Module tf.ner.sheets
Management of NER spreadsheets.
NER spreadsheets contain information about named entities and the trigger strings by which they can be found in the corpus.
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"""Management of NER spreadsheets.
NER spreadsheets contain information about named entities and the
trigger strings by which they can be found in the corpus.
import re
import time
import pickle
import gzip
from ..parameters import GZIP_LEVEL, PICKLE_PROTOCOL
from ..capable import CheckImport
from ..core.generic import AttrDict
from ..core.helpers import console
from ..core.files import fileOpen, dirContents, extNm, fileExists, mTime
from .helpers import tnorm, normalize, toSmallId, toTokens
from .scopes import Scopes, partitionScopes
from .triggers import Triggers
DS_STORE = ".DS_Store"
SHEET_RE = re.compile(r"""^([0-9]+)((?:-[0-9]+)?)\.xlsx$""", re.I)
"""Keys by which the data of a NER sheet is organized.
* `caseSensitive`: boolean, whether to look for triggers in the corpus in a
case-sensitive way;
* `metaFields`: the list of colums in the NER spreadsheet that are not involved
in entity lookup: this is the metadata of an entity;
* `metaData`: the metadata of an entity as dictionary;
* `logData`: the collected messages issues while reading and processing a NER sheet;
* `nameMap`: mapping from entities to names;
* `scopeMap`: mapping from scope strings to scope data structures;
* `rowMap`: mapping from triggers to the rows where they occur;
* `instructions`: compiled search instructions to search for all triggers
simultaneously; more precisely, it is a mapping from intervals to tuples of
three dictionaries:
* `tPos`: dictionary that maps positions to tokens that a trigger may
have in that position to the set of triggers that have that token in
that position;
* `tMap`: a mapping from triggers to scopes; the idea is that in every
interval all triggers that are active in that interval have exactly one scope
that includes that interval; the mapping gives that scope;
* `idMap`: a mapping from triggers to entities; given a trigger that is
active in an interval, and given its scope in that interval, there is
exactly one entity that is triggered; the eid and kind of that entity
identify it and is the value;
* `inventory`: complete result of the search for triggers;
* `triggerFromMatch`: mapping for each match in the corpus which trigger was matched
in what scope;
* `triggerScopes`: for each trigger, the set of its scopes where it is used is stored;
* `allTriggers`: the set of all triggers, more precisely, the set of all
trigger-entity-scope combinations;
* `hitData`: overview of the inventory (see above).
class Sheets(Scopes, Triggers):
def __init__(self, sheets=None):
"""Handling of NER spreadsheets.
A NER spreadsheet contains entity information; in particular it links
named entities to triggers by which they can be found in the corpus.
See `readSheetData()` for the description of the shape of the spreadsheet,
which is expected to be an Excel sheet.
sheets: dict, optional None
Sheet data to start with. Relevant for when the TF browser uses this class.
See `tf.ner.ner.NER`
CI = CheckImport("openpyxl")
if CI.importOK(hint=True):
openpyxl = CI.importGet()
self.loadXls = openpyxl.load_workbook
self.Workbook = openpyxl.Workbook
self.properlySetup = False
return None
self.properlySetup = True
self.scopeI = 3
self.trigI = 4
self.commentI = 0
# browse = self.browse
self.sheets = sheets
settings = self.settings
self.spaceEscaped = settings.spaceEscaped
self.transform = settings.transform
keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures
kindFeature = keywordFeatures[0]
self.kindFeature = kindFeature
defaultValues = settings.defaultValues
self.defaultKind = defaultValues.get(kindFeature, "")
self.sheetName = None
"""The current NER sheet."""
self.sheetNames = set()
"""The set of names of NER sheets that are present on the file system."""
def getToTokensFunc(self):
"""Make a tokenize function.
Produce a function that can tokenize strings in the same way as the corpus
has been tokenized.
This function takes a string and returns an iterable of tokens.
The tokenization is aware of whether the current sheet works
case-sensitively, and whether spaces have been escaped as underscores.
settings = self.settings
spaceEscaped = settings.spaceEscaped
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive
def myToTokens(trigger):
return toTokens(
trigger, spaceEscaped=spaceEscaped, caseSensitive=caseSensitive
return myToTokens
def readSheets(self):
"""Read the list current ner sheets (again).
Use this when you change ner sheets outside the NER browser, e.g.
by editing the spreadsheets in Excel.
sheetDir = self.sheetDir
setNames = self.setNames
sheetNames = set()
self.sheetNames = sheetNames
for sheetFile in dirContents(sheetDir)[0]:
if extNm(sheetFile) == "xlsx":
sheetName = sheetFile.removesuffix(".xlsx")
def setSheet(self, newSheet, force=False, caseSensitive=None, forceSilent=False):
"""Switch to a named ner sheet.
After the switch, the new sheet will be loaded into memory, processed, and
newSheet: string
The name of the new ner sheet to switch to.
force: boolean, optional False
If True, do not load from cached data, but do all computations afresh.
caseSensitive: boolean, optional None
Whether to work with the spreadsheet in a case-sensitive way.
If `None`, the value is taken from the current instance of this class.
forceSilent: boolean, optional False
If True, all output is suppressed, irrespective of the `silent` member
in the instance. Only show stopping error messages are let through.
if not self.properlySetup:
browse = self.browse
sheetName = self.sheetName
sheetNames = self.sheetNames
sheetDir = self.sheetDir
sheetFile = f"{sheetDir}/{newSheet}.xlsx"
if newSheet not in sheetNames and not fileExists(sheetFile):
if not browse:
console(f"NER sheet {newSheet} ({sheetFile}) does not exist")
if newSheet is not None:
# if not browse:
# self.setSet("" if newSheet is None else f".{newSheet}")
if newSheet != sheetName:
sheetName = newSheet
self.sheetName = sheetName
if caseSensitive is None:
caseSensitive = self.caseSensitive
self.forceSilent = True
self.loadSheetData(force=force, caseSensitive=caseSensitive)
def loadSheetData(self, force=False, caseSensitive=False):
"""Loads the current ner sheet into memory, if there is one.
If the current ner sheet is None, nothing has to be done.
Otherwise, we read the corresponding excel sheet(s) from disk and compile them
into instructions, if needed.
When loading a sheet, it will be checked first whether its data is already
in memory and uptotdate, in that case nothing will be done.
Otherwise, it will be checked wether an uptodate version of its data exists
on disk. If so, it will be loaded.
Otherwise, or if `force=True` is passed, the data will be computed from
scratch and saved to disk, with a time stamp.
force: boolean, optional False
If True, do not load from cached data, but do all computations afresh.
caseSensitive: boolean, optional False
Whether to work with the spreadsheet in a case-sensitive way.
if not self.properlySetup:
sheetName = self.sheetName
setName = self.setName
annoDir = self.annoDir
setDir = f"{annoDir}/{setName}"
dataFile = f"{setDir}/data.gz"
timeFile = f"{setDir}/time.txt"
timeKey = "time"
if sheetName is None:
return None
forceSilent = self.forceSilent
sheets = self.sheets
if sheetName not in sheets:
sheets[sheetName] = AttrDict()
browse = self.browse
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
sheetDir = self.sheetDir
sheetFile = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}.xlsx"
sheetExists = fileExists(sheetFile)
sheetUpdated = mTime(sheetFile) if sheetExists else 0
needReload = (
or sheetData.caseSensitive != caseSensitive
or sheetData.get(timeKey, 0) < sheetUpdated
showLog = True
if needReload:
# try to load from zipped data file first
tm = 0
dataUptodate = not force and fileExists(timeFile)
if dataUptodate:
with fileOpen(timeFile) as fh:
info =
tm = float(info)
dataUptodate = sheetUpdated < tm
except Exception:
dataUptodate = False
# only load if that data exists and is still up to date
if dataUptodate:
if fileExists(dataFile):
with, mode="rb") as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
if data["caseSensitive"] != caseSensitive:
loaded = False
for k in CLEAR_KEYS:
if k in sheetData:
for k in SHEET_KEYS:
v = data.get(k, None)
if v is None:
if k in sheetData:
if type(sheetData[k]) in {list, dict, set}:
sheetData[k] = None
sheetData[k] = v
sheetData[timeKey] = tm
loaded = True
loaded = False
loaded = False
if loaded:
# we have loaded valid, up-to-date, previously compiled spreadsheet data
if not forceSilent:
self.console("SHEET data: loaded from disk")
# now we really heave to read and compile the spreadsheet
if not forceSilent:
"SHEET data: computing from scratch ...", newline=False
sheetData.logData = []
sheetData.caseSensitive = caseSensitive
tm = time.time()
sheetData[timeKey] = tm
with, mode="wb", compresslevel=GZIP_LEVEL) as f:
{k: sheetData[k] for k in SHEET_KEYS},
with fileOpen(timeFile, "w") as fh:
if not forceSilent:
showLog = False
# the compiled spreadsheet data we have in memory is still up to date
if not forceSilent:
self.console("SHEET data: already in memory and uptodate")
if showLog and not browse and not forceSilent:
for x in sheetData.logData:
self.forceSilent = False
def makeSheetOfSingleTokens(self):
"""Make a derived sheet based on the individual tokens in the triggers.
The current sheet will be used to make a new sheet with a row for every
token in every trigger on the original sheet.
In this way all tokens in triggers will be searched individually.
Since tokens do not overlap, the tokens as triggers do not interfere with
each other.
This can be a convenient debugging tool for the entity spreadsheet in the
case of triggers without hits.
Note however, that there are also other functions that help with debugging
the spreadsheet:
* `tf.ner.triggers.Triggers.triggerInterference`
* `tf.ner.triggers.Triggers.reportHits`
Workbook = self.Workbook
sheetName = self.sheetName
sheetDir = self.sheetDir
sheetPath = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}-single.xlsx"
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
raw = sheetData.raw
# raw.setdefault(eidkind, {})[normScopeStr] = (r + 1, triggers)
words = {}
for eidkind, eData in raw.items():
for scopeStr, (r, triggers) in eData.items():
for trigger in triggers:
for word in trigger.split():
if word.isalpha():
words.setdefault(word, {}).setdefault(scopeStr, set()).add(
wb = Workbook()
ws =
ws.append(("comment", "name", "kind", "scope", "triggers", "origrow"))
ws.append(("", "", "", "", "", ""))
eids = {}
for word in sorted(words):
wordData = words[word]
eid = toSmallId(word).replace(".", " ")
n = eids.get(eid, 0)
eidDis = eid if n == 0 else f"{eid}({n})"
n += 1
eids[eid] = n
rows = set()
for scopeStr in sorted(wordData):
rows |= set(wordData[scopeStr])
rowRep = ",".join(str(r) for r in sorted(rows))
ws.append(("", eidDis, "x", "", word, rowRep))
def writeSheetData(self, rows, asFile=None):
"""Write a spreadsheet.
When the data for a spreadsheet has been gathered, you can write it to Excel
by means of this function.
rows: iterable of iterables
The rows, each row an interable of fields
asFile: string, optional None
The path of the file to write the Excel data to.
if not asFile:
console("Pass the path of a destination file in param asFile")
Workbook = self.Workbook
trigI = self.trigI
commentI = self.commentI
wb = Workbook()
ws =
for r, row in enumerate(rows):
if r <= 1:
isCommentRow = row[commentI].startswith("#")
if not isCommentRow:
row[trigI] = "; ".join(row[trigI])
def readSheetData(self):
"""Read the data of the spreadsheet and deliver it as a list of field lists.
Concerning the Excel sheets in `ner/sheets`:
* they will be read by `tf.ner.ner.NER.setSheet()`;
* you might need to `pip install openpyxl` first;
Each row in the spreadsheet specifies a set of triggers for a named entity
in a certain scope. The row may have additional metadata, which will be linked
to the named entity.
If you need several scopes for the same named entity, make sure the metadata
in those rows is identical. Otherwise it is unpredictable from which row the
metadata will be taken.
The first row is a header row, but the names are only important for the columns
marked as metadata columns.
The second row will be ignored, you can use it as an explanation or subtitle
of the column titles in the header row.
Here is a specification of the columns. We only specify the first so many
columns. The remaining columns are treated as metadata.
1. **comment**. If this cell starts with a `#` the whole row will be
skipped and ignored. Otherwise, the value is taken as a comment, that you
are free to fill in or leave empty.
1. **name**. The full name of the entity, as it occurs in articles and
reference works.
1. **kind**. A label that indicates what type of entity it is, e.g. `PER` for
person and `LOC` for location and `ORG` for organization. But you are free
to chose the labels.
1. **scope**. A string that indicates portions in the corpus where the
triggers for this entity are valid. The scope specifies zero or more
intervals of sections in the corpus, where an empty scope denotes the
whole corpus. See `tf.ner.scopes.Scopes.parseScope()`
for the syntax of scope specifiers.
1. **triggers**. A list of triggers, i.e. textual strings that occur in the
corpus and trigger the detection of the entity named in the **name**
column. The individual triggers must be separated by a `;`. Triggers may
contain multiple words, and even `,`s. It is recommended not to use
newlines in the trigger cells. When the triggers are read, white-space
will be trimmed, and some character replacements will take place, which
are dependent on the corpus. Think of replacing various kinds of quotes
by ASCII quotes.
The remaining columns are metadata columns. This metadata can be retrieved
by means of the function `tf.ner.ner.NER.getMeta()`
A good, real-world example of such a spreadsheet is *people.xlsx* in the
[Suriano corpus](
list of list
Rows which are lists of fields.
sheetName = self.sheetName
sheetDir = self.sheetDir
loadXls = self.loadXls
trigI = self.trigI
commentI = self.commentI
normalizeChars = self.normalizeChars
spaceEscaped = self.spaceEscaped
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive
def myNormalize(x):
return normalize(
str(x) if normalizeChars is None else normalizeChars(str(x))
sheetPath = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}.xlsx"
wb = loadXls(sheetPath, data_only=True)
ws =
result = []
for r, row in enumerate(ws.rows):
fields = []
isCommentRow = (row[commentI].value or "").startswith("#")
for i, field in enumerate(row):
value = field.value or ""
if not isCommentRow and r > 1 and i == trigI:
value = myNormalize(value)
value = {
for x in value.split(";")
if (
y := tnorm(
!= ""
return result
def getMeta(self):
"""Retrieves the metadata of the current sheet.
The metadata of each entity is stored in the extra fields in its row.
The writer of the NER sheet is free to chose additional rows.
The first member is a list of the names of the metadata columns,
taken from the first row of the spreadsheet.
The second member is a dict with the metadata itself.
The keys are strings of the form *entity identifier*`-`*entity kind*.
The values are tuples, where the i-th member is the value for the i-th
name in the list of metadata fields.
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
return (sheetData.metaFields, sheetData.metaData)
def _readSheet(self):
"""Read all the spreadsheets, the main one and the tweaks.
Several checks on the sanity of the data will be performed.
Store the results in a hierarchy that mimicks the way they are organized in the
file system.
forceSilent = self.forceSilent
sheetName = self.sheetName
sheetDir = self.sheetDir
loadXls = self.loadXls
defaultKind = self.defaultKind
transform = self.transform
spaceEscaped = self.spaceEscaped
normalizeChars = self.normalizeChars
trigI = self.trigI
scopeI = self.scopeI
def spec(msg):
if forceSilent:
self.log(None, 0, msg)
def log(msg):
if forceSilent:
self.log(False, 0, msg)
def err(msg):
if forceSilent:
self.log(True, 0, msg)
def err1(msg):
if forceSilent:
self.log(True, 1, msg)
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive
nameMap = {}
sheetData.nameMap = nameMap
"""Will contain a mapping from entities to names.
The entities are keyed by their (eid, kind) tuple.
The values are names plus the sheet where they are first defined.
metaData = {}
sheetData.metaData = metaData
"""Will contain the data of most columns in the spreadsheet.
The scope and triggers columns are not stored.
For each row, a key is computed (the small eid based on the name in the first
column). Under this key we store the list of values.
rowMap = {}
sheetData.rowMap = rowMap
"""Will contain a mapping from triggers to row.
For each trigger we store the row in the NER sheet where that trigger occurs.
for k in CLEAR_KEYS:
if k in sheetData:
for k in SHEET_KEYS:
if k in sheetData:
if type(sheetData[k]) in {list, dict, set}:
spec("Reading sheets")
scopeMap = {}
sheetData.scopeMap = scopeMap
"""Will contain a mapping from scope specifiers to logical scopes.
Scope specifiers are strings, logical scopes are the data structures
that you get when you parse those strings.
sheetPath = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}.xlsx"
wb = loadXls(sheetPath, data_only=True)
ws =
maxCol = ws.max_column
maxRow = ws.max_row
if not forceSilent:
self.console(f"Sheet with {maxRow} rows and {maxCol} columns")
raw = {}
sheetData.raw = raw
multiNames = {}
noNames = set()
noTrigs = set()
emptyLines = set()
scopeMistakes = {}
def myNormalize(x):
"""Normalization function that performs additional replacements.
The replacements are coded in the function `normalizeChars()`,
which can be passed to the instance of this class.
return normalize(
str(x) if normalizeChars is None else normalizeChars(str(x))
for r, row in enumerate(ws.rows):
if r == 0:
metaFields = [
myNormalize(row[i].value or "")
for i in range(maxCol)
if i not in {0, scopeI, trigI}
sheetData.metaFields = metaFields
if r == 1:
if not any(c.value for c in row):
triggerStr = row[trigI].value
if triggerStr is not None and "\n" in triggerStr:
triggerRep = triggerStr.replace("\n", "\\n")
msg = f"r{r + 1:>3}: newline in trigger string: {triggerRep}"
(comment, name, kind, scopeStr, triggerStr) = (
myNormalize(row[i].value or "") for i in range(trigI + 1)
if comment.startswith("#"):
if not name or not triggerStr:
if name:
noTrigs.add(r + 1)
elif triggerStr:
noNames.add(r + 1)
emptyLines.add(r + 1)
triggers = {
for x in triggerStr.split(";")
if (
y := tnorm(
x, spaceEscaped=spaceEscaped, caseSensitive=caseSensitive
!= ""
for trigger in triggers:
rowMap.setdefault(trigger, []).append(r + 1)
if len(triggers) == 0:
noTrigs.add(r + 1)
if not kind:
kind = defaultKind
msg = f"r{r + 1:>3}: " f"no kind name, supplied {defaultKind}"
info = self.parseScope(scopeStr, plain=False)
warnings = info["warning"]
if len(warnings):
scopeMistakes[r + 1] = "; ".join(warnings)
normScopeStr = info["normal"]
if normScopeStr != "":
scopes = info["result"]
if normScopeStr not in scopeMap:
scopeMap[normScopeStr] = scopes
eid = toSmallId(name, transform=transform)
eidkind = (eid, kind)
if normScopeStr in raw.get(eidkind, {}):
ar = raw[eidkind][normScopeStr][0]
multiNames[r + 1] = f"({normScopeStr}) {nameMap[eidkind]} also in r{ar}"
nameMap[eidkind] = name
raw.setdefault(eidkind, {})[normScopeStr] = (r + 1, triggers)
metaKey = f"{eid}-{kind}"
metaData[metaKey] = [
myNormalize(row[i].value or "")
for i in range(maxCol)
if i not in {0, scopeI, trigI}
if not forceSilent:
for diags, isdict, label in (
(emptyLines, False, "without a name and triggers"),
(multiNames, True, "with a duplicate name"),
(noNames, False, "without a name"),
(scopeMistakes, True, "with scope mistakes"),
(noTrigs, False, "without triggers"),
n = len(diags)
if n > 0:
if isdict:
if n > 0:
plural = "" if n == 1 else "s"
err(f"{n} row{plural} {label}:")
for r in sorted(diags):
msg = diags[r]
err1(f"r{r:>3}: {msg}")
rep = ", ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(diags)[0:10])
plural = "" if n == 1 else "s"
err(f"{n} row{plural} {label}:\n\te.g.: {rep}")
def _compileSheet(self):
"""Compiles the info in tweaked sheets according to the scopes in it.
On the basis of the scopes that are given for the triggers, we partition
the corpus in maximal intervals in which no trigger goes into or out of scope.
During these intervals we have a fixed set of triggers that must be looked up,
and we can check for the consistency of these triggers.
In every scope we may find two kinds of problems with triggers and scopes:
* ambiguous trigger: a trigger is used by multiple entities in that scope.
* clashing triggers: a trigger occurs in more than one row for a specific
entity and a specific scope.
These problems are detected and reported.
forceSilent = self.forceSilent
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
compiled = AttrDict()
sheetData.compiled = compiled
nameMap = sheetData.nameMap
def spec(msg, cache=None):
if forceSilent:
self.log(None, 0, msg, cache=cache)
def log(msg, cache=None):
if forceSilent:
self.log(False, 0, msg, cache=cache)
def err(msg, cache=None):
if forceSilent:
self.log(True, 0, msg, cache=cache)
def errProblem(problem, cache):
if forceSilent:
for indent, msg in problem:
self.log(True, indent, msg, cache=cache)
tFullMap = {}
def getTriggerRep(tr):
triggerInfo = tFullMap[tr]
result = []
for scope in sorted(triggerInfo):
scopeRep = "" if not scope else f"({scope})"
scopeInfo = triggerInfo[scope]
for eidkind in sorted(scopeInfo):
name = sheetData.nameMap[eidkind]
rowRep = ",".join(str(r) for r in sorted(scopeInfo[eidkind]))
result.append(f"'{tr}'{scopeRep} r{rowRep} for {name}")
return result
spec("Checking scopes")
raw = sheetData.raw
intvMap = sheetData.scopeMap
intervals = partitionScopes(intvMap)
problems = set()
for b, e, scopeStrs in [[None, None, None]] + intervals:
scopeStrSet = {""} if scopeStrs is None else set(scopeStrs)
intv = (b, e) if b is not None and e is not None else ()
headCache = []
problemCache = []
msg = self.repInterval(intv)
spec(msg, cache=headCache)
thisCompiled = AttrDict()
compiled[intv] = thisCompiled
# check which triggers are a substring in which other triggers
# these triggers can never be found!
for eidkind, info in raw.items():
if "" in info:
(r, triggers) = info[""]
for trigger in triggers:
tFullMap.setdefault(trigger, {}).setdefault("", {}).setdefault(
eidkind, set()
for scopeStr, (r, triggers) in info.items():
if scopeStr == "":
if scopeStr in scopeStrSet:
for trigger in triggers:
tFullMap.setdefault(trigger, {}).setdefault(
scopeStr, {}
).setdefault(eidkind, set()).add(r)
# now compile the result information: tMap, newSheet
newSheet = {}
thisCompiled.sheet = newSheet
tMap = {}
thisCompiled.tMap = tMap
for eidkind, info in raw.items():
if "" in info:
(r, triggers) = info[""]
newSheet[eidkind] = triggers
for trigger in triggers:
tMap[trigger] = ""
for scopeStr, (r, triggers) in info.items():
if scopeStr == "":
if scopeStr in scopeStrSet:
newSheet[eidkind] = triggers
for trigger in triggers:
tMap[trigger] = scopeStr
# the sheet is now compiled, all compiled data has been created
# the rest only deals with error reporting
ambi = 0
clashes = 0
for trigger in sorted(tFullMap):
problem = []
triggerInfo = tFullMap[trigger]
for scopeStr in sorted(triggerInfo):
scopeInfo = triggerInfo[scopeStr]
scopeRep = f" in scope {scopeStr}" if scopeStr else ""
thisAmbi = False
theseClashes = 0
if len(scopeInfo) > 1:
problem.append((0, f"Ambi: '{trigger}'{scopeRep}: "))
thisAmbi = True
for eidkind, rs in scopeInfo.items():
name = nameMap[eidkind]
rowRep = ",".join(str(r) for r in rs)
nRs = len(rs)
if nRs > 1:
theseClashes += 1
if thisAmbi:
problem.append((1, f"{name}: {rowRep}"))
elif nRs > 1:
(0, f"Clash: '{trigger}' for {name}: {rowRep}")
clashes += theseClashes
if len(problem):
problem = tuple(problem)
if problem not in problems:
if thisAmbi:
ambi += 1
if theseClashes:
clashes += theseClashes
errProblem(problem, problemCache)
if ambi > 0:
err(f"Ambiguous triggers: {ambi} x", cache=problemCache)
if clashes > 0:
err(f"Reused triggers scope: {clashes} x", cache=problemCache)
if len(problemCache) > 0:
def _prepareSheet(self):
"""Transform the sheets into instructions.
Now we have intervals with fixed sets of triggers,
we can generate instructions out of the sheets: info that the search
algorithm needs to do its work.
This info is such that it supports simultaneous searching for multiple triggers.
spaceEscaped = self.spaceEscaped
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
compiled = sheetData.compiled
nameMap = sheetData.nameMap
caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive
instructions = {}
sheetData.instructions = instructions
triggerScopes = {}
sheetData.triggerScopes = triggerScopes
allTriggers = set()
sheetData.allTriggers = allTriggers
for intv, thisCompiled in compiled.items():
sheet = thisCompiled.sheet
tMap = thisCompiled.tMap
triggerSet = set()
tPos = {}
idMap = {}
theseInstructions = dict(tPos=tPos, tMap=tMap)
instructions[intv] = theseInstructions
for eidkind, triggers in sheet.items():
for trigger in triggers:
triggerT = toTokens(
trigger, spaceEscaped=spaceEscaped, caseSensitive=caseSensitive
idMap.setdefault(trigger, []).append(eidkind)
for triggerT in triggerSet:
for i, token in enumerate(triggerT):
tPos.setdefault(i, {}).setdefault(token, set()).add(triggerT)
theseInstructions["idMap"] = {
trigger: eidkinds[0] for (trigger, eidkinds) in idMap.items()
tMap = theseInstructions["tMap"]
idMap = theseInstructions["idMap"]
for trigger, scope in tMap.items():
eidkind = idMap.get(trigger, None)
if eidkind is None:
name = nameMap[eidkind]
allTriggers.add((name, eidkind, trigger, scope))
triggerScopes.setdefault(trigger, set()).add(scope)
def _processSheet(self):
"""Carries out the search instructions that have been compiled from the sheet.
We look up the occurrences, organize the hits of the triggers, and store them
as entities in the current set.
if not self.properlySetup:
forceSilent = self.forceSilent
silent = self.silent
browse = self.browse
if not browse and not silent and not forceSilent:
app =
app.indent(reset=True)"Looking up occurrences of many candidates ...")
if not browse and not silent and not forceSilent:"done")
def _collectHits(self):
"""Stores the trigger hits.
The hits will be stored under the key `hitData` in the sheet data.
if not self.properlySetup:
forceSilent = self.forceSilent
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
inventory = sheetData.inventory
instructions = sheetData.instructions
def log(msg):
if forceSilent:
self.log(False, 0, msg)
hitData = {}
sheetData.hitData = hitData
for path, data in instructions.items():
idMap = data["idMap"]
tMap = data["tMap"]
for trigger, scope in tMap.items():
eidkind = idMap.get(trigger, None)
if eidkind is None:
occs = inventory.get(eidkind, {}).get(trigger, {}).get(scope, [])
hitData.setdefault(eidkind, {})[(trigger, scope)] = len(occs)
def _markEntities(self):
"""Marks up the members of the inventory as entities.
The instructions contain the entity identifier and the entity kind that
have to be assigned to the surface forms.
The inventory knows where the occurrences of the surface forms are.
All these occurrences will be added to the current entity set.
if not self.properlySetup:
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
inventory = sheetData.inventory
newEntities = []
triggerFromMatch = {}
sheetData.triggerFromMatch = triggerFromMatch
for eidkind, entData in inventory.items():
for trigger, triggerData in entData.items():
for scope, matches in triggerData.items():
for match in matches:
triggerFromMatch[match] = (trigger, scope)
newEntities.append((eidkind, matches))
def getSheetData(self):
"""Deliver the data of current sheet.
Sheet data is `tf.core.generic.AttrDict` with various kinds of data under
various keys, which are listed in `tf.ner.sheets.SHEET_KEYS`.
sheetName = self.sheetName
sheetsData = self.sheets
return sheetsData.setdefault(sheetName, AttrDict())
def log(self, isError, indent, msg, cache=None):
"""Issue a message to the user.
Depending on the `silent` member of the instance and on whether the message
is an error message, it can be inhibited.
isError: boolean
Whether it is an error message or a normal message
indent: integer
How far (in tabs) the message should be indented
msg: string
The actual message
cache: list, optional None
If it is a list, the output will not be sent to the console,
but appended to the cache.
You can save it for later.
silent = self.silent
if silent and not isError:
browse = self.browse
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
logData = sheetData.logData
if cache is None:
logData.append((isError, indent, msg))
if not browse:
if cache is None:
self.consoleLine(isError, indent, msg)
cache.append((isError, indent, msg))
def flush(self, cache):
"""Flushes the cache of log messages.
cache: list
The items in the cache
browse = self.browse
sheetData = self.getSheetData()
logData = sheetData.logData
if not browse:
for item in cache:
Global variables
Keys by which the data of a NER sheet is organized.
: boolean, whether to look for triggers in the corpus in a case-sensitive way;metaFields
: the list of colums in the NER spreadsheet that are not involved in entity lookup: this is the metadata of an entity;metaData
: the metadata of an entity as dictionary;logData
: the collected messages issues while reading and processing a NER sheet;nameMap
: mapping from entities to names;scopeMap
: mapping from scope strings to scope data structures;rowMap
: mapping from triggers to the rows where they occur;-
: compiled search instructions to search for all triggers simultaneously; more precisely, it is a mapping from intervals to tuples of three dictionaries:tPos
: dictionary that maps positions to tokens that a trigger may have in that position to the set of triggers that have that token in that position;tMap
: a mapping from triggers to scopes; the idea is that in every interval all triggers that are active in that interval have exactly one scope that includes that interval; the mapping gives that scope;idMap
: a mapping from triggers to entities; given a trigger that is active in an interval, and given its scope in that interval, there is exactly one entity that is triggered; the eid and kind of that entity identify it and is the value;
: complete result of the search for triggers; triggerFromMatch
: mapping for each match in the corpus which trigger was matched in what scope;triggerScopes
: for each trigger, the set of its scopes where it is used is stored;allTriggers
: the set of all triggers, more precisely, the set of all trigger-entity-scope combinations;hitData
: overview of the inventory (see above).
class Sheets (sheets=None)
Functions that do scope handling.
These functions will be added as methods to the class that inherits this class.
Handling of NER spreadsheets.
A NER spreadsheet contains entity information; in particular it links named entities to triggers by which they can be found in the corpus.
for the description of the shape of the spreadsheet, which is expected to be an Excel sheet.Parameters
, optionalNone
- Sheet data to start with. Relevant for when the TF browser uses this class.
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class Sheets(Scopes, Triggers): def __init__(self, sheets=None): """Handling of NER spreadsheets. A NER spreadsheet contains entity information; in particular it links named entities to triggers by which they can be found in the corpus. See `readSheetData()` for the description of the shape of the spreadsheet, which is expected to be an Excel sheet. Parameters ---------- sheets: dict, optional None Sheet data to start with. Relevant for when the TF browser uses this class. See `tf.ner.ner.NER` """ CI = CheckImport("openpyxl") if CI.importOK(hint=True): openpyxl = CI.importGet() self.loadXls = openpyxl.load_workbook self.Workbook = openpyxl.Workbook else: self.properlySetup = False return None self.properlySetup = True self.scopeI = 3 self.trigI = 4 self.commentI = 0 # browse = self.browse self.sheets = sheets settings = self.settings self.spaceEscaped = settings.spaceEscaped self.transform = settings.transform keywordFeatures = settings.keywordFeatures kindFeature = keywordFeatures[0] self.kindFeature = kindFeature defaultValues = settings.defaultValues self.defaultKind = defaultValues.get(kindFeature, "") self.sheetName = None """The current NER sheet.""" self.sheetNames = set() """The set of names of NER sheets that are present on the file system.""" self.readSheets() def getToTokensFunc(self): """Make a tokenize function. Produce a function that can tokenize strings in the same way as the corpus has been tokenized. Returns ------- function This function takes a string and returns an iterable of tokens. The tokenization is aware of whether the current sheet works case-sensitively, and whether spaces have been escaped as underscores. """ settings = self.settings spaceEscaped = settings.spaceEscaped sheetData = self.getSheetData() caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive def myToTokens(trigger): return toTokens( trigger, spaceEscaped=spaceEscaped, caseSensitive=caseSensitive ) return myToTokens def readSheets(self): """Read the list current ner sheets (again). Use this when you change ner sheets outside the NER browser, e.g. by editing the spreadsheets in Excel. """ sheetDir = self.sheetDir setNames = self.setNames sheetNames = set() self.sheetNames = sheetNames for sheetFile in dirContents(sheetDir)[0]: if extNm(sheetFile) == "xlsx": sheetName = sheetFile.removesuffix(".xlsx") sheetNames.add(sheetName) setNames.add(f".{sheetName}") def setSheet(self, newSheet, force=False, caseSensitive=None, forceSilent=False): """Switch to a named ner sheet. After the switch, the new sheet will be loaded into memory, processed, and executed. Parameters ---------- newSheet: string The name of the new ner sheet to switch to. force: boolean, optional False If True, do not load from cached data, but do all computations afresh. caseSensitive: boolean, optional None Whether to work with the spreadsheet in a case-sensitive way. If `None`, the value is taken from the current instance of this class. forceSilent: boolean, optional False If True, all output is suppressed, irrespective of the `silent` member in the instance. Only show stopping error messages are let through. """ if not self.properlySetup: return browse = self.browse sheetName = self.sheetName sheetNames = self.sheetNames sheetDir = self.sheetDir sheetFile = f"{sheetDir}/{newSheet}.xlsx" if newSheet not in sheetNames and not fileExists(sheetFile): if not browse: console(f"NER sheet {newSheet} ({sheetFile}) does not exist") if newSheet is not None: return # if not browse: # self.setSet("" if newSheet is None else f".{newSheet}") if newSheet != sheetName: sheetName = newSheet self.sheetName = sheetName if caseSensitive is None: caseSensitive = self.caseSensitive self.forceSilent = True self.loadSheetData(force=force, caseSensitive=caseSensitive) def loadSheetData(self, force=False, caseSensitive=False): """Loads the current ner sheet into memory, if there is one. If the current ner sheet is None, nothing has to be done. Otherwise, we read the corresponding excel sheet(s) from disk and compile them into instructions, if needed. When loading a sheet, it will be checked first whether its data is already in memory and uptotdate, in that case nothing will be done. Otherwise, it will be checked wether an uptodate version of its data exists on disk. If so, it will be loaded. Otherwise, or if `force=True` is passed, the data will be computed from scratch and saved to disk, with a time stamp. Parameters ---------- force: boolean, optional False If True, do not load from cached data, but do all computations afresh. caseSensitive: boolean, optional False Whether to work with the spreadsheet in a case-sensitive way. """ if not self.properlySetup: return sheetName = self.sheetName setName = self.setName annoDir = self.annoDir setDir = f"{annoDir}/{setName}" dataFile = f"{setDir}/data.gz" timeFile = f"{setDir}/time.txt" timeKey = "time" if sheetName is None: return None forceSilent = self.forceSilent sheets = self.sheets if sheetName not in sheets: sheets[sheetName] = AttrDict() browse = self.browse sheetData = self.getSheetData() sheetDir = self.sheetDir sheetFile = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}.xlsx" sheetExists = fileExists(sheetFile) sheetUpdated = mTime(sheetFile) if sheetExists else 0 needReload = ( force or sheetData.caseSensitive != caseSensitive or sheetData.get(timeKey, 0) < sheetUpdated ) showLog = True if needReload: # try to load from zipped data file first tm = 0 dataUptodate = not force and fileExists(timeFile) if dataUptodate: with fileOpen(timeFile) as fh: info = try: tm = float(info) dataUptodate = sheetUpdated < tm except Exception: dataUptodate = False # only load if that data exists and is still up to date if dataUptodate: if fileExists(dataFile): with, mode="rb") as f: data = pickle.load(f) if data["caseSensitive"] != caseSensitive: loaded = False else: for k in CLEAR_KEYS: if k in sheetData: sheetData[k].clear() for k in SHEET_KEYS: v = data.get(k, None) if v is None: if k in sheetData: if type(sheetData[k]) in {list, dict, set}: sheetData[k].clear() else: sheetData[k] = None else: sheetData[k] = v sheetData[timeKey] = tm loaded = True else: loaded = False else: loaded = False if loaded: # we have loaded valid, up-to-date, previously compiled spreadsheet data if not forceSilent: self.console("SHEET data: loaded from disk") else: # now we really heave to read and compile the spreadsheet if not forceSilent: self.console( "SHEET data: computing from scratch ...", newline=False ) sheetData.logData = [] sheetData.caseSensitive = caseSensitive self._readSheet() tm = time.time() sheetData[timeKey] = tm self._compileSheet() self._prepareSheet() self._processSheet() with, mode="wb", compresslevel=GZIP_LEVEL) as f: f.write( pickle.dumps( {k: sheetData[k] for k in SHEET_KEYS}, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL, ) ) with fileOpen(timeFile, "w") as fh: fh.write(f"{tm}\n") if not forceSilent: self.console("done") showLog = False else: # the compiled spreadsheet data we have in memory is still up to date if not forceSilent: self.console("SHEET data: already in memory and uptodate") if showLog and not browse and not forceSilent: for x in sheetData.logData: self.consoleLine(*x) self.forceSilent = False def makeSheetOfSingleTokens(self): """Make a derived sheet based on the individual tokens in the triggers. The current sheet will be used to make a new sheet with a row for every token in every trigger on the original sheet. In this way all tokens in triggers will be searched individually. Since tokens do not overlap, the tokens as triggers do not interfere with each other. This can be a convenient debugging tool for the entity spreadsheet in the case of triggers without hits. Note however, that there are also other functions that help with debugging the spreadsheet: * `tf.ner.triggers.Triggers.triggerInterference` * `tf.ner.triggers.Triggers.reportHits` """ Workbook = self.Workbook sheetName = self.sheetName sheetDir = self.sheetDir sheetPath = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}-single.xlsx" sheetData = self.getSheetData() raw = sheetData.raw # raw.setdefault(eidkind, {})[normScopeStr] = (r + 1, triggers) words = {} for eidkind, eData in raw.items(): for scopeStr, (r, triggers) in eData.items(): for trigger in triggers: for word in trigger.split(): if word.isalpha(): words.setdefault(word, {}).setdefault(scopeStr, set()).add( r ) wb = Workbook() ws = ws.append(("comment", "name", "kind", "scope", "triggers", "origrow")) ws.append(("", "", "", "", "", "")) eids = {} for word in sorted(words): wordData = words[word] eid = toSmallId(word).replace(".", " ") n = eids.get(eid, 0) eidDis = eid if n == 0 else f"{eid}({n})" n += 1 eids[eid] = n rows = set() for scopeStr in sorted(wordData): rows |= set(wordData[scopeStr]) rowRep = ",".join(str(r) for r in sorted(rows)) ws.append(("", eidDis, "x", "", word, rowRep)) def writeSheetData(self, rows, asFile=None): """Write a spreadsheet. When the data for a spreadsheet has been gathered, you can write it to Excel by means of this function. Parameters ---------- rows: iterable of iterables The rows, each row an interable of fields asFile: string, optional None The path of the file to write the Excel data to. """ if not asFile: console("Pass the path of a destination file in param asFile") return Workbook = self.Workbook trigI = self.trigI commentI = self.commentI wb = Workbook() ws = for r, row in enumerate(rows): if r <= 1: ws.append(row) continue isCommentRow = row[commentI].startswith("#") if not isCommentRow: row[trigI] = "; ".join(row[trigI]) ws.append(row) def readSheetData(self): """Read the data of the spreadsheet and deliver it as a list of field lists. Concerning the Excel sheets in `ner/sheets`: * they will be read by `tf.ner.ner.NER.setSheet()`; * you might need to `pip install openpyxl` first; Each row in the spreadsheet specifies a set of triggers for a named entity in a certain scope. The row may have additional metadata, which will be linked to the named entity. If you need several scopes for the same named entity, make sure the metadata in those rows is identical. Otherwise it is unpredictable from which row the metadata will be taken. The first row is a header row, but the names are only important for the columns marked as metadata columns. The second row will be ignored, you can use it as an explanation or subtitle of the column titles in the header row. Here is a specification of the columns. We only specify the first so many columns. The remaining columns are treated as metadata. 1. **comment**. If this cell starts with a `#` the whole row will be skipped and ignored. Otherwise, the value is taken as a comment, that you are free to fill in or leave empty. 1. **name**. The full name of the entity, as it occurs in articles and reference works. 1. **kind**. A label that indicates what type of entity it is, e.g. `PER` for person and `LOC` for location and `ORG` for organization. But you are free to chose the labels. 1. **scope**. A string that indicates portions in the corpus where the triggers for this entity are valid. The scope specifies zero or more intervals of sections in the corpus, where an empty scope denotes the whole corpus. See `tf.ner.scopes.Scopes.parseScope()` for the syntax of scope specifiers. 1. **triggers**. A list of triggers, i.e. textual strings that occur in the corpus and trigger the detection of the entity named in the **name** column. The individual triggers must be separated by a `;`. Triggers may contain multiple words, and even `,`s. It is recommended not to use newlines in the trigger cells. When the triggers are read, white-space will be trimmed, and some character replacements will take place, which are dependent on the corpus. Think of replacing various kinds of quotes by ASCII quotes. The remaining columns are metadata columns. This metadata can be retrieved by means of the function `tf.ner.ner.NER.getMeta()` A good, real-world example of such a spreadsheet is *people.xlsx* in the [Suriano corpus]( Returns ------- list of list Rows which are lists of fields. """ sheetName = self.sheetName sheetDir = self.sheetDir loadXls = self.loadXls trigI = self.trigI commentI = self.commentI normalizeChars = self.normalizeChars spaceEscaped = self.spaceEscaped sheetData = self.getSheetData() caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive def myNormalize(x): return normalize( str(x) if normalizeChars is None else normalizeChars(str(x)) ) sheetPath = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}.xlsx" wb = loadXls(sheetPath, data_only=True) ws = result = [] for r, row in enumerate(ws.rows): fields = [] result.append(fields) isCommentRow = (row[commentI].value or "").startswith("#") for i, field in enumerate(row): value = field.value or "" if not isCommentRow and r > 1 and i == trigI: value = myNormalize(value) value = { y for x in value.split(";") if ( y := tnorm( x, spaceEscaped=spaceEscaped, caseSensitive=caseSensitive, ) ) != "" } fields.append(value) return result def getMeta(self): """Retrieves the metadata of the current sheet. The metadata of each entity is stored in the extra fields in its row. The writer of the NER sheet is free to chose additional rows. Returns ------- tuple The first member is a list of the names of the metadata columns, taken from the first row of the spreadsheet. The second member is a dict with the metadata itself. The keys are strings of the form *entity identifier*`-`*entity kind*. The values are tuples, where the i-th member is the value for the i-th name in the list of metadata fields. """ sheetData = self.getSheetData() return (sheetData.metaFields, sheetData.metaData) def _readSheet(self): """Read all the spreadsheets, the main one and the tweaks. Several checks on the sanity of the data will be performed. Store the results in a hierarchy that mimicks the way they are organized in the file system. """ forceSilent = self.forceSilent sheetName = self.sheetName sheetDir = self.sheetDir loadXls = self.loadXls defaultKind = self.defaultKind transform = self.transform spaceEscaped = self.spaceEscaped normalizeChars = self.normalizeChars trigI = self.trigI scopeI = self.scopeI def spec(msg): if forceSilent: return self.log(None, 0, msg) def log(msg): if forceSilent: return self.log(False, 0, msg) def err(msg): if forceSilent: return self.log(True, 0, msg) def err1(msg): if forceSilent: return self.log(True, 1, msg) sheetData = self.getSheetData() caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive nameMap = {} sheetData.nameMap = nameMap """Will contain a mapping from entities to names. The entities are keyed by their (eid, kind) tuple. The values are names plus the sheet where they are first defined. """ metaData = {} sheetData.metaData = metaData """Will contain the data of most columns in the spreadsheet. The scope and triggers columns are not stored. For each row, a key is computed (the small eid based on the name in the first column). Under this key we store the list of values. """ rowMap = {} sheetData.rowMap = rowMap """Will contain a mapping from triggers to row. For each trigger we store the row in the NER sheet where that trigger occurs. """ for k in CLEAR_KEYS: if k in sheetData: sheetData[k].clear() for k in SHEET_KEYS: if k in sheetData: if type(sheetData[k]) in {list, dict, set}: sheetData[k].clear() spec("Reading sheets") scopeMap = {} sheetData.scopeMap = scopeMap """Will contain a mapping from scope specifiers to logical scopes. Scope specifiers are strings, logical scopes are the data structures that you get when you parse those strings. """ sheetPath = f"{sheetDir}/{sheetName}.xlsx" wb = loadXls(sheetPath, data_only=True) ws = maxCol = ws.max_column maxRow = ws.max_row if not forceSilent: self.console(f"Sheet with {maxRow} rows and {maxCol} columns") raw = {} sheetData.raw = raw multiNames = {} noNames = set() noTrigs = set() emptyLines = set() scopeMistakes = {} def myNormalize(x): """Normalization function that performs additional replacements. The replacements are coded in the function `normalizeChars()`, which can be passed to the instance of this class. """ return normalize( str(x) if normalizeChars is None else normalizeChars(str(x)) ) for r, row in enumerate(ws.rows): if r == 0: metaFields = [ myNormalize(row[i].value or "") for i in range(maxCol) if i not in {0, scopeI, trigI} ] sheetData.metaFields = metaFields continue if r == 1: continue if not any(c.value for c in row): continue triggerStr = row[trigI].value if triggerStr is not None and "\n" in triggerStr: triggerRep = triggerStr.replace("\n", "\\n") msg = f"r{r + 1:>3}: newline in trigger string: {triggerRep}" log(msg) continue (comment, name, kind, scopeStr, triggerStr) = ( myNormalize(row[i].value or "") for i in range(trigI + 1) ) if comment.startswith("#"): continue if not name or not triggerStr: if name: noTrigs.add(r + 1) elif triggerStr: noNames.add(r + 1) else: emptyLines.add(r + 1) continue triggers = { y for x in triggerStr.split(";") if ( y := tnorm( x, spaceEscaped=spaceEscaped, caseSensitive=caseSensitive ) ) != "" } for trigger in triggers: rowMap.setdefault(trigger, []).append(r + 1) if len(triggers) == 0: noTrigs.add(r + 1) continue if not kind: kind = defaultKind msg = f"r{r + 1:>3}: " f"no kind name, supplied {defaultKind}" log(msg) info = self.parseScope(scopeStr, plain=False) warnings = info["warning"] if len(warnings): scopeMistakes[r + 1] = "; ".join(warnings) continue normScopeStr = info["normal"] if normScopeStr != "": scopes = info["result"] if normScopeStr not in scopeMap: scopeMap[normScopeStr] = scopes eid = toSmallId(name, transform=transform) eidkind = (eid, kind) if normScopeStr in raw.get(eidkind, {}): ar = raw[eidkind][normScopeStr][0] multiNames[r + 1] = f"({normScopeStr}) {nameMap[eidkind]} also in r{ar}" continue else: nameMap[eidkind] = name raw.setdefault(eidkind, {})[normScopeStr] = (r + 1, triggers) metaKey = f"{eid}-{kind}" metaData[metaKey] = [ myNormalize(row[i].value or "") for i in range(maxCol) if i not in {0, scopeI, trigI} ] if not forceSilent: for diags, isdict, label in ( (emptyLines, False, "without a name and triggers"), (multiNames, True, "with a duplicate name"), (noNames, False, "without a name"), (scopeMistakes, True, "with scope mistakes"), (noTrigs, False, "without triggers"), ): n = len(diags) if n > 0: if isdict: if n > 0: plural = "" if n == 1 else "s" err(f"{n} row{plural} {label}:") for r in sorted(diags): msg = diags[r] err1(f"r{r:>3}: {msg}") else: rep = ", ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(diags)[0:10]) plural = "" if n == 1 else "s" err(f"{n} row{plural} {label}:\n\te.g.: {rep}") def _compileSheet(self): """Compiles the info in tweaked sheets according to the scopes in it. On the basis of the scopes that are given for the triggers, we partition the corpus in maximal intervals in which no trigger goes into or out of scope. During these intervals we have a fixed set of triggers that must be looked up, and we can check for the consistency of these triggers. In every scope we may find two kinds of problems with triggers and scopes: * ambiguous trigger: a trigger is used by multiple entities in that scope. * clashing triggers: a trigger occurs in more than one row for a specific entity and a specific scope. These problems are detected and reported. """ forceSilent = self.forceSilent sheetData = self.getSheetData() compiled = AttrDict() sheetData.compiled = compiled nameMap = sheetData.nameMap def spec(msg, cache=None): if forceSilent: return self.log(None, 0, msg, cache=cache) def log(msg, cache=None): if forceSilent: return self.log(False, 0, msg, cache=cache) def err(msg, cache=None): if forceSilent: return self.log(True, 0, msg, cache=cache) def errProblem(problem, cache): if forceSilent: return for indent, msg in problem: self.log(True, indent, msg, cache=cache) tFullMap = {} def getTriggerRep(tr): triggerInfo = tFullMap[tr] result = [] for scope in sorted(triggerInfo): scopeRep = "" if not scope else f"({scope})" scopeInfo = triggerInfo[scope] for eidkind in sorted(scopeInfo): name = sheetData.nameMap[eidkind] rowRep = ",".join(str(r) for r in sorted(scopeInfo[eidkind])) result.append(f"'{tr}'{scopeRep} r{rowRep} for {name}") return result spec("Checking scopes") raw = sheetData.raw intvMap = sheetData.scopeMap intervals = partitionScopes(intvMap) problems = set() for b, e, scopeStrs in [[None, None, None]] + intervals: scopeStrSet = {""} if scopeStrs is None else set(scopeStrs) intv = (b, e) if b is not None and e is not None else () headCache = [] problemCache = [] msg = self.repInterval(intv) spec(msg, cache=headCache) thisCompiled = AttrDict() compiled[intv] = thisCompiled # check which triggers are a substring in which other triggers # these triggers can never be found! tFullMap.clear() for eidkind, info in raw.items(): if "" in info: (r, triggers) = info[""] for trigger in triggers: tFullMap.setdefault(trigger, {}).setdefault("", {}).setdefault( eidkind, set() ).add(r) for scopeStr, (r, triggers) in info.items(): if scopeStr == "": continue if scopeStr in scopeStrSet: for trigger in triggers: tFullMap.setdefault(trigger, {}).setdefault( scopeStr, {} ).setdefault(eidkind, set()).add(r) # now compile the result information: tMap, newSheet newSheet = {} thisCompiled.sheet = newSheet tMap = {} thisCompiled.tMap = tMap for eidkind, info in raw.items(): if "" in info: (r, triggers) = info[""] newSheet[eidkind] = triggers for trigger in triggers: tMap[trigger] = "" for scopeStr, (r, triggers) in info.items(): if scopeStr == "": continue if scopeStr in scopeStrSet: newSheet[eidkind] = triggers for trigger in triggers: tMap[trigger] = scopeStr # the sheet is now compiled, all compiled data has been created # the rest only deals with error reporting ambi = 0 clashes = 0 for trigger in sorted(tFullMap): problem = [] triggerInfo = tFullMap[trigger] for scopeStr in sorted(triggerInfo): scopeInfo = triggerInfo[scopeStr] scopeRep = f" in scope {scopeStr}" if scopeStr else "" thisAmbi = False theseClashes = 0 if len(scopeInfo) > 1: problem.append((0, f"Ambi: '{trigger}'{scopeRep}: ")) thisAmbi = True for eidkind, rs in scopeInfo.items(): name = nameMap[eidkind] rowRep = ",".join(str(r) for r in rs) nRs = len(rs) if nRs > 1: theseClashes += 1 if thisAmbi: problem.append((1, f"{name}: {rowRep}")) elif nRs > 1: problem.append( (0, f"Clash: '{trigger}' for {name}: {rowRep}") ) clashes += theseClashes if len(problem): problem = tuple(problem) if problem not in problems: if thisAmbi: ambi += 1 if theseClashes: clashes += theseClashes problems.add(problem) errProblem(problem, problemCache) if ambi > 0: err(f"Ambiguous triggers: {ambi} x", cache=problemCache) if clashes > 0: err(f"Reused triggers scope: {clashes} x", cache=problemCache) if len(problemCache) > 0: self.flush(headCache) self.flush(problemCache) def _prepareSheet(self): """Transform the sheets into instructions. Now we have intervals with fixed sets of triggers, we can generate instructions out of the sheets: info that the search algorithm needs to do its work. This info is such that it supports simultaneous searching for multiple triggers. """ spaceEscaped = self.spaceEscaped sheetData = self.getSheetData() compiled = sheetData.compiled nameMap = sheetData.nameMap caseSensitive = sheetData.caseSensitive instructions = {} sheetData.instructions = instructions triggerScopes = {} sheetData.triggerScopes = triggerScopes allTriggers = set() sheetData.allTriggers = allTriggers for intv, thisCompiled in compiled.items(): sheet = thisCompiled.sheet tMap = thisCompiled.tMap triggerSet = set() tPos = {} idMap = {} theseInstructions = dict(tPos=tPos, tMap=tMap) instructions[intv] = theseInstructions for eidkind, triggers in sheet.items(): for trigger in triggers: triggerT = toTokens( trigger, spaceEscaped=spaceEscaped, caseSensitive=caseSensitive ) triggerSet.add(triggerT) idMap.setdefault(trigger, []).append(eidkind) for triggerT in triggerSet: for i, token in enumerate(triggerT): tPos.setdefault(i, {}).setdefault(token, set()).add(triggerT) theseInstructions["idMap"] = { trigger: eidkinds[0] for (trigger, eidkinds) in idMap.items() } tMap = theseInstructions["tMap"] idMap = theseInstructions["idMap"] for trigger, scope in tMap.items(): eidkind = idMap.get(trigger, None) if eidkind is None: continue name = nameMap[eidkind] allTriggers.add((name, eidkind, trigger, scope)) triggerScopes.setdefault(trigger, set()).add(scope) def _processSheet(self): """Carries out the search instructions that have been compiled from the sheet. We look up the occurrences, organize the hits of the triggers, and store them as entities in the current set. """ if not self.properlySetup: return forceSilent = self.forceSilent silent = self.silent browse = self.browse if not browse and not silent and not forceSilent: app = app.indent(reset=True)"Looking up occurrences of many candidates ...") self.findOccs() self._collectHits() if not browse and not silent and not forceSilent:"done") self._markEntities() def _collectHits(self): """Stores the trigger hits. The hits will be stored under the key `hitData` in the sheet data. """ if not self.properlySetup: return forceSilent = self.forceSilent sheetData = self.getSheetData() inventory = sheetData.inventory instructions = sheetData.instructions def log(msg): if forceSilent: return self.log(False, 0, msg) hitData = {} sheetData.hitData = hitData for path, data in instructions.items(): idMap = data["idMap"] tMap = data["tMap"] for trigger, scope in tMap.items(): eidkind = idMap.get(trigger, None) if eidkind is None: continue occs = inventory.get(eidkind, {}).get(trigger, {}).get(scope, []) hitData.setdefault(eidkind, {})[(trigger, scope)] = len(occs) def _markEntities(self): """Marks up the members of the inventory as entities. The instructions contain the entity identifier and the entity kind that have to be assigned to the surface forms. The inventory knows where the occurrences of the surface forms are. All these occurrences will be added to the current entity set. """ if not self.properlySetup: return sheetData = self.getSheetData() inventory = sheetData.inventory newEntities = [] triggerFromMatch = {} sheetData.triggerFromMatch = triggerFromMatch for eidkind, entData in inventory.items(): for trigger, triggerData in entData.items(): for scope, matches in triggerData.items(): for match in matches: triggerFromMatch[match] = (trigger, scope) newEntities.append((eidkind, matches)) self._addToSet(newEntities) def getSheetData(self): """Deliver the data of current sheet. Sheet data is `tf.core.generic.AttrDict` with various kinds of data under various keys, which are listed in `tf.ner.sheets.SHEET_KEYS`. Returns ------- dict """ sheetName = self.sheetName sheetsData = self.sheets return sheetsData.setdefault(sheetName, AttrDict()) def log(self, isError, indent, msg, cache=None): """Issue a message to the user. Depending on the `silent` member of the instance and on whether the message is an error message, it can be inhibited. Parameters ---------- isError: boolean Whether it is an error message or a normal message indent: integer How far (in tabs) the message should be indented msg: string The actual message cache: list, optional None If it is a list, the output will not be sent to the console, but appended to the cache. You can save it for later. """ silent = self.silent if silent and not isError: return browse = self.browse sheetData = self.getSheetData() logData = sheetData.logData if cache is None: logData.append((isError, indent, msg)) if not browse: if cache is None: self.consoleLine(isError, indent, msg) else: cache.append((isError, indent, msg)) def flush(self, cache): """Flushes the cache of log messages. Parameters ---------- cache: list The items in the cache """ browse = self.browse sheetData = self.getSheetData() logData = sheetData.logData if not browse: for item in cache: logData.append(item) self.consoleLine(*item)
Instance variables
var sheetName
The current NER sheet.
var sheetNames
The set of names of NER sheets that are present on the file system.
def flush(self, cache)
Flushes the cache of log messages.
- The items in the cache
def getMeta(self)
Retrieves the metadata of the current sheet.
The metadata of each entity is stored in the extra fields in its row. The writer of the NER sheet is free to chose additional rows.
The first member is a list of the names of the metadata columns, taken from the first row of the spreadsheet.
The second member is a dict with the metadata itself. The keys are strings of the form entity identifier
entity kind. The values are tuples, where the i-th member is the value for the i-th name in the list of metadata fields.
def getSheetData(self)
Deliver the data of current sheet.
Sheet data is
with various kinds of data under various keys, which are listed inSHEET_KEYS
def getToTokensFunc(self)
Make a tokenize function.
Produce a function that can tokenize strings in the same way as the corpus has been tokenized.
- This function takes a string and returns an iterable of tokens. The tokenization is aware of whether the current sheet works case-sensitively, and whether spaces have been escaped as underscores.
def loadSheetData(self, force=False, caseSensitive=False)
Loads the current ner sheet into memory, if there is one.
If the current ner sheet is None, nothing has to be done.
Otherwise, we read the corresponding excel sheet(s) from disk and compile them into instructions, if needed.
When loading a sheet, it will be checked first whether its data is already in memory and uptotdate, in that case nothing will be done.
Otherwise, it will be checked wether an uptodate version of its data exists on disk. If so, it will be loaded.
Otherwise, or if
is passed, the data will be computed from scratch and saved to disk, with a time stamp.Parameters
, optionalFalse
- If True, do not load from cached data, but do all computations afresh.
, optionalFalse
- Whether to work with the spreadsheet in a case-sensitive way.
def log(self, isError, indent, msg, cache=None)
Issue a message to the user.
Depending on the
member of the instance and on whether the message is an error message, it can be inhibited.Parameters
- Whether it is an error message or a normal message
- How far (in tabs) the message should be indented
- The actual message
, optionalNone
- If it is a list, the output will not be sent to the console, but appended to the cache. You can save it for later.
def makeSheetOfSingleTokens(self)
Make a derived sheet based on the individual tokens in the triggers.
The current sheet will be used to make a new sheet with a row for every token in every trigger on the original sheet. In this way all tokens in triggers will be searched individually. Since tokens do not overlap, the tokens as triggers do not interfere with each other. This can be a convenient debugging tool for the entity spreadsheet in the case of triggers without hits.
Note however, that there are also other functions that help with debugging the spreadsheet:
def readSheetData(self)
Read the data of the spreadsheet and deliver it as a list of field lists.
Concerning the Excel sheets in
:- they will be read by
; - you might need to
pip install openpyxl
Each row in the spreadsheet specifies a set of triggers for a named entity in a certain scope. The row may have additional metadata, which will be linked to the named entity. If you need several scopes for the same named entity, make sure the metadata in those rows is identical. Otherwise it is unpredictable from which row the metadata will be taken.
The first row is a header row, but the names are only important for the columns marked as metadata columns.
The second row will be ignored, you can use it as an explanation or subtitle of the column titles in the header row.
Here is a specification of the columns. We only specify the first so many columns. The remaining columns are treated as metadata.
comment. If this cell starts with a
the whole row will be skipped and ignored. Otherwise, the value is taken as a comment, that you are free to fill in or leave empty. -
name. The full name of the entity, as it occurs in articles and reference works.
kind. A label that indicates what type of entity it is, e.g.
for person andLOC
for location andORG
for organization. But you are free to chose the labels. -
scope. A string that indicates portions in the corpus where the triggers for this entity are valid. The scope specifies zero or more intervals of sections in the corpus, where an empty scope denotes the whole corpus. See
for the syntax of scope specifiers. -
triggers. A list of triggers, i.e. textual strings that occur in the corpus and trigger the detection of the entity named in the name column. The individual triggers must be separated by a
. Triggers may contain multiple words, and even,
s. It is recommended not to use newlines in the trigger cells. When the triggers are read, white-space will be trimmed, and some character replacements will take place, which are dependent on the corpus. Think of replacing various kinds of quotes by ASCII quotes.
The remaining columns are metadata columns. This metadata can be retrieved by means of the function
A good, real-world example of such a spreadsheet is people.xlsx in the Suriano corpus
- Rows which are lists of fields.
- they will be read by
def readSheets(self)
Read the list current ner sheets (again).
Use this when you change ner sheets outside the NER browser, e.g. by editing the spreadsheets in Excel.
def setSheet(self, newSheet, force=False, caseSensitive=None, forceSilent=False)
Switch to a named ner sheet.
After the switch, the new sheet will be loaded into memory, processed, and executed.
- The name of the new ner sheet to switch to.
, optionalFalse
- If True, do not load from cached data, but do all computations afresh.
, optionalNone
- Whether to work with the spreadsheet in a case-sensitive way.
, the value is taken from the current instance of this class. forceSilent
, optionalFalse
- If True, all output is suppressed, irrespective of the
member in the instance. Only show stopping error messages are let through.
def writeSheetData(self, rows, asFile=None)
Write a spreadsheet.
When the data for a spreadsheet has been gathered, you can write it to Excel by means of this function.
- The rows, each row an interable of fields
, optionalNone
- The path of the file to write the Excel data to.
Inherited members