Module tf.advanced.highlight

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from .search import runSearch

def getHlAtt(app, n, highlights, isSlot):
    """Get the highlight attribute and style for a node for both pretty and plain modes.

    app: obj
        The high-level API object
    n: integer
        The node to be highlighted
    highlights: set|dict
        The nodes to be highlighted.
        Keys / elements are the nodes to be highlighted.
        This function is only interested in whether `n` is in it,
        and if so, what the value is (in case of a dict).
        If given as set: use the default highlight colour.
        If given as dict: use the value as colour.
    isSlot: boolean
        Whether the node has the slot type

    hlCls: dict
        Highlight attribute, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'
    hlStyle: dict
        Highlight colour as CSS style, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'

    noResult = ({True: "", False: ""}, {True: "", False: ""})

    if highlights is None:
        return noResult

    color = (
        highlights.get(n, None)
        if type(highlights) is dict
        else ""
        if n in highlights
        else None

    if color is None:
        return noResult

    hlCls = {True: "hl", False: "hl" if isSlot else "hlbx"}
    hlObject = {True: "background", False: "background" if isSlot else "border"}
    hlCls = {b: hlCls[b] for b in (True, False)}
    hlStyle = {
        b: f' style="{hlObject[b]}-color: {color};" ' if color != "" else ""
        for b in (True, False)

    return (hlCls, hlStyle)

def getEdgeHlAtt(e, pair, highlights):
    """Get the edge highlight attribute and style for an edge, only for pretty mode.

    e: string
        The edge feature to be highlighted
    pair: tuple
        The *from* node of the edge to be highlighted and
        the *to* node of the edge to be highlighted
    highlights: dict
        A dict or set of pairs of nodes belonging to edge feature `e` that must
        be highlighted.
        This function is only interested in whether the value `(f, t)` is in
        `highlights`, and if so, what the value is (in case of a dict).
        If given as set: use the default highlight colour.
        If given as dict: use the value as colour.

    hlCls: string
        Highlight attribute
    hlStyle: string
        Highlight colour as CSS style

    if highlights is None:
        return ("", "")

    hKey = (
        if pair in highlights
        else (pair[0], None)
        if (pair[0], None) in highlights
        else (None, pair[1])
        if (None, pair[1]) in highlights
        else None

    if hKey is None:
        return ("", "")

    color = highlights[hKey] if type(highlights) is dict else ""

    return ("ehl", f' style="background-color: {color};" ' if color != "" else "")

def getTupleHighlights(api, tup, highlights, colorMap, condenseType):
    """Get the highlights for a tuple of nodes.

    The idea is to mark the elements of a tuple of nodes with highlights,
    respecting a given set or dict of highlights and a colour map.

    This is a bit of an intricate merging operation.

    app: obj
        The high-level API object
    tup: tuple of integer
        The tuple of nodes to be highlighted
    colorMap: dict
        A mapping of tuple positions to colours.
        Member `i` of `tup` should be highlighted with colour `colorMap[i]`.
    condenseType: string
        The type of node that acts as the basis of a pretty display.
        The nodes in the given `tup` will be distributed over as many nodes of
        `condenseType` as they occur in.
    highlights: set|dict
        The nodes to be highlighted.
        Keys / elements are the nodes to be highlighted.
        This function is only interested in whether the members of `tup` are in it,
        and if so, what the values are (in case of a dict).
        If given as set: use the default highlight colour.
        If given as dict: use the value as colour.

    F = api.F
    N = api.N
    fOtype = F.otype.v
    otypeRank = N.otypeRank

    condenseRank = otypeRank[condenseType]
    if highlights is None:
        highlights = {}
    elif type(highlights) is set:
        highlights = {m: "" for m in highlights}
    newHighlights = {n: h for (n, h) in highlights.items()}

    for (i, n) in enumerate(tup):
        nType = fOtype(n)
        if newHighlights.get(n, None):
        if otypeRank[nType] < condenseRank:
            newHighlights[n] = (
                if n in highlights
                else colorMap[i + 1]
                if colorMap is not None and i + 1 in colorMap
                else ""
    return newHighlights

def getPassageHighlights(app, node, query, colorMap, cache):
    """Get the highlights for a whole passage.

    app: obj
        The high-level API object
    node: integer
        The node of a passage (typically a chapter, or something that is occupies a
        page in the browser)
    query: string
        A query to run, and whose results will be highlighted (as far they occur
        in the passage)
    colorMap: dict
        A mapping of tuple positions to colours.
        Member `i` of a query result should be highlighted with colour `colorMap[i]`.
    cache:  dict
        A cache that holds run queries and their results.
        Useful when we browse many chapters and want to show the highlights of
        the same query.

        Keys are the nodes to be highlighted, values are the highlight colours.

    if not query:
        return None

    (queryResults, status, messages, nodeFeatures, edgeFeatures) = runSearch(
        app, query, cache
    if not status[0] or not status[1]:
        return None

    api = app.api
    L = api.L

    passageNodes = L.d(node)
    passageSet = set(passageNodes)

    newHighlights = {}

    for tup in queryResults:
        for (i, n) in enumerate(tup):
            if n not in passageSet:
            if newHighlights.get(n, None):
            newHighlights[n] = (
                colorMap[i + 1]
                if colorMap is not None and i + 1 in colorMap
                else ""

    return newHighlights


def getEdgeHlAtt(e, pair, highlights)

Get the edge highlight attribute and style for an edge, only for pretty mode.


e : string
The edge feature to be highlighted
pair : tuple
The from node of the edge to be highlighted and the to node of the edge to be highlighted
highlights : dict
A dict or set of pairs of nodes belonging to edge feature e that must be highlighted. This function is only interested in whether the value (f, t) is in highlights, and if so, what the value is (in case of a dict). If given as set: use the default highlight colour. If given as dict: use the value as colour.


hlCls : string
Highlight attribute
hlStyle : string
Highlight colour as CSS style
def getHlAtt(app, n, highlights, isSlot)

Get the highlight attribute and style for a node for both pretty and plain modes.


app : obj
The high-level API object
n : integer
The node to be highlighted
highlights : set|dict
The nodes to be highlighted. Keys / elements are the nodes to be highlighted. This function is only interested in whether n is in it, and if so, what the value is (in case of a dict). If given as set: use the default highlight colour. If given as dict: use the value as colour.
isSlot : boolean
Whether the node has the slot type


hlCls : dict
Highlight attribute, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'
hlStyle : dict
Highlight colour as CSS style, keyed by boolean 'is pretty'
def getPassageHighlights(app, node, query, colorMap, cache)

Get the highlights for a whole passage.


app : obj
The high-level API object
node : integer
The node of a passage (typically a chapter, or something that is occupies a page in the browser)
query : string
A query to run, and whose results will be highlighted (as far they occur in the passage)
colorMap : dict
A mapping of tuple positions to colours. Member i of a query result should be highlighted with colour colorMap[i].
cache :  dict
A cache that holds run queries and their results. Useful when we browse many chapters and want to show the highlights of the same query.


Keys are the nodes to be highlighted, values are the highlight colours.
def getTupleHighlights(api, tup, highlights, colorMap, condenseType)

Get the highlights for a tuple of nodes.

The idea is to mark the elements of a tuple of nodes with highlights, respecting a given set or dict of highlights and a colour map.

This is a bit of an intricate merging operation.


app : obj
The high-level API object
tup : tuple of integer
The tuple of nodes to be highlighted
colorMap : dict
A mapping of tuple positions to colours. Member i of tup should be highlighted with colour colorMap[i].
condenseType : string
The type of node that acts as the basis of a pretty display. The nodes in the given tup will be distributed over as many nodes of condenseType as they occur in.
highlights : set|dict
The nodes to be highlighted. Keys / elements are the nodes to be highlighted. This function is only interested in whether the members of tup are in it, and if so, what the values are (in case of a dict). If given as set: use the default highlight colour. If given as dict: use the value as colour.