Module tf.browser.web
Web interface
TF contains a web interface in which you can enter a search template and view the results.
This is realized by a web app based on Flask.
This web app initializes by loading a TF corpus from which it obtains data. In response to requests, it merges the retrieved data into a set of templates.
Start up
Web server and browser page are started
up by means of a script called tf
, which will be installed in an executable
directory by the pip
There are 4 kinds of routes in the web app:
URL pattern | effect |
/browser/static/... |
serves a static file from the server-wide static folder |
/data/static/... |
serves a static file from the app specific static folder |
/local/static/... |
serves a static file from a local directory specified by the app |
anything else | submits the form with user data and return the processed request |
There are two templates in views :
- index: the normal template for returning responses to user requests;
- export: the template used for exporting results; it has printer / PDF-friendly formatting: good page breaks. Pretty displays always occur on a page by their own. It has very few user interaction controls. When saved as PDF from the browser, it is a neat record of work done, with DOI links to the corpus and to TF.
We format the web pages with CSS, with extensive use of flexbox.
There are several sources of CSS formatting:
- the CSS loaded from the app dependent
, used for pretty displays; - index.css: the formatting of the index web page with which the user interacts;
- export.css the formatting of the export page;
- base.css shared formatting between the index and export pages.
We use a modest amount of JavaScript on top of JQuery.
For collapsing and expanding elements we use the details element. This is a convenient, JavaScript-free way to manage collapsing. Unfortunately it is not supported by the Microsoft browsers, not even Edge.
On Windows?
Windows users should install Chrome of Firefox.
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# Web interface
## About
TF contains a web interface
in which you can enter a search template and view the results.
This is realized by a web app based on
This web app initializes by loading a TF corpus from which it obtains data.
In response to requests, it merges the retrieved data into a set of
## Start up
Web server and browser page are started
up by means of a script called `tf`, which will be installed in an executable
directory by the `pip` installer.
## Routes
There are 4 kinds of routes in the web app:
URL pattern | effect
--- | ---
`/browser/static/...` | serves a static file from the server-wide [static folder](
`/data/static/...` | serves a static file from the app specific static folder
`/local/static/...` | serves a static file from a local directory specified by the app
anything else | submits the form with user data and return the processed request
## Templates
There are two templates in
* *index*: the normal template for returning responses
to user requests;
* *export*: the template used for exporting results; it
has printer / PDF-friendly formatting: good page breaks.
Pretty displays always occur on a page by their own.
It has very few user interaction controls.
When saved as PDF from the browser, it is a neat record
of work done, with DOI links to the corpus and to TF.
## CSS
We format the web pages with CSS, with extensive use of
There are several sources of CSS formatting:
* the CSS loaded from the app dependent `extraApi`, used
for pretty displays;
* [index.css](
the formatting of the *index* web page with which the user interacts;
* [export.css](
the formatting of the export page;
* [base.css](
shared formatting between the index and export pages.
## JavaScript
We use a
[modest amount of JavaScript](
on top of
For collapsing and expanding elements we use the
element. This is a convenient, JavaScript-free way to manage
collapsing. Unfortunately it is not supported by the Microsoft
browsers, not even Edge.
!!! caution "On Windows?"
Windows users should install Chrome of Firefox.
from flask import Flask, send_file
from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
from ..parameters import HOST, GH
from ..core.helpers import console as cs
from ..core.files import abspath, fileExists, dirNm
from ..core.timestamp import AUTO
from import findApp
from .command import argApp
from .kernel import makeTfKernel
from .serve import (
# Here we import additional annotation tools
from .ner.web import factory as nerFactory
# End of importing additional annotation tools
TF_DONE = "TF setup done."
TF_ERROR = "Could not set up TF"
MY_DIR = dirNm(abspath(__file__))
class Web:
def __init__(self, kernelApi):
self.debug = False
self.kernelApi = kernelApi
app =
self.context = app.context
self.wildQueries = set()
def console(self, msg):
if self.debug:
def factory(web):
app = Flask(__name__)
# Here we add the annotation tools as blue prints
# End of adding annotation tools
aContext = web.context
appPath = aContext.appPath
localDir = aContext.localDir
def serveStatic(filepath):
theFile = f"{MY_DIR}/static/{filepath}"
return send_file(theFile) if fileExists(theFile) else ""
def serveData(filepath):
theFile = f"{appPath}/static/{filepath}"
return send_file(theFile) if appPath and fileExists(theFile) else ""
def serveLocal(filepath):
theFile = f"{localDir}/{filepath}"
return send_file(theFile) if fileExists(theFile) else ""
@app.route("/sections", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveSectionsBare():
return serveTable(web, "sections")
@app.route("/sections/<int:getx>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveSections(getx):
return serveTable(web, "sections", getx=getx)
@app.route("/tuples", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveTuplesBare():
return serveTable(web, "tuples")
@app.route("/tuples/<int:getx>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveTuples(getx):
return serveTable(web, "tuples", getx=getx)
@app.route("/query", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveQueryBare():
return serveQuery(web)
@app.route("/query/<int:getx>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveQueryX(getx):
return serveQuery(web, getx=getx)
@app.route("/passage", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def servePassageBare():
return servePassage(web)
@app.route("/passage/<getx>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def servePassageX(getx):
return servePassage(web, getx=getx)
@app.route("/export", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveExportX():
return serveExport(web)
@app.route("/download", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveDownloadX():
return serveDownload(web, False)
@app.route("/downloadj", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveDownloadJ():
return serveDownload(web, True)
@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
@app.route("/<path:anything>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def serveAllX(anything=None):
return serveAll(web, anything)
return app
def setup(debug, *args):
appSpecs = argApp(args, False)
if not appSpecs:
cs("No TF dataset specified")
backend = appSpecs.get("backend", GH) or GH
appName = appSpecs["appName"]
checkout = appSpecs["checkout"]
checkoutApp = appSpecs["checkoutApp"]
relative = appSpecs["relative"]
dataLoc = appSpecs["dataLoc"]
moduleRefs = appSpecs["moduleRefs"]
locations = appSpecs["locations"]
modules = appSpecs["modules"]
setFile = appSpecs["setFile"]
version = appSpecs["version"]
if checkout is None:
checkout = ""
versionRep = "" if version is None else f" version {version}"
f"Setting up TF browser for {appName} {moduleRefs or ''} "
f"{setFile or ''}{versionRep}"
app = findApp(
if app is None:
cs("Loading TF corpus data. Please wait ...")
web = Web(makeTfKernel(app, appName))
webapp = factory(web)
if debug:
webapp.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
web.debug = debug
return webapp
def runWeb(webapp, debug, portWeb):
return 0
def factory(web)
def runWeb(webapp, debug, portWeb)
def setup(debug, *args)
class Web (kernelApi)
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class Web: def __init__(self, kernelApi): self.debug = False self.kernelApi = kernelApi app = self.context = app.context self.wildQueries = set() def console(self, msg): if self.debug: cs(msg)
def console(self, msg)