{myDir}/tei/tei_all.rng", xsd=f"{myDir}/tei/tei_all.xsd")
def getElementInfo(self, baseSchema, overrides, verbose=None)

Analyse the schema and its overrides.

The XML schema has useful information about the XML elements that occur in the source. Here we extract that information and make it fast-accessible.


verbose : boolean, optional None
Produce more progress and reporting messages If not passed, take the verbose member of this object.


dict of dict
The outer dict is keyed by override. The inner dict is eyed by the names of the elements in that override (without namespaces), where the value for each name is a tuple of booleans: whether the element is simple or complex; whether the element allows mixed content or only pure content.
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def getElementInfo(self, baseSchema, overrides, verbose=None):
    """Analyse the schema and its overrides.

    The XML schema has useful information about the XML elements that
    occur in the source. Here we extract that information and make it

    verbose: boolean, optional None
        Produce more progress and reporting messages
        If not passed, take the verbose member of this object.

    dict of dict
        The outer dict is keyed by override.
        The inner dict is eyed by the names of the elements in that
        override (without namespaces), where the value
        for each name is a tuple of booleans: whether the element is simple
        or complex; whether the element allows mixed content or only pure content.
    if not self.importOK():

    verboseSav = None
    if verbose is not None:
        verboseSav = self.verbose
        self.verbose = verbose

    verbose = self.verbose

    elementDefs = {}
    self.elementDefs = elementDefs

    overrides = overrides if None in overrides else ([None] + list(overrides))

    for override in overrides:
        (thisGood, defs) = self.elements(baseSchema, override=override)
        if not thisGood:
            self.good = False

        elementDefs[(baseSchema, override)] = (
            {name: (typ, mixed) for (name, typ, mixed) in defs} if thisGood else {}

    if verboseSav is not None:
        self.verbose = verboseSav
def getModel(self, xmlContent)
Expand source code Browse git
def getModel(self, xmlContent):
    modelRe = self.modelRe
    modelSnsRe = self.modelSnsRe
    modelHrefRe = self.modelHrefRe

    modelPis = modelRe.findall(xmlContent)
    model = None

    for modelPi in modelPis:
        modelSns =
        if modelSns:
            modelSns =
            if "" in modelSns:
                modelHref =
                if modelHref:
                    model ="/")[-1].removesuffix(".rng")

    return model
def run(self)

Run a task specified by arguments on the command-line.


0 if the task was executed successfully, otherwise 1 -1 is an error from before executing the task, 1 is an error from the actual execution of a task.
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def run(self):
    """Run a task specified by arguments on the command-line.

        0 if the task was executed successfully, otherwise 1
        -1 is an error from before executing the task,
        1 is an error from the actual execution of a task.
    if not self.importOK():

    if not self.good:
        return -1

    tasks = dict(
        tei={0, 1},
    possibleFlags = {
        "-debug": False,
        "+debug": True,
        "-verbose": -1,
        "+verbose": 0,
        "++verbose": 1,

    args = sys.argv[1:]
    argSet = set(args)

    flags = {
        arg.lstrip("+-"): val
        for (arg, val) in possibleFlags.items()
        if arg in argSet
    args = [a for a in args if a not in possibleFlags]

    if "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
        return 0

    if len(args) == 0:
        console("No task specified")
        return -1

    task = args.pop(0)
    nParams = tasks.get(task, None)

    if nParams is None:
        console(f"Unrecognized task {task}")
        return -1

    if nParams is not True and len(args) not in nParams:
        console(f"Wrong number of arguments ({len(args)} for {task})")
        return -1

    return 0 if self.task(task, *args) else 1
def setModes(self, debug=False, verbose=-1)

Sets debug and verbose modes.

See Analysis

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def setModes(self, debug=False, verbose=-1):
    """Sets debug and verbose modes.

    See ``
    self.debug = debug
    self.verbose = verbose
def task(self, task, *args, verbose=None)

Implements a higher level task.


task : string
The task to execute: "fromrelax", "analyse", "tei", or "validate".
ask : list
Any arguments for the task. That could be a base schema and an override. Not all tasks require both.


whether the task was completed successfully.
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def task(self, task, *args, verbose=None):
    """Implements a higher level task.

    task: string
        The task to execute: `"fromrelax"`, `"analyse"`, `"tei"`, or `"validate"`.

    ask: list
        Any arguments for the task.
        That could be a base schema and an override.
        Not all tasks require both.

        whether the task was completed successfully.
    if not self.importOK():

    verboseSav = None

    if verbose is not None:
        verboseSav = self.verbose
        self.verbose = verbose
    verbose = self.verbose
    debug = self.debug

    result = True

    if task in {"tei", "analyse"}:
        if task == "tei":
            baseSchema = self.getBaseSchema()["xsd"]
            override = args[0] if len(args) else None
            baseSchema = args[0]
            override = None
        (good, defs) = self.elements(
            task, baseSchema, override, verbose=verbose, debug=debug
        self.defs = defs

        if good:
            if verbose >= 0:
                console(f"{len(defs):>3} elements defined")
            console("No analysis available\n", error=True)
            self.good = False

    elif task == "fromrelax":
        baseSchema = args[0]
        schemaOut = baseSchema.removesuffix(".rng") + ".xsd"
        result = self.fromrelax(baseSchema, schemaOut)

    elif task == "validate":
        baseSchema = args[0]
        docFiles = args[1:]
        (good, stdOut, stdErr) = self.validate(baseSchema, docFiles)
        if verbose >= 0 or not good:
        result = good

    if verboseSav is not None:
        self.verbose = verboseSav

    return result
def validate(self, schema, instances)

Validates an instance against a schema.


schema : string
The schema to validate against.
instances : list
The XML documents to validate.


Expand source code Browse git
def validate(self, schema, instances):
    """Validates an instance against a schema.

    schema: string
        The schema to validate against.
    instances: list
        The XML documents to validate.

    myDir = self.myDir

    jing = f"{myDir}/jing/jing.jar"
    instancesRep = " ".join(f'"{instance}"' for instance in instances)
    (good, stdOut, stdErr) = run(
        f"""java -jar {jing} -t "{schema}" {instancesRep}""",
    info = []
    errors = []

    outputLines = (stdOut + stdErr).strip().split("\n")

    for line in outputLines:
        if line.startswith("Elapsed"):

        fields = line.split(" ", 2)
        if len(fields) == 1:
            console(f"INFO: {line}")
            errors.append((None, None, None, None, "info", line))
            (file, kind) = fields[0:2]
            file = file.rstrip(":")
            kind = kind.rstrip(":")
            text = "" if len(fields) == 2 else fields[2]
            pathComps = file.rsplit("/", 2)
            (folder, file) = (
                (None, file) if len(pathComps) == 1 else pathComps[-2::]
            fileComps = file.rsplit(":", 2)
            (file, line, col) = (
                (file, None, None)
                if len(fileComps) == 1
                else (*fileComps[0:2], None)
                if len(fileComps) == 2
                else fileComps
            errors.append((folder, file, line, col, kind, text))

    return (good, info, errors)

Inherited members

class Elements (debug=False, verbose=-1)

Trivial initialization of the Elements class.

Further configuration happens in the configure method.


debug : boolean, optional False
Whether to run in debug mode or not. In debug mode more information is shown on the console.
verbose : integer, optional -1
Produce no (-1), some (0) or many (1) progress and reporting messages
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class Elements(CheckImport):
    types = set(

    notInteresting = set(

    def __init__(self, debug=False, verbose=-1):
        """Trivial initialization of the Elements class.

        Further configuration happens in the `configure` method.

        debug: boolean, optional False
            Whether to run in debug mode or not.
            In debug mode more information is shown on the console.
        verbose: integer, optional -1
            Produce no (-1), some (0) or many (1) progress and reporting messages
        if self.importOK(hint=True):
            self.etree = self.importGet()

        self.good = True

        self.verbose = verbose
        self.debug = debug
        self.myDir = dirNm(abspath(__file__))

    def configure(self, baseSchema, override=None, roots=None):
        """Configure for an XML schema and overrides

        baseSchema: string
            The path of the XSD file that acts as the base schema that we want
            to analyse.
        override: string, optional None
            The path of another schema intended to override parts of the `baseSchema`.
        roots: list, optional None
            If passed, it should be the list of root elements of the schema, resulting
            from another configure call with the same `baseSchema`, but not necessarily
            the same override).
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.good:

        etree = self.etree
        verbose = self.verbose

        self.baseSchema = baseSchema
        self.baseSchemaDir = dirNm(baseSchema)
        self.override = override
        self.overrideDir = None if override is None else dirNm(override)

        self.outputFile = (
            fileNm(override if override is not None else baseSchema).removesuffix(
            + ".tsv"

        def findImports(node):
            """Inner function to walk through the XSD and get the import statements.

            This function is called recursively for child nodes.

            node: Object
                The current node.
            tag = etree.QName(node.tag).localname
            if tag == "import":
                otherFile = node.attrib.get("schemaLocation", "??")
                if otherFile not in {"xml.xsd", "teix.xsd"}:
                    sep = "/" if schemaDir else ""
                    otherPath = f"{schemaDir}{sep}{otherFile}"
                    otherExists = fileExists(otherPath)
                    status = "exists" if otherExists else "missing"
                    kind = "INFO" if otherExists else "WARNING"
                    if verbose >= 0 or kind != "INFO":
                        console(f"{kind}: Needs {otherFile} ({status})")
                    if otherExists:

            for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):

        if roots is None:
            doParseBaseSchema = True
            roots = []
            doParseBaseSchema = False
        self.roots = roots
        oroots = []
        self.oroots = oroots

            if doParseBaseSchema:
                with fileOpen(baseSchema) as fh:
                    tree = etree.parse(fh)

                root = tree.getroot()
                schemaDir = self.baseSchemaDir
                dependents = []


                for dependent in dependents:
                    with fileOpen(dependent) as fh:
                        dTree = etree.parse(fh)
                        dRoot = dTree.getroot()

            if override is not None:
                with fileOpen(override) as fh:
                    tree = etree.parse(fh)

                oroot = tree.getroot()
                schemaDir = self.overrideDir
                dependents = []


                for dependent in dependents:
                    with fileOpen(dependent) as fh:
                        dTree = etree.parse(fh)
                        dRoot = dTree.getroot()

            self.good = True

        except Exception as e:
            msg = f"Could not read and parse {baseSchema}"
            if override is not None:
                msg += " or {override}"
            self.good = False

    def eKey(x):
        """Sort the dictionary with element definitions.

        x: tuple
            The element name and the element info.

            The members are such that definitions from other than `xs:element`
            come first, and within `xs:element` those that are "abstract" come
        name = x[0]
        tag = x[1]["tag"]
        abstract = x[1]["abstract"]

        return (
            "0" if tag == "simpleType" else "1" if tag == "complexType" else tag,
            "" if abstract else "x",

    def interpret(self):
        """Reads the XSD and interprets the element definitions.

        The definitions are read with the module LXML.

        For each definition of a name certain attributes are remembered, e.g.
        the `kind`, the presence of a `mixed` attribute, whether it is a
        `substitutionGroup` or `extension`, and whether it is `abstract`.

        When elements refer to a `substitutionGroup`, they need to get
        the `kind` and `mixed` attributes of that group.

        When elements refer to a *base*, they need to get
        the *kind* and *mixed* attributes of an extension with that *base*.

        After an initial parse of the XSD file, we do a variable number of
        resolving rounds, where we chase the substitution groups and
        extensions, until nothing changes anymore.

        The info that is gathered is put in `self.defs` and can be retrieved
        by method `getDefs()`.

        The info is a list of items, one item per element.
        Each item is a tuple of: element name, element kind, mixed status.

        The absence of the element *kind* and *mixed* status are indicated
        with `None`.
        If all went well, there are no such absences!
        if not self.importOK():

        if not self.good:

        etree = self.etree
        verbose = self.verbose
        debug = self.debug
        roots = self.roots
        oroots = self.oroots
        types = self.types
        override = self.override

        definitions = {}
        redefinitions = collections.Counter()

        def findDefs(node, definingName, topDef):
            """Inner function to walk through the XSD and get definitions.

            This function is called recursively for child nodes.

            node: Object
                The current node.
            definingName: string | void
                If this has a value, we are underneath a definition.

            topDef: boolean
                If we are underneath a definition, this indicates
                we are at the top-level of that definition.
            tag = etree.QName(node.tag).localname

            name = node.get("name")
            abstract = node.get("abstract") == "true"
            mixed = node.get("mixed") == "true"
            subs = node.get("substitutionGroup")

            if definingName:
                if topDef:
                    if tag in types:
                        definitions[definingName]["kind"] = (
                            "simple" if tag == "simpleType" else "complex"
                        if mixed:
                            definitions[definingName]["mixed"] = mixed
                    if tag == "extension":
                        base = node.get("base")
                        if base:
                            definitions[definingName]["base"] = base

            if name and tag not in self.notInteresting:
                if name in definitions:
                    redefinitions[name] += 1
                    definitions[name] = dict(
                        tag=tag, abstract=abstract, mixed=mixed, subs=subs

            if definingName:
                defining = definingName
                top = False
                isElementDef = name and tag == "element"
                defining = name if isElementDef else False
                top = True if defining else False

            for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
                findDefs(child, defining, top)

        if verbose >= 0:
            console(f"Analysing {self.baseSchema}")
        for root in roots:
            findDefs(root, False, False)
        if debug:

        baseDefinitions = definitions

        self.overrides = {}

        if len(oroots) > 0:
            definitions = {}
            redefinitions = collections.Counter()
            if verbose >= 0:
                console(f"Analysing {override}")
            for root in oroots:
                findDefs(root, False, False)
            if debug:

            for (name, odef) in definitions.items():

                oKind = self.repKind(odef.get("kind", None))
                oMixed = self.repMixed(odef.get("mixed", None))

                if name in baseDefinitions:
                    baseDef = baseDefinitions[name]
                    baseKind = self.repKind(baseDef.get("kind", None))
                    baseMixed = self.repMixed(baseDef.get("mixed", None))
                    transRep = (
                        f"{baseKind} {baseMixed} ==> {oKind} {oMixed}"
                        if baseKind != oKind and baseMixed != oMixed
                        else f"{baseKind} ==> {oKind}"
                        if baseKind != oKind
                        else f"{baseMixed} ==> {oMixed}"
                        if baseMixed != oMixed
                        else None
                    if transRep is not None:
                        baseDefinitions[name] = odef
                    self.overrides[name] = transRep
                    baseDefinitions[name] = odef
                    if odef["tag"] == "element" and not odef["abstract"]:
                        self.overrides[name] = f"{oKind} {oMixed} (added)"

        self.defs = tuple(
            (name, info.get("kind", None), info.get("mixed", None))
            for (name, info) in sorted(baseDefinitions.items(), key=self.eKey)
            if info["tag"] == "element" and not info["abstract"]

    def writeDefs(self, outputDir):
        """Writes the definitions of the elements to a file.

        The definitions are written as a TSV file.
        The name of the file is derived from the name of the XSD file, the
        extension is `.tsv`.
        verbose = self.verbose
        outputFile = self.outputFile

        outputPath = f"{outputDir}/{outputFile}"
        with fileOpen(outputPath, mode="w") as fh:
        if verbose >= 0:
            console(f"Analysis written to {outputPath}\n")

    def getDefs(self, asTsv=False):
        """Delivers the analysis results.

        asTsv: boolean, optional False
            If True, the result is delivered as a TSV text,
            otherwise as a list.

        string | list
            One line / item per element.
            Each line has: element name, element kind, mixed status.

            The absence of the element *kind* and *mixed* status are indicated
            with `---` in the TSV and with the `None` value in the list.
            If all went well, there are no such absences!
        defs = self.defs

        return (
                for (name, kind, mixed) in defs
            if asTsv
            else defs

    def repMixed(m):
        return "-----" if m is None else "mixed" if m else "pure"

    def repKind(k):
        return "-----" if k is None else k

    def resolve(self, definitions):
        """Resolve indirections in the definitions.

        After having read the complete XSD file,
        we can now dereference names and fill properties of their definitions
        in places where the names occur.
        debug = self.debug
        verbose = self.verbose

        def infer():
            changed = 0
            for (name, info) in definitions.items():
                if info["mixed"]:

                other = info.get("base", info.get("subs", None))
                if other:
                    otherBare = other.split(":", 1)[-1]
                    otherInfo = definitions.get(otherBare, None)
                    if otherInfo is None:
                        if not other.startswith("xs:"):
                            if verbose >= 0:
                                console(f"Warning: {other} is not defined.")
                    if otherInfo["mixed"]:
                        info["mixed"] = True
                        changed += 1
                    if info.get("kind", None) is None:
                        if otherInfo.get("kind", None):
                            info["kind"] = otherInfo["kind"]
                            changed += 1
                            console(f"Warning: {other}.kind is not defined.")
                    if info.get("mixed", None) is None:
                        if otherInfo.get("mixed", None):
                            info["mixed"] = otherInfo["mixed"]
                            changed += 1
                            if verbose >= 0:
                                console(f"Warning: {other}.mixed is not defined.")

            return changed

        i = 0

        while True:
            changed = infer()
            i += 1
            if changed:
                if verbose == 1:
                    console(f"\tround {i:>3}: {changed:>3} changes")
                if debug:

    def showElems(self):
        """Shows the current state of definitions.

        Mainly for debugging.
        definitions = self.definitions
        redefinitions = self.redefinitions

        for (name, info) in sorted(definitions.items(), key=self.eKey):
            tag = info["tag"]
            mixed = "mixed" if info["mixed"] else "-----"
            abstract = "abstract" if info["abstract"] else "--------"
            kind = info.get("kind", "---")
            subs = info.get("subs")
            subsRep = f"==> {subs}" if subs else ""
            base = info.get("base")
            baseRep = f"<== {base}" if base else ""
                f"{name:<30} in {tag:<20} "
                f"({kind:<7}) ({mixed}) ({abstract}) {subsRep}{baseRep}"

        for (name, amount) in sorted(redefinitions.items()):
            console(f"{amount:>3}x {name}")

    def showOverrides(self):
        """Shows the overriding definitions."""
        verbose = self.verbose
        override = self.override

        if override:
            overrides = self.overrides
            same = sum(1 for x in overrides.items() if x[1] is None)
            distinct = len(overrides) - same
            if verbose == 1:
                console(f"{same:>3} identical override(s)")
            if verbose >= 0:
                console(f"{distinct:>3} changing override(s)")
        if verbose >= 0:
            for (name, trans) in sorted(
                x for x in self.overrides.items() if x[1] is not None
                console(f"\t{name} {trans}")


Class variables

var notInteresting
var types

Static methods

def eKey(x)

Sort the dictionary with element definitions.


x : tuple
The element name and the element info.


The members are such that definitions from other than xs:element come first, and within xs:element those that are "abstract" come first.
Expand source code Browse git
def eKey(x):
    """Sort the dictionary with element definitions.

    x: tuple
        The element name and the element info.

        The members are such that definitions from other than `xs:element`
        come first, and within `xs:element` those that are "abstract" come
    name = x[0]
    tag = x[1]["tag"]
    abstract = x[1]["abstract"]

    return (
        "0" if tag == "simpleType" else "1" if tag == "complexType" else tag,
        "" if abstract else "x",
def repKind(k)
Expand source code Browse git
def repKind(k):
    return "-----" if k is None else k
def repMixed(m)
Expand source code Browse git
def repMixed(m):
    return "-----" if m is None else "mixed" if m else "pure"


def configure(self, baseSchema, override=None, roots=None)

Configure for an XML schema and overrides


baseSchema : string
The path of the XSD file that acts as the base schema that we want to analyse.
override : string, optional None
The path of another schema intended to override parts of the baseSchema.
roots : list, optional None
If passed, it should be the list of root elements of the schema, resulting from another configure call with the same baseSchema, but not necessarily the same override).
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def configure(self, baseSchema, override=None, roots=None):
    """Configure for an XML schema and overrides

    baseSchema: string
        The path of the XSD file that acts as the base schema that we want
        to analyse.
    override: string, optional None
        The path of another schema intended to override parts of the `baseSchema`.
    roots: list, optional None
        If passed, it should be the list of root elements of the schema, resulting
        from another configure call with the same `baseSchema`, but not necessarily
        the same override).
    if not self.importOK():

    if not self.good:

    etree = self.etree
    verbose = self.verbose

    self.baseSchema = baseSchema
    self.baseSchemaDir = dirNm(baseSchema)
    self.override = override
    self.overrideDir = None if override is None else dirNm(override)

    self.outputFile = (
        fileNm(override if override is not None else baseSchema).removesuffix(
        + ".tsv"

    def findImports(node):
        """Inner function to walk through the XSD and get the import statements.

        This function is called recursively for child nodes.

        node: Object
            The current node.
        tag = etree.QName(node.tag).localname
        if tag == "import":
            otherFile = node.attrib.get("schemaLocation", "??")
            if otherFile not in {"xml.xsd", "teix.xsd"}:
                sep = "/" if schemaDir else ""
                otherPath = f"{schemaDir}{sep}{otherFile}"
                otherExists = fileExists(otherPath)
                status = "exists" if otherExists else "missing"
                kind = "INFO" if otherExists else "WARNING"
                if verbose >= 0 or kind != "INFO":
                    console(f"{kind}: Needs {otherFile} ({status})")
                if otherExists:

        for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):

    if roots is None:
        doParseBaseSchema = True
        roots = []
        doParseBaseSchema = False
    self.roots = roots
    oroots = []
    self.oroots = oroots

        if doParseBaseSchema:
            with fileOpen(baseSchema) as fh:
                tree = etree.parse(fh)

            root = tree.getroot()
            schemaDir = self.baseSchemaDir
            dependents = []


            for dependent in dependents:
                with fileOpen(dependent) as fh:
                    dTree = etree.parse(fh)
                    dRoot = dTree.getroot()

        if override is not None:
            with fileOpen(override) as fh:
                tree = etree.parse(fh)

            oroot = tree.getroot()
            schemaDir = self.overrideDir
            dependents = []


            for dependent in dependents:
                with fileOpen(dependent) as fh:
                    dTree = etree.parse(fh)
                    dRoot = dTree.getroot()

        self.good = True

    except Exception as e:
        msg = f"Could not read and parse {baseSchema}"
        if override is not None:
            msg += " or {override}"
        self.good = False
def getDefs(self, asTsv=False)

Delivers the analysis results.


asTsv : boolean, optional False
If True, the result is delivered as a TSV text, otherwise as a list.


string | list

One line / item per element. Each line has: element name, element kind, mixed status.

The absence of the element kind and mixed status are indicated with --- in the TSV and with the None value in the list. If all went well, there are no such absences!

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def getDefs(self, asTsv=False):
    """Delivers the analysis results.

    asTsv: boolean, optional False
        If True, the result is delivered as a TSV text,
        otherwise as a list.

    string | list
        One line / item per element.
        Each line has: element name, element kind, mixed status.

        The absence of the element *kind* and *mixed* status are indicated
        with `---` in the TSV and with the `None` value in the list.
        If all went well, there are no such absences!
    defs = self.defs

    return (
            for (name, kind, mixed) in defs
        if asTsv
        else defs
def interpret(self)

Reads the XSD and interprets the element definitions.

The definitions are read with the module LXML.

For each definition of a name certain attributes are remembered, e.g. the kind, the presence of a mixed attribute, whether it is a substitutionGroup or extension, and whether it is abstract.

When elements refer to a substitutionGroup, they need to get the kind and mixed attributes of that group.

When elements refer to a base, they need to get the kind and mixed attributes of an extension with that base.

After an initial parse of the XSD file, we do a variable number of resolving rounds, where we chase the substitution groups and extensions, until nothing changes anymore.

The info that is gathered is put in self.defs and can be retrieved by method getDefs().

The info is a list of items, one item per element. Each item is a tuple of: element name, element kind, mixed status.

The absence of the element kind and mixed status are indicated with None. If all went well, there are no such absences!

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def interpret(self):
    """Reads the XSD and interprets the element definitions.

    The definitions are read with the module LXML.

    For each definition of a name certain attributes are remembered, e.g.
    the `kind`, the presence of a `mixed` attribute, whether it is a
    `substitutionGroup` or `extension`, and whether it is `abstract`.

    When elements refer to a `substitutionGroup`, they need to get
    the `kind` and `mixed` attributes of that group.

    When elements refer to a *base*, they need to get
    the *kind* and *mixed* attributes of an extension with that *base*.

    After an initial parse of the XSD file, we do a variable number of
    resolving rounds, where we chase the substitution groups and
    extensions, until nothing changes anymore.

    The info that is gathered is put in `self.defs` and can be retrieved
    by method `getDefs()`.

    The info is a list of items, one item per element.
    Each item is a tuple of: element name, element kind, mixed status.

    The absence of the element *kind* and *mixed* status are indicated
    with `None`.
    If all went well, there are no such absences!
    if not self.importOK():

    if not self.good:

    etree = self.etree
    verbose = self.verbose
    debug = self.debug
    roots = self.roots
    oroots = self.oroots
    types = self.types
    override = self.override

    definitions = {}
    redefinitions = collections.Counter()

    def findDefs(node, definingName, topDef):
        """Inner function to walk through the XSD and get definitions.

        This function is called recursively for child nodes.

        node: Object
            The current node.
        definingName: string | void
            If this has a value, we are underneath a definition.

        topDef: boolean
            If we are underneath a definition, this indicates
            we are at the top-level of that definition.
        tag = etree.QName(node.tag).localname

        name = node.get("name")
        abstract = node.get("abstract") == "true"
        mixed = node.get("mixed") == "true"
        subs = node.get("substitutionGroup")

        if definingName:
            if topDef:
                if tag in types:
                    definitions[definingName]["kind"] = (
                        "simple" if tag == "simpleType" else "complex"
                    if mixed:
                        definitions[definingName]["mixed"] = mixed
                if tag == "extension":
                    base = node.get("base")
                    if base:
                        definitions[definingName]["base"] = base

        if name and tag not in self.notInteresting:
            if name in definitions:
                redefinitions[name] += 1
                definitions[name] = dict(
                    tag=tag, abstract=abstract, mixed=mixed, subs=subs

        if definingName:
            defining = definingName
            top = False
            isElementDef = name and tag == "element"
            defining = name if isElementDef else False
            top = True if defining else False

        for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
            findDefs(child, defining, top)

    if verbose >= 0:
        console(f"Analysing {self.baseSchema}")
    for root in roots:
        findDefs(root, False, False)
    if debug:

    baseDefinitions = definitions

    self.overrides = {}

    if len(oroots) > 0:
        definitions = {}
        redefinitions = collections.Counter()
        if verbose >= 0:
            console(f"Analysing {override}")
        for root in oroots:
            findDefs(root, False, False)
        if debug:

        for (name, odef) in definitions.items():

            oKind = self.repKind(odef.get("kind", None))
            oMixed = self.repMixed(odef.get("mixed", None))

            if name in baseDefinitions:
                baseDef = baseDefinitions[name]
                baseKind = self.repKind(baseDef.get("kind", None))
                baseMixed = self.repMixed(baseDef.get("mixed", None))
                transRep = (
                    f"{baseKind} {baseMixed} ==> {oKind} {oMixed}"
                    if baseKind != oKind and baseMixed != oMixed
                    else f"{baseKind} ==> {oKind}"
                    if baseKind != oKind
                    else f"{baseMixed} ==> {oMixed}"
                    if baseMixed != oMixed
                    else None
                if transRep is not None:
                    baseDefinitions[name] = odef
                self.overrides[name] = transRep
                baseDefinitions[name] = odef
                if odef["tag"] == "element" and not odef["abstract"]:
                    self.overrides[name] = f"{oKind} {oMixed} (added)"

    self.defs = tuple(
        (name, info.get("kind", None), info.get("mixed", None))
        for (name, info) in sorted(baseDefinitions.items(), key=self.eKey)
        if info["tag"] == "element" and not info["abstract"]
def resolve(self, definitions)

Resolve indirections in the definitions.

After having read the complete XSD file, we can now dereference names and fill properties of their definitions in places where the names occur.

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def resolve(self, definitions):
    """Resolve indirections in the definitions.

    After having read the complete XSD file,
    we can now dereference names and fill properties of their definitions
    in places where the names occur.
    debug = self.debug
    verbose = self.verbose

    def infer():
        changed = 0
        for (name, info) in definitions.items():
            if info["mixed"]:

            other = info.get("base", info.get("subs", None))
            if other:
                otherBare = other.split(":", 1)[-1]
                otherInfo = definitions.get(otherBare, None)
                if otherInfo is None:
                    if not other.startswith("xs:"):
                        if verbose >= 0:
                            console(f"Warning: {other} is not defined.")
                if otherInfo["mixed"]:
                    info["mixed"] = True
                    changed += 1
                if info.get("kind", None) is None:
                    if otherInfo.get("kind", None):
                        info["kind"] = otherInfo["kind"]
                        changed += 1
                        console(f"Warning: {other}.kind is not defined.")
                if info.get("mixed", None) is None:
                    if otherInfo.get("mixed", None):
                        info["mixed"] = otherInfo["mixed"]
                        changed += 1
                        if verbose >= 0:
                            console(f"Warning: {other}.mixed is not defined.")

        return changed

    i = 0

    while True:
        changed = infer()
        i += 1
        if changed:
            if verbose == 1:
                console(f"\tround {i:>3}: {changed:>3} changes")
            if debug:
def showElems(self)

Shows the current state of definitions.

Mainly for debugging.

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def showElems(self):
    """Shows the current state of definitions.

    Mainly for debugging.
    definitions = self.definitions
    redefinitions = self.redefinitions

    for (name, info) in sorted(definitions.items(), key=self.eKey):
        tag = info["tag"]
        mixed = "mixed" if info["mixed"] else "-----"
        abstract = "abstract" if info["abstract"] else "--------"
        kind = info.get("kind", "---")
        subs = info.get("subs")
        subsRep = f"==> {subs}" if subs else ""
        base = info.get("base")
        baseRep = f"<== {base}" if base else ""
            f"{name:<30} in {tag:<20} "
            f"({kind:<7}) ({mixed}) ({abstract}) {subsRep}{baseRep}"

    for (name, amount) in sorted(redefinitions.items()):
        console(f"{amount:>3}x {name}")
def showOverrides(self)

Shows the overriding definitions.

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def showOverrides(self):
    """Shows the overriding definitions."""
    verbose = self.verbose
    override = self.override

    if override:
        overrides = self.overrides
        same = sum(1 for x in overrides.items() if x[1] is None)
        distinct = len(overrides) - same
        if verbose == 1:
            console(f"{same:>3} identical override(s)")
        if verbose >= 0:
            console(f"{distinct:>3} changing override(s)")
    if verbose >= 0:
        for (name, trans) in sorted(
            x for x in self.overrides.items() if x[1] is not None
            console(f"\t{name} {trans}")
def writeDefs(self, outputDir)

Writes the definitions of the elements to a file.

The definitions are written as a TSV file. The name of the file is derived from the name of the XSD file, the extension is .tsv.

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def writeDefs(self, outputDir):
    """Writes the definitions of the elements to a file.

    The definitions are written as a TSV file.
    The name of the file is derived from the name of the XSD file, the
    extension is `.tsv`.
    verbose = self.verbose
    outputFile = self.outputFile

    outputPath = f"{outputDir}/{outputFile}"
    with fileOpen(outputPath, mode="w") as fh:
    if verbose >= 0:
        console(f"Analysis written to {outputPath}\n")

Inherited members