Module tf.core.computed

Pre-computed data components

In order to make the API work, TF prepares some data and saves it in quick-load format. Most of this data are the features, but there is some extra data needed for the special functions of the WARP features and the Locality API.

Normally, you do not use this data, but since it is there, it might be valuable, so we have made it accessible in the Computeds-API.

Pre-computed data storage

Pre-computed data is stored in cache directories in a directory .tf inside the directory where the otype feature is encountered.

After pre-computation the result is pickled and gzipped and written to a .tfx file with the same name as the name of the feature. This is done for normal features and pre-computed features likewise.

After version 7.7.7 version the memory footprint of some pre-computed features has been reduced. Because the pre-computed features on disk are exact replicas of the pre-computed features in RAM, older pre-computed data does not work with versions of TF after 7.7.7.

But from that version onward, there is a parameter, PACK_VERSION to detect incompatibilities.

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# Pre-computed data components

In order to make the API work, TF prepares some data and saves it in
quick-load format. Most of this data are the features, but there is some extra
data needed for the special functions of the `tf.parameters.WARP` features and the
`tf.core.locality.Locality` API.

Normally, you do not use this data, but since it is there, it might be valuable,
so we have made it accessible in the `tf.core.computed.Computeds`-API.

!!! explanation "Pre-computed data storage"
    Pre-computed data is stored in cache directories in a directory `.tf`
    inside the directory where the `otype` feature is encountered.

    After pre-computation the result is `pickled` and `gzipped` and written to a
    `.tfx` file with the same name as the name of the feature.
    This is done for normal features and pre-computed features likewise.

    After version 7.7.7 version the memory footprint of some pre-computed features
    has been reduced. Because the pre-computed features on disk are exact replicas
    of the pre-computed features in RAM, older pre-computed data does not work with
    versions of TF after 7.7.7.

    But from that version onward, there is a parameter,
    `tf.parameters.PACK_VERSION` to detect incompatibilities.

class Computeds:

class Computed:
    """Provides access to pre-computed data.

    For component `ccc` it is the result of `C.ccc` or `Cs('ccc')`.

    def __init__(self, api, data):
        self.api = api = data


class Computed (api, data)

Provides access to pre-computed data.

For component ccc it is the result of C.ccc or Cs('ccc').

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class Computed:
    """Provides access to pre-computed data.

    For component `ccc` it is the result of `C.ccc` or `Cs('ccc')`.

    def __init__(self, api, data):
        self.api = api = data
class Computeds
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class Computeds: