Module tf.browser.wrap

Wrap material into HTML

Lower level functions for wrapping TF data into actual HTML that can be served.

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# Wrap material into HTML

Lower level functions for wrapping TF data into actual HTML that can be served.

from textwrap import dedent
import time
import datetime

from ..parameters import (
from ..advanced.options import INTERFACE_OPTIONS
from ..core.files import backendRep
from ..core.helpers import TO_SYM


def pageLinks(nResults, position, spread=10):
    """Provide navigation links for results sets, big or small.

    It creates links around *position* in a set of `nResults`.
    The spread indicates how many links before and after *position* are generated
    in each column.

    There will be multiple columns. The right most column contains links
    to results `position - spread` to `position + spread`.

    Left of that there is a column for results `position - spread*spread`
    to `position + spread*spread`, stepping by `spread`.

    And so on, until the stepping factor becomes bigger than the result set.

    if spread <= 1:
        spread = 1
    elif nResults == 0:
        lines = []
    elif nResults == 1:
        lines = [(1,)]
    elif nResults == 2:
        lines = [(1, 2)]
        if position == 1 or position == nResults:
            commonLine = (1, nResults)
            commonLine = (1, position, nResults)
        lines = []

        factor = 1
        while factor <= nResults:
            curSpread = factor * spread
            first = _coarsify(position - curSpread, curSpread)
            last = _coarsify(position + curSpread, curSpread)

            left = tuple(
                n for n in range(first, last, factor) if n > 0 and n < position
            right = tuple(
                n for n in range(first, last, factor) if n > position and n <= nResults

            both = tuple(
                n for n in left + (position,) + right if n > 0 and n <= nResults

            if len(both) > 1:

            factor *= spread


    html = "\n".join(
        '<div class="pline">'
        + " ".join(
            f'<a href="#" class="pnav {" focus" if position == p else ""}">{p}</a>'
            for p in line
        + "</div>"
        for line in reversed(lines)
    return html

def passageLinks(passages, sec0Type, sec0, sec1, tillLevel):
    """Provide navigation links for passages,

    in the form of links to sections of level 0, 1 and 2 (books, chapters and verses).

    If `sec0` is not given, only a list of `sec0` links is produced.

    If `sec0` is given, but `sec1` not, a list of links for `sec1` within the
    given `sec0`
    is produced.

    If both `sec0` and `sec1` are given, the `sec1` entry is focused.

    sec0s = []
    sec1s = []
    for s0 in passages[0]:
        selected = str(s0) == str(sec0)
            f'<a href="#" class="s0nav {" focus" if selected else ""}">{s0}</a>'
    if sec0:
        for s1 in passages[1]:
            selected = str(s1) == str(sec1)
                f'<a href="#" class="s1nav {" focus" if selected else ""}">{s1}</a>'
    return (
        f'<div class="sline"><span><span id="s0total"></span>'
        f' <span class="s0total">{sec0Type}s</span></span>'
        + "".join(sec0s)
        + '</div><div class="sline">'
        + "".join(sec1s)
        + "</div>"


COLOR_DEFAULT = "#ffff00"
E_COLOR_DEF = dict(

def wrapColorMap(form):
    """Wraps the color map for query result highlighting into HTML.

    The color map is a dict, keyed by integers (the positions of atoms
    in a query template) and the values are RGB colours (as string) or the
    empty string.

    This dict is stored in `form["colorMap"]`.
    An extra hidden input field `colormapn` helps to read this dict from the
    other form elements.

    resetForm = form["resetForm"]
    if resetForm:
        colorMap = {}
        colorMap = form["colorMap"]

    colorMapN = len(colorMap)

    html = []
            <details id="colormap" class="dstate">
                <summary class="ilab">query highlighting</summary>
    html.append(f"""<input type="hidden" name="colormapn" value="{colorMapN}">""")

    minC = """<a href="#" id="colormapmin">-</a>"""
    plusC = """<a href="#" id="colormapplus">+</a>"""

    empty = colorMapN == 0

    for pos in range(1, colorMapN + 2):
        last = pos == colorMapN
        past = pos == colorMapN + 1

        if past:
            thisHtml = f"""<div>{plusC}</div>""" if empty else ""
            color = colorMap.get(pos, "") or COLOR_DEFAULT

            thisHtml = dedent(
                        pos="{pos}" name="colormap_{pos}"
                    {minC if last else ""}
                    {plusC if last else ""}


    return "\n".join(html)

def wrapEColorMap(form):
    """Wraps the edge color map for edge highlighting into HTML.
    The edge color map is a dict, keyed by pairs of integers
    (the nodes between which there is an edge) and values are RGB colours (as string).
    Each of the two integers in a pair may also be None (but not both).
    The color of `(n, None)` is used to color the outgoing edges from `n`,
    the color of (`(None, n)` is used to color the incoming edges from `n`.

    This dict is stored in `form["edgeHighlights"]`.
    An extra hidden input field `ecolormapn` helps to read this dict from the
    other form elements.

    resetForm = form["resetForm"]
    if resetForm:
        edgeHighlights = {}
        edgeHighlights = form["edgeHighlights"]

    eColorMapN = sum(len(ehl) for ehl in edgeHighlights.values())

    html = []
            <details id="edgefeatures" class="dstate">
                <summary class="ilab">edge highlighting</summary>
                <table id="ecolordefs">
    html.append(f"""<input type="hidden" name="ecolormapn" value="{eColorMapN}">""")

    def sortEdges(data):
        ((f, t), c) = data
        node = t if f is None else f if t is None else min((f, t))
        kind = 2 if f is not None and t is not None else 1 if f is None else 0
        return (kind, node, c)

    pos = 0

    for eName in sorted(edgeHighlights):
        edgeInfo = edgeHighlights[eName]

        for ((f, t), color) in sorted(edgeInfo.items(), key=sortEdges):
            pos += 1
            fRep = "any" if f is None else f
            fVal = "any" if f is None else f
            tRep = "any" if t is None else t
            tVal = "any" if t is None else t
            if not color:
                color = E_COLOR_DEF["t" if f is None else "f" if t is None else "b"]
            thisHtml = dedent(
                    <td><span class="ctype">{eName}</span></td>
                            type="color" class="eclmap"
                            name="ecolormap_{pos}" value="{color}"
                    <td><a href="#" pos="{pos}" class="ecolormapmin">-</a></td>
                    <td><span class="nde">{fRep}</span></td>
                    <td><span class="nde">{tRep}</span></td>
                <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_{pos}" value="{eName}">
                <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_{pos}" value="{fVal}">
                <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_{pos}" value="{tVal}">


    newEHL = dedent(
        <input type="hidden" name="ecolormap_new_1" value="{E_COLOR_DEF['b']}" >
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_new_1" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_new_1" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_new_1" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="ecolormap_new_2" value="{E_COLOR_DEF['f']}" >
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_new_2" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_new_2" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_new_2" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="ecolormap_new_3" value="{E_COLOR_DEF['t']}" >
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_new_3" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_new_3" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_new_3" value="">


    return "\n".join(html)

def wrapOptions(context, form):
    """Wraps the boolean options, including the app-specific ones, into HTML."""

    interfaceDefaults = context.interfaceDefaults
    defaults = {k: v for (k, v) in interfaceDefaults.items() if v is not None}
    resetForm = form["resetForm"]

    html = []
    htmlMoved = {}
    helpHtml = []
    for (option, default, acro, desc, long, move) in INTERFACE_OPTIONS:
        if option not in defaults:
        value = defaults[option] if resetForm else form[option]
        value = "checked" if value else ""
        outer = "span" if move else "div"
        thisHtml = (
            f'<input class="r" type="checkbox" id="{acro}" name="{option}" {value}/>'
            f' <span class="ilab" title="{option}">{desc}</span>'
        helpHtml.append(f'<p><b title="{option}">{desc}</b> {long}</p>')
        if move:
            htmlMoved[option] = thisHtml
    return ("\n".join(html), htmlMoved, "\n".join(helpHtml))

def wrapSelect(option, allowedValues, value, group, item, multiple):
    """Provides a buttoned chooser for the node types.

    Some options need node types as values: `baseTypes`, `condenseType`, `hiddenType`.
    See `tf.advanced.options`.

    The chooser supports single value and multiple value mode.

    option: string
        The name of the option
    allowedValues: dict
        Keyed by option, the values are tuples of allowed values for that option
        in the right order.
    value: string | set of string
        The current value of the option. In the case of multiple values, this
        is a set of values.
    group: string
        An extra class name helping to group the relevant buttons together
    item: string
        An extra pair of class names for formatting each option line
    multiple: boolean
        If `True`, the options appear as check boxes, and multiple values
        can be selected. Otherwise, the options appear as radio boxes, of which
        at most one can be selected.

        A HTML fragment containing the options with the current value(s) selected.

    html = []
    for val in allowedValues[option]:
        logicValue = val in value if multiple else val == value
        checked = " checked " if logicValue else ""
        bType = "checkbox" if multiple else "radio"
        button = (
            f'<input class="r {group}" type="{bType}" name="{option}" value="{val}"'
            f" {checked}/>"
            f'<div class="{item[0]}">{button} <span class="{item[1]}">{val}</span></div>'
    return "\n".join(html)


def wrapProvenance(form, provenance, setNames):
    utc_offset_sec = time.altzone if time.localtime().tm_isdst else time.timezone
    utc_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=-utc_offset_sec)
    now = (
        .replace(microsecond=0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(offset=utc_offset))
    job = form["jobName"]
    author = form["author"]

    (appProvenance, dataProvenance) = provenance

    appHtml = ""
    appMd = ""
    sep = ""

    for d in appProvenance:
        d = dict(d)
        backend = d["backend"]
        bUrl = backendRep(backend, "url")
        bName = backendRep(backend, "name")
        org = d["org"]
        repo = d["repo"]
        commit = d["commit"]
        url = f"{bUrl}/{org}/{repo}/tree/{commit}"
        liveHtml = f'<a href="{url}">{commit}</a>'
        liveMd = f"[{commit}]({url})"
        appHtml += f"""\
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">TF App:</div>
      <div class="pval">{org}/{repo} on {bName}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">commit</div>
      <div class="pval">{liveHtml}</div>
        appMd += f"""{sep}TF app | {org}/{repo} on {bName}
commit | {liveMd}"""
        sep = "\n"

    dataHtml = ""
    dataMd = ""
    sep = ""

    for d in dataProvenance:
        d = dict(d)
        corpus = d["corpus"]
        version = d["version"]
        release = d["release"]
        (liveText, liveUrl) = d["live"]
        liveHtml = f'<a href="{liveUrl}">{liveText}</a>'
        liveMd = f"[{liveText}]({liveUrl})"
        doi = d["doi"]
        doiUrl = f"{DOI_URL_PREFIX}/{doi}"
        doiHtml = f'<a href="{doiUrl}">{doi}</a>' if doi else DOI_DEFAULT
        doiMd = f"[{doi}]({doiUrl})" if doi else DOI_DEFAULT
        dataHtml += f"""\
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Data:</div>
      <div class="pval">{corpus}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">version</div>
      <div class="pval">{version}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">release</div>
      <div class="pval">{release}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">download</div>
      <div class="pval">{liveHtml}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">DOI</div>
      <div class="pval">{doiHtml}</div>
        dataMd += f"""{sep}Data source | {corpus}
version | {version}
release | {release}
download   | {liveMd}
DOI | {doiMd}"""
        sep = "\n"

    setHtml = ""
    setMd = ""

    if setNames:
        setNamesRep = ", ".join(setNames)
        setHtml += f"""\
    <div class="psline">
      <div class="pname">Sets:</div>
      <div class="pval">{setNamesRep} (<b>not exported</b>)</div>
        setMd += f"""Sets | {setNamesRep} (**not exported**)"""

    tool = f"{NAME} {VERSION}"
    toolDoiUrl = f"{DOI_URL_PREFIX}/{DOI_TF}"
    toolDoiHtml = f'<a href="{toolDoiUrl}">{DOI_TF}</a>'
    toolDoiMd = f"[{DOI_TF}]({toolDoiUrl})"

    html = f"""
    <div class="pline">\
      <div class="pname">Job:</div><div class="pval">{job}</div>
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Author:</div><div class="pval">{author}</div>
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Created:</div><div class="pval">{now}</div>
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Tool:</div>
      <div class="pval">{tool} {toolDoiHtml}</div>

    md = f"""
meta | data
--- | ---
Job | {job}
Author | {author}
Created | {now}
Tool | {tool} {toolDoiMd}

    return (html, md)


def _coarsify(n, spread):
    nAbs = int(round(abs(n) / spread)) * spread
    return nAbs if n >= 0 else -nAbs


Provide navigation links for results sets, big or small.

It creates links around position in a set of nResults. The spread indicates how many links before and after position are generated in each column.

There will be multiple columns. The right most column contains links to results position - spread to position + spread.

Left of that there is a column for results position - spread*spread to position + spread*spread, stepping by spread.

And so on, until the stepping factor becomes bigger than the result set.

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def pageLinks(nResults, position, spread=10):
    """Provide navigation links for results sets, big or small.

    It creates links around *position* in a set of `nResults`.
    The spread indicates how many links before and after *position* are generated
    in each column.

    There will be multiple columns. The right most column contains links
    to results `position - spread` to `position + spread`.

    Left of that there is a column for results `position - spread*spread`
    to `position + spread*spread`, stepping by `spread`.

    And so on, until the stepping factor becomes bigger than the result set.

    if spread <= 1:
        spread = 1
    elif nResults == 0:
        lines = []
    elif nResults == 1:
        lines = [(1,)]
    elif nResults == 2:
        lines = [(1, 2)]
        if position == 1 or position == nResults:
            commonLine = (1, nResults)
            commonLine = (1, position, nResults)
        lines = []

        factor = 1
        while factor <= nResults:
            curSpread = factor * spread
            first = _coarsify(position - curSpread, curSpread)
            last = _coarsify(position + curSpread, curSpread)

            left = tuple(
                n for n in range(first, last, factor) if n > 0 and n < position
            right = tuple(
                n for n in range(first, last, factor) if n > position and n <= nResults

            both = tuple(
                n for n in left + (position,) + right if n > 0 and n <= nResults

            if len(both) > 1:

            factor *= spread


    html = "\n".join(
        '<div class="pline">'
        + " ".join(
            f'<a href="#" class="pnav {" focus" if position == p else ""}">{p}</a>'
            for p in line
        + "</div>"
        for line in reversed(lines)
    return html

Provide navigation links for passages,

in the form of links to sections of level 0, 1 and 2 (books, chapters and verses).

If sec0 is not given, only a list of sec0 links is produced.

If sec0 is given, but sec1 not, a list of links for sec1 within the given sec0 is produced.

If both sec0 and sec1 are given, the sec1 entry is focused.

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def passageLinks(passages, sec0Type, sec0, sec1, tillLevel):
    """Provide navigation links for passages,

    in the form of links to sections of level 0, 1 and 2 (books, chapters and verses).

    If `sec0` is not given, only a list of `sec0` links is produced.

    If `sec0` is given, but `sec1` not, a list of links for `sec1` within the
    given `sec0`
    is produced.

    If both `sec0` and `sec1` are given, the `sec1` entry is focused.

    sec0s = []
    sec1s = []
    for s0 in passages[0]:
        selected = str(s0) == str(sec0)
            f'<a href="#" class="s0nav {" focus" if selected else ""}">{s0}</a>'
    if sec0:
        for s1 in passages[1]:
            selected = str(s1) == str(sec1)
                f'<a href="#" class="s1nav {" focus" if selected else ""}">{s1}</a>'
    return (
        f'<div class="sline"><span><span id="s0total"></span>'
        f' <span class="s0total">{sec0Type}s</span></span>'
        + "".join(sec0s)
        + '</div><div class="sline">'
        + "".join(sec1s)
        + "</div>"
def wrapColorMap(form)

Wraps the color map for query result highlighting into HTML.

The color map is a dict, keyed by integers (the positions of atoms in a query template) and the values are RGB colours (as string) or the empty string.

This dict is stored in form["colorMap"]. An extra hidden input field colormapn helps to read this dict from the other form elements.

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def wrapColorMap(form):
    """Wraps the color map for query result highlighting into HTML.

    The color map is a dict, keyed by integers (the positions of atoms
    in a query template) and the values are RGB colours (as string) or the
    empty string.

    This dict is stored in `form["colorMap"]`.
    An extra hidden input field `colormapn` helps to read this dict from the
    other form elements.

    resetForm = form["resetForm"]
    if resetForm:
        colorMap = {}
        colorMap = form["colorMap"]

    colorMapN = len(colorMap)

    html = []
            <details id="colormap" class="dstate">
                <summary class="ilab">query highlighting</summary>
    html.append(f"""<input type="hidden" name="colormapn" value="{colorMapN}">""")

    minC = """<a href="#" id="colormapmin">-</a>"""
    plusC = """<a href="#" id="colormapplus">+</a>"""

    empty = colorMapN == 0

    for pos in range(1, colorMapN + 2):
        last = pos == colorMapN
        past = pos == colorMapN + 1

        if past:
            thisHtml = f"""<div>{plusC}</div>""" if empty else ""
            color = colorMap.get(pos, "") or COLOR_DEFAULT

            thisHtml = dedent(
                        pos="{pos}" name="colormap_{pos}"
                    {minC if last else ""}
                    {plusC if last else ""}


    return "\n".join(html)
def wrapEColorMap(form)

Wraps the edge color map for edge highlighting into HTML. The edge color map is a dict, keyed by pairs of integers (the nodes between which there is an edge) and values are RGB colours (as string). Each of the two integers in a pair may also be None (but not both). The color of (n, None) is used to color the outgoing edges from n, the color of ((None, n) is used to color the incoming edges from n.

This dict is stored in form["edgeHighlights"]. An extra hidden input field ecolormapn helps to read this dict from the other form elements.

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def wrapEColorMap(form):
    """Wraps the edge color map for edge highlighting into HTML.
    The edge color map is a dict, keyed by pairs of integers
    (the nodes between which there is an edge) and values are RGB colours (as string).
    Each of the two integers in a pair may also be None (but not both).
    The color of `(n, None)` is used to color the outgoing edges from `n`,
    the color of (`(None, n)` is used to color the incoming edges from `n`.

    This dict is stored in `form["edgeHighlights"]`.
    An extra hidden input field `ecolormapn` helps to read this dict from the
    other form elements.

    resetForm = form["resetForm"]
    if resetForm:
        edgeHighlights = {}
        edgeHighlights = form["edgeHighlights"]

    eColorMapN = sum(len(ehl) for ehl in edgeHighlights.values())

    html = []
            <details id="edgefeatures" class="dstate">
                <summary class="ilab">edge highlighting</summary>
                <table id="ecolordefs">
    html.append(f"""<input type="hidden" name="ecolormapn" value="{eColorMapN}">""")

    def sortEdges(data):
        ((f, t), c) = data
        node = t if f is None else f if t is None else min((f, t))
        kind = 2 if f is not None and t is not None else 1 if f is None else 0
        return (kind, node, c)

    pos = 0

    for eName in sorted(edgeHighlights):
        edgeInfo = edgeHighlights[eName]

        for ((f, t), color) in sorted(edgeInfo.items(), key=sortEdges):
            pos += 1
            fRep = "any" if f is None else f
            fVal = "any" if f is None else f
            tRep = "any" if t is None else t
            tVal = "any" if t is None else t
            if not color:
                color = E_COLOR_DEF["t" if f is None else "f" if t is None else "b"]
            thisHtml = dedent(
                    <td><span class="ctype">{eName}</span></td>
                            type="color" class="eclmap"
                            name="ecolormap_{pos}" value="{color}"
                    <td><a href="#" pos="{pos}" class="ecolormapmin">-</a></td>
                    <td><span class="nde">{fRep}</span></td>
                    <td><span class="nde">{tRep}</span></td>
                <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_{pos}" value="{eName}">
                <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_{pos}" value="{fVal}">
                <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_{pos}" value="{tVal}">


    newEHL = dedent(
        <input type="hidden" name="ecolormap_new_1" value="{E_COLOR_DEF['b']}" >
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_new_1" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_new_1" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_new_1" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="ecolormap_new_2" value="{E_COLOR_DEF['f']}" >
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_new_2" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_new_2" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_new_2" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="ecolormap_new_3" value="{E_COLOR_DEF['t']}" >
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_name_new_3" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_from_new_3" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="edge_to_new_3" value="">


    return "\n".join(html)
def wrapOptions(context, form)

Wraps the boolean options, including the app-specific ones, into HTML.

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def wrapOptions(context, form):
    """Wraps the boolean options, including the app-specific ones, into HTML."""

    interfaceDefaults = context.interfaceDefaults
    defaults = {k: v for (k, v) in interfaceDefaults.items() if v is not None}
    resetForm = form["resetForm"]

    html = []
    htmlMoved = {}
    helpHtml = []
    for (option, default, acro, desc, long, move) in INTERFACE_OPTIONS:
        if option not in defaults:
        value = defaults[option] if resetForm else form[option]
        value = "checked" if value else ""
        outer = "span" if move else "div"
        thisHtml = (
            f'<input class="r" type="checkbox" id="{acro}" name="{option}" {value}/>'
            f' <span class="ilab" title="{option}">{desc}</span>'
        helpHtml.append(f'<p><b title="{option}">{desc}</b> {long}</p>')
        if move:
            htmlMoved[option] = thisHtml
    return ("\n".join(html), htmlMoved, "\n".join(helpHtml))
def wrapProvenance(form, provenance, setNames)
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def wrapProvenance(form, provenance, setNames):
    utc_offset_sec = time.altzone if time.localtime().tm_isdst else time.timezone
    utc_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=-utc_offset_sec)
    now = (
        .replace(microsecond=0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(offset=utc_offset))
    job = form["jobName"]
    author = form["author"]

    (appProvenance, dataProvenance) = provenance

    appHtml = ""
    appMd = ""
    sep = ""

    for d in appProvenance:
        d = dict(d)
        backend = d["backend"]
        bUrl = backendRep(backend, "url")
        bName = backendRep(backend, "name")
        org = d["org"]
        repo = d["repo"]
        commit = d["commit"]
        url = f"{bUrl}/{org}/{repo}/tree/{commit}"
        liveHtml = f'<a href="{url}">{commit}</a>'
        liveMd = f"[{commit}]({url})"
        appHtml += f"""\
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">TF App:</div>
      <div class="pval">{org}/{repo} on {bName}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">commit</div>
      <div class="pval">{liveHtml}</div>
        appMd += f"""{sep}TF app | {org}/{repo} on {bName}
commit | {liveMd}"""
        sep = "\n"

    dataHtml = ""
    dataMd = ""
    sep = ""

    for d in dataProvenance:
        d = dict(d)
        corpus = d["corpus"]
        version = d["version"]
        release = d["release"]
        (liveText, liveUrl) = d["live"]
        liveHtml = f'<a href="{liveUrl}">{liveText}</a>'
        liveMd = f"[{liveText}]({liveUrl})"
        doi = d["doi"]
        doiUrl = f"{DOI_URL_PREFIX}/{doi}"
        doiHtml = f'<a href="{doiUrl}">{doi}</a>' if doi else DOI_DEFAULT
        doiMd = f"[{doi}]({doiUrl})" if doi else DOI_DEFAULT
        dataHtml += f"""\
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Data:</div>
      <div class="pval">{corpus}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">version</div>
      <div class="pval">{version}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">release</div>
      <div class="pval">{release}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">download</div>
      <div class="pval">{liveHtml}</div>
    <div class="p2line">
      <div class="pname">DOI</div>
      <div class="pval">{doiHtml}</div>
        dataMd += f"""{sep}Data source | {corpus}
version | {version}
release | {release}
download   | {liveMd}
DOI | {doiMd}"""
        sep = "\n"

    setHtml = ""
    setMd = ""

    if setNames:
        setNamesRep = ", ".join(setNames)
        setHtml += f"""\
    <div class="psline">
      <div class="pname">Sets:</div>
      <div class="pval">{setNamesRep} (<b>not exported</b>)</div>
        setMd += f"""Sets | {setNamesRep} (**not exported**)"""

    tool = f"{NAME} {VERSION}"
    toolDoiUrl = f"{DOI_URL_PREFIX}/{DOI_TF}"
    toolDoiHtml = f'<a href="{toolDoiUrl}">{DOI_TF}</a>'
    toolDoiMd = f"[{DOI_TF}]({toolDoiUrl})"

    html = f"""
    <div class="pline">\
      <div class="pname">Job:</div><div class="pval">{job}</div>
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Author:</div><div class="pval">{author}</div>
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Created:</div><div class="pval">{now}</div>
    <div class="pline">
      <div class="pname">Tool:</div>
      <div class="pval">{tool} {toolDoiHtml}</div>

    md = f"""
meta | data
--- | ---
Job | {job}
Author | {author}
Created | {now}
Tool | {tool} {toolDoiMd}

    return (html, md)
def wrapSelect(option, allowedValues, value, group, item, multiple)

Provides a buttoned chooser for the node types.

Some options need node types as values: baseTypes, condenseType, hiddenType. See tf.advanced.options.

The chooser supports single value and multiple value mode.


option : string
The name of the option
allowedValues : dict
Keyed by option, the values are tuples of allowed values for that option in the right order.
value : string | set of string
The current value of the option. In the case of multiple values, this is a set of values.
group : string
An extra class name helping to group the relevant buttons together
item : string
An extra pair of class names for formatting each option line
multiple : boolean
If True, the options appear as check boxes, and multiple values can be selected. Otherwise, the options appear as radio boxes, of which at most one can be selected.


A HTML fragment containing the options with the current value(s) selected.
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def wrapSelect(option, allowedValues, value, group, item, multiple):
    """Provides a buttoned chooser for the node types.

    Some options need node types as values: `baseTypes`, `condenseType`, `hiddenType`.
    See `tf.advanced.options`.

    The chooser supports single value and multiple value mode.

    option: string
        The name of the option
    allowedValues: dict
        Keyed by option, the values are tuples of allowed values for that option
        in the right order.
    value: string | set of string
        The current value of the option. In the case of multiple values, this
        is a set of values.
    group: string
        An extra class name helping to group the relevant buttons together
    item: string
        An extra pair of class names for formatting each option line
    multiple: boolean
        If `True`, the options appear as check boxes, and multiple values
        can be selected. Otherwise, the options appear as radio boxes, of which
        at most one can be selected.

        A HTML fragment containing the options with the current value(s) selected.

    html = []
    for val in allowedValues[option]:
        logicValue = val in value if multiple else val == value
        checked = " checked " if logicValue else ""
        bType = "checkbox" if multiple else "radio"
        button = (
            f'<input class="r {group}" type="{bType}" name="{option}" value="{val}"'
            f" {checked}/>"
            f'<div class="{item[0]}">{button} <span class="{item[1]}">{val}</span></div>'
    return "\n".join(html)